Questions to help you choose the perfect toastmaster

First of all, it should be noted that it is impossible to understand one hundred percent what kind of presenter he is until you attend at least one of his full-fledged 6-hour events. But, of course, you can get a rough impression... 1. The Almighty Internet

Everything is clear and simple. We look through advertising pages on specialized portals, study photographs, videos, and the website. By the way, if there is no website, then you should think about how the presenter views his profession. If this is his life’s work and a leading professional, then he is guaranteed to have a personal website, even if it’s just a business card page. Now the site is relevant for any market segment, for a client of any level. Don't forget about the forums, sometimes there is useful information. We look at the presenter’s pages on popular social networks. networks, we study.

2. Word of mouth

Of course, the reviews of your loved ones and friends, people whose opinions you trust, must be carefully listened to and taken into account.

3. Industry Opinion

When preparing for an event, you turn to a large number of professionals. From the site to transfer services. You can make inquiries. Site administrators saw almost everyone, photographers took pictures of almost everyone, and so on. Even if the contractor you have already chosen has not seen this or that presenter, he has definitely heard about him, and the industry has an opinion about the presenter, the so-called image.

4. Related areas

Often the presenter is quite active in related areas of activity. Work on radio, television, as a resident in a nightclub, and so on... You can listen or watch the broadcast and at least understand what kind of voice the presenter has and what intonations he uses... Come to a nightclub and see what is happening there, etc.

5. Victories, awards

Nowadays there are a huge number of various professional awards; one can evaluate whether the presenter has personal awards or whether projects with his participation have been awarded.

6. Meeting

You can, theoretically, skip the previous points, because the key point of choice is a personal meeting! On it you will be able to understand to what extent your vision, your understanding, your world, in other words, you correlate with the leader. How suitable are you for each other? After all, the presenter, even for a short period of time, becomes a member of your family. As a rule, after passing the first 5 points, they stop at 2-3 leaders and organize personal meetings.

And now you have forgotten all the previous text!!!

When preparing for your event, the first and most important thing you should do is contact a competent ORGANIZER! And you need to write articles about choosing an organizer, this is the only and necessary skill that will allow you to create the wedding you want!


It is important to always ask yourself the question “WHY?” Why do I need a wedding, why do I need a host at it, what goals and objectives will he have. Then it will be much easier to make a choice.

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