Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 1 year - chintz wedding

What to give for a chintz wedding

One year from the date of marriage of the newlyweds is traditionally called a calico wedding. However, there is another name - gauze wedding. It is believed that the bonds between spouses in the first year after the legalization of the relationship are rather weak, like a thin fabric; they have just begun to get to know each other and there are still a lot of trials ahead. That is why chintz became a symbol of the first wedding anniversary.

According to other sources, this celebration is associated with chintz, because most often it is in the first year after marriage that newlyweds have children. The best gift in this case was considered to be clothes for the baby or baby diapers.

Gifts for the first wedding anniversary

What is the best gift to give for this small family celebration? Since this date is considered the chintz anniversary, fabric items are best suited. Here are the most popular gifts for newlyweds on their first wedding anniversary:

• Tablecloth;

• Bed linen or set of towels;

• Decorative pillows of various shapes and colors;

• Plaid;

• Matching clothes.

How to celebrate one year anniversary of marriage

First of all, such a date is a holiday for two. Therefore, it is best for newlyweds to spend this day together: enjoy shared memories and spend time with each other.

Some people prefer to celebrate this holiday with close friends. In this case, you can throw a themed party at home or order a banquet at a restaurant.

Since ancient times, the wife sewed clothes for herself and her husband in honor of the holiday, the two of them dressed up, decorated the house and welcomed guests. There must be a new embroidered tablecloth on the table, and new curtains on the windows.

You also need to pay attention to guests on this day. If a woman entered the house first, you can expect a quick addition to the family. If a man, monetary profit is expected.

You should not invite strangers into your home. There is a sign that if an unfamiliar woman comes into the house, there is a high probability that the spouse will begin to cheat. If a man, the spouse will have a tendency to cheat.

Customs and traditions

In addition, a chintz wedding is popularly called a knot wedding. Traditionally, newlyweds give each other scarves made of chintz or other thin fabric. Then they tie strong knots on them and pronounce the words of the oath. These scarves are the same amulet as wooden spoons tied with ribbon and are kept in a secluded place.

Also, according to legend, on the day of the first anniversary, all linen and clothes in the house should be ironed. Otherwise, it is believed that the newlyweds will have problems in their relationship.

If the newlyweds spent this day in harmony and without quarrels, then life will go smoothly and the relationship will be reliable. If the whole day has been spent in quarrels and scandals, then the newlyweds’ relationship is not yet so strong, and they need to work hard and hard to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the family.

Original poems about wedding 1 year

Each holiday is unique, has its own traditions and customs. The Calico Jubilee is no exception. In addition to parting words and presenting gifts, you can congratulate the newlyweds beautifully in poetic form. Compose a poem for your 1 year wedding anniversary yourself - such a gesture will certainly please the newlyweds and will remain in memory for a long time.


There are other ways to greet lovers in an original way:

  1. Find a suitable quatrain on the Internet. This won’t take much time, but you need to be careful in case someone else has prepared the same congratulations. Therefore, it is better to prepare several poems so that you do not have to compose a poem on the go at the last moment.
  2. If you have time, compose a poem yourself or order it. Add lines about the character traits of the young people, transform a funny incident from their life into poetic form.
  3. Rework the song or fit the verse to the music. You can decorate the song with your own words.

Such methods are suitable for creative individuals. In order for the greeting to be original, it is better to create it on your own; no one will repeat this. In addition, using this method, you can create strings that characterize only this unique pair.

Happy wedding anniversary 1 year to friends

The people congratulate you: You will live a whole year in marriage. And, as custom tells everyone, We give you a cheerful sitchik!

Let the children appear - Both girls and boys, And then our chintz scroll will come in handy for diapers!

We give an apron for the husband, We give an apron for the wife. After all, in the kitchen together, you should cook together!

We will come to you often for dumplings and pilaf. Cooking is for happiness There are no stronger foundations in the world.

The whole year was honey for you, Everything around seemed new. And this year you discovered the secret code of love!

If there were even disputes, you have now forgotten about them, Since you invited friends to your first anniversary.

What do your friends wish for you? Let the family be strong! Every year is like the first year - Let it bring only honey!

The celebration of last year's wedding is so vibrant and fresh in my memory. The young husband carried his wife into the house in his arms with a smile on his lips.

There was so much joy in the eyes! How much happiness there is in loving hearts! There were so many congratulatory speeches and parting words from the guests!

The past year has been a long one for you. A series of events, a round dance of joys, discoveries and hardships. But love in the family is a secret code,

Fortunately, opening the way. You need to go through all the roads in order to find your oneness, to carry it through a great life.

Calico celebrating an anniversary, Like fabric, the simpler, the dearer, Be for each other for a long time. The start is good, the honey year is over...

A whole year has passed since the wedding - Once again there was a holiday, jokes, laughter. We are sure: happiness awaits you, good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union, As a gift - a cotton handkerchief, And in a year or two We are waiting for a son and a daughter.

Well, tell me, how can you not get drunk? The color of chintz is at your wedding? Well, tell me, how can I not get enough, so that the chintz doesn’t tear? And don’t wear out, and don’t get dirty, And don’t shed, don’t rub, But be the way we love - Beautiful, light and not rude! Don’t drink me and don’t ask me: Today I’ll drink for calico!

Congratulations on the 1st wedding anniversary in verse

**** On the day of your Calico wedding, We wave our hands to you in gratitude. We wish you health and warmth, More comfort in life and goodness. Always be faithful and happy, kind, gentle and beautiful. Give each other love and happiness, May luck follow you with all its power.

**** And now your first year has passed. It may have been difficult for you. A year full of happiness and worries, it will be very difficult for you to forget. Keep the flame of the hearth, Treasure each other as well. And your feelings, as now, you will carry through time.

**** We congratulate you on the Calico Wedding, we wish you happiness, goodness and harmony. We want you to live together for half a century, always be happy and love each other. May the sky fill with colors for you, May fate spoil you with good fairy tales. May joy never leave your home, and may luck treat you with gifts.

**** It may be a small anniversary, but it’s still an anniversary, you two have overcome a whole year together! We became wiser, looked forward more boldly, We learned about difficulties and family snowstorms. So let the chintz protect you From omissions, quarrels and troubles, Love has always given a new chance, And a new member of the household has appeared!

**** Congratulations on your first anniversary, Be a happy couple, Love more every day! And kiss even sweeter, Let tenderness in feelings not melt, And let storks visit your warm home more often!

**** Well, happy first wedding anniversary to you! Love for feet has been laying chintz for a year now. Alas, this is not velvet, not satin - Walk carefully, don’t tear it. And try not to crush with quarrels, And never smear with betrayal Those feelings that encourage you to shine Now with such a blissful smile. May your marriage be long and colorful, permeated with the warmth of love and affection, to meet the golden anniversary In a carriage so that you arrive from a fairy tale!

**** Congratulations on your Calico wedding, May your family be happy every day and hour. Let there be harmony in your family, and let each of you love sincerely. Let the years not separate you, And let the birds flutter overhead. May fate protect you from evil. But the love in the heart does not cool down.

**** You are in a series of running days. Know how to stop a moment, Return to the days of your spring - And repeat everything all over again. And so that your union preserves love and fidelity forever, never forget the day that united you!

**** We congratulate you on your Calico Wedding, we wish you love and more faith. Happiness to you, good luck and harmony, Less quarrels and cacophony in your family. I wish you joy, prosperity, success. Loud and radiant laughter. We wish you goodness and warmth, so that your life is full of light.

**** The chintz is blooming with cornflower blue, You are family, for the whole year. Love each other in the same way, Husband - wife, wife - spouse. Please accept congratulations on your wedding day, and a wreath, with wishes of love to you! Be God, you are protected!

**** A year has passed, there is no doubt, your life is a complete dessert! Happy anniversary, we wish you happiness and joy! Let love reign in the family, Let the blood boil from it. Let quarrels not bother you, let them shelter you from adversity! More luck in life, strength, luck and patience. I wish you success in your endeavors, kindness and respect.

**** Calico wedding, Delicate scent of roses, How beautiful you are, Seriously happy. A year of family life flew by like an arrow, like a blow of wind, like a warm dawn. Keep tenderness and love in your heart, so that your eyes shine until the golden years!

**** What if he doesn’t remember, what if he forgot?” “The question froze in the wife’s eyes. “Will she like the surprise? Will I be able to fulfill the whim? - That’s how my husband wondered, because the anniversary day has come. And a couple of friends Come as guests, Give you rags as a gift, And someone even gave you slippers. They want to be together forever and sing like a nightingale. “Only just 1 year,” - Perhaps someone will understand that. Or maybe: “Wow, a whole year!” - No one, apparently, will understand what is in the thoughts of each of you. But the only important thing is that you are now and a year later still close, caressing each other with your gaze. So let her hand be in his hand even after a year!

**** A year has passed since your wedding, There is still no more beautiful couple, Your home is warm and cozy, The wind is blowing in your favor! May all your wishes come true and increase your understanding! I now congratulate you on your chintz wedding!

**** Happy anniversary to both of you, Spouses, I congratulate you! On the family’s birthday, I wish from the bottom of my heart: May you always be happy, bestowing tenderness and love. Peace, keep peace in the family, avoiding troubles! May prosperity and fun be in your home forever. I wish you good luck, May life flow carelessly!

**** Calico wedding today, I tenderly congratulate you. You have been together for a whole year already, you are a wonderful family. I wish you deep feelings, understanding, warmth, the atmosphere in the house may be comfort and kindness.

**** Calico wedding - first anniversary. A year has flown by, and I congratulate you! You have become more experienced, mature and wiser, Now I wish you to live to see the golden age. Smile at each other more often, like children. Don't forget to say nice words. After all, there is nothing more important in the world than Love, which is the basis of all foundations.

**** The Young Union is one year old today. So that you don't have troubles, So that you don't piss each other off, And so that the money flows into your hands. They wanted each other - Intimacy, in general, cool for you. There are about five heirs. Always walk by the hand. So that everything in fate would be cool, And life would be like a dream!

**** Happy first anniversary! May happiness await you in life, May your chintz wedding be a golden start. I wish you to live together without adversity from year to year, so that when you quarrel, you instantly make peace, All grievances are forgotten. Let love not fade away, only grow stronger and bloom, and in all the years to come become the strongest family.

**** I congratulate you on your family holiday, After all, it’s your first anniversary! On your calico wedding day, I wish that your love fire does not go out! Let your feelings flare up brighter, Let your hearts warm with love... Let your happiness only be stronger, And let your joy never end!

Congratulations to your wife on her 1 year wedding anniversary

It's been a whole year since we've been a family, But my heart skips a beat: My dear wife Still a mystery to me.

How good it is for me to be together with her, I can be strong, brave with her, We will always understand each other, After all, we are one - soul and body.

And I propose a toast to the one who illuminated my path with a Star that is brighter than other stars! May you shine all your life!

Today is our one-year anniversary, You have become my dear wife, And our feelings have not cooled down, You have given us a lot of happiness!

Let us keep our love, trust each other, be close to each other, support and help, so that we can become even happier!

It seems like only a year has passed since the day we got married, but it feels like a century with you - so we became closely related.

I swear to be with you forever, I will be devoted and faithful. And we’ll live to see the golden wedding, I’m sure!

We celebrate our holiday, Darling, with you A year ago she said “yes”, She became my wife.

Congratulations, soul mate, I wish us happiness, I confess that I am falling even more into your captivity.

Congratulations on your chintz wedding

A year has passed since the wonderful date, and you guys are so happy. May your life be smooth, and let it be sweet together! Congratulations on your chintz wedding and we wish you only good luck! Keep the thrill of relationships and bright, rosy moments.

You lived together for the first year, helping each other in everything. We sincerely congratulate you on your calico wedding today! Let there be happiness in your home, the warmth of love and prosperity, We wish you to continue to surround each other with reverent attention. Keep your family hearth, Do not be upset in vain, Live in joy and peace, After all, your couple is so beautiful!

Happy one year anniversary to your young, loving and beautiful family! We wish you happiness, so that harmony always reigns in your relationship, so that your love can pass all life's tests and strengthen your marriage. Let joy always sparkle in your eyes, let a good fire always burn in the family hearth, and let your family budget allow you to fulfill all your dreams. Happy first wedding anniversary!

More congratulations in prose →

Your anniversary is made of chintz, You have only been together for a year. May your union strengthen, May your family grow. Congratulations on this date, Even if it’s small for now, But we wish you to reach the golden wedding. And then - to emerald! And don't lose love. Well, if it gets difficult, never lose heart. And don’t quarrel in vain, don’t know troubles and sorrows, so that we can congratulate you on your red wedding.

You have a reason to be happy - Happy first anniversary! We wish you to meet happiness along the way, but not even to notice difficulties. A chintz wedding is just the beginning of a bright, bright life, without sadness, And successful plans, common goals. May success in any matter help your cause. Let love grow stronger and bloom, Let it give you smiles every day, Let the comfort never leave your home, And let fate help you in everything!

Your family is one year old today, She is still just a baby. She is vulnerable and tender, Don't be too demanding. Understand, forgive in small things Sometimes it’s not so easy. Therefore, we wish you to be a little more patient. So that your feelings bloom, only becoming even stronger. Let the family grow and strengthen, To celebrate a new anniversary.

Calico wedding - first anniversary. A year has flown by, and I congratulate you! You have become more experienced, mature and wiser, Now I wish you to live to see the golden age. Smile at each other more often, like children. Don't forget to say nice words. After all, there is nothing more important in the world than Love, which is the basis of all foundations.

So the year flew by like a torpedo, It was a small victory. You lived these days in happiness, faith and love. You have learned forgiveness, In some ways - hellish patience, You have become a year wiser, Your feelings are only stronger. We wish you not to lose the Euphoria from hugs and come a little imposingly to the future paper wedding.

Happy first anniversary, I congratulate you now and wish that the flame of love will not go out. So that passions rage and never cool down, so that resentment and sadness never touch you. Understand, respect and adore each other, cherish your marriage, forgive all shortcomings.

The first year flew by. So much happiness and so much trouble. A year ago you were the bride and groom, Husband and wife now, a year later. The chintz of the first year is so thin, both lightness and tenderness are visible in it. I wish you a pile of diapers and great happiness without a bottom. Respect, love and care In a year, in three, in five! And although marriage is also work, I am so pleased to congratulate you.

The first year, it is the sweetest, I wish you: keep it up. Live in love and understanding, stand behind the family mountain. Let the children strengthen the union, Let the house be a full cup. May peace, prosperity and patience live in it all the time.

Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations to husband

I raise a glass to my husband! My husband was given to me by fate. It is not cold with him in the winter cold, with him it is cool in the tropical heat.

So we lived with him for a whole year. We got used to each other - I won’t hide it. There were a lot of worries and troubles, but we truly became a family.

My husband is a real rock: Lean securely against your shoulder. For your love, dear “thank you!” Tonight I will whisper more than once...

Exactly a year ago, dear, I became your wife. I still love you, I adore you.

You are my husband and best friend, you are an ideal husband. Can you forgive, understand, protect and trust.

I want to live with you until the golden wedding. You, my beloved, are forever the closest person to me!

Congratulations on our first anniversary, dear. Exactly a year ago, my love, I became your wife!

Our chintz wedding is the first year in a long journey. This is the kind of man I want to go through it with!

You and I are having a chintz wedding. You have been my legal husband for a year now. You are the best husband, the most beautiful in the world, and most importantly, your beloved, best friend!

I adore you, it's true. I don’t know how I could have done it without you: You are a fortress and a reliable guard, Protection, and a support, and a wall!

I love you, I appreciate moments of happiness. I want it to be like this all my life, day after day. May we celebrate a diamond wedding surrounded by family and relatives together!

Congratulations on the chintz wedding anniversary

Today is the year of the happy date, When love brought you together. May there be happiness in your home, May love and tenderness reign in it. Let sorrows, troubles and adversity pass you by. And these joyful years will make you a strong family. Well done, you lasted a whole year! You turned out to be faithful spouses. What a couple you are! For everyone - a sight for sore eyes. And on this bright day I send congratulations. Let the union grow stronger every year, And let the dear little one live in the house. Love each other and be gentle, Appreciate your moments together. Let there be fewer quarrels on your way, I wish you to go through life together! You are a wonderful couple, you have been together for a whole year. And your passion does not subside, It lives in your hearts.

May the bright chintz of your wedding not tear or suffer troubles, but only become stronger for many many years to come! Here comes the calico year - The husband gives his wife a scarf. And she responded with a handkerchief: Take it quickly, dear, Stay, my friend, The most affectionate with me. Untie the knots, tell all the secrets. And friends repeat in agreement: Let the road be clear, Let love live in everything, Illuminating this house, So that life will always be Interesting and bright! On the day of the Calico wedding we would like to wish you to be happy and not to grieve. Give each other warmth and a smile, forgive for any offense or mistake. May your family be strong and faithful, sincere and not superstitious. And if a black cat runs along the way, Just give her something tasty through the window. A chintz wedding is no joke, your family is already a whole year old! There's a little daughter snoring in her crib - Well done, continue the family line!

Let wealth suddenly fall on you, So that you can go to Bali on the weekend Or go to Rome, for example, to buy a couple of dresses. Live in harmony forever and in great love! You have a reason to be happy - Happy first anniversary! We wish you to meet happiness along the way, but not even to notice difficulties.

A chintz wedding is just the beginning of a bright, bright life, without sadness, And successful plans, common goals. May success in any matter help your cause.

Let love grow stronger and bloom, Let it give you smiles every day, Let the comfort never leave your home, And let fate help you in everything! Like thin chintz and fragile linen, And this wedding anniversary symbolizes one thing: That your relationship is not so strong And boulders are rolling towards you in life. But be friends in marriage, lend a shoulder to each other, don’t wait for outside help and be completely happy! Happy first anniversary, I congratulate you now and wish that the flame of love will not go out.

So that passions rage and never cool down, so that resentment and sadness never touch you.

Understand, respect and adore each other, cherish your marriage, forgive all shortcomings. A bright wedding made of chintz, The family is exactly one year old now, Joy glows on the faces, Warms the reserve of tenderness.

Keep the Light in your soul forever and endless care. Enjoy many days! A year has passed since you created a family and connected two roads into one path, illuminated souls with tender love, which nothing can destroy!

Let chintz, like a dove in the clouds, bring happiness with a sparkle in the eyes, give a sea of ​​tenderness and affection, so that life is no different from a fairy tale! On the chintz wedding of the young family, I congratulate you on your anniversary: ​​Paradise, eternal family idyll, Life, bright and impeccable to you!

More children, happiness of course, so that love can be preserved... Be loved by each other always - Not only today - through time, years! Calico celebrating an anniversary, Like fabric - the simpler, the sweeter, Be with each other for a long time. The start is good, the honey year is over. We wish you good health for years to come, good luck on your life's journey. A year has passed, there is no doubt, your life is a complete dessert! Happy anniversary, we wish you happiness and joy!

Let love reign in the family, Let the blood boil from it. Let quarrels not bother you, let them shelter you from adversity!

More luck in life, strength, luck and patience. I wish you success in your endeavors, kindness and respect. A year has flown by unnoticed, And it seems like yesterday you were the bride and groom, Walking all night until the morning. Today we all celebrate your first almost anniversary. We sincerely wish you Health, love and children. Calico wedding, it’s your anniversary! Please accept congratulations, beloved ones, from us. After all, a lot has already been passed and a lot is ahead, And if something didn’t go well, we’ll leave it behind.

We will be with you, we will always support you, Be a happy couple for many years. May joy not leave you, may the Lord bless you, may your love be eternal - unlimited. Happy first wedding anniversary, lovelies! Although the wedding date is not round, But it’s too early to put an end to life... Look together from the corner - Cooing like little doves. Even if you have a car and a video recorder, And your wallet is filled tightly, You can’t stop looking at each other, You can’t tear yourself away from each other! Coo and twirl like this for the whole century! Yes, there is such a wish: To live until the golden wedding In love, health and peace! If they give you handkerchiefs, Fabrics, tablecloths, shirts, Pillowcases, blankets, Painted bedspreads, Sheets and towels, Baby vests, It means you have lived a year, Calico weddings. We lived together for the first year. Not just like that - legally married! We congratulate you on this, you have overcome your fears together.

Let there be everything in your life: Prosperity, house, car, children, No quarrels, no sorrows, no troubles, But only happiness in bright light! Your wedding is made of chintz, Exactly a year since it took place, I wish you to glow with happiness, And for fate to always smile.

Respect and appreciate your family, Enjoy your moments together, Give yourself joy every day, It’s like the bride and groom again!

Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations in your own words in prose

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on the first stage you have completed, on the first year of your family union, on your chintz wedding. I wish you to continue your journey together without worries and quarrels, I wish you to always feel cared for by each other, I wish you to always put your family first, I wish you to constantly maintain the status of happiness and prosperity in your home.

Congratulations on your first date, on the first completed stage of family life. On your chintz wedding, I wish you a life as easy and smooth as this fabric, great happiness and unquenchable love, a cozy home and friendly family, a wonderful atmosphere and major harmony in your relationships.

Dear, dear, beloved! Congratulations on a bright, amazing holiday - your wedding anniversary! We wish you tenderness, warmth, affection and endless care! Be happy! Bitterly!

1st wedding anniversary means 365 lived days and happy nights, 52 weeks of fabulous prosperity, 8760 hours of love and tenderness, 525,600 minutes of fidelity and trust, 31,536,000 seconds of reliability and faith in each other! Listen, let this counter continue to spin, gaining momentum! It's bitter, young people!

Young! Congratulations on your huge life step - your first wedding anniversary. We wish you bright light, clear skies, great goodness, inexhaustible love, a luxurious apartment, a luxury car, smart children and a bag of banknotes, preferably of high denomination! Bitterly!

Dear lovers! A chintz wedding is the first step you take together, it’s just a fraction of the entire journey that you need to go through together. We wish you that your road is smooth, your step is firm, and your balance is confident! Be happy, friends! Bitterly!

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a unit of society. In any case, it’s a piece of the world, its own little world. Not a little world, but the world. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

A year of sailing together is a lot. How many of the best ships have crashed on reefs due to ordinary mutual grievances and misunderstandings! And for some reason I remembered this joke:

-Darling, could you sweep the room?

-I feel so bad, honey. You see, even your hands are shaking!

-Wonderful! Then it won't be difficult for you to shake out the carpet!

Let's drink to optimism, which allows you to find a piece of ham in any disgusting situation and turn any circumstance for the benefit of the family!

Calico wedding (1 year) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

A year has passed since you were married. A year of harmony and love. Could you really ever live without each other? You are a family, and you are united, And let the years fly - Together you are invincible. Never swear. On this chintz wedding Again “Bitter!” we shout to you. And we wish you both: Be loved, be loved!

Now your first year has passed, everything was the other way around. The first year is a learning year, and truly magical. There were tears and rubbing, because of ironing, because of washing. A bouquet not presented, an omelette not cooked through. After this wonderful shake-up, then everything will be like in a fairy tale. You have become a little closer, calmer and wiser. The masks are off, the smoke is gone, then it will be fine! Congratulations on your anniversary and we wish your family only to grow stronger and grow And to bloom with joy. So that love does not fade away, So that you have enough money. So that on your 30th anniversary everyone gathers for lunch. At your golden wedding, we will arrange a feast on the mountain. And today is only a year old, You can shout “Bitter!” again.

Happy first anniversary! On your chintz wedding I would like to wish you a huge supply of strength, patience, the ability to listen and understand each other, because you have a whole life ahead of you, many new roads and main events. I wish you to always love each other and sincerely believe in your dreams. And may your wonderful family be happy and healthy.

More congratulations in prose →

Congratulations on your first tender date! We've been married for a year now - it's just awesome! Let the chintz not tear, It will be strong. Just hold on together - That’s the whole law.

On this day a year ago, the way of life changed - you created your family and became husband and wife. Congratulations on your first date! I wish you to live richly and cherish each other, to live in peace and love. Let the children make you happy - both girls and boys, There will never be troubles, There will be joy and advice.

A year has passed since that very date, When love brought you together. May there be happiness in your home, May love and tenderness reign in it. Let sorrows, troubles and adversity pass you by, And these joyful years will make you a strong family.

Does heaven need a reason to bring two destinies together at the appointed hour? On this bright holiday, your anniversary, I congratulate you today! No matter what happens, be there and never quarrel in your hearts, and for this you will be rewarded with long honey years. The first year is like the first page, Trial and error is a careful step, Happiness also needs to be learned, So that marriage can only grow stronger over the years!

Today is the chintz wedding. It's time for you to celebrate. Over the course of a whole year, you were able to get to know each other much better. Although the anniversary is small, it is very important for you. We wish you to preserve your feelings, Have patience. Let there be no quarrels in your family, and let peace reign in the house. Live together and without disputes, let love burn in your hearts!

You have already lived a whole year, you have firmly cemented your union, We wish you to continue to do so, to preserve love and tenderness, to protect your Family from all adversity and troubles! So that there is always prosperity in the house, So that the road is not difficult, And so that you reach the emerald wedding hand in hand!

Full of joys and worries Your first year has flown by. There were quarrels and reconciliations, And magical moments. I wish you from the bottom of my heart to go through all the hardships together. So that you avoid quarrels, So that you turn the argument into a joke. So that, like a piece of art, you take care of your feelings. After all, love and respect are the key to fidelity and rapprochement. Only you alone can prove to the big world that there is no more beautiful couple than you. I wish you only happiness. So that even through the years they remember, more than ever, the loving look of your eyes. Happy calico wedding to you!

The first year of family life flew by very quickly. We know that he is not impeccable, but he warmed you with love. Open your eyes wider, And we congratulate the “chintz”, Let’s say three or four together: We wish you very happiness! I wish you strong family ties, Share the burden, Strengthen your union!

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