Matchmaking by the groom: what to tell the matchmakers, what to take with them? A modern cool scenario for the bride's matchmaking by the groom: words for the groom, the groom's parents, matchmakers, lyrics, hour

For a wedding

Wedding ditties about love will appeal to your guests who have a sense of humor.
Naughty little ditties about girls, women and men, newly-made husbands and wives, funny little jokes about mother-in-law, beloved by men. The most common ditties on this topic: about kisses, loved ones, longing, dates, home problems. Such ditties never lose their relevance and will come in handy in a close family circle, in the company of cheerful friends. Wedding ditties about love are real Vyatka ditties that remained in the memory of our grandmothers from their youth. Wedding trinkets infect you with humor, mischief and allow you to have a lot of fun!

Wedding ditties (about love)

1 My mother gave birth to me, She thought: beautiful. She turned it around, spat, and stuck it back.

2 I fell in love with the lieutenant, but I want the major, because the major drags along the floor.

3 Girls, dance, but don’t break the floor. We have water under the floor, you won't drown.

4 Eh, matchmaker, matchmaker, matchmaker, Don't grab your ass. Grab it by the front, He'll take it away faster.

5 I walk through the village, I think around the city, I pull out the beard of any old man.

6 Oh, girls are in trouble In our alley: A man sells a woman for four rolls.

7 I recognize my Natalia by her waist, And where the waist is wider, there is my Natalia.

8 Oh, girls, Basques, Basques, where are they found? Probably mothers and fathers pray to them and God.

9 Women are fools, women are fools, Women are rabid people. When they see a girl and a guy, they stand there with their mouths open.

10 I have two miles, as it should be. One will go to the army, and the other will remain.

11 My little one is like a calf - Just chew brooms. He walked me home, but failed to kiss me.

12 I walk, walk, walk, The dogs bark as they go. They bark and don’t know that I’m going to see my dear one.

13 I woke up at 6 o'clock, where is the elastic band of my panties? Here she is! Here she is! It's wrapped around my leg!

14 The girls were swimming in the lake, I was sitting on a pebble. The girls showed their tits, and I fell off the rock.

15 We have a good accordion player, I’ll bewitch him. I'll take it and put three daisies on the accordion.

16 Harmonist, harmonica player, Kitchen, ladle, You wouldn’t be in fashion, If it weren’t for the harmonica!

17 Eh, stomp your foot, stomp your right one, the guys still love you, even though it’s small.

18 My little one has a neat sock: 8 hens sit, And the 9th is a cockerel.

19 On Tamarochka’s bench he asked to spend the night, but poor Tamarochka didn’t dare refuse.

20 I was flying out of the hayloft, I was furrowing my head, Mom told me not to go for a walk with you.

21 Wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding It's just beginning. Only the life of a bachelor ends at the wedding.

You will also need original wedding congratulations and skits for performing in front of the newlyweds.

If the examples of ditties do not suit you, we will be happy to compose new ones for you to order!

Wedding ditties from the groom's friends

Stop living like this for me! I’m not afraid to admit to you: I’ll get married soon too!

You left us no chance! Should we also get married, or what?! Living without wedding romances How long can we live alone?!

If we say goodbye to the bachelor life forever, then we will never say goodbye to our brotherly friendship!

Today we will drink our friend away, We must get used to the fact, But, as before, for each other We will stand like a mountain!

We wish you together Happiness, joy, love! Without hesitation, if necessary, call us for help!

You are like a ray of light for us, like a day off in the middle of everyday life! Maybe we can drink to this together, one at a time?!

Cool ditties for a wedding

Chatushki is everyone’s favorite type of folk art. Previously, not a single holiday could go without them; funny ditties for weddings were especially popular. Over the years, this tradition has not lost its attractiveness and today they can often be heard at celebrations for both newlyweds and those who already have years of marriage behind them. This is all thanks to the fact that wedding ditties are universal and touch on many topics that concern both young and long-term families. Another highlight of such quatrains is humor, without which they definitely would not have been so successful. So that you have a lot of fun at the wedding, has prepared for you a selection of funny and cool ditties, reading which you can’t help but smile.

Funny ditties about the bride and groom

Most of the funny ditties have been written about the bride and groom, as the main characters of the entire celebration, some of them aptly notice everyday difficulties, others - everyday disagreements that invariably arise in any couple, and others give comic advice. But the main thing is that they all give a good mood.

The groom fell in love with the bride - and now they are married. From now on they will live together - There is no one to blame!

How beautiful both our bride and groom are. I will gather all my strength and drink two liters for them.

Oh beautiful bride, how beautiful you are. Everything is so fine, everything is in place, And a wonderful soul.

The music is playing with all its might, Let it not stop. The groom kisses the bride - it becomes envious!

There is no free space here, There is nowhere for an apple to fall. Beautiful, sweet bride, I just want to steal it!

Our groom is not just a macho man! Subtle mind, stern look. Just a prince, no other way! That's what everyone talks about him!

The swan bride has a golden character! But now she won’t have any freedom!

The wedding dances and walks, No one sits in melancholy! Where is the young couple? Divides money in the corner!

Wedding ditties from the bridesmaids

Let you have a son, And a daughter too, And let there be tomboys All like you.

Where are you going to take my girlfriend? Didn’t you take her to the registry office? That's why roses bloomed on her cheeks!

We finished our walk, we finished our game, Girls, we finished dancing! We are now left without our best friend!

I want to congratulate the young people and pat them on the shoulder. We will bring you gifts, Just like Yakubovich!

Our groom is not just a macho man! Subtle mind, eagle gaze. And it cannot be otherwise! That's what everyone talks about him! We were invited to a wedding, We bought a gift, For us, groom, quickly pour it, We will entertain the guests!

Wedding ditty wishes

Congratulating the newlyweds is a responsible matter; it takes more than one day to find beautiful words that sink into the soul. But you can go the other way and use funny ditties about the wedding for your wishes, which will definitely impress and amuse the newlyweds with their guests and will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

I would like to give a couple of pieces of advice to the groom, so that my loved one can live with his fiancée for up to a hundred years without Viagra!

We wish the young family to share the house honestly, to whom the garbage and dishes, and to whom to beat their thumbs.

You need to protect your husband from any kind of theft. Put him on the stove so they don't steal him!

We, young wife, want to wish you: You and your spouse demand tribute to Affection, money - all for yourself!

Well, husband, be strict, don’t raise your voice. And drown out your wife’s reproaches with a kiss!

We all came from mountains, All steep banks. We wish the young people happiness and two bags of goodies.

(Bride's name), early in the morning, eat a banana and an orange, so that there are no wrinkles on your beautiful face.

Here is a sheepskin coat from Canada From Algeria - fish oil. We wish you, wife, to travel all over the world.

Practice your eloquence Resolve any scandal So that life is like a Brazilian TV series!

We wish you prosperity, money, happiness and goodness. So that there are fruits, whiskey and caviar on the table.

Young, you obediently follow your husband’s orders, Husband, always be faithful to your wife and don’t get on her nerves!

So that only euros, dollars, pounds are handed to you every time! So that you have an account with six zeros in every bank!

Matchmaking ditties

The basis of matchmaking is only a good mood. Any matchmaking process, even adapted in a modern way, would not be superfluous to embellish with short but funny poems and ditties. Eg:

We came straight to your home, There is the best product in it: Lured by charm, Kindness and understanding,

Oh, my dear, my good one, wait to marry me: My dad is formidable now - Put it off until Saturday.

Oh, you, dear guests, your news is wonderful! If you want to get married, you don’t sit still!

Ditties for a wedding anniversary

Celebrating a wedding anniversary is a wonderful tradition that brings the family together even more, shows how much the couple has already achieved as one, and is also a wonderful occasion to get together with relatives and friends and have a grand celebration. When the family has already suffered all the hardships of family life and endured them with dignity, witty ditties for the wedding anniversary will come in handy.

There was a time - I had fun until the morning! And now I’m having a little fun, my husband shouts: “It’s time to go home!”

The woodcutter cuts down trees, chips fly to the sides. If he is jealous, it means he loves, That’s what people say!

Unreliable girls have filled the country. Nowadays, you can only rely on your wife.

Your ring is gold standard. Look at both wife For (Name)!

The guests drink and have fun, There will be a celebration until the morning, The husband and wife remember how they got married on the sly.

Under the very roof of paradise, you have been given the opportunity to build your nest, your house has become a full cup, for all the years one hundred percent!

There is no love without a kiss, All love is in a kiss, We remember how you kissed, right up to the first rooster.

(Name) has everything in mind, he loves his wife! And she answered him, After all, she controls the budget!

Chatushkas are a fairly simple genre, so the portal recommends that you try to compose them yourself, using the qualities and habits inherent in your familiar newlywed couple. And also don’t forget to prepare a couple of the best drinking songs that will be known to everyone, because at the end of the evening, when the guests are tired and sitting at the table, this is the best way to end a festive evening.


Ditties for newlyweds

A lot of funny and mischievous ditties have been written for the bride and groom, which very aptly notice everyday and everyday difficulties, disagreements in family life, which invariably arise on the path of every married couple. They do not contain a strict decree, but are carried out in the form of comic advice and give the holiday a good mood.

It’s worth thinking carefully about what you heard, because every single ditty sung by a young couple reflects what the relationship will be like between the newlyweds in their future together.

Mostly, such ditties are performed after the official congratulations of the newlyweds. When the restless Russian soul is eager to congratulate the young couple in the form of a toast. Here is an example of ditties for congratulating the newlyweds.

How beautiful both our bride and groom are. I will gather all my strength and drink two liters for them.


May every day with your spouse be the happiest of days! May you fall in love with each other more and more every hour!


Our groom is not just a macho man! Subtle mind, stern look. Just a prince, no other way! That's what everyone talks about him!


The swan bride has a golden character! But now she won’t have any freedom!


I would like to give a couple of pieces of advice to the groom, so that my loved one can live with his fiancée for up to a hundred years without Viagra!


You need to protect your husband from any kind of theft. Put him on the stove so they don't steal him!


Here is a sheepskin coat from Canada From Algeria - fish oil. We wish you, wife, to travel all over the world.


We wish you prosperity, money, happiness and goodness. So that there are fruits, whiskey and caviar on the table.


So that only euros, dollars, pounds are handed to you every time! So that you have an account with six zeros in every bank!


I don’t know what to wish for, I’m still afraid of not pleasing, I wish to give you five sons and daughters!


We bought you the Kama Sutra Book as a gift! Study science Night, day and morning!

Ditties on behalf of the bride

Previously, they were composed by bridesmaids on the eve of the wedding at a bachelorette party. They were basically a kind of request for the groom and his relatives to have a good attitude towards their future wife. Such ditties were performed by the bride herself or together with relatives on her side.

For example:

Oh, my mother-in-law, be kind to me. I'll call you Mom. Just don't touch us.

Accordingly, ditties were also composed for the groom by friends at the bachelor party. They had to be performed by the groom alone or with assistants.

For example:

I am the bride's mother, Oh, I will be a good son-in-law - I will give her gifts, bake pies and knit.


My daughter-in-law is the most beautiful, and my mother-in-law is no different, stately and sweet.


Oh, mother-in-law, our joy. My gift from fate! Oh, don’t eat, mom, Poisonous mushrooms!


I think we’ll get along with my father-in-law. We’ll find a common language with him. Let's start talking about hunting, about fishing.


The little son-in-law came to his father-in-law and asked quietly: “Is it very bad to hide money from your wife?”

Ditties for a wedding anniversary

Celebrating any wedding anniversary, from the anniversary to the golden wedding, is considered a wonderful tradition that binds the family together into a single whole with even greater strength. It serves as a wonderful occasion for celebration with your closest and dearest people. For every anniversary you can find your own witty ditties, emphasizing what the family had to go through during their married life, which will certainly decorate the celebration, making it a fun, noisy and funny wedding.

For example:

The guests drink and have fun, There will be a celebration until the morning, The husband and wife remember how they got married on the sly.


There is no love without a kiss, All love is in a kiss, We remember how you kissed, right up to the first rooster.


The guests were whispering at the table, I overheard the conversation. They say they have never seen a more beautiful couple!


I'll tell you guys, How bad it is without a wife: When you get up in the morning, your heart is beating Slowly against your pants.


Let the soul strive for a dream, Remain young! May your honeymoon last until your golden wedding!

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