Bride ransom in medical style, how to funnyly conduct a medical examination of the groom, script

Medical bride price

What writers and directors will not invent for an unusual wedding ball. And not only these plots attract the organizers of the wedding celebration. For example, medical topics are very popular these days. What is the reason for this passion for the noblest of professions and its everyday life, but scenarios on the themes of hospitals, ambulances and the like are increasingly found at youth weddings.

In this plot, the first half plays a big role, which continues until the newlyweds visit the registry office. And everyone who participated in the ritual games that accompany a marriage is well aware of the beautiful and exquisite custom of ransoming the bride. Each wedding scenario has a unique approach. But the arrival of an ambulance team led by a famous doctor or scientific luminary from medicine with a meaningful inscription on a giant badge with the word “Dokhtur” cannot be compared with another plot and solution to the scenario.

MATERNITY WARD! 2nd floor. Girlfriend 3

On the second floor there is a doctor with dolls. (Inventory: 3 dolls, 3 diapers, 3 diapers, 3 ribbons).

Midwife : Well, as always, as soon as I’m alone at work, all three of us need to change their diapers at once. Soooo, man, man (addresses the groom), come here quickly. You see, this is the case, the children need to be swaddled, but I have so many things to do, so many things to do, that I simply cannot do without your help. Help me, please, OR I WILL NOT LET ENTER ROOM No. 19 (loudly and in a prominent voice). So, I’ll explain the task: in 30 seconds, you (the groom), the groom’s friend and cousin (where is the groom’s brother? Run here quickly) must put a diaper on each child, swaddle him and tie a beautiful bow! If you complete the task well, I will let you into ward 19. Do you understand everything? So, off to the start, attention, march. The midwife timed 30 seconds, and the men swaddled the children. PHOTO OF THE GROOM WITH DOLLS IN DIAPERS!

Midwife : You swaddled the babies shamefully, of course. Come on, girls, who knows how to swaddle beautifully, help the men. Well, thank you for your help, go to ward 19 (points to Irina’s door).

Stylized ransom medicine

It would be interesting to see such a wedding carriage for newlyweds working in this field and for a couple who understand absolutely nothing about medical care. For example, the so-called professional medical examination of the groom’s friends and himself will look especially relevant, because everyone has attended similar events at the military registration and enlistment office. Everyone remembers conscription into the army, as well as its features.

The scenario is like this. The inscription on the table, where a truly incorruptible commission headed by a strict doctor sits, says that it is impossible to pass by. The bridesmaid, a nurse, offers to be examined for the possibility of a severe and incurable illness. Having been diagnosed with “endless love with aggravating diseases,” the groom is offered to undergo further examination and obtain insurance, where a medical policy is written in large numbers, indicating the amount in different currencies. This is the bride price at a medical style wedding. The main thing is not to sell yourself short!

Stylized ransom medicine


Psychiatrist : So man, take your time, sit down. What are you complaining about? Groom : Nothing bothers me. Psychiatrist : Are you registered with a psychiatrist? Groom : no Psychiatrist : I see, that means this is our first time. I explain the rules to you at an appointment with a psychiatrist: I will show you pictures and numbers, and you tell me what they mean. At the end of the appointment, I will give you a certificate that will show you where to go next: to ward 19 for the bride or for treatment in the psychiatric department. Don't screw it up, dear! Shows him pictures: 1) What do you see in this picture (shows an infinity sign, which symbolizes a long life together; Olympic rings, which look like wedding rings, a picture with lemons, which are very similar to a woman’s breasts)?

2) What do these numbers 205, 43 mean (groom’s car number/groom’s shoe size)? 3) Shows a sign that says “18 cm.” and says: “Oh, well, we won’t discuss this in front of everyone” (this is a number to amuse the audience). 4) Who is shown in this photograph? Shows a photo of the bride. Well, groom, let me write you a certificate and move on! He writes large: HEALTHY and shows it to the camera.

Ransom medicine

Here there are possible options for scenes with a visit to the hospital, with bridesmaids or witnesses acting as doctors.


There are several options for conducting a buyout in this style. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Bride ransom in court style

Option #1. Purchasing for your loved one

No less interesting is the scenario in the style of an ophthalmology hospital. This scenario differs in that the future spouse who has arrived to pick up his bride is asked by one of her friends to look at a traditional table and name the numbers written in fonts of different sizes. Under each of them there is a picture of a car, a house, a fur coat, diamonds and even a villa on the seashore and a yacht. That is, everything that the spouse will have to purchase for his beloved wife.

And if the groom is completely “blind,” then the tiniest numbers indicate the ransom amount for the beautiful bride. Otherwise, she will go to someone who has much better eyesight and knows how to win the heart of his wife.

Ransom medicine

Option #2. Hit the target with a dart

The hero of the occasion, on his way to pick up his beloved, enters her entrance and even goes up to the floor, but here a surprise is prepared for him in the style of an eye test. So,

Specialist: Take the instrument and cover your eye with it.

Doctor again: And now, dear friend, here I am handing you a dart, and hit the very center of the target for the sake of your beloved. Just don’t blabber and don’t relax!

The groom initially covers one eye and throws a dart at the target, then a similar process occurs with the second.

The ophthalmologist says: Well, what do I want to tell you. The result showed the presence of a deviation, namely deterioration of vision against the background of excitement. I have determined the diagnosis: “Falling in love” and prescribe eating carrots for visual acuity with your beloved.

Option #3. Find your betrothed

This option of examination by an ophthalmologist will undoubtedly make those present laugh. The groom, before entering his beloved, is greeted by his bridesmaids wrapped in various curtains or rags. Their “outfits” are dressed in such a way that their faces are not visible. Of course, there is no bride, and those present offer the groom to find his betrothed. For every wrong decision, the groom receives a fine. After several attempts, the hero of the occasion is informed that his bride is not here, and the ophthalmologist makes a diagnosis - “Defocusing of vision due to falling in love.”

Option No. 4. Consider the number

The bride price in this style is interesting because in addition to vision, the groom must also know the dates.

Oculist: Let's check your vigilance, young man. Come on, take a look at the table! Can you see these numbers? Tell us what they mean.

For example, the following numbers can be entered in the table:

  • bride's age;
  • her date of birth;
  • day of acquaintance of young people;
  • date of first kiss;
  • wedding day.

Bride ransom in airline style


In addition to the ophthalmologist, other specialists can also be involved. A wedding examination by a neurologist is also interesting. There are several options for bride price in this style. Let's look at a few of them.

Option #1. Good and “evil” words

Initially, to add interest, the specialist takes a huge hammer and pretends to attempt to hit the hero of the occasion on the knee. The groom can avoid such a fate, but only on the condition that he pays the ransom.

The groom receives a piece of paper with phrases and words written on it. Some of them are positive, the rest are negative. The task of the hero of the occasion is to read the first ones as they are. For example, bunny, beloved, and so on. The latter he must redo on the fly and give them a positive connotation. For example, When will you serve your food? changes to “Darling, when will we have lunch?” or “Have you spent all your money on clothes again?” - “Dear, it’s so good that you bought yourself this brand new dress, you’re just a queen in it.” When the groom fails the test and gets knocked down, he receives a penalty. Upon successful completion of the test, the neurologist proudly declares: “Dear! Your diagnosis is “Wishful thinking!”


At the entrance there is a girl with a sign “The hospital is QUARANTINE.” The entrance to the entrance is blocked with red tape.

Witness : Man, where are you going, don’t you know how to read? The hospital is under quarantine and visiting patients is prohibited. Come back tomorrow! What is your reason for rushing the whole crowd to the hospital? Who do you need to see? Room number? The witness shouts out the window to the chief doctor: Elena Vitalievna, is patient Rudnova in our hospital? Chief doctor (in the window in the kitchen or on the balcony): Yes, he’s lying down, but what happened? Witness : Yes, the groom came to her, he says they are getting married today, Rudnova needs to be taken to the registry office, but we have a quarantine, we can’t let strangers in. Chief doctor : Patient Rudnova has already recovered, you can take her from the hospital, let the groom go. The chief doctor comes down from the apartment to his floor.

Witness : Okay, I'm launching. Hey Hey hey! Where did you go? To the hospital without shoe covers? Did you bring shoe covers with you? Why not? Then buy it (20 rubles) Hey, hey, hey! Look at him, there’s quarantine in the hospital, and he’s not wearing a mask. You will also have to buy a mask (20 rubles). So, will they all go with you? So, visitors, I won’t let anyone in without shoe covers. If you want to get into the patient’s room with your fiancé, buy shoe covers. The witness is watching closely to make sure everyone is wearing shoe covers! A girl stands nearby with a tray, selling shoe covers to all the guests. 20 rub. a piece.

Doctors' style ransom: necessary equipment

Buy white coats for the head physician, caps with large medical crosses, glasses, false mustaches and beards to create the image of a kind of doctor Aibolit . He can be played by the toastmaster or the father of the bride.

The groom will have to undergo a comic medical examination to determine his professional suitability for family life, so he should acquire spectacular medical attributes. Buy a huge syringe (without a needle). This can be found in specialized joke stores. The tube for listening to the heart can be replaced with a children's tube or a phonendoscope from a “children's hospital”. But it is better if the attributes are more massive, so that they are clearly visible and clearly displayed during the shooting.

Prepare a dart, a neurologist's hammer, maybe a large and massive one, an ophthalmological instrument - just a die for closing one eye (the groom's palm will do)

Prepare “pills” and “potions” in advance with humorous inscriptions, for example, “Elixir of Happiness”, “Highly Concentrated Love”. It could be just candies with creative wrappers or juices in medical bottles.


There is a sign on the door: “Ready for checkout! Take it.” Witness : So, patient Rudnova, we are discharging you from the hospital today, how are you feeling? Bride: I feel good. Witness : Well, great. Just remember that after discharge you should always be in a good mood. Also, all the doctors in our department recommend that you leave your household chores and worries for a while and go to a warm country. Swimming, sunbathing, shopping are simply vital for you now. Groom, I beg you, make sure that the bride follows all the doctors’ instructions! Well, that's it, you can go to the registry office. Hey, Rudnova, are you going to the registry office out of habit in shoe covers? The bride shows the groom that she is wearing shoe covers.

Witness : Well, it’s always like this, just as we need to discharge a person, we’re always missing some things. Elena Vitalievna, dear, where are Rudnova’s shoes? Girlfriend 2 (standing with a large bag of shoes): Patient Rudnova, are you sure you came to us wearing shoes? Bride : Yes, definitely wearing shoes. Girlfriend 2 : oh, I don’t know, I don’t have your shoes. Do you have any slippers (takes slippers out of the bag), yours? The boots are GOOD, MADE OF GENUINE LEATHER (shows boots). Yours? Bride : no, not mine. Girlfriend 2: Well, you know, you won’t please me, I can’t find your shoes. Give the groom 300 rubles, I’ll take a better look (he takes 300 rubles from the groom and gives him the shoes). Witness : Well, well, dear bride and groom, I and all the staff of the medical institution want to congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you never to end up in our hospital again. Be happy! Congratulations!!!

Greek gods

Even the most ordinary second wedding day in a bathhouse or sauna can be turned into an original celebration if you make it themed in the style of Ancient Greece. Let the gods greet guests at the entrance (leaders wrapped in white sheets, with wreaths on their heads) and give them a “set” for initiation into the pantheon of gods: a sheet, flip flops and a wreath on their heads. Inside they will find a buffet and a game program consisting of thematic competitions.

Scenario for the second wedding day without a toastmaster.

Date of publication: 10/21/2016 00:00:00

Since Soviet times, the second wedding day has been celebrated without fail. Friends and relatives came to visit the newlyweds and everyone in a small and friendly company had fun, then helped the newlyweds with washing dishes and cleaning.

Today, weddings and other celebrations are celebrated in restaurants, scenarios for celebrations are drawn up in advance, and even the second day is spent flawlessly, according to all canons, adhering to the planned plan.

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