14 facts about wedding preparations you didn't know


Tent President 2016

1. To Samoa

The bride's dress is made from mulberry bark.

2. In Nigeria

your ideals of beauty. If the bride before the wedding (or at first after it) does not gain curvy figures, the groom has every right to send her back to her parents. Gain weight.

3. But in Kenya

There is a custom according to which the groom must wear women's clothing for the first month after the wedding in order to fully experience how difficult it is to be a woman, and especially in Kenya.

4. In Namibia

Instead of a veil, the bride wears a special headdress called “Ekori” and is made of goatskin, which is also rubbed with resin, fat and red ocher.

5. In the Ethiopian tribe Surma

There is a custom according to which, some time before the wedding, a girl’s lower teeth are removed, her lip is pierced and a clay disc is inserted into it. From time to time the disk is replaced with a similar one, but of a larger diameter. What does this have to do with the wedding? Moreover, the larger the diameter of the disc, the larger the bride’s dowry, because it is the disc that symbolizes the level of wealth of the bride’s family.

6. On the island of Java,

as in most countries, before registering a marriage, the couple must pay a fee to the budget. But not with money - but with rat tails! The newlyweds must hand over 25 tails to the local administration as a wedding fee.

7. The concept of the wedding night in Albania

very conditional. There is a tradition according to which a newly-made wife must resist her husband’s encroachments on family duty for three days and three nights. This is done in order to confuse evil spirits.

8. But the Nenets

They don’t bother too much with wedding dishes, and serve raw venison to the guests.

9. Everything is simple on Trombrian

, which is near New Guinea. Do you want to get married? Eat with your future spouse from the same plate in front of other members of the tribe. Have you eaten? Now you are a married man!

10.Among the aborigines of Australia

there was such a barbaric custom.

A savage who decided to get married, armed with a heavy club, went into the forest and spent days tracking down women from a neighboring tribe who were going out hunting. Finally, having chosen his future wife, he waited until she was left without witnesses, quietly sneaked up from behind and with all his might brought the club down on the head of his chosen one. The girl lost consciousness, and the happy groom dragged her into the bushes and, if he succeeded, brought her to her senses, after which, under the strictest personal supervision, he brought her to his tribe, where he publicly took possession of her as a sign of proof of his strength and valor under the approving exclamations of his fellow tribesmen.

11. And finally, if you get to a wedding feast on Fr. Bali

, then you will be pretty surprised. At the wedding table you will only see women. What about men? They are resting. After all, it was they who prepared all the dishes that women eat with such joy.


A wedding is a celebration of love, and for some people it is an occasion once again, even in some unusual way, to express their feelings to their loved one. Here are some amazing facts about weddings.

Middle Ages

were distinguished by their chastity. And how! In medieval Italy, for example, a man who dared to kiss a girl in public had to marry her anyway.

Ring finger

for the wedding ring was not chosen by chance. The fact is that in ancient times, by putting a ring on a certain finger, people asked for protection from the gods. The ringed index finger spoke of the favor of Jupiter, the thumb spoke of the ancient Roman god of war Mars, and the ring on the ring finger was worn as a sign of the patronage of Venus, the goddess of love.

Wedding traditions of different nations

amazing and interesting. In Russia, brides are ransomed, in Bremen, Germany, the groom sweeps the steps of the city hall, in Africa, newlyweds jump over a broom, but in Chechnya, the wedding traditions are the most amazing: the bride stands in the corner of the room throughout the entire wedding. Yes, yes, he stands, covering his face with a veil, and accepts congratulations from guests in the form of... a request to bring water. And the guest, having sipped water from the cup that the bride brought, must definitely throw money into the cup.

Jewish wedding

begins with the signing of the Jewish marriage contract - the ketubah. This ceremony has survived to this day since the times of the Old Testament. The ketubah stipulates all the conditions of marriage, for example, the possibility of divorce, because a woman whose ketubah states that her husband will not give her a get (divorce) will not be able to remarry.

The most expensive and luxurious wedding

took place in 1981 when Sheikh of Dubai Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum married Princess Salama. $44.5 million was spent then, which is approximately $100 million today. About 20 thousand guests were present at the wedding party, and the celebrations continued for 7 days. More than a quarter of a century has passed, and the sheikh’s record has not been broken.

The most expensive wedding dress

- the dress, created by fashion designer Hélène Janville and jeweler Alexander Reza, is estimated to cost $7,301,587. Embroidered with diamonds in a platinum setting, the dress was presented in Paris on March 23, 1989.

Among the Navajo people

, one of the largest Indian nations in the United States, the traditional bride's dress consists of four colors, each of which represents a cardinal direction: black for north, blue for
south, orange for west, white for east.
During the ceremony, the couple faces east: towards where the sun rises, which symbolizes the beginning of a new life.

The smallest engagement ring

dressed in the world by two-year-old Mary Stuart in 1544.

The longest bride's veil

Several dozen people deployed for more than three hours. The fact is that the length of this veil was 2162 m. This is exactly the gift a 28-year-old Chinese man gave his beloved and broke the previous Italian record by sewing a veil 583 m longer for his beloved.

Being a symbol of "La Dolce Vita"

, a wedding cake has ritual significance. The last piece was eaten by a bachelor from the groom’s entourage - according to tradition, he is destined to be the next to enter into a marriage. No one from the groom's entourage should get married before him.

Wedding cakes

- This is one of the attributes of marriage. An unusual wedding cake will make any wedding unusual. The largest wedding cake weighed more than 6 tons. It was a huge giant cake that even had to be cut using a lift. But they fed as many as 59 thousand people. The most expensive wedding cake was baked in 2006 and cost $20 million. The cake was strewn with diamonds, hence the huge price, and a pastry chef and a jeweler worked on its creation.

King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley

ordered a cake made from jelly creamy tears, symbolizing the tears of his fans. Priscilla Presley was very unhappy with this circumstance, but she had to come to terms with it

Prince Charles and Diana Spencer's wedding cake

entered the annals of history with its impressive size and gigantic design. It involved 50 pounds of marzipan, 49 pounds of white cream ice, 150 pounds of frozen fruit and a pint of dark brandy. It was a giant cake, its photographs were distributed to all telegraph agencies in the world. Three thousand guests tasted it at the wedding dinner.

— Bermudians

decorate the top tier of the wedding cake with a tiny sapling. After this, they plant this tree in front of their house as a sign that their marriage will last as long as the tree grows.

- The largest wedding dish in the world

is a roasted camel sometimes prepared at Bedouin weddings. Fish stuffed with boiled eggs is placed in chickens; chickens - into roast sheep; sheep - into a whole roasted camel.

— A tradition comes from Kenya

paint the bride’s hands and nails with ritual patterns in black and red; the paint lasts for a whole year, symbolizing the woman’s new status. Another wonderful tradition that exists in Kenya instructs the husband to wear women's clothing for the first month after the wedding in order to feel the full weight of the woman's lot.

a wedding in a tent from LenArt !
Timur Fedosov ,
specialist at LenArt agency . Distribution of the article is possible and even encouraged without making any changes to the original text and with the obligatory indication of a link to the original source!

Interesting traditions

In ancient times, when a bride left her parents' family, that family lost its workforce. To compensate for the loss of a worker, the groom paid a dowry (ransom) for the bride. Among some peoples, such as the Bedouins, bride price is paid in camels or other domestic animals. Among European peoples, the payment of bride price has turned into a humorous tradition, where the groom can give fake money for the bride, a large amount of change, sometimes, when the money runs out, the groom is given tasks - to sing or dance something.

In case of divorce, Egyptian legislation is on the side of women - the husband must pay such large alimony all his life that it is very difficult for him to marry a second time, because about half of the family budget will go to the maintenance of the abandoned family, and the woman will think carefully about whether she needs a husband with such financial problems.

In ancient times, only girls had the right to walk down the street without a headscarf; married women were prohibited from being outside their home with their heads uncovered.

The most expensive wedding took place in 1981 in Dubai. They spent 44 million dollars on the celebration of the marriage of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan and Princess Salama, a dollar at that time was much more expensive than in our time.


The most magical moments happen when you least expect them.

We are sure that your wedding day will definitely have special moments that you never even dreamed of. Two minutes alone with your now-legal spouse, a touching hug with your parents or an impromptu speech from your best school friends - all of them will make your holiday special.

NOTE: We will repeat again, but enjoy every moment, because these are the memories that will remind you of the wedding. And be sure to thank all your guests!

Summer is not the best season for a wedding

Yes, this is how we immediately break everyone’s favorite stereotype))) Don’t believe me? Then watch. I think you know what the price-quality combination is. Yes, in summer it’s warm (not always, by the way) and beautiful. But the prices for this beauty are prohibitively high. As for the quality of services, it inevitably drops in the summer: the workload of specialists is very high, with several weddings a week - in such time pressure it is much more difficult to find an individual approach to each couple, to give their best at your holiday. And many banquet venues begin to become “dizzed with success” - there are so many people willing that they stop strictly monitoring the service. The result is that the price-quality ratio for summer is average. But the best indicator is for the month of May, which is unloved by brides: it’s warm, it’s beautiful, the trees are blooming, prices are falling (no one wants it), the pros are free. Draw conclusions ;)

a few facts about wedding customs in Rus'

Wedding traditions in Rus' have always been distinguished by their originality. The bizarre interweaving of pagan rituals and Christian customs in Russian villages has allowed the emergence of many interesting phenomena that most modern people have never heard of.

We are accustomed to the dominant role of men in marriage and are sure that this has always been the case. The groom sent matchmakers or himself came to the bride's parents to get married, taking friends and gifts with him. In this case, after the wedding, the young wife went to her husband’s house. As the saying goes: “Your product is our merchant.”

But 100 years ago everything was much more democratic. If the groom was not rich, but the marriage had to take place, everything could happen exactly the opposite. The bride's parents sent matchmakers, and the guy, if the issue was resolved positively, went to his wife's house with a dowry. In this case, the husband was called somewhat disparagingly - “primak” and in his wife’s house he had somewhat limited rights.

In ancient times, in Rus' they took marriage seriously, and treated the bride and groom with respect. Before the adoption of Christianity, among most Slavic peoples, the mutual desire of a guy and a girl to unite themselves in marriage was the main reason for marriage. However, this circumstance did not prevent the existence of such an interesting custom as “kidnapping” the bride.

Despite the fact that from the outside this custom resembled the famous kidnapping of the bride among the peoples of the Caucasus, it was a fun and harmless prank of the groom and his friends, which was carried out only with the consent of the girl. Mention of this tradition is found in The Tale of Bygone Years. In his work, monk Nestor wrote that the bride was usually kidnapped from mid-spring to mid-summer, or rather, starting from the holiday of Lada, the goddess of love, and ending with Ivan Kupala.

Everything happened as if by chance and unexpectedly for everyone. The girl went to a secluded place, for example to a river or to a forest, where she was “attacked” by her future husband and his dashing comrades. The girl's parents knew about the kidnapping and the game of kidnapping became a reason for preparing for the wedding. By the way, the very concept of “playing a wedding” is connected precisely with this theatrical abduction.

With the advent of Christianity, kidnapping began to gradually lose its significance and completely disappeared in most of Rus'. But there is information that in some places brides continued to be stolen until the 15th century. The Church condemned this pagan tradition and strict penance was imposed on all participants in the action.

Since the baptism of Rus' in 988, pagan rituals have been replaced by Christian ones. The parents of the bride and groom began to play a large role in the arrangement of marriage, and kidnapping was replaced by conspiracy and engagement. Sometimes the parents of the bride and groom came to an agreement, completely uninterested in their opinions. The wedding was treated as a transaction in which it was the relatives who benefited.

After the agreement, the bride and groom were not allowed to see each other alone, talk about the upcoming wedding, or even report this event to anyone without the knowledge of their relatives. All issues were decided by the parents, while according to church and secular laws it was officially believed that marriage was an exclusively voluntary union.

Sometimes a marriage of convenience led to tragedy - the suicide of the bride or groom. In such cases, the church punished the parents with penance, and the secular authorities with a fine. This order was first approved by Yaroslav the Wise in his code of laws “Russian Truth”, which indicated that relatives should be held accountable if the child “does anything to himself.”

It was prohibited by Yaroslav's law to give girls away in marriage without their desire, and also, on the contrary, to interfere with her free will when choosing a groom. But despite the fines, these rules were widely violated and the church, living from donations from parishioners, was also loyal to the violators, and sometimes took their side. By the 14th century, collusion between parents had become a widespread wedding tradition in Rus'.

Young people did not always accept their relatives' decisions without complaint. It happened that young men and women ran away from their father’s house in order to decide their own destiny. In this case, the practice was to quickly marry a loved one with an unfamiliar priest and return home to confess in order to receive a retroactive blessing from the parents.

Such a marriage was called “roll-your-own” and was condemned in society. But much depended on the parents in solving the problem. They could either forgive the newlyweds and agree with their decision, or drive them away. In the first case, everyone was happy and society accepted the spouses; in the second, they had to leave their homes and start a new life in a foreign land. It also happened that the boy’s parents forgave his action, but the girl’s father and mother remained adamant. It got to the point that they abandoned their daughter, who had disgraced the family with her arbitrariness, and never thought about her again.

You will be amazed by the love and support of your family and friends

All your loved ones are present at the celebration to share the joy with you. Therefore, on this day you and your spouse will receive an incredible amount of attention. To tell the truth, you won’t even be able to really try all the dishes, since you will need to exchange greetings and be sure to take a souvenir photo with all the guests - together and separately!

NOTE: Both the grandmother who tries to pinch you on the cheek in joy, and the college friends who hug you or pat you on the shoulder - they are all trying to show how much they love you.:) So what if you're hungry - you can relax during your honeymoon!

On-site registration costs no more than walking around the city

Although this is shocking, it is not the most secret item for those who specified the price of the issue. In practice, it turns out that renting cars for a motorcade along with decorations and provisions for “walking” guests can easily exceed the cost of on-site registration! Of course, a lot will depend on the number of guests, the location of the ceremony and the decor. But the price of a decent turnkey field registration starts from 20,000 rubles. – and on average, newlyweds spend about the same amount on transport for rides. At the same time, the advantages of an outdoor ceremony are many times greater (see the previous paragraph).

There can be more than one wedding dress

Any bride accepts the engagement ring with one hand, and with the other she mentally already holds that same white dress))) But why one? One must be the man of dreams and the happiest day. But there are as many dresses as you like, even wedding ones! For example, a fashionable airy outfit for a photo shoot, a classic dress with a train for a ceremony, a short one for dancing and a banquet... True, you need to take into account the possibility of changing these dresses - in order not to spend the whole day on this, two outfits are still enough. By the way, for the evening it is not at all necessary to choose a wedding, snow-white dress - a festive outfit in the palette of your celebration is also quite suitable, because the guests have already remembered who the bride is here)))

A wedding can do without traditions

A ransom, a lock with a heart next to a hundred more of the same kind, a loaf at the entrance to a restaurant... It is the worn-out traditions that make weddings monotonous and uninteresting. Especially when there are too many of them. Therefore, giving up at least part of the traditions will definitely be a plus for your wedding. Brides are often afraid to give up some rituals, even for objective reasons (there is no one to throw the bouquet to - all the friends are married; one of the couple has no parents, but the “hearth” still needs to be lit...) So: a wedding can easily be done without traditions at all. Even such hits as the bouquet toss and the first dance. If this or that ritual does not fit into the wedding concept or you don’t like it, just forget about it! And get rid of the prejudice that this will somehow affect your future married life.

Things won't go as planned

Even with the most careful preparation, something may ultimately go wrong, and it is impossible to be prepared for all unforeseen circumstances. The DJ played the wrong playlist, the wedding bouquet wilted due to the heat, all the guests don’t have enough drinks - try not to focus on troubles, but evaluate the overall picture globally.

NOTE: Answer the questions for yourself: “Can this problem be solved?”, “Will this situation affect the further celebration?”, “Am I having fun?”, “Are the guests happy?” If you find the answers to them without any problems, don’t worry, just enjoy the holiday and don’t hesitate to delegate tasks to the wedding planner and relatives.

You don’t have to call a photographer for the whole day

It is believed that if you invite a photographer to a wedding, do so from the morning until the end. After all, the more photos, the better. But in reality this is not entirely true. You will get the best pictures during the time when the photographer works directly with you: this is morning preparations and a photo session together. Also “must have” - footage from the ceremony and photographs with guests. But the banquet is not only the longest part of the wedding, but also the most useless in terms of photographs. There’s not much to photograph there except the traditions (first dance, bouquet toss, etc.). Therefore, it is better to film and watch the banquet on video, and refuse photography. By the way, many photographers have ready-made “before the first dance” packages. If your budget is tight, consider this option.

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