Beautiful wedding rings: signs and superstitions about complex jewelry - what they should be

Author: Oleg Maltsev

The main symbol of a wedding and the beginning of a new family life is rings. The tradition of exchanging them appeared a long time ago, as a sign of the strength and inviolability of the union. But some spouses do not wear them, taking them off after the ceremony. What do signs and superstitions say about this, why is it absolutely forbidden to take off your wedding ring and what are the dangers of this?

Why is it absolutely forbidden to take off your wedding ring?

The history of the decoration

It is not known exactly where and when the first rings appeared. Some sources claim that in Ancient Egypt, others - in Ancient Greece. Mentions of them are found in the literature of different countries.

The scriptures say that in those days rings were made not from metal, but from a reed stalk. They had the same meaning as today. The lovers exchanged them entering into a marriage union, thereby symbolizing their love.

The form of a closed circle was chosen for a reason; it indicated a closed process, inextricable relationships, loyalty and devotion.

The ring finger on which we put the jewelry was also not chosen by chance. The ancient writings of Egypt and Rome tell us why it should be worn this way. In their opinion, (the Egyptians in those days were actively engaged in dissecting human bodies and studying anatomy) a nerve connected to the heart passes through the ring finger on the left hand . That's why he was chosen, in such a way as to unite the hearts of the newlyweds.

Today the tradition lives on; everyone who undergoes a wedding ceremony does not forget to give their loved one a ring. The only thing that has changed is that the products are now made of metals. Often this is an expensive piece of jewelry, encrusted with precious stones, engraved and other additions. But the meaning has not changed, it is the same as it was several centuries ago.

Two wedding decorations

Why can't you take off your wedding ring?

Previously, people could not even think that such an important attribute could be removed and put on a shelf. Now many people leave it at home, explaining this for one reason or another. More often, of course, men do this.

There are many warning superstitions about this:

  • The most important of them is that it is believed that in this case the connection between the spouses is broken and their marriage will face troubles;
  • Someone says that when a husband or wife takes off a ring, he is subconsciously ready to find a new partner. They haven’t admitted it yet, but by getting rid of the accessory, they unconsciously let others know that they are in the search stage. In this way, you can offend your partner; he will overthink himself with different thoughts and worry.

Little finger cross

However, everything is relative, depending on the person and the culture in which he was raised. Americans, for example, are more practical about this ritual and if the husband does not wear a ring, the wife will not even pay attention to it.

In this video, Victor Shabanov will tell you about a few more signs associated with this decoration:

The main reasons why spouses refuse to wear an accessory

Research was conducted on this topic, a survey was organized, men and women answered as follows:

  1. Why women don't wear:
  • I don’t like the ring, my taste has changed, I want to update the jewelry;
  • Disturbs massage therapists, catering workers and people of other professions at work;
  • I took it off to wash and wash the dishes and forgot to put it on;
  • Your arm has lost weight or gained weight;
  • Doesn't suit today's outfit;
  • Too expensive, scary to lose.
  1. Men:
  • I don't like decorations at all;
  • The profession does not allow it;
  • Lost.

If your family has questions about this topic, don’t panic. We just need to discuss everything; the reasons are probably quite objective.

A married man takes a ring off his finger

Why don't people wear wedding bands?

In life, unfortunately, this “rule” cannot be followed by absolutely every family person. The reasons why people take off their wedding ring can be very varied and do not mean that the love and affection between spouses has ended.

One of the common reasons why spouses take off their wedding ring after a while is a change in the person's weight. Women during pregnancy and after childbirth still suffer from swelling and extra pounds, which affects changes in clothing and shoe sizes, so they do not have the opportunity to put on their wedding ring again. Men, as a rule, also gain weight over the years of family life and cannot constantly wear a ring for obvious reasons. There is a way out of this situation - you can take your ring to a jewelry salon for rolling, and in your presence the ring will be rolled out and polished. Classic rings (round, without stones) will remain virtually unchanged in appearance, but rings with engravings or recessed stones may end up looking slightly altered.

There is a category of people (both men and women) who simply do not like wearing jewelry on their bodies. This applies not only to rings, but also to bracelets, chains, watches, etc. The desire to remove the engagement ring in such people is due to physiological characteristics.

Also, the profession of each spouse influences the wearing of the ring. Working professions involve physical work, during which the ring can get in the way or be easily scratched, so wearing it every day to work is impractical.

Why can't you take off your wedding rings after the wedding?

Neither the church nor people will judge you if you refuse to wear the product. However, this is a tribute to tradition and a sign to others that your heart is occupied and you should not try to win it. Therefore, you shouldn’t leave a gift in the box; put it on, it will please your other half.

Among other things, there is a reverse superstition. It turns out that it is not advisable to put on a ring before the wedding. It is believed that it should be next to the second copy until the moment of marriage, otherwise their strength will be disrupted, which can bring quarrels and discord to the couple.

This warning applies more to girls; men, therefore, are in no hurry to try on the product, but women are often impatient. But you shouldn’t do this; the more valuable the moment will be, the longer you wait for it. The moment will come and the treasured ring will take its place.

Wedding wedding - bonds

The meaning of an engagement ring in the 21st century

Back in the 20th century, married couples did not even consider the question of whether it was necessary to wear an original wedding ring; it had to be worn, because everyone did so. In the modern world, its significance has been greatly diminished. Many people no longer consider the ring a symbol of love, marriage and do not feel the need to wear it.

The exchange of wedding rings has become an obligatory tradition for almost everyone, a necessary stage of the wedding, because “it was like that for everyone.” More often this jewelry is worn by women; they are more emotional and dependent on the new status of their wife. After all, it influences public opinion, makes them more significant and respected.

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Men refuse to wear a wedding ring for several reasons:

  • it is uncomfortable to wear;
  • the ring symbolizes the “bonds of marriage”, deprives one of self-confidence and freedom;
  • a man does not want his status as a family man to be so obvious;
  • the accessory affects health and mood.

The stronger sex always has its own opinion about whether you should wear a wedding ring. It is often perceived by a man as a direct indication of a change in his marital status and level of responsibilities. For others, on the contrary, it is a symbol of love, self-affirmation, and social worth.

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Signs of wedding rings

We especially recommend that the superstitious pay attention to priests

Many people don't know that clergy don't wear rings. And this does not mean that they do not love their wives. In their families there is often no place for quarrels and discord, children are born in love, and there is no talk of betrayal. But they don’t wear a ring on their finger; they take it off almost immediately after the marriage registration ceremony.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. A priest, due to his activities, cannot belong only to the family. His soul implies love for everyone. Of course, this does not allow him to take advantage of his position and lead a lifestyle free from his family. We are talking about more sublime things, a clergyman cannot bind himself to spiritual obligations with only one woman, he helps everyone and has a certain love for the entire human race;
  2. From a practical point of view, this is inconvenient; the decoration interferes with the baptism of an infant and the celebration of the Liturgy.

If you are superstitious to the extreme, think about it, it’s not about this decoration. Not a single ring has ever saved a family if there is no respect and trust in it.

Rings are not for the superstitious

Other signs about the main wedding attribute

The moment of marriage and exchange of rings is very important and exciting for every couple, so this symbol of love has acquired various superstitions:

  • You can't give rings to girlfriends to try on. The sign says that this way you can transfer happiness into the wrong hands;
  • Losing a treasured ring means divorce;
  • You cannot drop it during the ceremony - it will bring misfortune to the family;
  • If a girl wants to get married, she needs to touch the surface of the ring on the bride’s hand, perhaps another wedding will take place soon;
  • You cannot put this decoration on a glove, otherwise the connection with your partner will not be strengthened. If gloves are part of the wedding dress, remove them at the right time;
  • You should buy products in one store or two at once. If you buy separately - to an unhappy family life;
  • Today, many people engrave on the surface; these can be drawings or inscriptions. But it is believed that it is better to leave it smooth, then life will be smooth.

It is perhaps difficult to list all the signs on this topic; people have accumulated a lot of them. Whether you believe in them or not is up to you. Remember that family is, first of all, work and the desire of two people to be together.

In the end, I would like to note that despite the reasons that we have outlined, when answering the question why you absolutely cannot remove your wedding ring, be more practical about the issue. Don’t get hung up on bad omens, remember, your happiness is in your hands, and not in a small piece of metal.

How to wear a wedding ring

Today, the exchange of rings during the marriage ceremony is part of the entire wedding ceremony. For many years, when newlyweds present rings, they say that they have neither beginning nor end, implying the eternity of love. And gold, from which wedding decorations have long been traditionally made, symbolizes purity and purity. Read about wedding dresses here.

Thus, by putting a ring on their ring finger, the newlyweds promise each other long-term love, devotion, mutual respect and patience. Without all this, a family cannot exist for long.

Jewelry designers began to offer new models of engagement jewelry. Some newlyweds still choose classic, completely smooth ones, while others prefer rings interspersed with precious stones.

wedding rings

You can also purchase a wedding ring not only from gold, but also from silver, palladium and titanium. There are even products made from ceramics and plastic on the market, but this option is usually preferred by young people with an unusual outlook on life.

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