Decoration of a goose on a napkin. Goose in a sleeve in the oven: recipe

A Tatar wedding is a bright phenomenon, but at the same time complex, because it requires the performance of a large number of rituals, observance of Muslim traditions and customs. A large number of national rituals makes a wedding interesting and original. The mandatory preparation and traditional butchering of a goose is observed at every Tatar wedding. Giving the newlyweds gifts and money during the ceremony with poultry is also part of the ritual. This bird is a symbol of the well-being of a young family.

How to decorate a goose at a wedding?

Photo of goose decoration for wedding

There are several options for traditional decoration of wedding game

– roasted or baked goose, which vary according to local customs:

  • with any serving option, greens are certainly used: lettuce, cilantro, and parsley are placed on the dish around the goose;
  • It looks beautiful to frame the goose with circles of chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, onions, boiled potatoes and other vegetables;
  • Fresh fruits and berries are recommended: grapes, lime, grapefruit, orange, seasonal berries (cranberries, lingonberries, cloudberries) - tender poultry meat goes well with them.

Decorating geese for a wedding is not only ritual in nature, but also makes the dish more presentable. It is for this purpose that you can often find a wedding goose with its legs decorated with paper. White or colored paper is rolled in a certain way, most often into cylinders, with fringes or loops at the edges. The cylinders are put on the crow's feet and are subsequently convenient to pick up with your hands, without fear of getting dirty with fat.

Photo of wedding goose design

Since wedding fashion is now quite loyal to the emergence of new trends and practically does not limit the imagination of the newlyweds either in the choice of outfits or in the design of wedding premises, is it any wonder that more and more new solutions are also being found for decorating a goose at a wedding. For example, modern Tatar weddings can boast of a creative idea that has quickly become popular: a pair of roasted geese is decorated with miniature outfits of the bride and groom

. What does it look like? There is nothing complicated in this design: a pair of goose carcasses of approximately the same weight and dimensions are placed on a common dish, and a stylized wedding dress with a veil is placed on top of one (“bride”), a symbolic tailcoat or tuxedo is placed on the other (“groom”), complemented by a butterfly. Such a dish will become the highlight of the table and will be appreciated by both the young people and their guests.

Additionally, we offer a video on how to decorate a goose for a wedding

. Design ideas are easy to implement even in a home kitchen, and the dish will look great:

It should be remembered that the wedding goose is a ritual dish

, symbolizing family wealth, aimed at maintaining and increasing the well-being of the newly formed unit of society. For this reason, fried or baked goose should be given a place of honor on the table of the newlyweds - it is both a decoration for the wedding presidium and a symbol of the couple’s material security for many years.

A Tatar wedding is a bright phenomenon, but at the same time complex, because it requires the performance of a large number of rituals, observance of Muslim traditions and customs. A large number of national rituals makes a wedding interesting and original. The mandatory preparation and traditional butchering of a goose is observed at every Tatar wedding. Giving the newlyweds gifts and money during the ceremony with poultry is also part of the ritual. This bird is a symbol of the well-being of a young family.


If two geese are served on one dish, you can dress them in the newlyweds’ outfits, sew the outfits from fabric or cut them out of waterproof paper. Angelica


To decorate the bird, you should use a variety of sauces: mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise. The food will look original and unusual. A good example of such a goose decoration for a wedding is the photo on the right.

Using a special confectionery device into which sauces are poured, various figures, letters, and hieroglyphs are drawn on the slightly cooled bird. Then you can take a variety of berries (grapes, rowan, viburnum, gooseberries, raspberries) and place them on the carcass. To complement the composition, vegetables are cut into circles and placed around the goose.

Interesting! We recommend that you familiarize yourself with tips on choosing delicious salads for your wedding table.

Other design options

There are several other good ways to decorate a goose for a wedding. We list them in the following list.

  • The carcass can be tied with satin ribbons and decorated with colored paper rosettes.
  • Crow's feet can be decorated with pompoms made of multi-colored or plain paper. You need to cut fringe or loops along the edges, put them on the paws and secure them. In this case, the food will take on a more interesting, representative appearance. When handing out the cut-off paws, pom-poms will help keep your hands from getting greasy.

Approach the organization of the wedding feast with all your heart, and the guests will leave the celebration happy, and the holiday will leave a lasting impression.

Andrey Andreev

Wedding planner and wedding photography guru

Tags: goose, divide, decoration, bird, wedding, decoration

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Traditions associated with a goose at a wedding

The wedding feast among the Tatars lasts several days, it takes place in the homes of both the bride and groom. Goose should be a must-have dish on the wedding table. Sometimes it is prepared by both parties, but more often, according to tradition, the groom’s relatives provided the bird, already plucked and gutted, and it was boiled or baked entirely directly in the bride’s house. In a certain sequence of serving traditional dishes on the wedding table, it was the goose’s turn. The removal of the dish was accompanied by the presentation of gifts to the newlyweds with gratitude for the invitation to the wedding.

For the ritual cutting of the bird, a special person was chosen, who could only be a man. He began to carefully separate pieces of meat with a knife, much longer and wider than usual. The bones of the ritual bird were supposed to remain intact without damage. Depending on the geographical location of the Tatar wedding, the order of the cutting sequence could be different:

  • The groom was given a neck, the bride a wing.
  • The bride has the right paw with a wing, the groom - the left wing and paw.
  • For the bride - the neck, for the groom - the head.

The presentation of each part of the separated piece was accompanied by traditional words, the meaning of which boiled down to the fact that from this day on, the wings are cut, family people are not supposed to look around, at others, they need to honor and love each other. After the ritual cutting off of the legs, wings and head was completed, the bird was cut into portions and served to the guests.

Serving Ritual

The bird was usually brought by the groom's relatives. Often relatives from both sides participated in the preparation of the goose.

The finished goose at the wedding celebration was butchered by a man appointed by the newlywed's parents or, sometimes, guests. When the goose was carried out, the newlyweds were presented with gifts and money. This is one of the culminating moments of the celebration. The goose was cut with a special knife, long and wide. The bird had to be cut very carefully so as not to damage the bones.

There were many ways to share a goose at a wedding. Often the head was cut off first, and it was said that “the wife should not step over her husband’s head,” then the wings and paws were cut off, so that “the husband would not beat his wife.”

The groom could receive the neck, and the bride - wings; or the right paws and wings were given to the bride, and the left to the groom; or the bride was given the neck, and the groom the head.

The handing over of the piece was accompanied by traditional parting words and wishes to the newlyweds. For example, when the head and paws were given to the groom, it was ordered that he “not go to the side.” The wings were given to the bride so that she “could not fly away.”

Interesting! Separate parts of the goose could be distributed to the newlyweds’ relatives. Unmarried sisters received wings. The legs were given to the brothers. It’s interesting that the mother-in-law got the goose butt so she could keep her tongue in check.

Then the goose was taken to the kitchen, where it was butchered by the bride’s relatives, and then taken out into the hall, where it was treated to the rest of the guests. The goose was served with pilaf and fresh vegetables.

How to decorate a goose for a wedding - design options

Lettuce, parsley, cilantro, and chopped tomatoes are placed in random order on a dish around the cooked bird. To make the crust a beautiful golden color, rub it with lemon juice and then olive oil before placing it in the oven. Ready meat goes well with fresh berries, grapes, lime, orange, laid out for decoration. To add juiciness to the meat, the bird is stuffed: citrus fruits are an excellent filling. Decorations carved from vegetables will help diversify the ritual dish.

Decorating goose feet with paper pompoms

You need to decorate the legs of the finished bird using paper pompoms. You can easily make them yourself from white or colored paper, making fringes or loops around the edges. Putting paper decorations in the form of cylinders on the paws, they are secured by pressing. The appearance of the finished dish takes on a more noble, presentable appearance. When distributing cut paws to the newlyweds, using pompoms makes it convenient to take them with your hands without the risk of getting dirty with fat.

Clothes for a pair of geese in the form of young costumes

Modern cooking makes its own creative adjustments to old traditions. An innovation at a Tatar wedding was the decoration of this obligatory dish in the style of the newlyweds. Impromptu wedding outfits of the newlyweds are placed on top of a pair of carcasses lying on one dish. A creative approach to the traditions of ancestors brings its own flavor to the decoration of an abundant wedding table.

Tatar wedding ceremonies are about worldview, poetry, and musicality. The collection, study and preservation of the folklore of the family and everyday rituals of the Tatars of Zakazanya is carried out by a senior researcher at the Republican Center for the Development of Traditional Culture, candidate of philological sciences Zalia Brusko. She told KV about folk Tatar wedding traditions.

"A girl in a cradle - a dowry in a chest"

The most favorable time for a wedding (tui) is late summer and autumn. And in order to reveal the features of the wedding, you need to divide the ritual into stages. The first is matchmaking. The fact that it is the matchmaker who is heading towards you can be determined by his appearance - he is holding a stick in his hands. One leg of the trouser is wrapped above the knee, and in the case of the matchmaker it is extended over the top of the boot. For a fateful dialogue, the matchmaker sits in the house under the mat that holds up the ceiling. This is the place where spirits live - guardians, patrons of the house. It is important to enlist their support. Also, for good luck in matchmaking, he placed a pillow or his hat, feathers, and wool under himself. Spirits are the guardians of the family.

Among the Kryashens of the Pestrechinsky district, the matchmaker, before entering the house, had to... urinate in the bride’s yard - leave a mark, occupy the territory. And in the Baltasinsky district, before the matchmaking began, the groom visited the graves of his deceased loved ones so that they would support him in such an important matter.

Monday and Friday were considered favorable days for matchmaking. Saturday and Tuesday are unlucky days. These days the bird does not even build a nest. And in order to hide the true purpose of the visit from evil spirits and ill-wishers, the matchmaker begins the conversation with hints: “You have goods, we have a merchant...” Among the Tatars of the Order, they have a special connotation, reflecting the common bride price. Such important decisions were not made immediately by the girl’s family. The matchmakers came repeatedly for an affirmative answer.

After a positive outcome of the case, conspiracy follows. Relatives of the bride and groom negotiate all issues, including the bride's dowry.

“A girl in a cradle - a dowry in a chest” - from forty days the girl’s mother began to collect the bride’s chest. Embroidered textiles, gifts for the husband's relatives... The bride's chest was always accompanied by a pair of livestock - a pair of geese, a sheep with a pair of lambs.

The silent sacrament of nikah

Nikah is a religious wedding ceremony, the main point of a traditional Tatar wedding. It is carried out mainly in the bride's house secretly. Doors, gates, windows must be closed during nikah. “During nikah, the wind should not pass, otherwise there will be no warmth between the young people.”

In the distant past, among the Kazan Tatars, the bride and groom were not present at the process of reading the nikakh; they were represented by witnesses. After the nikah, the groom legally stays overnight with the bride for a necessarily even number of days - two or four days.

The wedding stage is marked by fun, a test not only of the groom’s prowess and inquisitive mind when passing obstacles, but also of his wallet. On the wedding day, the groom rides the wedding train to pick up the bride. The wedding train must certainly arrive at an even time during the first half of the day (10, 12 hours) - for a long family life. Noise, songs, cracking of a whip - these are magical rituals designed to put evil spirits to flight and not interfere with a fun wedding. Moreover, you must definitely approach the bride from the right side. If the bride lives on the same street, the groom drove around the village to stop on the right.

Meeting the groom is an exciting ceremony. Relatives and friends of the bride do not allow the groom into the house. The groom must pay the “cost of the gate” and distribute gifts. But the bidding doesn’t end there either. In the room where the bride is, his younger brother or sister is waiting for him with the “doorknob song”: “A doorknob costs one altyn, our sister costs a thousand altyn”!

Honey and bread for the young

Zalia Mansurovna, what does a bride’s crying look like at a Tatar wedding?

The bride's cry exists among the Mishar Tatars. Such a ritual was not encountered among the Tatars of the Order. In the bride's house there is only a farewell. They also go to the groom’s place on an even date - for example, at 14.00. Relatives who have been married for a long time meet the newlyweds at the gate. The bride gets off the wedding train, leaning on the gift of cattle - a heifer or a sheep. And at the porch of the house she is greeted with honey, butter, bread: “May the daughter-in-law be fine and her speech sweet!”

Honey at the wedding of Kazan Tatars is a ritual dish. Wedding bread is a ritual treat, a symbol of a prosperous life. Before entering the house, the bride's hand is sprinkled with flour to make it hospitable. Having completed all the rituals, the bride stands on a white scarf, pillow or sheepskin coat turned inside out - for a rich life with her husband. In Tatar folklore, the stove is the habitat of spirits and brownies. They took the bride home to the groom - they lead her around the stove so that the brownie would accept her. The bride, entering the house, was careful not to look out the window - it was tearful. The first thing you need to look at is the oven - the abode of the spirits of the tribal community. The room is decorated with the bride's dowry, and the mother-in-law's things are removed.

The climax of the wedding is when the goose is carried out. The master dividing the goose must solemnly divide it. The head is for the groom, the neck is for the bride. Wings - for unmarried sisters. Legs are for brothers. And the goose butt - for the mother-in-law, so that she can hold her tongue. From the wedding feast with songs and dances, the newlyweds were taken to the cage, or “groom’s house” - a rented house. The bed was made by a woman with children, with wishes: “Lie down together, get up three!” Young people must be together for at least two days. If the groom went to his home earlier, this spoke of the young woman’s dishonesty. The groom could express his dissatisfaction when visiting his parents “on his son-in-law’s pancakes.” Make a hole in the middle of the pancake - tell everything without words. Post-wedding bath

The post-wedding stage began with a joint trip to the bathhouse. Once upon a time it was customary to wash a soiled sheet in a bathhouse. And throwing the used water on the stove is a sacrifice to the owner, so that the young people become dearer to each other. Particularly interesting is the ritual “Show the way to water” - a test of the ability to work. The acquaintance with the “Master of Water” - the source - was fun and harmonious. The girl was escorted by a procession of young people. Before drawing water, the young woman asked permission from the “Master of the Water.” And to appease, she threw a coin into the water and left a towel as a gift. “Coming out into the world” is not an easy test. You need to bring the rocker with water without spilling it. Thus, the young woman joined the circle of married women.

A successfully cooked baked goose is a decoration for any holiday table. However, many housewives are hesitant to deal with this bird, having heard stories about tough goose meat. Indeed, a goose is different from a chicken or a turkey. It has heavier bones, thicker skin and a lot more fat. But at the same time, its meat can be as tender as chicken if you follow simple but important rules when choosing a carcass and preparing it. It is better for a beginner to start with baked goose in the sleeve; this recipe is simpler and faster.

How to design a goose on nicknames

Homemade baked geese decorated halal for weddings, anniversaries and other holidays

Included in the price:

* packaging with a lush bow

* high-quality work of the master

Pickup from Laishevsky district.

Delivery is possible in Kazan, Usady (Laishevsky district), Stolbishche, Kirby, Gabishevo, Orlovka, Sandy Kovali, Voronovka, Petrovsk, Mirny - 350 rubles.

For other locations, please call for details.

Place your order as early as possible! Because geese need to be marinated first!

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Meat selection

The quality of the meat purchased directly determines the result. Of course, even an old goose can be made quite edible and soft by experienced cooks with the help of complex manipulations. But why risk your reputation as a good housewife if being careful when choosing a goose carcass and knowing a few tricks practically guarantees the preparation of a delicious baked goose up your sleeve?

The ideal goose for baking is a young bird, weighing 3-4 kg, which has not been frozen. If the dish is being prepared for a large company, then you can take a carcass weighing six or more kilograms. However, one must take into account: the larger the goose, the longer it takes to bake, the higher the risk of tough meat, the heavier its bones. You also need to remember about oddities when the carcass simply did not fit in the oven.

The younger the bird, the more tender the baked goose meat in the sleeve in the oven will be. A young goose has a soft breastbone and yellow legs, an old one has a hard breastbone, and its legs are rough and red. The legs are not always left on the carcass, especially in stores; in this case, the age of the bird is determined by the sternum. You need to press on it with your fingers: if it is soft, like a chicken’s, it means the goose is young.

Where to buy a goose: in hypermarkets or at the market? A matter of taste. Large stores have strict product quality control, a wide selection and good prices, but there poultry can be frozen many times. There is an opinion that the tastiest are domestic or farm geese raised on high-quality food without the use of antibiotics and growth hormones. But even here you can run into an unscrupulous seller, so you need to be very careful when purchasing.

In the store, first of all, you should carefully examine the packaging. It must be intact and with labels informing about the expiration date, manufacturer, etc. The carcass itself should have a healthy, non-blue appearance, no ice, and when you press the meat with your finger, there should be no dents left on it - this is a clear sign of frequent frosts.

In the market, it is better to become a regular customer of a reliable, honest seller. But if this is not the case, then you need to carefully examine the goose and even smell it. The skin of a stale goose becomes sticky, so cunning sellers wash it and wipe it dry. You can reveal this deception by touching the skin under the wings, where it is more difficult to wash off the sticky coating. Attributes of a quality bird: yellow legs; waxy skin with a yellowish tint; soft tip on the sternum; normal smell without chemical or musty tones; elastic meat. Such a goose in the sleeve will certainly turn out soft.


One of the most important secrets of soft goose meat is proper and long marinating. Some housewives make the common mistake of rubbing the carcass with spices a couple of hours before putting it in the oven. But goose is very different from chicken, which marinates easily and quickly. Here is a different approach: the longer the carcass is marinated, the tastier, softer and more aromatic the goose cooked in the sleeve will be.

Experienced cooks advise keeping the bird in the marinade in a cool place for at least twelve hours, and preferably a day or even longer. To allow the smells and tastes to penetrate deeper, cuts are sometimes made on the meat. There are several methods of marinating:

  • Dry method: the goose is carefully rubbed inside and out with a mixture of oil (olive is very good), salt (at the rate of one teaspoon per kilogram of bird) and various spices to taste, wrapped in cling film and kept for at least ten to twelve hours. Oil may seem like overkill in marinating a fatty bird, but it has a very important role - oil helps the aromas and flavors penetrate deeper into the meat.
  • In liquid. The goose is pre-soaked overnight in clean water, to which a teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar is added per liter of water. An acidic environment makes meat softer. The carcass prepared in this way is then dry marinated.
  • In wine or juice. You can choose a combined option: rub the carcass inside and out with salt and your favorite spices, put it in a bag, pour cranberry juice or white wine and leave for twelve hours, turning the carcass periodically. Goose marinated with wine and baked in a sleeve is distinguished by its piquant taste and tenderness of meat.

How to properly bake a goose in the oven in a sleeve: basic principles

  • The goose can be baked whole or in portions. The general essence does not change. A whole carcass looks more beautiful and festive, and the side dish is more fully saturated with the flavors of the bird. Portioned pieces cook a little faster, they are easier to eat, and you won’t have to cut up a hot carcass at the table.
  • A well-marinated goose is filled with a maximum of two-thirds of the filling, because products increase in volume during the cooking process, especially for cereals. In addition, a lot of fat gets inside the carcass.
  • The abdomen is pinned with toothpicks or sewn with thread. The paws are tied together so that they do not take up much space in the sleeve, in which several punctures are made for air, so the film does not tear.
  • The cooking time is not exactly determined. There is an unspoken formula for calculating time: for every kilogram of poultry - one hour of baking. But a goose in a sleeve cooks faster in the oven, so you can allocate 45 minutes for each kilogram of meat, and add another 30 minutes on top to form a crust. The readiness of meat is determined by the color of the juice that flows out when punctured. Clear juice means the meat is completely cooked; if it’s cloudy or contains blood, it needs to be baked further.
  • It is better to place the sleeved goose on a dish or baking sheet with its back down so that less juice flows out of it, and send it to the oven, initially preheated to a temperature of 220-250°. So the meat is cooked for an hour, then the heat is reduced to 180°, and half an hour before the end of cooking the temperature is increased to 200°, the sleeve is cut on top so that the carcass browns and takes on an appetizing appearance.

Classic goose with apples (in the sleeve)

Grocery list:

  • goose carcass;
  • spices for pickling - according to individual taste;
  • onions, carrots - one piece each;
  • apples - 5 pieces (the quantity depends on the size of the carcass);
  • small lemon;
  • head of garlic, black pepper, salt, bay leaf.

Cooking process

Make cuts on the carcass, stuff them with finely chopped onions, carrots and cloves of garlic. Rub the goose with butter, lemon juice, salt and spices, wrap in film and marinate for twelve hours. Then the bird is filled two-thirds with whole small apples or peeled apple slices, bay leaves and peppercorns. The abdomen is sutured. A young goose with apples in its sleeve is baked in the oven in about two to three hours.

Bird as a symbol

Every holiday or event has a specific symbol. For example, a spruce is a symbol of the New Year, and woven rings are a symbol of the Olympics. And one of the wedding symbols can be a goose, because it, like other waterfowl, is considered a symbol of the head of the family, personifying love, family well-being, fidelity and fertility.

The goose is a symbol of motherhood, thriftiness, and the desire to “warm under the wing” the members of one’s family. In addition, the goose symbolizes femininity, beauty, and caring. But at the same time, she is distinguished by a superficial mind and a habit of gossip.

Goose is an exquisite, festive dish, it is served on special occasions. That is why goose often becomes the signature dish of a wedding table.

goose decoration for wedding 4

Interesting beliefs are associated with the bird in different countries.

  • In Rus', goose was served with apples or stuffed with millet. Millet, according to beliefs, was supposed to protect young people from the evil eye.
  • At a Korean wedding, guests tried goose with rice. Rice symbolizes prosperity and wealth.
  • Baked goose is traditionally served at English, Irish, and French weddings.
  • In Tatarstan, one or two geese are prepared for a wedding - the personification of the newlyweds.

Goose pieces in the sleeve

  • carcass cut into portions;

for the marinade:

  • olive oil - 60 grams;
  • mayonnaise - approximately 4 tablespoons;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • spices for marinade;
  • mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • prunes - 50 grams;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

This recipe for goose in a sleeve in the oven is extremely simple, and the result is excellent. A simple and very tasty dish. Mix the ingredients for the marinade, immerse the goose pieces in them and leave to soak overnight. Then the pieces are placed in a sleeve with or without a side dish and baked for about two and a half hours.

Photo ideas for decorating wedding geese

The ritual goose on the Tatar wedding table is a very ancient tradition. The waterfowl is a symbol of fertility and family well-being. According to ancient beliefs, the ritual goose helped the young family maintain their well-being. During a wedding banquet, having a traditional dish on the table is mandatory. The baked poultry is served in combination with pilaf or fresh vegetables, decorated depending on the imagination of the cooks.

Wedding goose is a traditional wedding dish in many families. It is not so much the recipe that is important, but the tradition of its preparation itself. Usually the groom's family prepares the goose - plucking it at home, and then gives it to the bride's family so that they can cook and decorate it. After all, presentation is also important; we will show examples of it in the photo below. We will tell you how to cook a wedding goose in the step-by-step recipe below. Prepare pens and notepads to write down ingredients.

For the wedding goose you need:

  1. Goose – 1 carcass;
  2. Millet – 1 glass;
  3. Butter – 6 tablespoons;
  4. Spices and seasonings to taste.

We can't tell you what seasonings to use, because each person has their own taste and may eat traditional spices

Of course, the most important part is salt and pepper, which are indispensable for any dish. Everything else is at your discretion. Some people will want to add turmeric, others cumin or cumin, or maybe someone will prefer Italian herbs

In any case, the goose in the oven will be delicious, but as we said above, the taste of the wedding goose does not play the most important role.

Goose stuffed with buckwheat


  • medium goose carcass;
  • spices and oil for marinade;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • apples - 2 pieces;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • garlic - a few cloves to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

Goose in a sleeve with buckwheat is a successful variation of a traditional Russian dish. The sleeve only simplifies the classic recipe. The poultry, rubbed with spices, butter and garlic, is marinated for at least twelve hours. Then onion cubes are sautéed in oil, half-cooked buckwheat is added and fried for five minutes. It can be pre-boiled to the desired state, steamed with boiling water, or simply filled with plain water overnight. Buckwheat is mixed with apple slices and sent into the belly of the goose. The stuffed bird is placed in a sleeve and baked for about three hours.

The goose is arrogant not only in its habits, but also in its preparation: thick skin, heavy bones and a lot of fat. The meat is sometimes not cooked, sometimes it turns out dry - you can’t chew it. And sometimes improperly cooked goose has a sickening, greasy aftertaste. This is the highest calorie of all farm birds: 320 kcal per 100 grams.

But all these problems can be avoided.

How to choose a goose

To bake in the oven, you should buy a young goose. A three month old one will bake much faster than a six month old one, but the latter will be more flavorful and better suited for stuffing.

The age of a goose can be determined by its legs (if they are not cut off during slaughter) and sternum. The feet of a young goose are yellow, the membranes on them are soft, and the sternum is flexible, like that of a goose. The old one's paws are reddish and rough, and the sternum is very hard.

Give preference to chilled poultry. If the goose is frozen, it is difficult to tell if it is fresh. The freshness of a goose is determined in the same way as that of chicken. There are no stains on the skin or foreign odors, and the meat should return to its original shape after pressing.

The weight of the goose should be selected based on the number of people you plan to feed, as well as the volume of the oven. A 6–7 kg carcass will be difficult to place on a baking sheet, and cooking will take more than 5 hours.

A goose weighing 2–4 kilograms is optimal for roasting. The cooking time depends on this: 1 hour per kilogram.

How to prepare a goose for roasting

Any bird reaches store shelves already plucked and gutted. A goose bought in a supermarket can simply be washed under cold running water. But it is still better to carefully examine the carcass for remains of feathers and entrails.

A country goose or a goose purchased from a farm usually requires more careful preparation. To get rid of rough bristles and get a crispy crust as a result, take the carcass by the neck and plunge into boiling water for one minute. Do the same thing again, but this time holding the goose by the paws.

When roasting a whole goose, there is no need to cut it. You just need to trim off excess fat on the neck, belly and tail. You can also trim the outer phalanges of the wings, since if they are not wrapped in foil, they will burn.

How to marinate and stuff a goose

To make the goose meat really soft and tender, chefs recommend marinating the meat first. This can be done in various ways. For example.

  1. Rub the carcass with salt (1 teaspoon per kilogram of weight) outside and inside. If desired, you can also use Provençal herbs and other spices. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 8–10 hours.
  2. Soak the carcass in warm water with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (1 teaspoon per liter). Keep the goose in this solution in a cool place for 5-6 hours.
  3. Rub the carcass with salt and pour white wine, cranberry or chokeberry juice. Keep in the refrigerator for 10–12 hours.

If the goose is without stuffing, it is usually baked on a wire rack, under which a baking sheet with water is placed so that the fat dripping from the bird does not burn. If the goose is stuffed, use a deep roasting pan.

The goose should be stuffed immediately before going into the oven. Stuff the carcass about two-thirds full (if you stuff it too tightly, the bird won’t cook well) and sew up the belly with thread or pin it with toothpicks.

There are many variations of the filling. Geese are stuffed with vegetables, berries, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, and so on. Let's look at three classic recipes: with apples, prunes and oranges.


A great option for a festive table in the fall. In September-October, sour and sweet and sour varieties of apples ripen, and before frost, poultry is slaughtered.


  • goose weighing 2–3 kg;
  • 3 teaspoons salt;
  • dried basil and thyme - to taste;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 3 large sour apples;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.


Prepare the goose as described above and dry marinate. To do this, mix salt, pepper and herbs and rub the carcass thoroughly with them. After 8–10 hours, rub the goose with another mixture of garlic and olive oil passed through a press. Don't forget to treat the inside of the bird. Let the goose stand under this marinade for another 30 minutes.

At this time, wash the apples, remove the core and cut into quarters. If desired, you can remove the peel. Sprinkle the apples with lemon juice and stuff the goose with them. Sew up the carcass with large stitches, wrap the wings in foil, and then the whole carcass.

Place the goose on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated to 200°C. You should not put the goose in a cold oven: due to slow heating, there will be a lot of fat and the meat will turn out dry.

Bake the goose at high temperature for an hour. Then reduce the heat to 180°C. Cook for another hour and a half. Half an hour before cooking, remove the baking sheet and carefully unwrap the foil. Lubricate the carcass with the released fat and honey.

Return the pan to the oven, reduce the temperature by 20 and cook for another 25-30 minutes.


First, mix all the spices and rub the goose with them inside and out. They can be diluted a little in vegetable oil so that the mass of seasonings becomes viscous and easily sticks to the surface of the bird.

Millet should be boiled until half cooked. The rest will reach inside the goose. Since it is for a wedding, many guests will try it. And there is not enough meat to feed everyone, which is why the filling is used in the form of millet porridge. Fill it with butter and place it inside the bird. Using twine or food thread, sew up all the holes in the goose's body so that the porridge cannot spill out.

It is best to keep the goose covered in the oven, but if this is not possible, use very strong foil and wrap it around the bird. Let it roast in the oven for 3.5 hours. After this, remove the foil and let a crust form in half an hour. In general, cooking time depends on the size of the goose, so constantly check its readiness. Next you need to decorate it and serve it at the wedding.

Now the wedding goose is ready, see the photo for decoration options. This is a really great all-purpose recipe, so check it out. Bon appetit!

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A Tatar wedding is a bright phenomenon, but at the same time complex, because it requires the performance of a large number of rituals, observance of Muslim traditions and customs. A large number of national rituals makes a wedding interesting and original. The mandatory preparation and traditional butchering of a goose is observed at every Tatar wedding. Giving the newlyweds gifts and money during the ceremony with poultry is also part of the ritual. This bird is a symbol of the well-being of a young family.

How to bake a goose with prunes
Using a baking bag can speed up the cooking process. In a plastic sleeve, the goose will be better saturated with its own juice, and prunes will add a sweet and sour aftertaste.


  • goose weighing 3 kg;
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 teaspoons salt;
  • 3 teaspoons ground black pepper;
  • 300 g pitted prunes;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.


Place the prepared carcass in a large saucepan and fill with water. Add three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and marinate in the refrigerator for several hours.

After removing the goose from the marinade, pat it dry with paper towels and rub with a mixture of salt and pepper. Let stand for 10–15 minutes.

At this time, rinse the prunes. If the berries are hard, soak them in hot water for a few minutes. Then stuff the goose with them. Sew the carcass with thread and, so that it fits easily into the bag, tie the legs together.

Lubricate the inside of the sleeve with vegetable oil. Put the goose down. Tie the bag and make 2-3 punctures in it with a toothpick so that it does not burst during baking.

Bake for the first hour at 200°C. The next hour and a half - at 180 ° C.

How to cook Christmas goose with oranges

Whole baked goose is a decoration for any feast. This dish will look especially impressive on the New Year's table. For Christmas or New Year, you can bake a goose with oranges and tangerines. Also symbols of the winter holiday.


  • goose weighing 3 kg;
  • 5 large oranges;
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • ½ teaspoons salt;
  • ½ teaspoons paprika.


Prepare the marinade: mix the juice of one orange with soy sauce, honey, salt and paprika. If desired, you can also add ½ teaspoon of garlic powder. Thoroughly rub the prepared goose carcass with this mixture and keep it in the refrigerator for 5–6 hours, or better yet, overnight. Do not discard the remaining marinade.

Peel the remaining oranges and cut into large pieces. Stuff the marinated goose with them. Wrap the legs and wings in foil. Place the bird on a baking sheet with a rack, back side down. Fill the bottom of the baking sheet with water.

Place the goose in the oven, preheated to 200°C. After an hour, reduce the heat to 180 °C, turn the bird over onto the breast and brush with the remaining marinade. Bake in this position for another two hours. From time to time you can open the oven and sprinkle the goose with honey diluted in water.

Apples, millet and something else: how to decorate a goose for a wedding and decorate the dish in a non-standard way

A wedding is the most solemn, bright, memorable holiday. The feast is an obligatory part of it. Even decorating a goose for a wedding affects the atmosphere of the celebration and the mood of the guests.

At the wedding ceremony itself, guests will appreciate the outfit of the beautiful bride, the impressiveness of the groom, the originality of the wedding rings and the festive surroundings.

At a banquet, the main thing will be the decoration of the table, the variety of dishes, their taste, and the unusual design of the dishes. All guests should remain well-fed and satisfied, only then is it considered that the wedding was a success.

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