Roses in wedding cake design – what to choose

The wedding cake is an integral part of the wedding ceremony, along with the dress and rings. The tradition of preparing wedding delicacies is deeply rooted in the past. However, earlier the recipes were not so “tasty”. For example, no one even thought about choosing a wedding cake with roses.

However, time passes and traditions change. Now newlyweds can afford to choose any filling and appearance of the cake. At the same time, the meaning of the ceremony remains the same: by cutting the cake and sharing it with the guests, the newlyweds seem to share their happiness with their loved ones.

Choosing a dessert - why these flowers?

Wedding cakes with roses are becoming increasingly popular. The flower queen is an eternal symbol of love and tenderness, the favorite of a large number of brides from different countries and peoples. They fit easily into any wedding, both traditional and informal.

Interesting! Roses are not the only plant that is suitable for decoration. Check out what other flowers you can choose from. For example, orchids.

Photos of wedding cakes with roses

Although roses are considered classics, and many people find this type of floral decoration conservative, this flower can still surprise. By moving away from the templates and showing a little imagination, you can get an original and even eccentric wedding cake. The easiest way to get away from mediocrity is to use unusual or irregularly shaped cakes, make the topcoat dark, or choose roses of a non-standard color (blue, purple, green or black) for decoration.

Don’t be afraid to combine details that seem incompatible at first glance in your decor: roses with succulents or wildflowers, snowflakes, music notes, funny wedding figurines. The number of buds on the cake is also not limited: even one flower will attract attention simply because of its beauty, and a large armful will be a luxurious decoration. Check out photos of different rose cakes for weddings in the gallery below.

Wedding cakes decorated with roses

Decoration methods and the best materials for it

Nowadays cooking has made great progress, and confectioners create real works of art. It is important how the holiday dessert tastes, but its appearance is much more important. Completely different materials can be used to make the cake of your dreams.

Food colorings

They help create a rich pattern that matches perfectly with roses. Can be done with brushes or an airbrush. With these patterns, your holiday baked goods can become completely unique. rice paper. You can print absolutely any image on it, which will help you add some zest to the cake.

Whipped cream or cream

A simpler material, but in experienced hands it can create real masterpieces. It all depends on the attachments for the pastry bag and the structure of the cream/cream. Allows you to create individual flowers or relief patterns that fit harmoniously into the theme of the cake.


Wedding cake with roses made from fondant is one of the most popular. The structure of this material is very similar to plasticine, thanks to which you can create from it any figures that your imagination is capable of. And in addition to ease of use, it is also very tasty.

In addition, mastic has a large number of types: honey, marzipan, industrial, milk, flower, gelatin. Below is a photo of what a wedding cake with roses made from fondant looks like.

Stencil flowers

In this case, the roses will not be voluminous, but flat. Such designs can be made using cocoa, powdered sugar, or any other topping that you like. alive. Quite a new chapter in cooking. Wedding cakes with fresh roses are colorful and memorable.

Each ingredient has its own characteristics, shelf life, color scheme, and delivery options. Be sure to consult with your pastry chef and choose the option that suits you.

Wedding cake design ideas with roses

Thanks to the achievements of the confectionery industry, the design of modern wedding cakes has become a high art that can amaze even the most sophisticated sweet tooth. How to choose the right treat among the many options? Trust your preferences. You can choose a ready-made version of the cake in the catalog (every decent master has a portfolio) or come up with your own version. In the second case, it is advisable to show the pastry chef a sketch or approximate photo of the desired dessert. It is important to consider:

  • the number of guests and the number of tiers (the weight, size and price of the product depend on this);
  • wedding date, order completion time (good craftsmen with a reputation often schedule this several months in advance);
  • delivery method and time (many cakes require temperature control; this delivery parameter is also important if you plan to use fresh flowers - you need to decorate the dessert with them a couple of hours before serving to guests).

Wedding Cakes with Roses

Among the options for decorating a wedding dessert with roses or other flowers, mastic is especially popular now, but there are other noteworthy methods of decoration. Here is their full list:

  • Cream or whipped cream. Allows you to make a continuous relief pattern in the form of roses or individual flowers.
  • Mastic (sugar, milk, chocolate or marshmallow), marzipan, marmalade, meringue (meringue), chocolate. Suitable for solid 3D flowers or appliqués.
  • Starch wafers (colored with food coloring). Used for volumetric or flat flowers or individual elements (petals, leaves).
  • Glaze, icing (sugar-protein mass). Used for painting cakes or decorations.
  • Cocoa, powdered sugar, confectionery topping. Using these ingredients, stencil designs are made.
  • Prints made with food coloring on rice paper.
  • Food grade polyethylene tape with a pattern for decorating the side walls of cakes.
  • Live or candied flowers and petals.

All of these decorations, except the last two, are edible. Each has its own characteristics (such as production and storage conditions, design and color options, availability of them from the master and, if necessary, delivery time from other cities). When choosing a way to decorate your wedding treat, consult a pastry chef who can suggest the best way to realize your plan. Let's look at the latest ideas for decorating cakes with roses for a wedding.

Heart shaped cake

What could be more romantic than a sweet heart decorated with white, pink or red roses? This option for decorating a wedding treat is as popular as the classic round cake. A small heart is suitable for a wedding in a narrow circle, for several people. If you need a large cake, you can order a multi-tiered one, where one, several or all cake layers will be in the shape of a heart. Another design option for a large dessert is a single-tier one in the form of two hearts (separate or connected).

Wedding cake in the shape of a heart with roses

With sugar roses

Nowadays, mastic is the most ideal material for holiday decor. With its help, they create both realistic buds and the most fantastic variations of roses and other flowers. It is not necessary to prepare mastic mass yourself; modern confectionery stores offer this product in a wide variety at an affordable price. Jewelry-accurate copies of real pink petals, buds and leaves are made using special molds.

Mastic also has an advantage in choosing a color scheme - there are virtually no restrictions. To decide on the shade of roses on the cake, use the wedding theme palette or the symbolic meaning of the flowers (white - purity, innocence, pink - tenderness, red - passion, etc.). Not everyone likes the taste of mastic buds (due to their cloying and dryness), but if you replace sugar mastic (starch or gelatin) with chocolate, you can be sure that guests will eat this decor first.

Cake with roses made from sugar mastic

Cake with a cascade of roses

A flower cascade is a bright, spectacular decoration for a wedding cake. It can be loose, when the buds seem to be scattered in a spiral (attached to the cakes one by one), or dense (such a flowing tail is made entirely on one wire and is removed all at once). Although the cascade of roses is harmonious and self-sufficient in itself, the interweaving of other flowers will not spoil it. Many plants go together with roses. A floral cascade of contrasting shades (for example, white and red, yellow and black) looks impressive.

Wedding cake with a cascade of roses

Decorated with live rose buds

Decorating cakes with fresh flowers is a fresh trend, bright, juicy and very appropriate for a wedding theme. Delicate roses with their ideal shape of petals and buds are perfect for such decor. The cake can be decorated with a single flower or a whole bouquet. Roses harmonize well with other types of flowers - this property should be used in decoration. Fresh buds and petals are good for both laconic cakes in a minimalist style and for themed desserts with a variety of decorations.

In cooking, it is advisable to use environmentally friendly (pesticide-free) roses. It is almost impossible to find these in flower shops; all flowers are treated with toxic substances. Therefore, you need to insert the buds into the cake in special flasks with cold water wrapped in cling film. This device isolates the stem from the product and prevents the flowers from withering for several hours (up to a day if the buds are fresh). If you want to decorate your wedding cake with petals, it is advisable to look for homemade (country) roses that have not been treated with anything.

Cakes decorated with fresh roses

Multi-tiered cream with ombre effect

The ombre coloring technique, which has been fashionable for many seasons, is perfect for a continuous relief cream coating in the form of roses. The decoration is done using a pastry syringe/bag with a rose tip, so even a novice master can do it. The only difficulty is in obtaining a smooth color transition. Such a relatively simple, but very delicate coating does not require additional decoration - the wedding cake will turn out delicate and romantic in any case.

Cream wedding cakes with ombre effect

Basket Cake

This non-standard wedding plot is suitable for newlyweds who want to add a bit of extravagance to the holiday. For a classic option, order the cake with a white basket. For those who are not afraid to break tradition, a more authentic dark (wood-like) basket with an armful of roses is suitable. You don't have to make the entire wedding cake into a basket. In a multi-tiered product, it is possible to design only one cake layer in this style, and for the rest, a different design is chosen or they remain smooth.

Cakes in the form of a basket of roses

With figurines of newlyweds or a pair of swans

Themed wedding attributes (birds, rings, figurine of the bride and groom) go well with roses. Such a tandem will repeatedly emphasize the purpose of the celebration and add pathosity or humor (depending on the stylistic design of these small sculptures). Mastic is ideal as a material for figurines. Porcelain, glass or metal images are used less often, but their advantage is durability (if the newlyweds plan to keep the figures for a long memory).

Cakes with figures and flowers

Design options in different colors

Let's consider the most original and interesting decor options.


A wedding cake with red roses will fit perfectly into any wedding concept. It is suitable for those who do not want to take risks, but want to add charm to their wedding celebration. White color is a sign of purity and innocence, a symbol of a new beginning. It is also associated with angels and saints. The red flower, in turn, speaks of love, passion and desire. Together they serve as a symbol of unity. Here is a nice photo of a wedding cake with red roses:

From mastic

As mentioned above, now mastic is the most popular way to decorate cakes and wedding desserts in particular. With its help you can create realistic flowers and leaves. A huge advantage of this material is the limitless range of colors. You can create any shades, from natural to fantastic.


A wedding cake with blue roses is ideal if you are hosting a celebration in blue tones. Blue flowers are bred artificially, therefore they serve as a symbol of mystery, enigma and, of course, uniqueness. In a number of cultures they denote royal grandeur and splendor.


What it might look like

Cakes with roses will not lose their uniqueness, thanks to the variety of designs. Master pastry chefs have their own catalogs of ready-made desserts that they have made or can make. The newlyweds decide whether to choose an option from the catalog, add/change existing ones, or come up with their own design.

There are two main points (ways) that make each cake special:

  1. Ways to create flowers for decoration.
  2. Non-standard ideas for general design.

In the first case, we are talking about how and from what the buds for decoration will be made. Here are possible options that ensure uniqueness when implementing even the same ideas:

  • flowers made from mastic (milk, sugar, chocolate). Wedding cake with fondant roses is the most common among floral desserts. This is due to the capabilities of the material itself - it is very malleable, has many colors, and from it you can create both the most realistic flowers and fantastic variations on this theme. But mastic treats are not always to the taste of guests because of their dryness and excessive cloying;
  • flowers made of marzipan or marmalade. These elastic product-materials are also well suited for creating floral decorative elements, although in certain moments they are inferior to mastic (marzipan is not as bright, and marmalade buds are not so realistic);
  • cream and whipped cream. They make it possible to create individual roses or a relief pattern over the entire surface. The disadvantages of these materials are the poor resistance of the elements to heat and the predominance of soft pastel shades;
  • starch roses. They are made from the dough used to make starch wafers, adding color using food coloring. In this way, you can create flat or three-dimensional flowers or individual parts of them;
  • openwork flowers made of glaze or icing. These materials are used to a greater extent for painting the cakes themselves, but sometimes they are used to make openwork petals, which, when frozen, are given the desired shape, and then they are combined into one sophisticated lace flower;
  • stencil roses. The decoration can be voluminous or “flat”. Using special stencils, cocoa, powdered sugar or other confectionery toppings, you can create a very beautiful pattern;
  • Natural flowers. A new trend that adds its own twist. No matter how good the mastic is, the flowers made from it cannot be compared with real ones. Their only drawback is that they are not an edible decoration at all. But you need to be sure that the flowers are environmentally friendly and attached to the dessert correctly (with film, cones with water, etc.).

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In addition to the different shape, texture, color, and taste of confectionery roses, the originality of the general idea can make a wedding dessert special. A white multi-tiered wedding cake with red buds will not surprise anyone - it’s practically a classic. But another design will become a memorable detail of the holiday.

What to choose from

What are the options:

  • multi-tiered dessert with a cascade of flowers - roses can be arranged in a spiral or completely fill one half of the cake. This option looks beautiful in contrast, when the cakes are decorated in pastel colors, and the flowers are made in bright, saturated colors (or vice versa);
  • relief cake with an ombre effect - there are no voluminous buds here, but only a creamy relief in the form of roses with a smooth transition of shades. This idea can be combined with the previous one by adding a cascade of voluminous flowers with reverse ombre;
  • a cake of a “non-standard” shape (for example, in the form of a basket with roses, a bouquet of flowers, a heart of roses) - atypical, but no less beautiful cake shapes will definitely surprise guests;
  • cupcakes with roses or in the shape of roses are a practical alternative to the usual wedding treat. By adding a rose to each individual mini-cake, guests will be able to try a confectionery masterpiece in miniature, rather than receive a piece with a cut bud or parts of different colors on their plate.

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Practical advice for choosing

The wedding dessert must be selected according to the number of guests, on average 100-150 g per guest. If the cake is light, then it is likely that the guests will want more, in which case it is better to base it on the calculation of 200-250 g per person. Besides:

  1. You need to choose the “base”, that is, the filling of the future dessert: whether it should be sweet or sour, hearty or airy is up to you to decide.
  2. Decide on a design. The wedding cake should match the theme and colors of the celebration.
  3. Think about what time to order delivery and how the cake will be stored. Take care during transportation so that the roses are not damaged.

Important! It is advisable to order a tasting, since the final result may differ from what was planned.

Painted flowers

Painting on wedding cakes is a fashion trend that allows you to move away from traditional methods. It looks very stylish and original. The designs are applied to the glaze using special food paints.

You can create a unique black and white dessert design by painting black roses on white frosting. The combination of black and gold is in fashion now. Using food watercolors, you can create any unusual wedding cake design.

A very successful addition to celebrations in vintage and shabby chic style is a dessert painted with delicate roses. Patterns on the glaze can imitate patterns on antique dishes that are used for table decoration. Painted flowers can be complemented by a small composition of the same living plants, which looks simply amazing.


The wedding cake is one of the most important details at a wedding. It is important to give him enough attention. A festive dessert with roses will suit even the most picky and demanding bride. In nature, this flower has many shades, which will help you choose decorations that suit your wedding.

Andrey Andreev

Wedding planner and wedding photography guru

Tags: white, burgundy, red, decoration, roses, blue, cake, photo, flowers

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Decor ideas

Decorating wedding cakes with roses has long become a classic. In light of new fashion trends, dessert design options have expanded significantly. Now designers are creating cakes of unusual shapes using new materials.

In the form of hats

Making wedding cakes in the shape of women's hats has become a fashionable trend. Cakes are usually made in one or two tiers, filled with smooth icing or fondant and decorated with ribbons and bows. Both real tapes and those made from mastic can be used. Roses are placed near the ribbon, as well as on the top cake. These desserts look delicious.

Another fashionable form of wedding treats is a cake in the form of gift boxes stacked on top of each other. They can be round or square. Stylized boxes are decorated at the bottom with ribbons, pearls and rose compositions made from mastic.

With lace

One of the latest fashion trends can be considered wedding cakes with lace. The lace can be real and wrapped around the cakes. Painting is also done on the glaze in the form of lace. The cakes are decorated with a single large rose on one of the tiers or a composition of two or three buds on top. These cakes look tender, cute and very stylish.

It is considered especially chic if the pattern on the dessert repeats the pattern of the bride’s dress. It looks very harmonious and impressive.

The background is usually white or pastel colors. The current color is pale blue. Mastic roses can match the main background or in a contrasting color.

Ombre color

Wedding desserts with cream swirls imitating roses often have a trendy ombre color. The dark shade at the base of the dessert smoothly turns into a lighter shade and often ends in white at the top. The cakes are very airy, thanks to the creamy structure, and look amazing in this color.

The pink shade is very relevant, as well as blue and lilac. The decor is so excellent that it does not need additional decoration. Usually such a cake consists of one tier, but there are two and three-layer desserts.

Wedding cakes decorated with roses have a wide variety of options. When choosing decor, proceed from the stylistic design of the wedding event.

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Elegant roses

Roses for mastic cakePhoto: Pinterest
To prepare roses of this shape, you will need gelatin-based mastic.

Mastic recipe

To prepare mastic you will need the following products:

  • 1 teaspoon gelatin;
  • 250 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 70 ml water;
  • 3-4 drops of lemon juice.

Cooking method

  • Soak gelatin in water at room temperature for 20-60 minutes, depending on whether it is instant or not. After this, heat it at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees;
  • Sift the powdered sugar through a strainer into a bowl, and then make a hole in it and gradually pour the gelatin into it, stirring continuously;
  • Add lemon juice and flavoring there if you decide to include it in this recipe;
  • Mix the dough with a spoon or fork, and then start kneading it with your hands;
  • Divide the dough into small flattened pieces, wrap them in cling film and place them in the refrigerator.

Before you start preparing the rose petals, remove the dough from the refrigerator and lightly knead a piece of mastic to the desired size with your hands. Add dye to it and mix with your hands until you get a uniform shade. Then roll it out so that the thickness does not exceed 1-3 mm, after which you begin to form the petals. Here are some ideas in pictures:

Roses for mastic cake

Roses for mastic cake

Roses for mastic cake

Roses for mastic cake

Tip : Form the petals and connect them together quickly, before the mastic hardens. If it manages to dry out slightly ahead of time, moisten the adhesive part with a small amount of water.

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