How to make wedding invitations in rustic style with your own hands - ideas and master class

Rustic is a popular style among modern newlyweds. It is characterized by special lightness, airiness and simplicity. This direction came to us from a simple French village. Therefore, it is associated with wildflowers, the pristine beauty of nature and the romance of the province.

If the bride and groom decide to prepare wedding invitations in a rustic style, then they should hold the celebration in a similar stylistic direction.


DIY Rustic Wedding Invitations 1
With the easy inspiration of Europeans, themed weddings have become popular all over the world. Rustic style literally translates as “simple”, “rough”, “rustic”, but in fact it is a romantic, gentle and cozy decoration for a celebration. At such a wedding, the atmosphere of a quiet village is created, where all residents know and respect each other. In invitations for guests, you should try to convey exactly these feelings, since for friends and relatives the holiday will begin with this attribute.

Wedding invitations in a rustic style are suitable not only for the theme of the celebration of the same name, but also for some others. Boho, eco, rustic, Provence, country and hand-made styles will be suitable. Despite the fact that each of these weddings has its own characteristic features, the same details can be seen in the invitations for guests - naturalness, simplicity, natural motifs and natural materials.

The features that this attribute should have are listed below.

  • Information content. The text indicates not only the exact date, time and location of the celebration, but also the decision to hold the wedding in a rustic style. If you wish, you can even describe the styles and shades of suits and dresses that are suitable for guests, and also attach a map to the registry office and the place of celebration.
  • Originality. Thanks to the idea of ​​using natural materials, rustic allows you to create a unique postcard that will be remembered by all guests and will set them in the right mood. It is enough to take a walk through a forest or field to get inspired by the theme and select suitable decorative elements.
  • Handmade. Most of the attributes at a rustic wedding are made by hand, and invitation cards are another opportunity to bring your ideas to life.
  • Matching style. Simple does not mean tasteless; the rustic style combines naturalness and sophistication at the same time. You need to use only 2-3 calm shades and elements that combine with each other and with the theme as a whole.

Our wedding card. Invitations in rustic style [Master class]

For newlyweds, the wedding begins long before the actual day of the holiday - it is preceded by many events, such as: proposal, organization, preparation of small details and other delights. But for most guests, the first thing that crosses the line of their lives with the general line of your celebration will be an invitation to the wedding. Modern technologies are now easily replacing telegrams and letters, elevating them to the genre of anachronisms, compared to social networks and mobile phones. To our joy, one attribute has nevertheless stood the test of time, is actively used and even became the main topic of this article - a wedding invitation.

Wedding invitation in rustic style, do-it-yourself watercolor painting

The rule that notes the fact that “you meet people by their clothes” works in this case in the best possible way. It is clear that in most cases, receiving an invitation will be duplicated by a call or a short electronic notification, but in attempts to clarify the date, time and address, the potential guest will first turn to the object of our conversation. And, needless to say, we approached the production issue with our usual energy and ingenuity.

Invitations to our wedding

The main goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of working on the invitations were: information content, originality, compliance with the wedding style and the maximum share of handmade work in production. The beauty of this approach is that each guest will receive a unique product created by the hands of the bride and groom. Agree, it's nice.

Our rustic wedding invitation

We approached the issue of information content from the point of view of the guest, putting ourselves in his place. What information would you like to glean from such an original, hand-crafted invitation? That's right, you would like to know who is getting married, when and where. In our case, it was decided to slightly expand the information field with wishes and recommendations in an unobtrusive form, as well as a travel map, judging sensibly that someone would want to come by their own transport.

Additional Information. The above-mentioned wishes concerned clothing (we, having chosen a rather free style of clothing for ourselves, did not at all want to burden our guests with suits in the “white top, black bottom” style), bouquets of fresh flowers (the time was August, and plant genocide was not in our interests ), transfers, as well as gifts (we asked, if we didn’t know what to give, to make a direct contribution to the budget of the young family). The last remark may shock someone, but believe me, this is a reasonable request, and if you express it in a calm manner, it will only make the guest’s fate easier.

When it came to the style of the invitations, everything was a little simpler - we already had the main “reference points” in the form of the wedding mood and collage. All that remains is to follow them. Ideas that included doves, rings, hearts and other outdated symbols were rejected by us as... Well, as completely inconsistent with our idea of ​​a modern wedding. Hence the decision to use natural motifs and unobtrusive-looking flowers, painted with watercolors in bright colors. The basis of the invitations, like many other crafts, was craft, and our old friends helped with the decor - twine, wine corks, imagination and invention.

Master class: How to make a wedding invitation with your own hands?

Quite simple. Although it is a little troublesome and requires certain skills. But with a little patience and creative passion, your masterpiece will not take long to appear.

For our invitations we needed the following materials :

  • craft
  • watercolor paper (canvas texture)
  • watercolor paints
  • wine corks
  • twine
  • burlap (5 cm tape)
  • decor: paper flowers and leaves, raffia
  • Double-sided tape
  • super glue (gel)

Sequence of work:

  1. First of all, the design of the invitation was thought out - three “flaps” of different sizes: in the central part there is the main invitation, on the right there is a pocket for additional information.

Invitation design diagram

  1. The implementation of the idea began with manually drawing the graphic content of the main part of the invitation - floral motifs, as well as a location map. The map was drawn in natural scale (a print screen from Yandex maps was used for the background)

Sketches of the invitation content were drawn directly in the bride’s notebook

  1. Next is digitizing the images and preparing a layout for printing the required number of invitations. Preparation of the layout consists of the following: retouching the scanned image, placing it on a sheet of the required format, applying texts, selecting a suitable font, and tinting all elements with the same color (in our case, dark brown went more harmoniously with craft than black). Everyone's favorite Adobe Photoshop was used to prepare the layout.

Layouts for printing inserts + bonus (invitation text and additional information)

  1. This stage requires some artistic skills, but even a small rehearsal on the draft will be enough. Now you need to paint all the elements in watercolor according to the color plan. The most challenging part may be the number of repetitions and the feel of the pipeline. But the result is worth it!

Painting printed inserts with watercolors

  1. Now you need to assemble the entire structure together: fold a sheet of craft paper in the intended proportions, glue the pre-prepared pocket and the main part of the invitation with double-sided tape, and also wrap the structure with burlap tape (we glued it with super glue).

Assembling the invitation design

  1. And finally, the most interesting thing remains - decorating the front part. This is where there is freedom for imagination. Remember, this is the guest’s first impression, and it should be the most vivid, even if, like us, you choose a craft that cannot boast of brightness. We used a small card with the initials of the names and decorations made of paper flowers, wine corks and raffia. As well as twine fasteners - a fixed loop and loose ties for a bow.

Decorating invitations with burlap, wine corks, twine, artificial flowers

Based on the experience of making 30 invitations, we can safely say that this is an exciting activity for both heroes of the upcoming celebration. Of course, it will take some time (we did each stage separately in the evenings after work), diligence and patience, but it pays off handsomely when you see the surprised and delighted faces of your guests upon receiving such a warm invitation to the wedding.

And is it necessary to emphasize that the cost of a handmade invitation is several times less than a custom one? But the result is much more soulful, warmer and more original.

As a result, I would like to advise you to think about both yourself and the guest when approaching the invitation issue. About yourself - because the invitation, in this case, is a business card, a poster for your holiday, and it is the best presentation of the upcoming holiday. Thoughts about the guest will give results when everyone arrives at the appointed time, at the indicated place, and will gladly share with you the joy of your family’s birthday. And in this case, there is a high probability that your invitation will be remembered at the moment when someone starts talking about them, remembering the successful implementation of this important element of the wedding.

Successful creative experiments and beautiful holidays to you!

PS: If you liked our invitation, we offer those who wish to buy this layout for printing for $5-10. Or we will be happy to create an individual style just for your wedding! For details write to

PPS: We hope that our experience will be useful for you. Tell your friends about this article on social networks and perhaps the next invitation you receive will be made with love by them with their own hands.

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Base materials

To begin with, future newlyweds should decide on the shade of their invitation cards. The rustic style is characterized by calm, pastel colors - beige, gray, milky, brown, pale olive, etc. These shades create a faded or dusty look to the base.

DIY Rustic Wedding Invitations 3
If future newlyweds want to do everything with their own hands, then they can artificially age ordinary paper.

To do this, prepare strong tea or coffee; each leaf is dipped into the solution, which is then hung to dry and ironed to eliminate any unevenness that has formed. In addition to this, you can carefully burn the edges of each sheet with a candle flame to make the appearance even more aged.

You can use cardboard cards, stylized wood or old vintage postcards as a base. An original option is to purchase small vials with a stopper and put a small folded card in each. An even more extraordinary solution is to burn the invitation text onto a small piece of cut wood.


For a postcard to be harmonious, the rustic style must include not only the materials from which it is made, but also the text itself. It is important to choose the right words for grandparents, as well as for parents. The best option is to write it by hand with a fountain pen or regular gel pen with black ink. It’s worth choosing a font in advance and practicing its reproduction. If the option of hand-made text is not suitable, you can print the text of the wedding invitation in a rustic style on a printer, but only when the base is ready.

Attention! In the invitation, you should use simple words that would be used in competent oral speech. The text should literally exude comfort and warmth, so you shouldn’t use a lot of introductory structures and phrases. Read more in this article.

Wedding Invitation Ideas

The rustic style can safely be called multifaceted. Even though it represents nature and simplicity, it still has many variations in execution.

  1. Postcard with a picture of lavender fields.
  2. Invitation with original font and canvas tied thread.
  3. Postcard with a small bouquet of dried flowers.
  4. Wooden postcard.
  5. Card with an invitation and a live sprig of lavender on the side.
  6. Invitation on fern leaves.
  7. Card with lace inserts and satin ribbons.
  8. Invitation for an autumn wedding in the form of a yellow leaf.
  9. A postcard in the form of an envelope tied with a thin thread.
  10. Invitation with peacock feather.

Ideas for invitations can be either the most daring (using flowers, peacock feathers, wood) or simple (writing text on thick paper).

The rustic style does not involve unnecessary decorative elements, so the emphasis should be placed on one thing. It could even be an extraordinary font.

Decoration elements

When the text of the invitation is written, you can start decorating. To decorate postcards in a rustic style, natural materials are used - dried flowers, leaves and ears of cereals. The selected element is attached to the free space of the invitation using glue or thread. From dried petals you can make an applique for a wedding theme.

If the future newlyweds do not want to complicate their task and carry out painstaking work with fragile gifts of nature, the desired design can be drawn. Floral motifs and wood patterns are well suited for this.

The stencil can be printed on a printer so that all invitations are the same. You can add bright shades with watercolors, after first checking the paper’s reaction to them.

To make the envelope match the theme, you can attach natural materials to it; burlap, lace, twine and other similar fabrics and threads are suitable for this. As a finishing touch, you can fasten the paper flaps with a small arrangement of dried wildflowers. A wax seal will also cope with this task.

The standard envelope for a postcard can be replaced with a more original solution - a bag sewn by hand from burlap. You can put not only an invitation in it, but also a small gift for each guest. These can be dried flowers or even plant seeds with detailed instructions for planting and care.

DIY workshop?

Currently, there are many stores that sell decorative items. They will help you design your invitation card. With great desire and patience, you will be able to create an invitation yourself without spending extra effort and money.

You can use the popular scrapbooking or carving technique. To create your first product, it is still better to choose a simple, but at the same time beautiful postcard.

It could be a photo invitation. Use pictures from your first love story together. Below, ask the photographer to print the invitation text. Be sure to take the photo in black and white, then it will fit into the overall concept of the rustic style.


To make an invitation card you will need to purchase the following materials:

  • small cardboard box;
  • thick yellow A4 paper;
  • wildflowers;
  • Printer;
  • paint brush;
  • black gouache;
  • canvas thread;
  • scissors.

Step by step plan

To create an original product, you will first need to find a wood cut template on the Internet. Don't worry, you will definitely choose the option you like.

  1. Print the template on a pre-prepared thick sheet of paper.
  2. After you cut out the product, paint the wooden sections with paints. To do this, use bright black paint and a thin brush.
  3. On the template you created, handwrite or type the text of the invitation card. It should be as short and succinct as possible.
  4. Place wildflowers in a small cardboard box. Distribute them so that they fill the entire space of the box.
  5. Place a rustic invitation card in a flower box.
  6. Close the box and tie it in the center with a thin canvas thread.

Combination with boho style

Boho and rustic themes can be called related, since they have many common features. By combining these styles at your own wedding, you can achieve maximum self-expression, freedom from conventions, prejudices and pretense. The same goes for invitation cards.

DIY Rustic Wedding Invitations 5
Boho at its core is the unification of the culture of several ethnic and informal groups, resulting in the formation of a theme that is close in spirit to freedom-loving people. It adds bright colors to a rustic style that sometimes lacks them.

How to make rustic or boho wedding invitations with your own hands? Invitation cards in this case are made from the same materials, but there are more rich accents.

To the standard rustic elements, decorations are added more typical for boho - feathers, birds, bright flowers, butterflies, dream catchers, etc. If you paint such details in watercolor on craft paper, you will get an interesting combination of shades.

Ready-made templates

The rustic style is quite popular, so you can find ready-made templates for invitations created by other newlyweds. After choosing the appropriate option, all that remains is to print the required number of postcards and enter the names, date, time and location of the holiday. There are templates that are completely ready for printing; you just need to replace the text in them using a graphic editor. Here is a rustic wedding invitation, the template of which is already ready:

DIY Rustic Wedding Invitations 20
There is a rustic invitation template for those who want to design the text and add decorations themselves, but are looking for a suitable background. A minimalist base in a rustic style is a good place to start the creative process:


DIY Rustic Wedding Invitations 8
A rustic wedding allows the bride and groom to show their creativity when preparing the decorations, and it begins with invitations for guests. Inspired by natural motifs, you can create original and memorable invitations in a rustic style with your own hands, which will create the right atmosphere at your wedding in advance.

Olesya Tregubova

Wedding planner, wedding blog author

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Clothing for newlyweds and wedding guests in rustic style

The images of the bride and groom in the rustic style are distinguished by delicate pastel, light shades, and natural fabrics.

A girl should avoid a classic dress with a full skirt and corset. It is better if the bride’s outfit does not restrict movement, but looks very natural. A dress made of flowing fabric , or a simple-style outfit made of cotton, linen or lace, is perfect

To complete the look, it is recommended that the newlywed’s bouquet be composed of wildflowers. In the same style you can weave a wreath to decorate your hairstyle.

The hairstyle should also be natural , without complex designs. A good option is casually tied hair, slightly curly hair, braids or loose hair.

hair styling for a wedding in rustic style
Bridal hairstyles in rustic style

Bridesmaids can be dressed in simple dresses. The shade should be pastel, but contrasting with the color of the bride's dress. For bridesmaids, you can make bracelets from fresh flowers or head wreaths made from the same plants as the bride’s bouquet.

The groom's outfit should be chosen in the same style as the bride's so that the couple looks harmonious. The best look for a newlywed is a light cotton shirt, a vest, suspenders and a bow tie instead of a tie. looks especially interesting and relevant .

Friends from the groom's side can be invited to dress up in similar vests or wear the same suspenders.

image of the groom at a wedding
Photos of guests' clothes at a rustic wedding

If the celebration will take place in the cool season, then the newlyweds need to dress warmer for the wedding. For the bride, choose a shawl or a warm knitted cape, and for the groom, choose a suit made of woolen fabric.

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