Vladimir Zhirinovsky: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Height, weight, age. How old is Vladimir Zhirinovsky

People who are delighted with their favorite politician want to know physical parameters such as height, weight, age. It is quite easy to find out how old Vladimir Zhirinovsky is, since the date of his birth is available on the Internet.

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich appeared in April 1946, so he was already seventy-one years old. According to his zodiac sign, he belongs to the hardworking, hardy and calm Taurus. It is difficult to unbalance him, but once he is, it is almost impossible to stop him.

According to the Eastern horoscope, Zhirinovsky is a brave and authoritative, fearless and fair Dog.

The nationality of Vladimir Volfovich is hotly debated, so it is worth clarifying that he is Russian. The fact is that nationality in Judaism is passed on through the mother, and Zhirinovsky’s father is a Polish Jew.

Vladimir Volfovich’s height is one meter and eighty-two centimeters, and his weight stopped at eighty kilograms.


Vladimir Zhirinovsky believed that if you make a choice, then dissatisfaction with your life is a stimulus for activity. His career grew rapidly. He worked:

  • An employee of the Ministry of Justice;
  • Legal consultant for the Mir publishing house;
  • Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party;
  • Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation;

In January 1996, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky became a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. In 2000, Zhirinovsky and Vladimir Putin took part in the presidential elections. With a huge gap in votes, Putin won. In 2008, he again nominated himself for the presidency. However, this year was also a failure for him.

Personal life and biography of the scandalous politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Famous politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky

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Biography of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The biography of Vladimir Zhirinovsky began in 1946, when he was born in the capital of Soviet Kazakhstan, where his father was exiled. There are assumptions that before school the boy had his father's last name - Eidelstein, which was changed for him due to the persecution of Jews. Although friends from the yard say that everyone teased the boy “Zhirik” because of his last name.

The guy studied in high school, and then decided to enter Moscow State University to study oriental languages. He received higher education as a specialist in the Turkish language. At the same time, he studied at the University of Marxism-Leninism and received another higher education - law, studying evening classes at Moscow State University.

It is worth clarifying that the politician speaks fluent English and Turkish, French and German. He is a convinced vegetarian because he believes that meat has a detrimental effect on the body.


His career began with the USSR Peace Committee, and later he became the head of the legal department of the Mir publishing house, from which his party work began.

In 1989 he created the LDPR party, and a year later he headed it. In 1991, Vladimir Volfovich tried to become President of Russia, but took only third place.

Since 1993 he has been a deputy of the State Duma, and he wanted to become President five times, but he lacked quite a bit. Zhirinovsky still heads the LDPR party. By the way, it is possible to write a letter to Vladimir Zhirinovsky by email or by email on the official website of the LDPR party.

The man is certainly a talented and eccentric politician who often gets involved in scandals and uses profanity in his speeches. He often appears on television shows and appears in debates.

Quite recently, a major scandal broke out related to yet another rumor that the politician allegedly died of a heart attack. The date of death of Vladimir Zhirinovsky was not specifically named, since he had already been “buried” several times, which means he could live for a long time.

Igor Lebedev

Igor Lebedev

The eldest son of the head of the Liberal Democratic Party was born in 1972. When the time came for the young man to receive a passport, his father insisted that Igor take his mother’s surname.

Reference! According to Wikipedia, Vladimir Volfovich himself, until he came of age, was registered in the name of his own father - Eidelstein. He changed it in 1964 to the surname of his mother’s first husband. Other sources, in particular, the daily socio-political republican newspaper Express K, citing the memoirs of the politician’s childhood friends, claim that he was Zhirinovsky from birth.

It is officially believed that in this way the father protected his heir from the associations and burden of fame he received during his political career. But at the time of his son’s 16th birthday, Vladimir Volfovich was taking only the first steps in this direction. Therefore, the prerequisites for changing the son’s surname had clearly different shades.

Igor is a member of the LDPR, a deputy since 1999, and the head of the party faction. Currently, Lebedev is one of the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, a post he has held since 2011.

For active legislative activity and many years of work he was awarded:

  • Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree – 2006;
  • Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation - 2009;
  • Order of Honor - 2011;
  • Order of Friendship - 2013

He is interested in football, supports the Lokomotiv club, and has been a member of the executive committee of the Russian Football Union since 2015.

Zhirinovsky with his son
He has several successful businesses, which, according to the tradition of Russian politicians, are not registered in his name.

As a result of a journalistic investigation by the Baza portal, several hotels were identified in Spain and Ibiza. The owners of the property changed several times, and in the end, by coincidence, they became the namesakes of Igor Vladimirovich’s mother, his current wife Nadezhda Grishaeva and close friends-partners.

In 2014, opposition leader Navalny revealed the purchase of apartments in Dubai in the name of deputy Lebedev. Having indisputable evidence in hand, with a copy of the foreign passport of a member of the LDPR party, Sergei was never able to obtain an explanation of the official’s income. According to him, the cost of real estate is 86 million rubles. And this is not the only housing owned by Zhirinovsky’s son; he, his wife and his mother own several apartments in Moscow, the total cost of which exceeds the annual budget of a small country.

I wonder how much deputies earn today.

Several scandals are associated with Igor Vladimirovich. The reason for the loudest of the latter was his statement about disabled children. The deputy often posts his thoughts on his Twitter page and posted the following thought:

Disgusting position.

— Sergey Boyarskiy (@sergeyboyarskiy) September 11, 2017

Afterwards he was criticized by religious organizations, colleagues and society.

Later, at a meeting with the girl’s family within the State Duma, according to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Lebedev made a public apology.

“Believe me, I am extremely disappointed and regret that it was my fault that this happened. Sorry you got dragged into all this. We will try to ensure that this story ends as favorably as possible for you. Thank you for reacting to this situation with restraint."

Another high-profile case involves fraud with party money. According to the Kompromat Group publication, an investigation into the theft of 29 million rubles is currently underway. from the LDPR reserve fund. Witnesses confirmed that they transferred funds on the personal instructions of the Deputy Speaker.

A report was published on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in March 2021, which states that “until October 2021, I.V. Lebedev categorically refused to confront the accused,” and as of March 3, the criminal case was transferred to the investigative department of the Central Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow.

The deputy himself denies the accusations and speaks negatively about the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“The relationship between me and the investigator is conducted through lawyers. I personally didn’t refuse anything, but if the lawyers thought that a confrontation was still premature, or they had some other arguments, that’s the work of the lawyers... I generally think that the Ministry of Internal Affairs in this case made a mistake. They do not have the right to disclose issues in a criminal case, the investigation of which is still ongoing. Naturally, the people who stole the money are now citing everyone and everything in order to escape responsibility. “I believe that until the criminal case has been sent to court, no one, and first of all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has the right to comment on the nuances of this case.”

Vladimir Volfovich said that he did not like his son’s character. Igor is not at all like his eccentric and stubborn father, in his own opinion. However, life shows a clear similarity in intemperance and opposition to the authorities.

The eldest son gave his father three grandchildren, but the politician hardly sees them because of his busy schedule and does not raise the boys. The older twins are getting an education in Switzerland, preparing to follow in the footsteps of their father and grandfather.

Photo: Zhirinovsky with his wife Galina and twin grandchildren

Photo: Zhirinovsky with his wife Galina and twin grandchildren

“We sometimes value children as our own. That he should always be there, that he should obey in everything. But he is different, he has a different head. Everyone wants freedom, so, parents, get ready for him or her to leave. There will be another family, and God forbid you interfere.”

Personal life of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The personal life of Vladimir Zhirinovsky is not as correct as others think. Vladimir Volfovich has been married for many years and seems to be happy, he is not going to get a divorce.

The most interesting thing is that this eccentric politician constantly has illegitimate children and former lovers. One of Vladimir Volfovich’s favorite women is Zhanna Gadzarova. The man met this charming Ossetian woman in Cuba in 1984, and a whirlwind romance immediately began. The young people returned to Moscow, where a year later the boy Oleg was born.

The politician still has an illegitimate daughter, however, her appearance is shrouded in mystery. The fact is that nothing is known about the girl’s mother, except that her last name is Petrova.

By the way, Zhirinovsky claims that he would like to consolidate polygamy in Russia in order to legitimize all his relationships and give his children his last name.

Galina Lebedeva - wife with thirty years of experience

Despite his image as a brawler and brawler, Zhirinovsky lived his entire life with one woman - recently the family of Vladimir Volfovich and Galina Alexandrovna celebrated their silver wedding, coinciding this date with... their wedding! Yes, yes, thirty years later this couple decided to get married in the face of God, and what is this if not evidence that peace and harmony reign in their home.

But first things first.

Galina met her husband while a student at the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University. That summer she spent her holidays at a youth camp by the sea. Vladimir immediately became interested in the slender, long-haired beauty with tanned shoulders and deep, thoughtful eyes.

Their relationship was more like a friendly one - everything happened in full accordance with the norms and rules of that time. For three years, Vladimir Zhirinovsky patiently took his future wife to theaters and exhibitions, and most often they were accompanied by some friend of Galina.

But he passed this test of friendship, and in 1970 Galina Alekseevna agreed to Vladimir Volfovich’s proposal to marry him. Well, three more years later, a long-awaited son was born into the Zhirinovsky-Lebedev family, whom Galina decided to call with a beautiful princely name - Igor, and her husband fully approved of such a good choice.

Family of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The family of Vladimir Zhirinovsky is amazing and original. His paternal grandfather was the owner of a woodworking plant in Kostopol, through the territory of which a railway ran. He was shot during the Great Patriotic War as a Jew, and most of his family died.

After the war, two brothers - Aaron and Wolf - the future father of Zhirinovsky - were evicted to Kazakhstan. Later, Vladimir’s uncle was deported to Poland, and then went with his family to Israel. The politician received this information from his mother, since he does not remember his father at all. The family broke up almost immediately after Volodya’s birth; his father worked as a lawyer and agronomist, who later managed the supply of chemicals and fertilizers from the Israeli company.

Mother, Alexandra Makarova, is a canteen worker at the Almaty Veterinary Institute. She married a second time to Andrei or Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who became the boy’s stepfather and served in the NKVD department on the railway.

The famous politician has two half-brothers Andrei and Yuri, as well as three half-sisters Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov. All of them, including nephews and nieces, became famous people.

Children of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The children of Vladimir Zhirinovsky are loved and provided for. In marriage, Vladimir Volfovich had his only son, who bears the name of his famous father. He is successful, educated, settled in life.

Illegitimate children also do not suffer from lack of attention from their father. The famous politician is not at all ashamed of them; for the first time he spoke about his illegitimate son live on one of the Moscow channels and introduced the boy to the whole country.

Zhirinovsky has two twin grandchildren, with whom his grandfather does not have time to communicate more than once a month. Sasha and Seryozha are given more time by their own grandmothers.

Son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky - Igor Lebedev

The son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Igor Lebedev, was born in the marriage of the politician and Galina Lebedeva in 1972. The boy was given his mother’s surname at birth, since Zhirinovsky did not want his name to play any role in his son’s promotion and bring privileges.
The guy graduated from high school with flying colors, and in 1996 he became a certified lawyer, graduating from the Moscow Law Academy. He became a politician, joining the LDPR, and became an assistant to a State Duma deputy. He worked as an adviser to the Ministry of Labor and was repeatedly elected as a deputy.

Married to Lyudmila Lebedeva, he has twin sons Alexander and Sergei, who were born in 1998. The boys studied at a boarding school at Moscow State University.

Zhirinovsky: Who is his wife and what she looked like and looks like now

Zhirinovsky: Who is his wife and what she looked like and looks like now
It is difficult to find a person who does not know such a political figure as Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky.

He was born on April 25, 1946, leads the LDPR party, has been a State Duma deputy of all convocations since 1993, and a member of PACE. He participated in the election campaign six times as a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. He was married once and has three children, but only one of them was born in an official marriage.

Spouse and party comrade

His wife, Galina Aleksandrovna Lebedeva, was born in 1949, in the Baltic states. After graduating from high school, she entered Moscow State University. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Biology.

Galina and Vladimir met at a summer camp for students in Pitsunda. In 1967, and in 1971 they got married, a year later they had a son, Igor. At first, the newlyweds lived with their wife’s parents. After 7 years of marriage, the couple filed for divorce in 1978. It was accompanied by a lawsuit regarding the ownership of an apartment in Teply Stan, which was decided in favor of the wife.

The re-unification of the spouses took place at the end of the 80s, although according to some sources they continued to live together all this time. In 1993, they celebrated their silver wedding and got married in the Orthodox Church, but did not legalize their relationship again.

By profession, Galina Aleksandrovna is a biologist, received a PhD degree and works at the Research Institute of Virology, where she has the position of senior researcher, and is a laureate of the Lomonosov Prize.

In addition to her main job, she is actively involved in politics, acts as her husband’s ally, and heads the Association for the Promotion of Deputy Activities. The creation of the LDPR Women's Association, which deals with the problems of low-income citizens, is also her merit.

In 2003, Zhirinovsky’s wife released a memoir entitled “Life Together.” In them, she describes her relationship with her husband and at the same time the milestones of his formation in the political field.

Both in the book and in life, Galina Aleksandrovna speaks of her husband with respect and always protects his interests.

The daily income of the leader's wife is about 4 million rubles; she is the owner of 8 Moscow apartments and five country houses in the Moscow region. For transportation, he has 7 cars at his disposal. According to some information, she owns a construction company. Children Zhirinovsky's eldest son, Igor Lebedev, was born in a legal marriage. He graduated from the Law Academy, is married, and has two twin sons born in 1998.

The middle son of Vladimir Volfovich is Oleg Eidelshtein (Gazdarov), born in 1986. He was born to Ossetian Zhanna Gazdarova, raised by his grandmother, then moved to Moscow, where he graduated from Moscow State University. He is married to Ossetian Madina Batyrova. Now he lives with his wife in Ossetia.

The youngest daughter, Anastasia Petrova, is also an illegitimate child. Zhirinovsky mentions her in an interview, but the details of her life are hidden under a veil of secrecy.

Illegitimate son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky - Oleg Gazdarov

The illegitimate son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Oleg Gazdarov, was born in 1985 from his mistress Zhanna Gazdarova. For the first time, a ten-year-old boy was shown to the world by a politician on a local channel, clarifying that he was her son.

The boy was raised by his mother and then by his grandmother Rakhimat, this happened in a small village in North Ossetia. The guy graduated from school with flying colors, moved to Moscow and entered the prestigious Moscow State University.

The guy married at the age of twenty-six a girl of Ossetian origin, Madina Batyrova. The famous father arranged the wedding for his son, but he was not present at the celebration.

Illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Zhirinovsky - Anastasia Petrova

The illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Anastasia Petrova, was born unknown when, and it is also unclear who her biological mother was.

Little is known about the girl; no one knows how and where she studied. Zhirinovsky says that his name and patronymic are written down on Anastasia’s birth certificate, however, he could not give his last name.

So far it has been claimed that Nastya graduated from school and entered a rather prestigious higher educational institution, where no one knows that she is the daughter of that same eccentric politician.

Mysterious daughter Anastasia

When wondering how many children Vladimir Zhirinovsky has, one should not think that everything was limited to two recognized sons. In his numerous interviews, Vladimir has repeatedly said that he also has an illegitimate daughter. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find detailed information about this girl in open sources. Perhaps she herself does not want to advertise her status as an illegitimate child. According to Zhirinovsky himself, all that is known is that her name is Anastasia. On the birth certificate, her middle name is listed in accordance with her biological father, that is, Vladimirovna. And Zhirinovsky’s daughter bears her mother’s surname - Petrova.

The story of Nastya’s birth is not advertised in detail. At the same time, Vladimir Volfovich says that if Russian laws allowed him to have several wives, he would have formalized his relationship with Nastya’s mother long ago, and Zhirinovsky’s daughter herself would have long ago bore his last name.

Wife of Vladimir Zhirinovsky - Galina Lebedeva

The wife of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Galina Lebedeva, appeared in the politician’s life in 1971. She works as a virologist and has a PhD in biological sciences. Almost all of the woman’s scientific work is aimed at studying the AIDS virus and overcoming this terrible disease.

Galina Aleksandrovna and Vladimir Volfovich got married only in 1993, and in 1978 they officially divorced. Today there is only a church marriage, although Lebedeva herself claims that they formalized the relationship again in 1985.

By the way, all of Zhirinovsky’s property is registered in the name of his wife, and she is also his ally and heads the women’s department of the LDPR.

Personal life

It is known that Zhirinovsky is married to Lebedeva Galina Aleksandrovna Zhirinovsky. The biography and wife of the politician have been discussed more than once in the press. Vladimir Volfovich’s beloved is a candidate of biological sciences. The couple got married in 1993 according to the Orthodox rite. That same year they celebrated their silver wedding. Zhirinovsky, biography, whose family is not a secret to the general public, has an only son, Igor. He was born in 1973, graduated from the Law Academy and in 2000 took the post of chairman of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the third convocation. Before this, Igor Vladimirovich worked at the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. There he held the post of adviser to the minister. This is the official biography of Zhirinovsky. The personal life of a politician occupies the public less than his political activities. However, everyone was pleased to learn that in 1998 he became a grandfather. His son Igor gave birth to twins: Alexander and Sergei. Now the boys are receiving education at a boarding house at Moscow State University.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Zhirinovsky are available and quite official.
On the page dedicated to the scandalous politician on Wikipedia, you can find detailed and reliable information regarding family history and political career, personal life and children. A special place is occupied by information about numerous scandals and statements of the politician. There are several Zhirinovsky pages on Instagram, but only one of them is official. More than 119 thousand people have subscribed to it and admire the personality of the ambitious politician. On Instagram you can find photos and videos related to Zhirinovsky’s career and personal life.

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