On which finger should a single, divorced or widow wear a ring? On which fingers can you wear rings and on which ones can you not?

In this article, psychologist Evgenia Dvoretskaya answers the question “Can an unmarried woman wear a wedding ring?”

Mom says that she wore a ring on this finger all her life and never got married. But I don't believe in all these signs. What about your experience?

It depends on what kind of ring you mean. if it’s some kind of jewelry, then why not wear it, but if it’s something similar to an engagement ring, then this can mislead the young man and he will receive incorrect information from an unmarried girl. Although sometimes this can save you from unnecessary encroachments.

If the girl is without prejudice, then it’s possible. I know that often pretty young girls working in the service sector specially wear “engagement rings” so that they will be less noticed at work. And your mother is also right in some ways, because maybe your potential betrothed, seeing the “engagement”, will not even make an attempt to get acquainted.

I have a lot of experience. I was married and divorced, I wore rings however I wanted and didn’t think about which finger I was putting them on. Now I even forgot who should wear the ring and on which finger. Now you look at women with rings on all their fingers, they even have rings on their feet - I’ve seen them myself. I think that all the signs were invented by people themselves and interpret them as they see fit. I think you can wear it however you like. Worry less about signs and life will be easier.

If you don’t believe omens, then you can wear a ring on the ring finger of your right hand. If you are still subject to self-hypnosis, then it is better not to wear it, otherwise you will blame yourself and your finger alone. Self-hypnosis plays a very important role.

If you want to scare away gentlemen who pester you, then the ring on the ring finger of your right hand can even act as a deterrent. But even a ring won’t scare off those who are especially obsessive.

Now, if I see a ring on a man’s ring finger, I immediately think he’s married. if the ring is on a young guy, similar thoughts. and it never occurred to me to come up and ask whether it was an engagement ring or just like that. You can wear it anywhere, but suddenly “your” person will see this ring, think that you are married and pass by. especially since now wedding rings can be of any model, with stones in the shape of a heart or a skull, if you want. as you like. Why scare away fate? You have nine more fingers on your hands, choose any other.

Some couples living in a civil marriage begin to wear wedding rings before the family is officially registered. A man and a woman want to demonstrate to members of the opposite sex that they are no longer free, but are in a relationship.

In modern society, such a decision is approached differently, citing, among other things, the signs that have developed over many years. We will take a comprehensive look at whether it is possible to wear a ring without painting before the wedding according to existing signs on this topic.

Signs about the main wedding symbol

Following the signs, the groom should buy wedding rings. So he will subsequently become the head of the family. They should not be accepted as gifts from relatives or wedding guests.

Parents can give their children their symbols of marriage, but do not buy rings specifically for them. There are many signs regarding wedding symbols received by inheritance.

In all signs, newlyweds are allowed to take wedding jewelry from parents and grandparents who had a happy marriage. After all, rings carry information about the lives of their owners. If the parents lived poorly, often quarreled, and betrayal occurred, then the children can take over the baton of such relationships with rings.

According to one of the signs, rings can be taken from parents who have already celebrated their silver wedding. Their wedding rings symbolize a long and happy family life and will help the young couple build a strong marriage.

By the same token, it is even better to receive as a gift the wedding bands of grandparents who lived in harmony and prosperity before the golden wedding.

Can an unmarried girl wear a wedding ring?

When one of the parents has already died at the time of the wedding, the rings are considered widow's and cannot be given to children. It is possible to convey a widow's fate through jewelry.

Many signs categorically prohibit newlyweds from using their parents' wedding symbols . According to them, a young couple should definitely buy new rings.

We bring to your attention a selection of popular signs regarding the main wedding symbol:

  1. The bride and groom's ring should be purchased in one place and at the same time. Otherwise, there will be frequent quarrels in the family and even divorce is possible.
  2. You must try on the products yourself, without resorting to the help of sellers. It is especially important to remove the ring from your finger yourself.
  3. After purchasing the rings, no one is allowed to try them on. During the fitting, a person will be able to take over the fate of the young couple.

Perhaps the most famous sign about the shape of rings. Jewelry should have a smooth shape, without additional decor or stones. Then the couple’s life will go smoothly, and there will be no stones or other obstacles along the way.

The meaning of the ring on the left hand

A ring can serve as a beautiful decoration, show others the status of the owner, and sometimes be a talisman or talisman. Not all people know and pay attention to the fact on which finger, index or ring finger, right hand or left, this accessory should be worn. However, it is important and can be closely related to the energy of the body.

Creativity and success

In palmistry, this finger is associated with success, creativity and luck. It is sometimes believed that an accessory on this finger may indicate that a person lacks happiness and thus tries to summon it. It is noted that it is thanks to wearing such a ring that an individual’s creative abilities become stronger.

Actor and singer Vladimir Kuzmin noted in his comments that the ring helped him enhance his creative potential. Vladimir Vinokur also endowed wearing a ring on the left hand of the ring finger with the same properties.

Passion for luxury and wealth

The constant presence of the ring on this finger indicates the owner’s thirst for pleasure, sensual pleasures and a pleasant pastime. We can say that such a person is a tireless and amazing romantic. Having seen such a ring on your chosen one or your chosen one on a date, you can be sure that this is a positive person with good intentions and making definite plans for your union.

If it is small and graceful, then this is a sign that the person is confident in his abilities, calm and balanced. And vice versa, a large and bright stone, an abundance of gold and rhinestones testify to the stormy and sometimes hysterical character and behavior of a person.

Family status

For supporters of the Catholic Church, a ring worn on the left ring finger speaks of marriage. This ancient custom refers to the history of Egypt. It was the Egyptians who believed that it was from the finger of the left hand that an important “artery of love” came, which went directly to the human heart . Initially, rings were made from ceramics, glass and various other metals.

Is it possible for an unmarried girl and a guy to wear a ring?

Folk signs advise a couple not only not to wear acquired symbols of marriage before the wedding, but not even to try them on. Newlyweds wear them for the first time at their wedding ceremony, thereby symbolizing eternal love and loyalty to their soulmate.

There are interesting signs on how to store complex jewelry purchased. Before crossing the threshold of an apartment or private house where the rings will be until the day of marriage registration, you must quietly say the following text: For a good life, for a strong family. Amen.

Is it possible to wear an engagement ring without painting?
The future spouses can be firmly connected to each other by placing the wedding symbols in a bag, and then pouring water into it and freezing it in the freezer. This must be done with a positive attitude and faith in a strong and happy marriage .
With a similar mood, you should choose, try on and buy rings.

Is it possible to wear a ring on the ring finger?

No signs or superstitions prohibit wearing rings on the ring fingers. Nevertheless, superstitious people believe that each product has its “own place” on a person’s hand. This means that it is best for a believer not to anger fate.

Despite this, jewelry on the ring fingers will not bring anything bad; it is not capable of attracting negative energy, of course we are talking exclusively about its rings. It is clear that it is undesirable to use things of deceased relatives or something purchased at a pawnshop in this way. The fact is that someone else’s thing can retain the energy of the previous owner for a long time and, unfortunately, not always positive.

It is gold, silver and other expensive “jewelry” that, in desperation, many people “reduce” their illnesses, damage, and the evil eye. Although there are also those who simply want to do harm and throw such objects. Therefore, it is allowed to wear your own rings on Apollo’s fingers, but as for strangers, that’s everyone’s business. For those who are not afraid of anything, nothing will happen, but for those who are tormented by doubts, such beauty can cost a lot...

Should I wear a ring in a civil marriage without painting?

Wedding rings are considered the main wedding attributes. Therefore, according to signs, wearing them until the registration of a young family helps to provoke various unpleasant moments and even problems during the wedding ceremony, up to its cancellation.

The bride and groom, putting a ring on each other's finger, demonstrate assurance of eternal love and fidelity.

According to popular belief, from this moment on, the rings on the fingers of the newly-made spouses demonstrate that their destinies are intertwined in a common vicious circle. Therefore, before registering a marriage, it is not customary to wear rings on the ring finger of the right hand.

Many peoples of the world have a belief that a couple who violates established wedding traditions and customs may face an unexpected and quick divorce process in the future.

No one will give any guarantees whether certain signs will come true or not. After all, they did not arise out of nowhere. But everyone decides for themselves whether to believe or not to believe in omens .

Is it possible to wear wedding rings before marriage?

Why you shouldn't wear a wedding ring before your wedding

In almost every corner of the globe there are signs and beliefs associated with the engagement of young people. According to them, the wedding ring on the ring finger symbolizes the fidelity of the spouses, now their destinies are intertwined together. The presence of a ring on a finger is also a signal to others, especially people of the opposite sex, that a person is married and is not looking for a soul mate. But, before the official wedding ceremony, it is not customary to wear a wedding ring. What to do if the wedding is not soon, but you want to wear jewelry right now?

wedding rings before wedding

Some girls solve this problem extremely simply - they put the desired ring on their ring finger even before the wedding. Some single and divorced women wear a wedding ring for the same reason: they don't want any relationship at the moment and are trying not to attract the attention of unwanted suitors. A woman puts on a symbolic piece of jewelry and feels more or less safe. In addition to divorced and unmarried ladies, women living in a civil marriage like to wear “engagement rings”.

wedding rings before wedding

But there are also cases when girls doubt whether to wear a ring or not. If the relationship with your lover is not so reliable or the bride has envious women, then is it worth tempting fate? It’s not worth it, many smart people think. There are already so many worries before the wedding, so there is no need to give yourself an extra reason to worry. What if, indeed, because of such a trifle the wedding is postponed or something goes wrong. There is another pretty good reason not to wear a wedding ring until your marriage is officially registered. During the marriage ceremony, newlyweds put rings on each other for the first time. This is a very joyful and exciting moment. Is it worth depriving yourself of such pleasure? Obviously not.

wedding rings before wedding

Folk signs and beliefs with rings

You can often hear from older people that putting on rings before the wedding is dangerous, this leads to various problems and troubles already during the wedding celebration, and in some cases such an act can break up the relationship. People also say that failure to comply with wedding beliefs can lead to a quick divorce of the newlyweds. There are other signs associated with wedding attributes.

  • You can wear your parents' wedding rings only if their marriage was strong and happy. If mom and dad have already celebrated their silver wedding, then giving the rings to children is even welcome.
  • Do not wear rings over gloves - this is not good.
  • Wedding rings in which a couple is going to get married should not be decorated with stones and carvings; they must be smooth.
  • After you have tried on the ring, you should not give it to other women.
  • During fitting, the ring must be put on and removed only by yourself.
  • If you suddenly don’t like the wedding ring over time, choose another one, and be sure to keep the first one as a keepsake. Do not under any circumstances sell it or give it to other people except children.
  • Try not to drop or lose the attributes of marriage, especially before the wedding - this will lead to discord in the family.
  • You cannot accept wedding rings as gifts; you must buy them yourself.
  • If a girl finds an engagement ring on the street, she will soon receive a proposal.

wedding rings before wedding


According to traditions, two rituals must take place before a wedding (engagement): matchmaking and engagement. The matchmaking ceremony is the introduction of young people to their parents. Then the engagement must take place: the groom proposes to his beloved, and they submit an application to the registry office. Usually the guy gives the bride a ring on the engagement day. It can be with a diamond or other precious stone.

wedding rings before wedding

After performing these rituals, the young people no longer hide their feelings. They begin to prepare for the upcoming wedding and wedding. A girl can wear a ring given as an engagement ring and show it to her friends, acquaintances immediately after it was given to her. She will wear the jewelry only until the marriage ceremony, and then she will put on the wedding ring.

wedding rings before wedding

When can you start wearing a wedding ring?

The wedding ring is put on only after the newlyweds have been declared husband and wife - not before. From that moment on, they become spouses and can legally wear rings. If, of course, a girl does not believe in omens and really wants to put on a ring before registering with the registry office, no one can stop her from doing so. But friends and family are simply obliged to warn her about the possible consequences. We also want to warn young people against rash actions. Do not neglect the traditions of your ancestors, be prudent.

wedding rings before wedding

Bottom line

According to established tradition, newlyweds exchange wedding symbols for the first time during the official registration of their family.

For them, this is a joyful and welcome moment, regardless of what kind of wedding ceremony they chose - a solemn one with a large number of invited guests or an ordinary one with witnesses.

By putting on the rings ahead of time, the couple deprives themselves of a very touching moment. If the relationship in a civil marriage does not work out, then the fact of violation of the signs will become another reason for worry. But in any case, the final choice is yours to make. We wish you a lifetime of happy marriage!

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