Creative dance of the newlyweds at a wedding with a surprise - how to prepare

  • Which dance to choose?
  • Original ideas for the first dance of young people
  • Cheerful and energetic
  • With a surprise
  • History in dance
  • Useful tips for a young couple
  • Wedding dance performance
  • Final dance
  • One of the most beautiful events at a wedding celebration is the dance of the newlyweds. There is no definite answer to the question of when the newlyweds dance their first dance at a wedding. This can be done immediately after registering the marriage at the registry office or at the beginning of the festive banquet, or you can prepare two versions of the speech. One way or another, dance is considered a symbol of the beginning of life together , so its choice and preparation must be taken with full responsibility.

    Which dance to choose?

    First of all, the bride and groom must decide exactly what musical composition they will dance to. If there is enough time left for choreographic preparation, then you can stop at the classic version - the waltz.

    For the waltz, it is important that both partners move well, then the couple in the dance will look organic and beautiful

    Most newlyweds choose this simple dance, as it is ideal for the solemnity of the moment. A beautiful video of the bride and groom's wedding waltz to classical music can be seen in this video:

    The waltz of the bride and groom at a wedding will evoke touching feelings and tears of joy among guests. The music can be selected from modern compositions, from well-loved classics, or from adaptations of old melodies. The slow 1 wedding dance of the newlyweds will make you hold your breath and admire them.

    The sensual tango dance is suitable for those couples who are not afraid to openly express their emotions in public. This dance is called the dance of love and passion, which must be presented in such a way that the audience can feel it. Tango can be compared to a small play where the leading actors are spouses.

    Latin dance is becoming popular in 2021, it should be chosen by a couple who has a high temperament, then they will look organic. Latin dancing is energy, expression, passion and a full fireworks display of emotions. The movements are so unusual that it is impossible to do without training from a specialist. But if you learn the dance well, the wedding guests will be completely delighted with the newlyweds.

    A video of a beautiful first slow dance of young people, which can be learned in 2-3 rehearsals, can be seen in this video:

    Sultan dance

    Oriental dances are the decoration of any event. A wedding is no exception. The Sultan's dance will please any audience and, if performed correctly, will cause a storm of enthusiastic emotions. A seemingly simple dance is actually difficult in terms of technically correct execution. The dancer must be able to ignite and seduce the audience with his graceful body movements. Therefore, if you have not previously practiced oriental dancing and do not have the appropriate skills, learning in the shortest possible time will be quite difficult. It makes sense to invite professional dancers with a prepared routine.

    Original ideas for the first dance of young people

    Often newlyweds strive to move away from the classics and prepare a real entertaining dance show . It can be just a fun and fiery dance, a dance with a trick, when it all starts with a traditional waltz and ends with crazy rock and roll. There are many options, the main thing is to use your imagination and learn the movements well.

    Cheerful and energetic

    Fun ones include: twist, rock and roll, jive or Latin dances. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the newlyweds. Preparing for such a dance can be a real challenge, especially if the bride and groom have not practiced choreography in everyday life.

    It is also important to take into account that the traditional bride’s dress is not very suitable for such dances. Therefore, you will need a second outfit for the performance or a transformable dress.

    With a surprise

    A surprise dance involves the bride and groom starting to dance to a classical tune, such as a waltz. Suddenly the music stops and is replaced by fast music. The newlyweds at first feign confusion and surprise, but then begin to perform a cheerful, energetic dance.

    Below you can watch a video of the newlyweds’ original dance at a wedding with a surprise - no one expected such a turn:

    Such productions look very cool, fresh and original . Of course, when preparing, you need to take into account the desires of both the groom and the bride so that the performance brings pleasure to both of them. A great idea would be to include all the guests in the dance.

    In the case of a surprise dance, it is important to make a single soundtrack - combine excerpts of your favorite compositions into one to avoid incidents during playback

    History in dance

    The dance in the form of a small sketch or story is suitable for those couples where the bride or groom does not know how to dance. In this case, you can do a little trick and prepare the simplest dance performances .

    And surprise guests not with dance training, but with an unusual plot, similar to a theater script. A touching story with a bit of humor is suitable for a wedding, or, on the contrary, a funny story - it’s up to the newlyweds to decide.

    An interesting video of a cool first dance of young people with humor:

    Bridesmaids' dance: what to dance at a wedding?

    The most common dance of bridesmaids at a wedding is energetic movements to a medley of musical compositions. The goals of the bridesmaid dance are different:

    • entertain guests - for this you can dress in bright costumes, and choose music so that it appeals to the older generation of guests, and then smoothly flows into more modern tunes;
    • attract the attention of the groom's friends - this can be a seductive dance, but it is important not to overdo it and not confuse the guests;
    • involve everyone present in the dance - you can arrange something like a dance battle with the groom’s friends.

    For inspiration, we recommend watching a video of bridesmaids dancing at a wedding. From it you can take note of some movements or compositions for musical accompaniment.

    The portal will always find fun and creative ideas for your wedding! And if you want to dilute the general atmosphere of fun with touching moments, be sure to include a dance between father and daughter, son and mother in the evening program.

    Useful tips for a young couple

    When learning a wedding dance, many newlyweds make the same mistakes. To avoid repeating them, you should listen to some advice:

    • if the partners categorically do not like something in the dance, it is better to refuse it, otherwise the performance will be constrained;
    • while dancing, it is important to be able to abstract yourself from others and dance as if no one is nearby;
    • if the dance doesn’t work out, then you don’t need to spend a lot of time on it, it’s better to take wedding waltz lessons, but don’t exhaust yourself;
    • the optimal time for dancing is 3 minutes;
    • before the wedding, you need to practice wearing clothes that will be close to wedding dresses, for example, the bride can make an imitation of a fluffy bottom of the dress and attach something like a veil to her head if it is long;
    • it is advisable to rehearse in the shoes that the bride and groom will wear at the wedding;
    • To give the dance an additional effect, you can use confetti, light and smoke special effects, and fireworks.

    Video lesson of dancing for newlyweds at a wedding that everyone can do:

    Music for a wedding dance from the bride and groom with a surprise

    Choosing the right music is an important preparation step. If the best wedding dance with a surprise is staged by a professional choreographer, then he will help you decide on the compositions, and if not, then you will have to listen to more than one song yourself to get the perfect option. Its main features should be originality and uniqueness, so you shouldn’t buy a ready-made one online; it’s better to use a music editor to assemble one that you like.

    Wedding dance music is a mixture of your favorite compositions. The final version will be exclusive. The number of cuts and the playing time of each fragment, as well as the presence or absence of transitions between individual tracks - this is all selected by the choreographer if he is staging a dance or by the bride and groom when they decide to do it themselves.

    Bachata wedding dance of newlyweds

    Wedding dance performance

    When staging a dance, the main thing to remember is that the newlyweds perform it, first of all, for themselves, and not for invited guests

    Therefore, you need to get the maximum positive out of your performance.

    If you want to amaze your guests with an unusual wedding dance, you need to start training as early as possible . If young people have no experience in choreography, then they need to take lessons from a specialist. He will help you find an individual style, a suitable musical composition and will choreograph a beautiful dance for the bride and groom at the wedding.

    You need to start rehearsals approximately a month and a half before the celebration, then there will be enough time to learn and remember all the movements. To stage an original dance, you will need about 6 lessons , but in addition to this, you need to repeat the movements at home.

    Dance lessons are a very exciting activity. So it is possible that the young couple decides to continue their studies after the wedding.

    If you have at least a little experience in dancing, then you can try to choreograph and learn a wedding dance yourself . Internet resources will be a good help in this. There are advantages to this:

    • convenient time for classes;
    • no need to pay for choreographer services;
    • selection of movements suitable to taste and difficulty.

    On the Internet you can find video lessons for all types of dances, as well as a suitable melody. It is advisable to rehearse the dance in front of a large mirror to understand how it will look from the outside and notice possible shortcomings.

    You can watch a good video lesson of the bride and groom dancing for a wedding with beautiful and simple supports and ligaments here:

    Bride dance

    The bride's dance has become a good wedding tradition. The girl performs it alone, at the head of her girlfriends, and leading a group of guests.

    What it could be:

    • areas you have been involved in for a long time;
    • old;
    • romantic;
    • national, folk;
    • Oriental;
    • comic;
    • dance of any hero or heroine from a production or film;
    • contemporary pop;
    • a certain direction for which preparation is needed, and many others. etc.

    However, whatever you choose, take note of this - here are a few instructions for your attention:

    • Solve the issue of dressing up: of course, the easiest way is to perform a dance that does not require special makeup, hairstyle, or clothes. But if what you choose requires certain props, it should be put on/applied quickly. And, of course, after the production, one could return to the image of a bride without any problems.
    • A beautiful, spectacular number, if you are not a professional dancer, only a qualified teacher will help you choreograph it. And you also have several training sessions and rehearsals - without them it is difficult to achieve smoothness and clarity of movements. Therefore, both you and your friends should prepare for the performance in advance.
    • Think about the props, especially if the performance is a group one. Of course, your friends and acquaintances can simply wear clothes that match the color and style, but unified costumes chosen according to the direction of the dance, in the spirit of the song, look much more spectacular. In many cities, such outfits can be rented.
    • The DJ, presenter, photographer, videographer must know all the details of your dance so as not to spoil or disrupt it with their actions. Ideally, no one except them and the immediate participants should know about the upcoming surprise.

    Final dance

    At the end of the wedding reception, the newlyweds usually perform a final dance . Thus reminding guests that the newlyweds are the main heroes of the occasion. The touching last dance of the newlyweds will put a beautiful ellipsis before the beginning of their life together.

    The dance at the end of the wedding evening may be the same one that was performed at the beginning of the holiday. The newlyweds dance for an encore and are the first to leave the wedding banquet. At its completion, additional special effects can be used: smoke, light, confetti or fireworks, Chinese lanterns.

    By the end of the wedding, after an exciting day, the newlyweds usually feel tired. Therefore, it is better to perform a romantic final dance to calm, melodic music .

    The first dance of the spouses is elegant, sensual and tender, it will remain in memory for many, many years. It will be nice to get a disc with the recording on your next wedding anniversary and enjoy the magical dance again. Or maybe perform it again.

    Children's dances

    The dance of little guests is also a common sight at weddings. Children symbolize purity, tenderness and innocence, because babies are the most sensual and sincere creatures. Children's dance can be complemented by romantic music that can touch anyone. If only girls perform, they can be dressed up in costumes of angels or princesses. However, such a sweet and touching gift is not appropriate in every situation. If one of the newlyweds grew up in a dysfunctional family or in an orphanage, he is unlikely to be pleased with this surprise. On the contrary, it will evoke unpleasant and sad memories. Another situation is when newlyweds are unable to have a child. In this case, such a gift will also be useless. When preparing a children's performance, several nuances should be taken into account:

    • Time. Is it enough to prepare an interesting issue?
    • Character of children. Will they be able to speak in front of a large audience without anxiety and shyness?
    • Costumes and sound. Don't put off this point until the very last moment.

    KNOWLEDGE BASE: What to give to friends for a wedding

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