Is it possible to wear wedding rings given by parents?

An engagement ring is the cherished dream of almost every girl and her parents. But this piece of jewelry not only adorns a delicate hand, but also endows its owner with magical powers and protects the home from all troubles and misfortunes.

There are many superstitions about wedding rings. All of them relate mainly to family happiness. For those who wear the attributes of marriage or are just about to wear them, it would not hurt to study folk signs about wedding rings in order to choose and use them correctly.

Wedding rings - signs and superstitions

Signs about choosing wedding rings

  • You need to choose both rings at the same time, in the same store. This is explained simply: a simultaneous purchase symbolizes living together, and jewelry from different stores can lead to quarrels and a quick end to family life. Previously, it was believed that only the groom should choose, but today this rule is taken more seriously and more and more people choose jewelry together.
  • You should go to a jewelry store in a great mood, and when buying, think only about the good. This way you can “charge” your jewelry with goodness, joy and positivity.
  • It is advisable to choose classic wedding rings - without carvings, engravings, or precious stones. They say that those who get married with a smooth ring also have a smooth family life. There is another opinion - jewelry with diamonds and other precious stones symbolize prosperity in the family and a happy life.

If you choose jewelry with a stone, make sure that the mineral suits you and your other half. Take into account your zodiac sign and personal preferences, and before buying, hold the “engagement ring” in your hand - if you feel comfortable and the jewelry feels warm, feel free to buy. If you feel cold and negative, choose other models.

Is it possible to reduce the size of an engagement ring?

But you don’t have to rush to the jeweler! There are an incredible number of methods on how to reduce a wedding ring at home:

  1. A thread . A regular thin sewing thread (not wool) will do. To do this, wrap it around your finger several times, the main thing is that it is not tight! Do this series of steps until the ring is no longer large in size.
  2. Glue . No, not PVA or any other, but hot glue in a gun. Apply liquid glue to the back surface of the product using a gun and wait until it hardens. The advantage of this method is that it can be easily removed if necessary.
  3. Enamel . A special enamel is sold for nails that will make the wedding ring smaller. This is exactly the case when you are able to pay money to the jeweler, but he refused you. Then purchase transparent enamel for the nail plate. Paint the inside of the ring in about ten layers, and cut off the excess with a knife. This is a durable method if you do not expose the enamel to chemical influences.
  4. Nail polish . It's difficult to say how many layers will be needed. Use clear varnish for this procedure.
  5. Silicone lining . There are such cheap devices on third-party resources. The reduced ring tightly and securely covers the phalanx of the finger.
  6. Wear another ring under your wedding ring . This simple and affordable method involves wearing an engagement ring or any other jewelry under the main jewelry. This often helps solve the problem of jewelry falling off.

what to do with an enlarged ringWearing a ring over a wedding ring while enlarging the accessory
So, if your ring has become too big for you, don’t be upset, there are many ways to fix the problem. Which one to choose is up to you.

Signs about wedding rings before the wedding

  • After the purchase and before you go home with the rings, say these words over them: “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen". This will enhance the positive energy of the jewelry; they will protect the newlyweds from temptations and adversity.
  • If the groom presented the bride with an engagement ring before the wedding, it cannot be removed before the engagement ring is put on the finger. After the wedding, you can wear both rings together.
  • Before the wedding, jewelry should only be stored together. They even advise filling them with water and freezing them to make the marriage stronger.

Is it possible to wear my mother’s ring if it is “cleaned”

If jewelry has its own energy, then it is reasonable to note - is it possible to “purify” this energy? They say that you can remove negativity from jewelry using fire, running water, melting, or a special ritual - the rings are held over fire and under water, melted into new jewelry, or with the help of magicians, sorcerers and psychics.

Each person should evaluate the effectiveness of any method of “cleaning” for himself - if the bride believes in such energetic cleansing, they will be effective for her - the fear of wearing her mother’s ring will disappear. If doubts about the purity of the ring continue to overcome a girl, there can only be one piece of advice - do not wear her mother’s ring, buy a new piece of jewelry.

Signs about wedding rings during a wedding

  • On the day of the wedding ceremony, you cannot wear any rings other than wedding rings.
  • Putting the ring on the wrong finger means cheating. Moreover, the cheater will be the one who incorrectly put the jewelry on the other half.
  • If an unmarried man or an unmarried girl touches the newlyweds’ jewelry, they will soon have their own wedding. It is believed that everyone should not be allowed to touch their “engagement rings”, even if you really want to help everyone - usually the bride and groom allow this only to very close people.
  • Whoever picks up the box (cushion) of rings first will soon have their own wedding. Most often, the box ends up in the hands of the witness - she is the one who usually takes it after the bride and groom put on jewelry. The bride is not allowed to pick up this box.
  • Dropping a ring at a wedding means there will be troubles in family life. If this happens, you can try to “erase” the negative charge of the event. For this you will need a white thread (witnesses prepare it in advance - just in case). Before putting on the jewelry after falling, you need to thread a white thread through it. Afterwards, the thread is given to the person who dropped the ring, and this person must burn it with the words: “Fire, burn all my troubles and sorrows.”
  • You cannot put jewelry on a glove. If gloves are part of the wedding attire, you will have to remove one before putting on the ring.
  • During the wedding ceremony, it turned out that the decoration did not fit in size - a bad sign. This sign promises a dysfunctional marriage.

Is it possible to give a ring for a holiday?

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What kind of jewelry to give to a girl

Not only women, but also men can receive a ring as a gift. If the gift was presented by the other half, but the couple is not married, the man also needs to pay off the bad omen with money.

It is allowed to give a ring for a holiday if it was given:

  1. By parents.

    Children are often given rings on their coming of age as a symbol of their independence and the beginning of adulthood. It is believed that such a gift can protect and bring good luck.
  2. Relatives or close friends. A ring is a beautiful gift that can show the love and attention shown by the giver. However, a ring given by a good friend of the opposite sex would not be a very appropriate gift. Such a gesture can raise many inappropriate questions.
  3. From colleagues. It is also allowed to give a ring to a girl who has gone on maternity leave or a woman who has retired, but only if the gift is presented on behalf of the entire team.

When choosing a gift, first of all, you need to consider its appropriateness. Such gifts are given only to the closest people with whom a person will spend most of his life.

Signs about wedding rings after the wedding

  • Wedding rings cannot be removed. It is believed that they are a strong talisman of the family; they protect family happiness. People try to wear these jewelry day and night so that the marriage is strong and long. Anyone who often takes off the “engagement” will face frequent quarrels and misunderstandings in the family.
  • You should not let other people try them on - not only after the wedding, but also before it. During such a fitting, the family happiness of the bride (or groom - depending on whose ring is being tried on) may go to another person.
  • Losing a ring portends trouble : it could be quarrels and discord in the family, various troubles and even divorce. If the husband loses the jewelry, then he may soon cheat on his wife or leave the family. If a wife has lost, then difficulties may begin in communicating with her husband’s relatives, and misunderstandings will appear in the couple. If the symbol of marriage is lost in the house and then quickly found, the family will live in prosperity.
  • If the ring of one of the spouses is stolen, it can be used for love spells. To protect your marriage, buy new wedding rings for yourself and your partner, consecrate them in church and wear them without taking them off.
  • Breakage of jewelry does not bode well . If the ring is bent, burst or cracked, the couple will soon face trials that may become critical for the integrity of the family. They say that a crack in a ring can indicate an unfaithful spouse.
  • During pregnancy, they try not to remove the wedding jewelry from the finger - it is believed that the closed-shaped ring protects against miscarriage (if the expectant mother suffers from edema, it is still better to remove the ring - you can thread it through a chain and hang it around your neck). But just before giving birth, be sure to remove all closed jewelry - rings and chains, so that the birth will be easier.
  • No one should be allowed to remove the “engagement ring” from their finger . According to superstition, by doing so you can shorten your life and give away your family happiness, health and material wealth.

Can a wife wear her husband's wedding ring?

Often, divorced women or women who have lost their husbands have questions regarding the remaining ring of their spouse. Magicians have their own opinion on this matter. They say that if a woman wants to connect her life with another person in the future, then she should not wear a ring. It will scare off a new applicant. It is better to hide the ring in a secluded corner and keep it as a memory of the deceased spouse. If you have a ring left over from a divorce, donate it to a charitable cause or leave it up to your children to decide.

The Church does not approve of divorce and does not say anything about wearing a ring after a divorce. However, why bother yourself with constant reminders of past happiness? We need to go towards something new!

After the death of her husband, clergy say that a widow can wear her husband’s ring as a sign of love and memory for him. But it can be used as a pendant and worn on the chest . But in any case, the second ring, especially if the marriage was a wedding, should be kept by the second spouse.

Is it possible to buy engagement rings at a pawn shop?
Signs about wearing a husband's wedding ring by a wife

Signs about wedding rings in case of divorce and death of a spouse

  • After a divorce, the former spouses do not put on the rings and do not allow others to try them on. There is an opinion that even just keeping such jewelry at home is not worth it - they are thrown into reservoirs or given to church.
  • Widows can continue to wear wedding jewelry, but on their left hand instead of their right hand. You cannot pass them on by inheritance, give them as a gift or let them try on - there is a risk of passing on your destiny to someone else.
  • If a widow remarries, the old ring should be removed and never put on again, so as not to bring trouble to the new spouse. The new product is worn on the right hand.

What does the church say?

During the wedding, the priest always draws the attention of the newlyweds to the fact that the rings cannot be passed into the wrong hands to anyone, not even their own children . According to church canons, they are a symbol of the purity and fidelity of spouses towards each other. Jewelry should always be together and you cannot “break this union”.

A girl must decide for herself whether to wear her mother’s ring or not . To a greater extent, the choice is influenced by the attitude of the young bride to religion and superstitions. In any case, the gift can be given for the wedding day, and the girl herself will decide whether to take it or not, and how to wear it in the future.

Is it possible to get married with rings that were worn by relatives?

Some couples prefer not to buy new jewelry, but to use those that they inherited from grandparents or other relatives. It is believed that such products preserve the energy of the family, and they will be a strong talisman for a young family. If grandparents lived a long and happy life together, their relationship was kind and filled with love, then their rings can really bring happiness to the newlyweds. It is not recommended to use jewelry from relatives who were unhappy in their marriage or lived as a couple for less than 25 years. The same applies to melting down and trying on wedding rings - you should not interact in any way with jewelry whose owners lived in quarrels, divorced or were widowed.

How to make the right decision

Of course, each girl must make her own decision about whether to wear her mother’s engagement ring. Some signs are quite controversial - for example, about melting down jewelry. Some people believe that you should never wear your parents’ rings, even melted ones. Others say that if the parents were happily married, their jewelry can be melted down and worn - such jewelry can bring happiness to the newlyweds.

When a girl doubts whether to wear her mother’s ring or not, she should carefully weigh everything - first of all, analyze how happy her mother was as a wife throughout her life, and what the state of their relationship with her father is now. The heart will tell you what to do right!

Is it possible to sell wedding rings?

If a family lives in marriage, then it is impossible to sell symbols of their love - any superstitious person will agree with this. Moreover, “temporary” sale in the form of taking it to a pawnshop is also prohibited: according to signs, this is how you can sell your destiny.

Selling wedding jewelry after a divorce or death of the other half is not prohibited. You can also melt them into jewelry, but be careful: after all, the ring of those who are widowed or divorced may carry negative energy. Psychics advise getting rid of such “engagement rings” - letting them float freely along the river, throwing them into the fire, or giving them to church for free.

By following the signs about wedding rings, you can protect your family from many troubles and strengthen your relationship with your other half. Many of the signs and superstitions described in the article are several centuries old - their effects have been tested by dozens of generations, and they continue to operate today. Take care of your wedding rings! Sometimes caution and attention to detail can save a union.

Why can't you try on other people's wedding rings?

Statements about what cannot be measured also have explanations.

A woman or men who try on someone else’s wedding ring on their hand are risking their own prosperous family life. If a person is not yet married, then he may remain single forever. This is what folk wisdom says. Sorcerers and psychics say that the ring absorbs the energy of the owner and can transfer it to the person who tries it on. Agree that not everyone has positive energy. Therefore, in order not to take risks, it is better not to wear other people’s rings for trying on.

It is also not recommended to let your ring be measured, so as not to destroy the existing family well-being

Especially if the person who asked to try it on is divorced or unhappily married. It is believed that a person will take family happiness for himself. Fortune tellers warn that a rival who dreams of a union with her husband may ask to try on the ring. It's also better not to take risks.

The Church says nothing about trying on rings. But he instructs you to never take the rings off your finger in order to protect your marriage.

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