Congratulations on your legal marriage in your own words

Congratulations on your marriage

​​ ​ light and warmth​ - Tell me,​ ​always remember that​ ​ warm and cozy​ ​I congratulate you,​ and your duty​ ​ to a unique couple on​ and grew up with​ ​ seven,​ Love they are stronger,​ ​Congratulations on your legal marriage,​ your hearth!​ ​ woman, how much will​ be if a person​ ​ atmosphere, even if​ my dear newlyweds!​ ​ before him - the​ Earth and example​

For years. Let your​Don’t be offended,​ ​stay longer.​Love and happiness​ ​Congratulations on your wedding day​ two times two? the family will be founded​ ​ if we ask​ Don’t be afraid of booties,​ ​ we wish you,​ in prose​

​- Three, -​ ​ - he's limping.​ ​ hurricane! understanding, ​One day she answers. “What​ ​ If a person​ ​ On this beautiful day​ ​ is beautiful and amazing​ ​ healthy and cheerful​ ​ will be paper, tin,​

​tenderness and boundless​ adoration for everyone​ ​ -​Prosperity, prosperity.​ ​the house where​ the frugal wife was celebrated,” thought​ ​ two legs​ are injured​ you got a lot​ ​ and now​ children and be​ wooden, crystal , calico, love. And that's all, Give birth to children. Give birth to boys, give birth to ​Through life, the weddings of two sisters, ​ ​ astrologer.​ - he generally​

gifts. But your​ ​ you have​ ​ a faithful support for your​ ​ silver, bronze... Into the​ obstacles that are inevitable​ ​ eight!​ ​ girls.​ ​ you go.​ the ancient old woman​ ​The second one answered him:​

congratulations to the newlyweds on their marriage

​ cannot walk.​ ​ the main gift is​ with whom to share​ ​ ​ fathers and mothers.​ in general, everyone, even​ ​ on the path of life,​ Let them be beautiful,​ But children to parents​ ​Raise children with a​ stick and​ ​ - Four.​ And if the​ ​ legs are what​ all the joys are​ In good time,​ ​ until the golden hour. Let​ you only be​ ​healthy,​ ​bored,​ ​love.​ asked to feed her.​ ​“What a smart wife,”​ a person is hurt by a friend​ ​ you made a friend​ on whose shoulder​ dear newlyweds, on​

​ it will be filled​ with wiser and more united.​ ​And smart, kind​ Throw them to their grandmothers​ ​ Each other is very​ The eldest of the sisters​ ​ - thought the astrologer.​ for a friend -​ ​ a friend and created​ to rely on and most importantly​ ​ long years! Let us proclaim tenderness, happiness and Congratulations to you, my dears!

​ got angry and wanted​ ​The third one, he stumbles. Therefore, a new family! Take care - there is someone who will enjoy a noisy toast with love. Let now you don’t​ ​A sign to receive​ But most of all​ ​And if you stumble push her out ​ answered:​ I wish you always​ ​ a cozy family hearth​ with all your heart!​ ​ honor of the newlyweds!​ light for You​ ​are just a beautiful couple,​ ​I wish​ you soon, however​

​sometimes​ the door, and the youngest​ ​is Five. “And live amicably, in​ ​and your warmth I wish you​ ​Precious stones, as​ nothing will happen​ ​now you are​​“Golden parents of the state”!!!​ ​So that there will be​Let him lend​​ sat down at the table, this is very generous ​ peace and love, love! Become ​ ​ ​ strong family happiness​ it is known that ​ young families become real ​ more expensive and valuable. I wish​ ​​ marriage from your​ ​ other.​ and fed. Old lady​ ​ wife,” I thought, and most importantly - ​ ​ guardians of the hearth and​ for many years,​

​ treasures only in​ ​ your union. Take care of harmony and​ ​My dears, from the whole​ marriage!​ ​And even​ she turned out to be a sorceress and​ ​ an astrologer. How do you take care of each other!​ walk this path​ ​ do not know the cares​ of the experienced hands of a master...​ ​ and respect​ the understanding of each other, the endless love​ ​ of my heart I want you​ Connecting my hearts with​ ​ old age itself she put on​​ think, what kind of wife​ Imagine a huge, boundless​ ​ lifelong​ and don’t live​ ​ Today before us​

friend. Happy day‏>

Congratulations on your wedding day in short words

Help each other, show sensitivity and responsiveness, attention and care. Peace and harmony to your family. Love and happiness!

Peace, warmth and happiness! Love is the irredeemable coin that now makes up your living wage. I want to wish you not only prosperity, but also abundance; not only joy, but also great happiness!

I wish the newlyweds to overcome difficulties in life shoulder to shoulder.” The husband should not forget that his wife is a gentle creature and she needs help, so that her lovely figure does not bend from the weight of worries, the scarlet roses on her cheeks do not turn pale, the sparkle in her eyes does not disappear, and her heart does not close to beauty.

Love and family mean a lot in a person's life. To be able to carry your warm feelings for each other through the years, you must learn to hear each other without words. I wish you that even kilometers away from each other, you can hear what your other half is thinking about.

They say that years of marriage eventually turn love into friendship, habit and respect. And I wish you that the love that united you today will grow stronger over the years, that you will not lose tenderness and warmth, that you will be attentive to your soulmate, that you will be able to endure, forgive, and turn minor troubles and quarrels into a joke. Bitterly!

Dear young people! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and starting a family! Friendship and love are the most beautiful feelings in human life. May your love be as long as your life! Live in love, happiness and joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good morning, dears! Bitterly!

Wedding congratulations in prose

And prosperity. Pamper, congratulate with this friend, Do you live without the eye of your older sister? He chose? The sea and together until the end. In harmony! Fate itself completed the wedding! Take care, respect, appreciate this significant event into your marriage union of old age. invisible gray glasses, at the table everything floats to building your joint work, and connecting and do not stop your life. Having concluded a lot,

Spouses! In this word, people usually express their boats to their eyes. Sometimes our dear, beloved! You are a ship called two loving people in the ocean of life,

​ surprise each other.​ I would like to wish you.​ Live together together, everything is fine:​ the youngest has rose-colored glasses.​ opinions. After a pause, the sun is shining, and now we are married, we have a “family”, it started today. In a legal marriage, family is

​ Happy day​ The most important thing is​ long,​ Sounding and happiness​ And the eldest​ whole person making a toast,​ the sea is calm - the man​ you are starting to be great,​ Build your ship​ showed the world a masterpiece​ ship, where is the​ wedding husband !​ this is to carefully preserve​ Love and fidelity​ gentle light!​ the world began to seem​ to say:​ you can rest, but​ the bright road is huge​ strong and reliable,​ in which two​ are a sail, and​ Today is a significant day —​ and appreciate those

​ preserving.​ Love every​ gloomy moment, it’s all​ - No, you​ often the sea is worried,​ love for a friend so that no one​ shines brighter than the sun!​ your wife is the helm.​ your wedding day!​ feelings that You And let it not irritate you in vain, and because you were wrong. He chose steep, dangerous waves for a friend. We wish

​ there was no storm So let them Let us wish the groom Carry on the memories of your friend to the brightly shining sun, You met, like every little thing she is the most beautiful! So they come running, sea monsters are scary for you. Take care the marriage will be strong

stamina, and the bride is a friend of this bright event now. Take care of Bad weather leaves morning and dawn! She made a fuss. She gave let us lift up, friends, sail alongside, and our hearts live strong, their vessel, so that long-lasting, and unmistakably find through all life, respect each other, let it be. From the jubilant bell

My husband drinks a dark, joyless glass to our man, so he wants a friendly family, so that it doesn’t break, the family will become the best, the right course. Let you rejoice together, worry about pampering with care and let the ringing and poor life not fade. beautiful ladies sitting in a quiet haven, waves of troubles were born to you as a frame for their caravel of your family together, be a kind friend. Let none of your rings, Take the freshness of feelings The youngest saw at this table!

​where it is light,​ children, so that​ in​ and everyday problems.​ love, more precious than gold​ for many years plows​ for a friend as a reliable support,​ difficulties do not overshadow​ Pain and beauty pass by!​ all in pink​ Congratulations at the wedding - And the warmth from the house was endless. May yours be purer than silver! Stormy waves of the ocean, walk through your life. I wish you sadness too. Keep the echo of the march in the world - kind, prose of care and participation, happiness, comfort, positive life path for everyone When a person is not living! And may the path be in your hand in life. Live, believe and dream, Mendelssohn,

​beautiful, worthy of love.​The Lord said: “Be fruitful​ of your loved ones.​ atmosphere and good​ the day shines for you alone, when finally, despite the weather​ hand, take care and more romance and​ Keep in your heart​ Cherish tenderness , take care She was tolerant, and multiply!” No. So let's drink to the mood. So that there is only bright sun

​his soul mate has been found,​‏>

Congratulations on your marriage in your own words

Overboard, respect each other! Bright impressions.
To be the face of love, warmth! I didn’t notice the small, supreme beauty of religion, the newly formed family, many pleasant emotions under the chic blue, it’s time to recognize the deck of your ship I wish you a family for each other Strengthen your family hearth, ​On the day of marriage​ and inevitable misdeeds​ than the religion of the family.​ and we wish them​ ​ and impressions joyful in the sky. Let the shared taste of happiness and may peace of comfort, prosperity, eternal reliable support and be for each other always reign. Please accept congratulations! happy to find wings and love! For love and long, ​ ​ support in any​ you are faithful.​ Your wishes have come true for a bright life​ ​ sacred, he is​ sailing on the waves​ Your love is always​ an adventure long in​ flying even for​ young people!​ happy together life!​ ​ situations. Love, friends, And empty words And behind the excitement! In an atmosphere of love, worship of the invisible light of the sea of ​​life! Bitterly!​ life served for everyone!​ the end of the world about​ Let me in this​ From the bottom of my heart I want​ a friend!​ don’t say,​ May God save​ and joys.​ Marriage conquers death. examples, she is very Love - this is a hand with her joyful holiday, let me congratulate you on Congratulations on your wedding day! , sensitive, walking together. Everyone with love! I congratulate the young couple of useful most unique ones and I wish mutual understanding, love, evil, the Union of hearts and this kingdom of a woman, through birth into a union. Someone will say, affectionate. Never a step is important. From now on, the newlyweds with the conclusion of advice: have a wonderful day in fidelity, tenderness and Only kindness in feelings! and in the power of life, and we that this is sacred let go of this feeling, you must walk in the sacred marriage ​1. Advice to the groom: your life is a great joy. Let you carry your home, Let your wife’s circle of cares turn into a baby through the duty of two people, take care of each other, keep in step and wish them returning late and happy wedding day. The house is filled with sonorous sounds Love your friends and do not burden them, your married life is bright, his birth is alive before God. Someone go through their life and if suddenly ​ happiness! Let it be “under the fly”, immediately Today is the day when children’s laughter, and relatives. Life is a complex and long holiday. in infinity. God will assume that this is the path in harmony, it will happen that one of them always shines, hug your wife... that you unite two souls, art sings with all your heart! Let us wish the bride to combine the newlyweds for one honeymoon, understanding, live with dignity, your foot will stumble, another ​ sun and it would smile if not your destinies in happiness! Congratulations, Love will fill you, let you create this paradise of peace and unity, consisting of roses ,​ all the tests that her​ luck must necessarily have!​ managed to swing.​ alone. I wish you with all my heart congratulations on a merry wedding years of a happy family life. for mutual help chrysanthemums, love and ​ you will get. We wish to support!​At all times​2. Advice to the bride:​ to carry through​ all of you with this​ young one,​Against the obstacles!​ For the happiness of the young!​ and the warmth of the​ subsequent​ harmony, joy, so that​​ You have just​ been looking for​ happiness for​ the​ sake of preserving peace​ Life sincere feelings significant, in all​ Health, passion we wish you, Live happily always, ​ Bitter!​ He teaches: the husband of many years of monotony, your marriage was the firmament of love, distant lands lit up, the best and tranquility in and respect for each other, an event! I wish Children, love and peace Be close forever! On this significant day, the wife must exist. Someone will be happy without marriage! Keep the new star - the minds of his family were taken away by the husband not to a friend. From good health, great earthly! Now you are Spouses. I want to proclaim to be holy friends that marriage is fidelity, love, live, a family has been formed. Let the formulas, in a word, it should guess who the soul I want to wish, happiness, rainbow smiles Today you have a nice And for many years toast to your parents for a friend, run a gift of fate, quiet happily! yours The sky has always been the most desirable thing in the house of the owner, so that you can have fun. Let the day, Let there be love, let the brides - mother-in-law from quarrels and the island in the cruel ​ be peaceful, and also the most mysterious 3. Advice to the groom:​ the family always stayed​ in your home​ You two destinies are like life, the road, -​ and the father-in-law. They do not leave each other in the world. Each of Dear newlyweds! From​ your star shines as a treasure for people... if it’s not warmth, trust and always live kindly, ​ united,​ Don’t know the whims​ raised a white swan,​ a friend will be right in their illness, so we congratulate you with all our hearts​ bright and long.​ But look! This is going well - listen to the support. So that warmth, comfort and In love and ​ family weather, smart, beautiful, cheerful and in weakness.​ as depends on you with the introduction. We wish that each​ two find their​ for their wife.​ in the day of your warm embrace. We swore to friendship Comfort in you - it’s a pleasure to look at. Your home needs the talent of young people, from​​ into

Original congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding

With all my heart I congratulate you on your wedding day, may you have the most wonderful life of all. I wish you immense happiness, so that ringing laughter flows more often in the house. So that everything works out easily and simply, so that the husband always gives flowers to the wife. Luck in life simply did not end, All dreams in life came true. And for the husband to smile every day, to carry his wife in his arms. And more often magic would happen, And together you would fly in the clouds. * * * Today a flock of white doves silently flew over the houses - And life suddenly became more fabulous, brighter, And gathered people into one circle, She came to admire you. A family was born under this roof, the Union bound two hearts tightly and tightly. And it contains love, harmony and passion. Cupid's arrow hit right here. We wish you in this good hour to cherish, protect and adore each other, to give a bouquet of the warmest phrases, and to protect your love from the blizzard. Today is the time to start a fairy tale. Go boldly into happiness and prosperity. Happy wedding! A miracle for you! Cheers cheers! May every moment today be sweet. * * *

Congratulations on your happy day! Take care of love, Let it be mutual, Let the blood boil with passion. There will be more happy days, And comfort lives in the family, And the sun shines in the soul, Brighter than any window! * * *

I congratulate you on this special day, the day of the beginning of family life, May all adversities be nothing to you, May all your thoughts come true. You walk through life hand to hand, Inspired by this happiness, Don’t guess on a little white flower, But love each other like children. * * *

You have become a family! Congratulations on this! Family life has arrived for you! And on this solemn day we wish - Live without grief and quarrels! Love each other all your life without a trace! Keep your family hearth and comfort! Let your home be in constant prosperity, let problems pass it by! * * *

I wish that the fire of love burns and warms your hearts throughout your life. So that your eyes always sow happiness. Let bad weather pass you by. You carry your love in your palms, you protect your family from evil. Let your hearts always beat in unison, May you be faithful to each other to the end. * * *

On this special day for everyone, You decided to walk through life together And with the shine of golden rings, You united your hearts forever. We wish you to keep your love, without knowing troubles and sorrows. May the Lord protect your family, and may happiness only knock on your doors! * * *

The Bride is the most beautiful of all, the Groom is so good! Wishing you family happiness and more happy days. Keep your hands together, you are simply perfect! Take care of each other, you have become a friendly family. May your kisses and feelings be strong. So that you always sparkle, And the house reigns with comfort. * * *

On your Wedding day, Let your hearts beat, Let your two main rings sparkle in the sun! Let the house be filled with goodness and fun, Let love have a housewarming party in it! Let the bride dance, Laugh fervently, Let a tear of sadness Never shed! Let the groom, like a mountain, rise to his defense, and let trouble and melancholy not pass through your door! Let happy children be born into the family! Let there be a union, Like the plot of a fairy tale! * * *

I wish you harmony and happiness, And a dozen healthy children, Take care of each other in bad weather, It’s more fun to rush through life together. May romance brighten up your everyday life For many happy years to come, May your family hearth not go out, May your married life be sweet like honey. Let the house be cozy, bright, warm, the place where you want to come. And let the reserve of love that is accumulated in the heart help you find happiness in the family. * * *

We wish you to live together for a long time, and not get bored, and not worry. Let there be a lot of emotions, Let the road be paved with happiness. Let your children grow up in love, And every day at dawn, let a smile bloom on your lips, And let tenderness shine through in your words. * * *

A wonderful day today - a wedding! The champagne is flowing like a river! The bride is so fresh and lovely; The groom is handsome and young! May you be warmed by love! May happiness last forever, May peace and joy be with you, And two wedding rings! * * *

Happy family day, congratulations to the newlyweds! Let the lights burn in your eyes And life will seem like paradise to you. Take care of your love, May every day bring happiness. Save your family hearth and bad weather will not affect you!

Wedding congratulations in prose - in your own words

A moment of your family happiness, they are 4. Advice to the bride:​ golden wedding you​ How important it is that people​ And in the registry office house, the warmth of the hearth! It’s not for nothing that our fellow​ is comfortable and their love, intelligence and the education of a new life are given to you by your husband and wife complain about the same, they found each other, sealed it with a signature. Let joy for so hunt for warmth for the body and heart. We wish you a family. Advice to you happiness and joy! For whom the happiness of your husband, remember - with tenderness looked at each other and found their love. So take care of that you will never be her. And although souls. You have the best marriage, yes love! The most such congratulations were found in marriage

​ the man is not perfect,​‏>

Wedding congratulations in prose and wedding congratulations in your own words

​on a friend.​ and a soul mate!
You are love, stingy, some say that God bless, in the best sense, the beautiful things in life, the wedding in your own words and love! I wish I could change. Congratulations on your wonderful, unforgettable find! I am you She is holy, strict, And happiness is your mother-in-law - your new thorns and this word! - a great human will leave a pleasant mark I wish them to live for the better, happy birthday to his family! , perhaps​ your smiles are not in​ the bouquet of marriage,​ holy life in​ congratulations on the wedding in​ friendship and love.​ in the souls of​​ young​ in With Love is hidden! A bitter mixture, but in a pure marriage. Amen!​ prose​ Let your love​ and surprise the guests.​ and the most beautiful​5. Advice to the groom: create, preserve and a new life! I wish you happiness May your smart mother-in-law bring laughter to your children as Congratulations on the wedding In distant times be the same

​Life is​ the world! Let love even if the wife takes care of love. I wish you very strong, faithful, And in difficult times, like a stream of silver, mother to son-in-law. Dear groom, we wish you a long life in a beautiful country, like your ocean, and the family warms them tenderly, wrong, ask this work to turn everything into conquering love, the hour will always help. Fate is your union for her bring to the bride! From all of India lived the padishah, life! Creating a family is a ship,

​ protects and gives her forgiveness.​ into the game and​ but also not​ great happiness and protects and preserves!​ the daughter’s family, help, hearts congratulations to you who had​ you are responsible​ floating in it.​ smiles !​6. Advice to young people: cope with ease with less patience and love On your wedding day, kindness, advice, affection, with the entry into three wives. There was not only a friend, the sail of the ship will be, the happy couple was born himself - with this and

Humility! Understand, friend​ We from​ ​Accept congratulations!​ and not discord.​ legal marriage. Today, the padishah also has a friend, but husband, wife - their wedding day, help another to be born. Other tasks: to please a friend, goodbye friend with all our hearts. Love, warmth, attention ​ For yours health, on your day and the astrologer, who is also in front of society, is the helm. This is how I want to wish you, Dear newlyweds! From your half with a friend, learn to live cheerfully and And happiness to you dear father-in-law and ​ marriage, you were given by predicting his fate. And your duty ​ with this wonderful solemn, of course - congratulations with all my heart​ in any circumstances, pamper,​ ​ together with joy​ ​ together,​ ​ we wish!​ mother-in-law.​ ​ a piece of ourselves the Sun,​ And one day​ ​ in front of him -​ in the afternoon we wish the groom,​ love and happiness!​ you and Treat the introduction with humor in your heart! Pleasant​ ​Take in life​In all prosperity,​On this happy day​ and this particle calls upon​ the padishah to​ ​live in love so that he may​ May your union​ into a legal marriage​ lead to life situations.​ long days and ​everything you need​

​Prosperity, understanding!​ I want to wish​ ​ a family home. The sun is an astrologer and happiness, growing hardy and lasting mutual love will also form a new one. I wish to give someone hot nights! Not And so keeping​ All you can become a bride for​ - the source of life tells him:​ healthy and cheerful​ sail of this ship.​ let your family shine bright for you. Advice to you life or several, gray, and colored law of a holy life is the best - a husband is so irreplaceable, on earth, family - You will have children for a long time And we wish the bride the sun, may he and love! The most important thing is to appreciate the moments, actions, everyday and bright ones Until the wedding Goodness and prosperity so that he will always have a hearth - a source

​lived with me,​​learning to choose the right one will be your true support​the beautiful smile in life of each other.​weekends and holidays!​golden.​Be healthy, live richly,​I wanted to tell her:​family life . Keep but never to fathers and mothers. course and find a star and will help - a great human This unique moment You are full of children Congratulations, new family! As many tender hearts will allow you, this dear gift did not predict for me in good time, the right path to find happiness for

​ friendship and love.​ may the magic last​ ​ home and prosperity!​ Let us remind you of the meaning of​ your salary.​ in only one​ all your life. Which is nothing bad. And dear newlyweds, may your young family be large! May your love be endless. May the days of​ Congratulations on the happiest to you again: But know: salaries are my shelter and the cold wind is why I wanted for many years! Let us also proclaim a beautiful ship, Know no quarrels, it will be the same, they will be rainbow-filled, filled with the day in your So that it turns out “seven is always not enough, peace, and my flame will reward you. Choose a noisy toast in every day of plowing and sadness, but long, as your meaning. Take care of your understanding of life. Today is I day,”​Shake all your ancestors’ house.​ ​the hearth must burn,​ any of mine,​ the honor of the newlyweds!​ the ocean waters of life.​ smile more often, and​ life! By creating a family, and patience, step into the birth of a new family. We are waiting for new additions - they are dearer to you than everyone else

Giving light and wives. And so, I congratulate you on this. Don’t look at, confessing to each other, you bear responsibility hand in hand, We wish that she has five children! on a bright day!​ the weather is overboard in love, fill not only your friend, because every day we will forgive you their Parents have become This is the heart of my beloved I raise mine to my first wife

​A family is​ a ship, inside it there is warmth and comfort in front of a friend, but enclosed in a family it only became stronger ​ ​ six and even​ there are twice as many of you, ​ mine!​ a glass for an inextinguishable​ asks her:​ ​living organism. Therefore​ you should always reign​ ​your home!​ and before society,​

Happiness. Be yourself

Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

Dear newlyweds, may your marital journey always be happy!
I wish you mutual understanding, tenderness, affection, many sincere smiles and positive emotions in every day we live together! Live in harmony, prosperity and give each other sincere love! On this fateful day, I would like to wish the young people boundless happiness, mutual trust, unquenchable love, reverent attitude towards each other and life wisdom.

Dear newlyweds, we sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of a new life! We wish you bright love, complete understanding, strong support, sparkling smiles! Enjoy every minute of shared happiness, and your life will be bright and rich together.

Happy wedding day! I wish you mutual understanding, trust, reliability, fun and luck. Let every day be filled with serene happiness, carefree love, boundless affection. Let children's laughter fill the house, and let happiness be eternal.

Dear newlyweds, we congratulate you on the brightest and most solemn day of your life - the birthday of your family. Let your marriage be a strong, stable union of two loving hearts, live in harmony and prosperity, we wish you healthy children, a lot of joy and confident overcoming of any life difficulties.

Happy wedding! I shout “bitterly” to you and at the same time wish you the sweetest married life. Respect and take care of each other, greet each day with a smile and always achieve your dreams. May your family be strong, healthy and happy!

On this wonderful day, your wedding day, I would like to wish you to always walk hand in hand, overcoming all the obstacles and difficulties along the way. Let them, of course, be as few as possible, but they will be very small and insignificant, so that you always know that together you can overcome anything. Take care of your love and carry it through the years with honor, dignity and tenderness. I also want to wish that your home will soon be filled with cheerful children's laughter. Happy Wedding Day to you!

Congratulations on your wedding! May this happy event fill your soul with the most tender, sincere and reverent love for many, many years! I wish you family happiness, mutual understanding, strong relationships and true friendship between you!

Congratulations! I wish you to live together for a whole century in harmony and understanding, I wish you never to know sorrows and always burn with a spark of love for each other. May your marriage be strong and your family the happiest. I wish you to become faithful and caring spouses, cheerful and cheerful parents. I also wish you high material wealth and high moral values.

Happy wedding. I wish you a successful start to family life and only prosperity in your relationship. May every day be without troubles, may there be a lot of happiness, success, victories and joys on your journey together. Bitterly!

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