How to thank for a gift and attention with words in prose and poetry? Beautiful words of gratitude for a gift for a wedding, birthday in prose and poetry. Letter of gratitude to the manager in prose

I thank fate for sending me such a wonderful person like you! What a blessing that our paths crossed in this life!


Thousands of words “Thank you!” there is not enough to express how grateful I am to you! I wish you all the best, let there be only sincere, kind and sympathetic people around!


Thank you for your conscientious attitude to work and professional performance of your duties! We really appreciate having such wonderful employees on our team!


When I understand that I am not alone in the world and there is a reliable brotherly shoulder nearby, I begin to appreciate and cherish our friendship even more! Thank you for your loyalty, dedication and sincerity!


My heart overflows with tenderness and gratitude when I think about you! You envelop me with your warmth, love and care! Thank you, my dear!


I am grateful to you for your help and support, for being there at the right time! Thank you for your attentiveness, responsiveness and kindness, such rare qualities in our time!


I am so glad that I have you, the most wonderful, kind, good and cheerful! With you I am never bored or sad! Thank you for bringing a sea of ​​positivity into my life.


Thank you for the presented science and boundless patience! You are a teacher from God and you made the right choice in choosing your specialty. Thanks to your gift of teaching, we have gained an invaluable wealth of knowledge!


My dear dad and mom! Thank you for all the efforts you put into my upbringing. You are the most kind-hearted, patient and forgiving people! I will never tire of thanking you all my life!


Thank you for everything you have done for me! This attitude is very valuable. Working with you is not just pleasant, but reliable and profitable!

Words of gratitude

Thank you all for your congratulations, for the sea of ​​wonderful poems! On my birthday, I heard so many pleasant, kind, warm words from you.


In response to all of you, I wish the same thing that you wished for me today, only twice as much, and perhaps not even twice as much, but three times at once!


We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what you have done for us. And we really want to wish you good health and happiness.


Thank you for putting aside your worries and coming to wish me a happy birthday. There is no better holiday job than accepting everyone's congratulations.


Thank you for driving away traces of fatigue and bad weather from your soul. You surrounded me with so much attention that my heart was full of happiness!


I want your wishes to return to you all in full, so that you do not know suffering and never know troubles.


Your work is always excellent, it is worthy of a decent salary, the best words of gratitude, good bonuses and vacations.


Thank you for your important, hard work, Always be full of strength and desire, Always appreciate your work, Love, inspiration, prosperity, goodness!


Thanks to the teacher Let's say now that you are valued and loved by our Perky class.


For affection, care, words from the heart. We wouldn't be this good without you.


Sorry for not learning the lesson. You are our favorite teacher.


I want to say thank you, you helped me a lot. After all, when your strength dried up, you were the Light in the distance.


The path of good will return with good, May happiness come to you, May everything in life succeed, Gratitude to you today.


Thank you for your help, great support. Believe me, I appreciate this honest impulse.


Without you it was difficult to solve my problem. But with your help the dilemma disappeared.


I want to say thank you for generously giving me love along with congratulations on my birthday.


I wish you happiness in return and positivity in life, so that your dreams come true and everyone is happy.


For the knowledge that you gave us, for your rare patience, we sincerely thank you, we wish you good luck in everything!


Dear teachers, you have invested a lot in us, “Thank you!” - we tell you, we managed to give away our warmth.


Thank you, I want to say that you didn’t forget on this day. And your wishes were sent by a cute dove.


All wishes are sweet, and you are very dear to my heart. In return, I wish you peace, May your apartment be warm.


We would like to tell you today how lucky we are in our work. Everyone needs such a colleague. It's a shame you're leaving completely!


Please accept our gratitude, don’t forget our team. We wish you goodness and happiness, Not a day in sadness and bad weather!


Thank you for your warmth and kindness, for raising our children, for giving them love, for giving them your knowledge!


We wish you health and goodness, May you live in abundance and love. May you always smile joyfully, May you never be sad at all!


No one can bring back the old years, Getting older every year, but at least I can listen to kind words, From which my head is spinning again.


I am incredibly grateful to all your words, I want to thank you for them. Thank you for your congratulations, and I love you very, very much.


Thank you for your congratulations, in return I wish you from the bottom of my heart success, joy, luck and a lot of beauty in life.


I was so pleased to hear the warm flow of heartfelt words. They will make you soar higher, And a whole bag of all the best to you!


Your congratulations are wonderful, I especially appreciate them, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sincerity and attention!


A lot of kind words were said today. Wishes of good luck, happiness and health. And I wish in return that everything is the same, May everything be great in your life too.


Today I want to say “thank you” for your great work. In your work you are always magical and beautiful.


Let inspiration always give you a wonderful activity. I wish you health, goodness, warmth, May the sun shine clear.


You gave a piece of your soul, congratulating me on my birthday, I will tell you thank you today for this, I wish you well and good luck too!


I express my gratitude to you, It’s wonderful to have such a person nearby, I will never forget your words, I will keep them under my heart for a whole century.


I want to say a lot of warm words for your kindness and help in difficult times. There aren’t many people like you left, so it was all the more joyful to meet you.


So let the sun shine through the window, May your everyday life be good. Draw up happiness in life with a spoonful - Accept gratitude from the bottom of your heart!


So touching, incredible, your words were kind, on my birthday it was nice I felt appreciated.


Thank you, teacher, for all your efforts, you have always developed us, you have given us knowledge, it is so difficult to meet such a teacher along the way, we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts, you are a teacher from God!


I am so pleased to hear your congratulations on your birthday, I thank you for them, I say this openly.


I believe that everything you wish, You simply inspire me, Everything will come true at one time, After all, wishes are with the soul.


Once again I say “thank you”, I wish you peace in return, May everything you want come true, All your secret dreams.


I won’t get tired of thanking you, you are family and home for me. Thank you for your support and advice, Let's also forget about the bad.


I have never dreamed of a better team. You have become close, family - I will never forget you.


We are like a close-knit team, We are like athletes, players; Our spirit is not broken, not defeated. Thank you, my friends!

Who should give thanks?

Who to entrust with such a responsible and important mission as saying gratitude directly depends on where the event takes place. If we are talking about school relay races, then it would be best if the director of the educational institution says “thank you” in poetry or prose. Pronunciation of gratitude for company employees should be entrusted to the director or head of department.

sample thank you note for participating in the event

Words of gratitude for the holiday

I want to tell you “Thank you!” For your congratulations! It gave me more strength, And gave me goodness!


And it called good luck into my house, and it became brighter for me! I wish you a lot of happiness and the best news!


Thank you, dear guests, for all of you gathered today. When I look into the eyes of my family, All sorrows suddenly evaporate.


Thank you for your words And in these bright moments a tear rolls down my cheek, This is not from grief, but from happiness!


Thank you for your congratulations Colleagues, ladies, gentlemen! Let our goals, aspirations, dreams always come true!


Coming from work to your beloved home, Let everyone say: “What to hide, Happiness has not flown by.” (We managed to catch up with him).


I want to wish you a life in the world without melancholy, a great mountain of joy, bags full of money, all wishes on order, whoever orders anything - so that everything comes true at once, whatever you haven’t yet wished for!


I am so pleased that you have now decided to congratulate me! I wanted to add something, but your list was complete.


Thank you for your attention, for the wonderful flow of warm words, may everything be healthy and cool in your future and present!

The Magic of Gratitude

A man is grateful only when he feels grateful to himself.

Imagine you came home after work and by the time your husband arrived you had already prepared a meal. You have dinner together and at the end, you hear words of gratitude for dinner. He says this especially, so that you are pleased to hear it. Being a little inspired, you will want to do something for him again. It is so?

It is also important for our men to say “Thank you.” They are pleased to hear this too. Think, perhaps he will look at you differently if you whisper words of gratitude in his ear and at the same time hug him with admiring eyes. This will please not only you, but also your man.

Only with affection, care and respect can you win your husband’s favor

Why gratitude

Gratitude is linked to mental health more strongly than any other personality trait. Gratitude develops our spiritual world, teaches us to love ourselves, increases our self-esteem, improves sleep and gives us energy.

Gratitude is very good for your health.

Gratitude makes us 25% happier!

Scientist Robert Emmons says:

“Without gratitude, life can be lonely, depressing, exhausting. Gratitude enriches a person's life. She elevates him, inspires him, energizes him and transforms him. Expressing gratitude makes a person more active, open and humble.”

It has been scientifically proven that gratitude

  • Gives energy
  • Develops emotional intelligence
  • Teaches you to forgive
  • Reduces depression levels
  • Reduces anxiety levels
  • Increases the feeling of unity with society
  • Improves sleep
  • relieves headaches


“Gratitude is not only the highest virtue, but also the mother of all virtues.”

Congratulations from parents to teachers on kindergarten graduation

Working with children is an important calling! Not everyone can overcome this, but proper upbringing in childhood will help you overcome everything in life!


Thank you, dear educators, for loving your children as if they were your own! They are your indicators of work. We are very happy sincerely for them!


We wish you health and patience, so that your mood is only “five”! And from the work there is only inspiration, We are sure that you can do it again!


We sincerely thank you, Our teachers and nannies And in front of the children we say to you: You are worthy of the highest titles!


You always showed kindness, sensitivity and patience towards children! You created for them a mood of joy and happiness from work!


That’s why the kids loved to draw, read poetry, sculpt so much, and then on holidays they gave us everything they could teach them!


We wish you not to be upset and keep your love for the profession, After all, we will meet in life, thank you again for your work!


Carefree childhood is over, We are getting the kids ready for school! It’s hard for all of us to part with those we love and respect!


We are talking about you today, our dear educators! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your work, We are no longer strangers to each other!


You helped us endlessly and today everyone is happy to say: Together we raised children and we have an excellent result!


Please accept our respect, great love from children! Joy to you, happiness, inspiration and success in life again and again!


Words of gratitude in prose

I am very grateful for the sincerity in feelings, sensuality during meetings, the brightness of evenings, the fervor of kisses, kindness in relationships, warmth in a smile, joy in a look, understanding in family life.

Thank you for the considerable trust placed in me, despite the forecasts and ill will from the outside. Thank you for the opportunity to try my strength and turn my idea and plan into reality.

Thank you for your responsive attitude towards me, for your simple, friendly support and non-user interest, for your sincere sympathy and attempts to help, for your kindness and truthfulness in your statements.

Thank you so much for fulfilling my most cherished, desired, sincere and seemingly impossible wish. You made me very happy at this moment. Thank you for a fabulous day.

Thank you for the leniency shown to me at the beginning of my career, for some minor indulgences, for the automatic mistakes I made, for believing in my project and for the opportunity for self-realization.

I thank my friends for being there, for the happy moments, for their dedication, ability to listen and understand, for the smiles and joy, for the warmth and courage.

I thank my friends for their golden hearts, for their ability to feel another person, for their help in difficult times and the ability to enjoy the success of other people! May you be rewarded a hundredfold!!! I love you, God bless you.

I thank all my distant, old and new friends for their support! You make me live and enjoy life, you give me hope for a quick recovery! It's great that I have you! I love you all! Thank you!!! Take care of yourself!!!

Thank you very much for giving me a great mood! Good luck to you. All earthly blessings!!!

They say: “If a student surpasses his teacher, it means that the teacher was good.” I hope that the children will not make them feel ashamed and blush. That they will achieve a lot in this life, and will be able to live it in such a way that you can say: we were their teachers in kindergarten! Thank you for everything you have done for us, our children. We will never forget this, and we will always remember you.


In conclusion, I can say that it is impossible to express in words all the gratitude for the wonderful trip that we made to your city. We will always cherish these memories.


I have just returned from a pleasant trip and I would like to immediately thank you for giving me such a wonderful vacation.


I will always remember the interesting places we visited and the warm welcome that your family and all your friends gave me.


Let me once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful vacation.


PS I seem to have lost John's address. Please remind me of it.


I don’t know how to thank you for the kindness and hospitality shown to me in your home during my visit. It was truly a wonderful time.


On our way back we spent the weekend in London and had a good rest. The conference that followed in Paris was very interesting.


We came home with wonderful memories that we will cherish forever, and with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the people we met in England.


I am looking for books that I hope you will like and will send them soon.


We spent a weekend in London on our way back, and it was a pleasant rest. Following this, the conference in Paris was quite interesting.


Thank you again for your warm welcome. I hope that we too will be able to host you someday. We truly owe you a big debt.


Once again, thank you to your entire family, including your children, for your constant kindness.


The pictures we took turned out to be good. As soon as we sort them out we'll send you the best.


Thank you very much for the wonderful weekend that we were lucky enough to spend in your company.


A pleasant trip to Lexington, a day spent in your garden, and your hospitality will forever remain in our memories.


I really want to thank you for everything you have done for me.


I think that my time in England was not without benefit. I will try to share my experience with those who have not had the opportunity to travel for a long time.


Your party and the whole weekend in general, as always, were a great success. I was glad to meet the Andersons. They, as you promised, turned out to be very interesting people.


With this letter I want to thank you once again for the memorable evening that we were lucky enough to spend in your home. We received great pleasure from him.


I, too, have not forgotten the carefree time we spent together, and I sincerely hope that we will meet again.


Thank you for your kindness. I greatly enjoyed the evening spent with you; it will remain one of the most pleasant memories of my stay in your country.


I hope to see you again, but if I don’t, know how much your kindness means to me.


I want to thank you for everything you have done and hope that I can count on your friendship in the future.


Thank you for your kindness. I enjoyed the evening with you, and it will remain as one of the most pleasant recollections of my stay in your country.

How to properly present gratitude for participation in an event

It is imperative to say thank you to those who, without sparing themselves and with full passion, were active at this important event. Depending on what kind of competition took place, the following ideas can be taken into account:

  • Reading gratitude to the sounds of rhythmic and cheerful music.
  • You can also say “thank you” together with all the organizers.
  • The presentation of gifts accompanied by words of gratitude for participation in the event is especially bright and memorable.

Each organizer, based on the audience that participated in the event, will be able to select the most emotional and striking idea. The example of gratitude for participation in the event falls entirely on the shoulders of those who became the instigators of the public event.

Words of gratitude from the bride and groom at the wedding

We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time, Today is the main day and hour. It’s so great that in this room are those who are so dear to us.


We are eternally grateful to all our dear guests, that you, with a radiant smile, said so many toasts to us.


But there is still a big thing that we want to do - Let's ask for silence now, Parents! Words for you!


It will be very, very difficult for us to fit both gratitude and love into short lines, We are afraid that there will not be enough words.


You are very close, dear, You are just as young, As on the same day and at the same hour, When I was born to you.


I will say the main thing now: I value you very much, I will take all the best that we have into my family now.


Let's not shed tears today, I will come to visit, So that boredom does not settle in the house, I will give you a granddaughter and a grandson!


How to believe and how to inspire a man?

Gratitude is the hidden power of feminine nature; it can work miracles.

A woman’s gratitude for a man is wings that carry him higher and higher, carrying his beloved, his Muse, into the sky-high distances.

We women can easily inspire our men! And gratitude is one of the forms of his inspiration. He will strive to do even more for the woman who knows how to thank. For every action, purchase or gift. For what he is. Because he is with you.

Moreover, a man needs to be thanked 10 times more than he really deserves. And then the moment will come when, in response to your gratitude, he will do 100 times more.

How can a woman express gratitude to a man?

  • warm words (“Thank you!” or “Thank you, my love”)
  • compliments and words of admiration (“You are my best”)
  • praise to his mother, kind words addressed to her about his good son, as well as to other people (it is desirable that he hears everything out of the corner of his ear :))
  • good mood and well-kept home
  • incredibly delicious gourmet dinner
  • relaxing massage (full body, feet, etc.)
  • semi-erotic dance
  • sophisticated intimate caresses
  • by letter (SMS, postcard, drawing, craft, etc.)

As you can see, there are many ways, perhaps you have your own proprietary secret, share it in the comments. Now we will try to express gratitude to a man through a letter.

"Hello beloved! I am very grateful to you that we are together. Thank you for taking care of our family. Thank you for the attention you pay to us. Thank you for bringing money into the house and always asking what needs to be bought. Thank you for paying the bills and supporting our family, and also pampering us with something delicious and incredibly expensive. Thank you for your help around the house, for regularly taking out the trash, for every nail you hammer in and the light bulb you screw in on time. Thank you for your protection that we feel together with the children. We know that you will save us from any trouble, and we believe that you are the strongest. I am grateful to you for your wealth, kind words, gifts and the time you spend with us. Thank you for your reminders and willingness to help in any matter. Thank you for the responsibility you have taken on! Thank you for arranging our home and life. Thank you for the love we feel! Health to you, my love, we are very happy next to such a man and dad like you.”

How to thank a man for a gift?

It is important to do this sincerely . Don't be afraid to seem too sentimental, give free rein to your feelings. Smile, cry with happiness, be surprised. Show all the pleasant emotions you feel. Don't forget to say general but warm words of surprise, joy and perhaps admiration.

How to thank a man for money?

There are many situations when a man (even a stranger) can help financially - they are all different, each has its own story...

If your beloved man offers you money, thank him not only with words, but also with actions. A man will appreciate it if you spend the money (partially or completely) on traveling together or self-development.

Invest in invented business ideas or an existing business. So, you will give the man a reason to be glad that he also took part in your successes.

Do not be silent. Show how important his help is. Even the phrase: “You make me better” can warm the heart of your companion.


And in return I give the warmth of my ingenuous Soul. Let it grieve you - So accept it quickly!


Ritulya, thank you, my dear! The holiday they gave me was amazing. Thank you for having me! I hug you with love and run off to work. I kiss you!


Tanya, thank you, dear! And to everyone, everyone who gave me such a happy day. holiday! I am immensely grateful to you! Thank you. I hug you with warmth and tenderness, Rose


We cannot give you expensive gifts on your birthday, but on these spring nights we can talk about love: TO YOU - TO YOU - TO YOU. (7!)




Why is it important to feel gratitude towards a man?

Because a man is support and support. A man does the most difficult job in the world - he has to earn money and support his family, pay bills, protect his home from adversity, and increase his income.

And no matter how indignant women may be who have taken on someone else’s role as breadwinner or leveled their rights by depriving their husband of the opportunity to express himself, it is important to understand:

Only female sincerity deserves all the benefits that a man gives us.

But what happens?

A man who tries his best for his family, instead of thanking him, hears more and more demands and reproaches, claims and unrealistic expectations in response.

And husbands leave those who don’t know how to be grateful...

Why don't we women believe in our men?

Gratitude for birthday greetings in prose

Thank you so much for such an inspiring congratulation. I want to be just such a person and try to fit in. I promise that all your wishes will come true and will definitely return to you.

I want to say thank you very much for your pleasant and kind congratulations on my birthday. your wishes cheered me up and gave me bright hope, your words gave me an excellent mood and a high goal. May everything in your life be wonderful and beautiful, may your every day pass with interest and passion.

Your birthday greetings are the most pleasant surprise for me on this holiday! Thank you for your attention, for the fact that I matter in your life, for the warm words with which you showered me on my birthday. I kiss and hug you tightly, your congratulations are like the sun to me!

Congratulations on Words of gratitude to colleagues at work in prose

I want to say a big and sincere “thank you” to my dear and wonderful colleagues. Dear ones, you have always been my support and support, you have become true friends and faithful comrades for me. Thank you for your teamwork, hard work and revenue at the right time, thank you for the warm and friendly atmosphere in the team, for the excellent mood and optimistic attitude. I wish you all further success, great victories and great plans.

My dear colleagues, I want to thank you for your dedication, effort, perseverance and desire for success. Thanks for your hard work. I wish that each of you is happy and loved, that your work brings joy, that every day of your life is successful and memorable.

Thank you very much, my wonderful colleagues. Thank you for the fun and fruitful cooperation, for the wonderful and productive work, for the common interest and mutual assistance. I wish you great success and good luck, rapid personal growth in your activities and a stable income in life.

My dear and respected colleagues, thank you very much for your wonderful company and brave work, for your good advice and faithful support. I wish you great success and good luck, great achievements and high prosperity, friendship in the team and brilliant prospects.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely express my gratitude to you for your joint work, hard work, kind support and sincere understanding, I work with you “with a bang”, and every working day gives warm emotions and joy. I wish you all brave ideas and such wealth that there is enough for all the luxuries and needs of a happy life.

My dear colleagues, today I want to say “thank you” for the pleasant company and cheerful working atmosphere, for your trust and help, for your support and optimism. May everything continue to go well for everyone, may each of you certainly achieve great heights in life and in work.

My dear colleagues, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart and say “many thanks” for your support and optimistic morale, for friendship and help, for wise advice and cheerful mood, for excellent work and a wonderful vacation. Always be on top, happy and loved.

I am so happy that you are my colleagues! I am grateful to each of you: some for the smiles with which you greet me in the morning, some for the comments that help me improve, for the help and support you give me in difficult times, for being by my side I feel like we are a team, one whole, almost a family. Thank you.

My dear colleagues, I sincerely thank you for your kind cooperation, excellent mood, high aspiration, sincere support, necessary assistance and successful joint activities. I wish you brave ideas, great enthusiasm and happiness as an integral component of life.

I want to say a huge thank you to my dear colleagues. Thank you for your brave joint work and for the excellent mood in the team, for your unquenchable enthusiasm and good success. I wish you all bright happiness in life and undoubted success in your work.

Thank you for the congratulations in short verses

They say that thank you is a magic word, that it brings happiness and goodness. I tell it to you again and again: Thank you a million times for everything.

Let the words of gratitude ring and be of great importance. We express the joys of our souls, Sayings help us in this. We give blessings, bringing pleasure, bringing happiness to others. So let us thank you for all the good things today! Author: Mosunova Alexandra

Thank you, my love, For the magical and wonderful world, For the fact that you are always happy and it’s interesting to live with you. I walk through life confidently, Although I know that the path is dangerous. Experiences are all temporary, Love is sublimely beautiful.

Thank you for the congratulations, I was moved to tears. I want everything you wish to happen in an instant, everything to come true. I wish you well in return, May everything you dream about be possible. I wish you guys health and happiness from the bottom of my heart too.

I was congratulated and praised from the bottom of my heart. Thank you all, dears, you are simply mega good. I am grateful for sincerity, for awe, affection, kindness. And I believe that words will change all your “pluses” my destiny.

For the kindness and congratulations, That flew from the heart, I want to say “thank you”, Your odes are good. And everything that you wished for, I will send you in return. I rejoice at your warm and sincere words.

Thank you for your congratulations, It was nice to receive, I hasten, without any doubt, I thank you!

Thank you for congratulating me, I am very, sincerely pleased! And I wish the same for you - May your worries go away forever!

I say thank you, please accept my gratitude! I love messages from you, send them to me more often!

Thank you for not forgetting about my holiday! And I wish with all my heart that you live brightly!

I celebrated my birthday - Thank you for the congratulations! I wish you don't get bored! And let your luck never leave you!

You wished me a happy birthday - And I want to say thank you, so that everything you dreamed about comes true, I also want to wish you that!

Thank you for the congratulations - you didn’t forget my birthday, you wished me everything! I wish that troubles would not be known!

Thank you for your congratulations, I was very pleased! You wished me luck - And may you be doubly lucky!

Thank you for your congratulations. I want to say it from the bottom of my heart! All this is very, very nice - Everything you wanted!

Beautiful words of gratitude: SMS. How to thank with a short SMS?

You can also thank someone you know or are close to you using SMS. Such messages, as a rule, evoke a lot of pleasant emotions, warm feelings and are read many more times. A thank you SMS must be sincere, beautiful and sensitive. You need to write SMS in simple, but at the same time strong words that have great meaning.

words of gratitude in SMS, how to thank a person via SMS?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart I will repeat it hundreds of times, 101 times my gratitude, I will give you mine! My “thank you” has no end, I am grateful to you very much from the bottom of my heart. Your help to me is so priceless. In your business, you are brave and good!

Thank you very much from me, I sincerely thank you! I will not hide my admiration, I appreciate your work and care!

Thank you for the attention that you gave me. I wish you prosperity, doubly good luck in your business!

You deserve my gratitude, Thank you - I couldn’t exist without you!
You have given me so much strength that I simply cannot hide my joy! Thank you for your kind words, Thank you for your energy.
I am truly so grateful to you! Thank you so much and honestly! Thank you for your sensitive attention. I thank you from my heart and soul. You gave me love and understanding, which I will treasure forever.

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