Biography and personal life of singer Julia Sievert: nationality, family, height and weight, last name, age


The spectacular brunette Julia Sievert is known as a singer under the pseudonym Zivert. Her first popular works were released in 2017. And the most popular track Life was recognized as a hit of the summer of 2019. Julia Sievert's real last name is Sytnik.

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Yulia Sytnik
Real name: Yulia Dmitrievna Sytnik
Field of activity: Singer
Date of birth: November 28, 1990
Place of birth: Moscow
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Eastern horoscope sign: Horse
Russian nationality
Relationship status: Single
Social networks Other social networks

The most interesting from the biography of singer Zivert

The future singer was born in the capital of Russia, where she has lived all her life. From early childhood, parents noticed their daughter’s craving for music and any creative pursuits. She loved to listen to different songs and sing along to them, even when she didn’t know a single word.

Julia, according to her family, always felt like a star. She was bright and very active. Her first listeners and biggest fans were her family.

The entire path to popularity for the future star was not easy - nothing came easy to her. Yulia's first position was at an airline. The girl worked as a flight attendant and earned good money, but still dreamed of the stage.

Julia Sievert in childhood

Julia had a very ordinary childhood. She studied diligently, although she was never an exemplary student, especially in terms of behavior. After graduating from school, I thought about getting a stable profession. Although since childhood she dreamed of a singing career, she was afraid to take risks and became a flight attendant. For several years she worked for different companies, gained experience, and also studied at the same time. In her own words, in her youth she cared little about her health or future and smoked a lot. Later, Julia reconsidered her attitude not only to life, but also to what brings her true inspiration.

Childhood photos of Julia Sievert

The path to the Julia Siewert stage

Julia had thoughts about her career for a very long time. She was in no hurry to leave a stable job that brought her a good income. The girl took her first steps towards popularity as a singer in 2016, when she took part in a singing competition.

Her family and friends always supported the girl and believed in her, even when she didn’t believe in herself. In the competition, overcoming fear, Yulia won - a small, but one of the most significant victories in the life of the future singer.

Successful performance at the competition also allowed the girl to think about what is more important to her - stability or realizing her dreams. In 2021, Yulia signed up for vocal classes and began regularly attending a professional Moscow vocal studio. In the same year, the singer's pseudonym Zivert appeared.

Starting hit "Chuck"

Already in 2021, the aspiring singer presented her first song called “Chuck.” Unexpectedly, even for Julia herself, the song became incredibly popular. Various cover versions of the composition immediately appeared on the Internet, which further fueled the public’s interest in Zivert.

In the summer of 2021, the singer released her first music video. A quadcopter was used to film it. The clip was filmed like a flash mob, and everyone took part in it. Previously, Julia made a post on Instagram, where she invited everyone for future filming.

A special feature of the first clip were masks with the face of Chuck Norris - all participants in the flash mob wore them. The funny and simple clip collected more than 600 thousand views online and became popular. New opportunities immediately opened up for Yulia.

Music career

Yulia Sievert always liked singing. However, the girl did not dare to seriously take up this matter for a long time. She was scared by the strong competition and the fact that now it is very difficult to stand out and hook the listener.

After much deliberation, Julia finally decided and hired a vocal teacher. It was here that Siewert encountered difficulties for the first time. The girl developed her own, not entirely correct, style of singing. And the teacher literally tried to break Yulia, forcing her to start singing correctly.

Relationships with teachers did not work out; they changed one after another. But her search was crowned with success; Sievert found the Vocalmix vocal studio. There, the teachers did not try to break Yulia’s voice, but structured the learning process in such a way as to preserve the author’s singing style.

In 2021, Julia Sievert took part in the All-Russian Vocal Competition, where she managed to take first place. The victory inspired Yulia to further conquer musical heights.

In the summer of 2021, she made her debut with the video “Chuck.” The track was posted on YouTube, and from the very first days the first fans appeared who liked the song and the bright, catchy video. A distinctive feature of the video is that it was filmed entirely using a drone; the filming angles turned out to be very original and interesting. “Chuck” brought Julia Siewert her first thousands of fans, and the viewership rating was impressive.

At the end of 2021, Julia Sievert released a cover of the song “Wind of Change.” The girl performed with him on the show “Let Them Talk,” which was then hosted by Andrei Malakhov.

The cover also became the soundtrack to the TV series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone".

Julia decided to move a little away from the frivolous style and released a video clip for her new song “Anesthesia.” This work was different from the “Chuck” video. The girl’s image became more feminine, the shooting of the video was more professional. It was clear that Julia Sievert had reached a new level of her creativity.

2019 was entirely devoted to live performances; newly minted artist Julia Sievert gives concerts and performs at various events. Her tracks are on the Apple Music charts, which proves the fact that Yulia’s popularity is not inflated, and all her fans are real live listeners.

Her debut video made her popular overnight

Popular songs Sievert

In the fall of 2021, a second composition called “Anesthesia” was released. A video was also shot for it. It quickly became popular online. After him, Julia was offered to join a famous label. The next high-profile performance with the composition “Wind of Change” was at Andrei Malakhov’s show in 2021.

In June 2021, Julia presented the composition “I Still Want” to the public. Then there was a video for the song “Green Waves”. The style of the video was made in the 80s. the first album was released in 2021.

Present and plans for the future

Julia collected her best songs in the 2021 album. Then there was a tour throughout the country. A few months later, the girl visited the Far East. Each of her concerts was successful.

In 2021, the girl is preparing new compositions for her fans. She is active on social networks.

Julia Sievert now

At the beginning of 2021, Julia Sievert made it to the top of Apple Music and iTunes with her fresh track “Life”. The song took 8th place in terms of the number of streams on Apple Music and 5th place in terms of the number of purchases on iTunes. On February 9, 2021, Julia Sievert performed at the Big Love Show festival! – one of the most significant musical events in Russia. Participation in the flagship project Love Radio was an important step in Julia’s career. “For me, as a young artist, this is a great honor,” the singer shared on Instagram. The singer also sang the song “Life” in a duet with Philip Kirkorov several times. The pop king of the Russian stage himself called their performance “the hit of the year.” ZIVERT - LIFE (Feat. Philip Kirkorov) In 2021, the singer continued to release singles. Since the beginning of the year, she has presented three fresh compositions - “YATL”, “Fly 2” with Niletto and “nebolya” with Basta. Also at the end of the year, Julia shared the song “Ellipses” with fans. In the same year, Sievert visited the studio of the Evening Urgant program twice – both times the singer presented new singles. Sievert in the program “Evening Urgant”

Personal life Zivert

Little is known about the singer’s personal life - the girl herself does not like to talk about personal relationships. Since 2021, there have been several photos online with a guy named Evgeniy. Fans made different assumptions - according to unconfirmed reports, the couple began dating back in 2015. The lovers had photos from a joint vacation, from different trips.

Julia Sievert and her ex-boyfriend Evgeniy

At the end of 2021, all joint photos on Yulia and Evgeniy’s page were deleted. Fans also assumed that the young people had broken up.


After graduating from school, the girl tried various professions. Having trained as a makeup artist and tried on the work of a florist, she decided to become a flight attendant on airline flights. Having experience of flying since childhood due to the long business trips of my parents, the dream of soaring in the sky matured.

By getting a permanent job, the girl solved the problem of financial instability. The love for English did its job: for 2 years the singer worked in the elite department of Aeroflot.

Yulia liked the frequent flights. She loves to travel and admire colorful cities from a bird's eye view. At the beginning of 2010 The prestigious profession began to tire her: strict rules and unpleasant relationships in the team dulled the dream that the girl lived by.

Another favorite thing was choreography. In an effort to reach heights, Siewert resumed her dancing career and performs with a friendly group, which broke up after some time. Julia begins to think about solo performances and tries herself in the world of music.

The girl loved to sing, but in her youth her attempts were in vain. She was inspired by the works of Madonna, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. Listening to music in different directions, I tried to find my creative path. At first everything was fine, she grew and honed her skills. When she developed her own singing style, vocal teachers tried to annoy her and break her original traits. That was the end of it.

In 2021, Zivert is trying his hand at a vocal competition for young and little-known talents. After passing difficult tests, the girl manages to gain recognition and victory. This served as a certain impetus for the development of an artist. Inspired by applause and applause, Julia begins to work hard. In a professional studio, she improves her vocal abilities. After some time, she manages to create a musical group.

Spring 2021 gained fame thanks to her video work on social networks, shot with minimal investment. This fall, her new work will be released in a duet with Maria Skobleeva, who was already widely known at that time. Such a quick leap helped the singer sign a contract with the First Music Publishing House label, which already had Dima Bilan and Ivan Dorn on its books.

At the beginning of 2021 Her debut solo album “Shine” is released. All works are styled and have found their audience. On electronic platforms, Zivert songs were in the top 5 in terms of the number of purchases, and they could also often be heard on well-known radio stations. Autumn 2021 she went on her first tour of the cities of Russia, and very soon it was followed by a second, which included some cities of Belarus.

Height, weight and tattoo of Julia Sievert

Height165 cm
Weight48 kg
Eye colorBrown
Hair colorBrunette
TattoosThe girl has several tattoos on her body:
  • on the left shoulder blade - in the form of a palm tree with waves and sunset,
  • on the collarbone - the word “thank you”,
  • on the neck there are several stars,
  • on the hand is a full-length silhouette of a girl.
Plastic surgeryNo

Julia Sievert - photo gallery

Yulia Sytnik: biography

Sytnik (Sievert) Yulia Vladimirovna is a native Muscovite. She was born on November 28, 1990. According to the zodiac sign - Sagittarius, according to the Chinese horoscope - Metal Horse. The artist’s height is 165 cm, weight is about 50 kg.

Childhood and youth, parents, education

Julia has a multinational family. Her mother Irma has German and Polish roots, her father Vladimir has Ukrainian and Gypsy roots. Her parents divorced when Julia was still little. Then the future artist, née Sytnik, took her mother’s maiden name – Sievert.

Some time after her birth, the family moved to Odessa, a seaport city in Ukraine. Julia spent her childhood there. 5 years later, when she entered second grade, Sytniki was forced to return to Moscow.

Zivert always remembers Odessa with warmth

It is known that Irma was engaged in business, namely, she managed her own clothing store. A few years later, Vladimir divorced his wife. Julia and her older sister Diana stayed with their mother. Often Zivert mentions two beloved women in interviews, thanking them for everything they did for her.

As a child, Julia did not attend music school or theater clubs. However, this did not stop her from being naturally artistic and singing all day long. The grandmother greatly influenced the development of her granddaughter’s love of music: she had a beautiful voice, often sang, and assisted Yulia in creating images for performances. Instead of vocals, the girl danced professionally. She attended a ballet school, then moved to a ballroom class, and a little later - modern dance.

Zivert's family called her an "artist" since childhood.

In her dreams, Julia always wanted to develop in a creative direction. Therefore, after graduating from school, she decided to become an actress. Twice she entered theater universities and both times faced refusal. Then the grandmother, with whom Zivert was close as a mother and sister, advised him to choose a more serious profession. And the girl entered the specialty “Tourism Management”.

After some time, Julia learned that the British Higher School of Design was located next to her university. She met the students of this educational institution and realized that design attracted her more than management.

Zivert dropped out of university and entered the BHSHD. School tuition was paid and very expensive. Therefore, Yulia had to quit school and get a job. She tried several specialties and then decided to become a flight attendant.

For Zivert, the sky is his second passion after music.

Excellent knowledge of English, thanks to its in-depth study in childhood, beautiful appearance and resistance to stress helped Yulia get into the fourth elite department. And although the work was physically and mentally exhausting, the girl was attracted by the opportunity to travel, and the high salary was also a huge plus.

After working as a flight attendant for about five years, Yulia returned to Moscow. Her dance experience allowed her to join the troupe, with which she performed for three years. Then the team broke up, and Zivert again had to look for his calling.

Then, together with a friend, she organized a tailoring salon. At the very beginning of creating a business, Julia realized that this activity did not bring her joy. Leaving the salon to a friend, Sievert hired a vocal coach and began singing.

At the age of 25, Julia began the path to her dream

Music career

At the beginning of her creative career, Zivert changed many vocal teachers. Each of them tried to make the girl’s voice and performance more “smooth” and “normal.” Through social networks, she met teacher Irene Molchanova, who helped improve her vocal abilities.

In 2021, thanks to hard work in the Vocal Mix studio, Yulia managed to win the All-Russian Vocal Competition. In 2017, she debuted as a singer under the pseudonym Zivert.

The girl published a song called “Chuck” on her YouTube channel. After 2 months, through the efforts of fans and a small film crew, a parody clip was filmed. When creating it, only a quadcopter and a small camera attached to the car were used.

In the fall of 2021, Zivert released the second song “Anesthesia,” followed immediately by a video

His extraordinary voice and creative approach to business attracted not only fans, but also producers. In 2021, the girl signed a contract with the First Musical label. Yulia’s next composition was “Wind of Change,” which was recorded as the soundtrack to the TV series “Chernobyl-2.”

In the spring of 2021, Zivert released her debut mini-album “Shine”, which included the songs “Green Waves”, “I Still Want”, “Ocean”, “Shine”. The first studio album, Vinyl #1, was released in September 2019. It included nine tracks.

The video “I still want” brought Yulia millions of views

Zivert's real breakthrough came after the release of the song "Life". The track became the most wanted on Shazam. It took first place in the Russian iTunes chart in the fifth week of 2021, as well as in the top of the most popular songs according to the Yandex. Music" for the year.

Also in 2021, Yulia received three Victoria Awards, two of which were received for the track “Life”. The singer became “Breakthrough of the Year” at the MUZ-TV awards and “Powerful Start” at the awards from RU.TV.

Famous duets

2019 was also successful for Zivert in terms of collaboration with other show business stars.

The girl recorded the song “Sails” and a video clip with rapper Mot

Together with Philip Kirkorov, she created a version of “Life”, which was included in “Vinyl #1”

The collaboration with the “king” of the stage did not stop there. Philip and Yulia sang a duet at the closing of New Wave 2019. Kirkorov also joined Zivert at her first solo concert. This attracted even more attention to the singer. Then they sang together again on “New Year’s Eve on First”.

In 2021, Julia Sievert released two songs in duets with Niletto and Basta

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