We stole the bride! What to do next? ...Answer from presenter Evgenia Reznichenko!

Interesting and funny bride price - script in verse with competitions

In order for the competitions to be coherent, the organizers come up with verbal accompaniment for them, which also brings funny moments to the bride price.
A script in verse allows you to turn an event into an interesting mini-performance. And even if the girl’s friends do not have a passion for poetry, they can use ready-made texts. It’s interesting that just a few years ago, at every wedding, a bride ransom was held, with the same competitions, which gradually became boring and uninteresting. After this, many couples abandoned this tradition, but now it is being revived again, as interesting scenarios have begun to be invented.

Time of theft

The bride is kidnapped in the middle of a banquet. It is best to do it before serving hot food.

One of the guests shouts: “Unknown people stole the bride!” After this, all the guests, together with the groom, begin to look for the girl. At the same time, they collect ransom for the kidnappers. At this moment, the waiters collect the dirty dishes and bring hot food to the table. And the guests leave the table and participate in the search for the bride.

KNOWLEDGE BASE: Songs for the second day of the wedding - fashionable, folk, round dance!

Be sure to warn the toastmaster about the theft.

The role of wedding traditions

Even when the culture of each nation was just emerging, there was already a place for weddings in it. Since ancient times, this has been one of the most significant events in the life of an adult, so it used to be clothed with many signs, superstitions and traditions. People experienced in such matters tried to help young lovers conduct their wedding in such a way as to please higher powers.

It was believed that if the gods and dead ancestors liked the marriage, they would protect the newly-made spouses and attract prosperity and well-being into their lives. To achieve this, traditions that were developed over years and even centuries in accordance with folk wisdom and religious beliefs were strictly observed.

Now such traditions are just touching rituals that are usually performed at a classic wedding. Nobody invests sacred meaning in observing old customs, since other priorities have appeared. Despite this, the framework of any wedding consists precisely of traditions, both old and new.

What does the ritual of returning a beloved symbolize?

It so happened that among the Slavic peoples it was not customary to let daughters leave the family just like that. At a minimum, the groom had to prove his strength and courage, but most often this was not limited to this. A bride price was taken from a young man who decided to get married, since with her departure from her father’s house the family would lose a housekeeper.

Depending on the circumstances of the matchmaking, as well as the personal qualities of the girl, compensation to her parents could be different. Most often it was still money, but sometimes the groom persuaded the potential mother-in-law and father-in-law to pay off with expensive gifts - livestock, tools to make housework easier, etc.

Now bride price is just a formal name. In fact, the event is a comic test for the groom, during which he shows ingenuity and dexterity. If he fails to cope with some task, he pays the organizers a symbolic amount. There is no longer any question of paying her parents for the bride.

Why do they steal the bride at a wedding: where does the custom come from?

  • So, let's smash to smithereens the main argument of opponents of bride kidnapping at a wedding - the ancient Slavs had a custom called “abduction.” And it had nothing in common with the Caucasus mountains. “Withdrawal” is mentioned in virtually all chronicles known to us, including “The Tale of Bygone Years.” The latter says that the custom of “removal” was widespread among the Drevlyans, Northerners, Radimichi and Vyatichi. At certain times, they organized games between villages, in which young men stole brides with their consent.

This tradition exists not only in the Caucasus
This tradition exists not only in the Caucasus

  • A little later, at weddings, theft already existed in the form of fortune telling. Because the bride very often traveled far from home, where no one could protect her and observe her fate. Who kidnaps the bride at a wedding? Bridesmaids do this . Did he immediately shower them with money and candy? Or just candy? Did you think long before paying the ransom?
  • If he gave both money and candy, he will be generous and caring. Only sweets - tight-fisted, but carefully take care of his wife. I was in no hurry to pay the ransom; it would be difficult for the young wife.

What topics can you choose?

If the bride's friends and relatives choose thematic funny bride price scenarios in verse, you should pay attention to the fairy-tale style. There are both foreign stories about princesses languishing in the dragon tower and brave princes, and Russian folk tales about a wise or beautiful maiden and a prince who loves her. The role of the villain can be played by a dragon or an evil witch, the Serpent Gorynych or Baba Yaga, respectively.

Another good solution is a bride price in verse in the style of a gypsy camp. The bridesmaids explain to the groom that in order to marry the most beautiful girl in the camp, you need to work hard, and they arrange tricky tasks for him. All this is accompanied by poems, songs and dances.

Subtleties of kidnapping

  • It is better to kidnap the bride together with a friend so that she is not bored;
  • It is better to hide on the street, and not inside a restaurant. Vigilant workers can arrange their own kidnapping and the ransom will have to be paid to them.
  • You should not hide the bride too far, otherwise you will have to look for the kidnappers along with the bride.
  • You should not hide the bride in dirty places - attic, basement, etc. Her beautiful attire will come to an end.
  • Do not force witnesses to drink from the bride's shoe. They need to keep a level head.

KNOWLEDGE BASE: Themed wedding and how to create it

Funny competitions for the groom to buy the bride

A wedding is the first holiday for every family, because it is with it that a new unit of society begins. Therefore, the bride and groom want to make their celebration as bright, rich and memorable as possible.

A wedding script helps them with this, in which the whole day is planned, starting with the arrival of the makeup artist and ending with the farewell of the young spouses. But the first memories together will be those of the groom passing the ransom test. Therefore, it is necessary to create original bride price competitions, which, with their diversity and symbolism, will set the mood for the entire holiday.

Competitions on the stairs

Bride ransom is one of the traditional rites that are always performed at a wedding. Initially, it was associated with the fact that the groom’s family compensated the bride for the loss of a pair of working hands.

But over time, the custom underwent a change, gradually becoming one of the ways to prove to the betrothed’s parents that a man is worthy of becoming her husband and will be able to overcome all obstacles for her sake. It was also an indicator that the groom was purposeful and hard-working, and the future family would not know the need.

Gradually the tests became less strict and more humorous. But they have not lost their main mission, being a symbolic expression of the fortitude of the future head of the family.

At the bride price, there are two teams that oppose each other - the bridesmaids, who come up with various challenges, and the groom. To even out the chances, his friends help the young man.

Due to the fact that the wedding day is literally scheduled minute by minute, all competitions must take place quickly, so it is necessary to take care in advance of selecting and drawing up a script for the groom and witness.

Traditionally, this is done by those who will conduct it - girlfriends.

Competitions should be:

  • easy to navigate, but not cause a feeling of insignificance or excessive simplicity;
  • short to fit within the allotted time;
  • funny to please guests and newlyweds;
  • leaving behind vivid memories;
  • symbolic, demonstrating the groom’s feelings for the bride.

The ransom should not last longer than 1 hour, and the optimal time is 15–30 minutes. During this time, it is recommended to hold 3-4 competitions. So that the guests and the groom and friends do not get tired, and also do not get tired before the start of the main celebration, it is necessary to create several diverse competitions, thanks to which they will be able to demonstrate their bravery or cunning.

And for the groom, this will be a good test, showing how much he loves and knows his future wife.

"Love lips"

To carry it out, you will need several sheets of paper, on which the bride and her bridesmaids leave a lip print.

Most often, different shades of lipstick are used for this, so that the presenter can easily distinguish the correct sheet from the rest.

The groom must recognize the lip print of his beloved, but if he is mistaken, he is required to pay a symbolic fine or perform some action. An easier option for such a competition is the possibility that the sheets need to be sprinkled with your favorite perfume.

Then it will be easier for the groom to recognize his beloved, because he will have not only prints, but also smells.

Unusual treat

Three identical fruits are chosen, most often apples or pears. A strong alcoholic drink is injected into one of them with a syringe, so that the puncture of the peel is not noticeable. This is done before the ransom begins.
Afterwards, the groom and his friends are “treated” so that he gets the unusual fruit. If he does not show his confusion by calmly eating the entire apple, then he wins; if not, then he pays the ransom.

Due to the unusualness of the situation and taste, grooms often show very funny reactions.

To do this, needles, toothpicks or matches are inserted into a large apple in advance, so that on one side it resembles the needles of a hedgehog.

Sometimes they even draw eyes and a nose on it or depict them using beads; such decoration of the inventory looks very unusual and beautiful. The main task of the groom is to take out one toothpick at a time and compliment the bride and her mother. It is important that kind words are not repeated, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

You can make the competition more difficult and ask an additional cool question. If there are a lot of needles, then you can be allowed to tell what the groom will do in his married life, how he will care for his wife. To make the competition more fun, you can set a certain time limit during which the hedgehog must lose all his needles.

If the groom meets the deadline, then he wins; if not, then he will have to pay a symbolic ransom.

What are you willing to do for love?

This competition should be held if the bride lives in a private house or in an apartment on the first or second floor. The groom, walking up the stairs, stops at each step and tells what kind of work he will do in his future family. What is he willing to do for the sake of his beloved?

Competition "Bride Kidnapping": recommendations

In order for everything to go smoothly and at the same time fun, it is worth considering the course of the abduction very carefully. An unplanned abduction, hidden even from the bride herself, is fraught with unpleasant consequences, grievances, a damaged dress and even injuries.

  • Discuss the timing of the abduction. Let the bride, the toastmaster and the kidnappers themselves know about him. For others, this may be a surprise.
  • Consider who will kidnap. Don't let guests decide for themselves. Usually the most active guest at a wedding is not the most sober. He may show completely unnecessary initiative. This must be an adequate and relatively sober guest with a well-developed sense of proportion. The bride can decide this herself, so that there are no offenses or complaints later.
  • Think about where the bride will be hidden. It will be very inconvenient to run around and look for somewhere to leave the young woman. Do not choose dusty utility rooms, and especially not basements. You can ruin both the outfit and the mood of the newlywed.
  • Explain to the indignant groom that ransom and bride kidnapping are not the same thing. He essentially pays the ransom to the parents for agreeing to give up their daughter, but cunning rivals steal the bride while the groom is distracted and overlooks.
  • There is no need to demand money from the groom, even if it goes to the family fund. Everything that is in his pocket is already a family fund. The bride has already been ransomed once, now it’s time for fun. This way, the young woman will not feel like a thing for which they are bargaining, but a princess for whose sake the groom goes to great lengths.
  • All tasks that the groom will perform for the sake of his beloved must be agreed upon with the host. Improvising on the fly is not recommended. You never know what will come to the mind of a heated kidnapper. All competitions must be feasible.
  • Not only the groom, but also the witnesses should watch the bride. Therefore, feel free to involve everyone in completing tasks.
  • You should not leave the bride in a secret place. Let her hide there while the toastmaster announces that the newlywed has disappeared. It is better if the bride sees everything that the groom does for her.
  • Explain to all the guests that the bride is kidnapped just once, ransomed in 10-15 minutes and that’s it. There is no need to try to drag the newlywed somewhere again or be indignant that she was given to the groom so easily. This is a wedding scenario, not a real kidnapping with demands.

Funny bride price competitions in verse

Poems are always an interesting option for any holiday. But in order for an event such as a ransom to be successful, it is necessary to select poems describing the competitions so that they appear to be created in the same style.

Celebrating a holiday in verse involves a certain amount of time and effort. Although you can use small folders with hints, it is better if all the words are learned.

It is also important that they are narrated by a person with a deep voice, who can attract attention to his words even when there is a crowd around him.

You should refuse to hold poetry competitions if the bridesmaids have clear voices and rather weak lungs. For competitions in poetic form, you will have to strain your ligaments and use a lot of air so as not to interrupt the rhythm of the narrative.

If the competitions are well chosen and the poems are funny, then the beginning of the holiday will be remembered for a long time. If the ransom is held in a specific theme, then the bridesmaids can use special paraphernalia or outfits.

In this video you will hear many useful tips for organizing a bride price:

So, for a ransom organized in the form of a pirate invasion, special hats or bandanas, belts with swords and antique pistols are suitable.

It is known that once you start a business, it will continue. Therefore, the wedding day should begin with fun, interesting competitions, because the ransom portends not only a well-spent holiday, but also a successful family life. What competitions would you choose to buy out your best friend?

About the tradition of kidnapping the bride

Initially, in Rus' there was no tradition of kidnapping a bride. This custom came to us from the southern peoples, namely the Caucasian tribes. There, this was not considered some kind of criminal activity. If a man did not want to pay a large bride price for a girl, he and his friends would steal the bride. There was nothing wrong with that.

The girl, as a rule, was brought to the groom's house. It was there that they tried to persuade her to marry a young man. This was done not only by friends, but also by close relatives. In many nations it was believed that a man thereby manifests and demonstrates his character and power. Therefore, it was not customary to refuse such a young man.

Pink wedding scenario.

In addition, people believed that the stolen bride was already considered desecrated. The second time, it is unknown whether they will want to go to her for marriage or not. In most cases, fearing the crown of celibacy, the girls immediately agreed, understanding the imprint the young man was leaving on her.

Currently, the abduction ritual is rather symbolic and formal. It is no longer customary to steal people, since this is considered an article of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, for which you can get a real prison sentence.

The kidnapping takes place directly at the wedding itself. Often friends from the bride's side participate in it. But the groom must show strength, nobility, wisdom and dexterity, and redeem his chosen one.

The main rule of the ransom is that it takes place in a large banquet hall. There, the groom must complete a number of tasks, for which the host will bring the bride. This competition is held, rather, to amuse the guests and newlyweds.

The only meaning it carries is that the young man is ready to do anything to ensure that his beloved is always there. Of course, the toastmaster does not offer too difficult tasks. As a rule, they are quite simple and easy to perform. Regardless of the style and theme of the wedding celebration, it is worth carrying out such a ceremony. It will help show how the groom knows how to get out of difficult situations.

After all, in order for the bride to return, controversial competitions are offered:

  • sing a song from the group “Lyube” with the bride’s father;
  • dance a fiery rumba with the bride’s mother;
  • compose a love poem and tell it to the whole room.
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