Nikolai Rybnikov: biography, personal life, children

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Stalingrad. 1942 The great battle is in full swing. Numerous civilian refugees, some by swimming or by boat, are trying to cross the Volga in order to escape on its left bank. Among them is an 11-year-old boy. He didn't have a place in the boat, and he doesn't know how to swim. He tries to cross the river, clinging to the side of the boat. But the people on the ship are not happy about a random fellow traveler and hit him on the fingers with an oar. The Volga was burning, the oil flowing along the river was burning. And from above, German stormtroopers are shooting at the sea of ​​people...

Burning Stalingrad

Nikolai Rybnikov was born on December 13, 1930 in Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region. At the beginning of the war, the father went to the front, the mother and two children moved to her sister in Stalingrad, apparently, at that time it seemed safer there. The mother soon died, the father died at the front. And Kolya Rybnikov himself only miraculously managed to survive during the terrible battle, evacuating beyond the Volga.

After the end of the fighting, Nikolai returns to the city, where he graduates from school. Enters medical school. But he was constantly attracted by the theater, he was even listed in the supporting cast of the Stalingrad Drama Theater . And in the end, the craving for art won: the failed doctor leaves for the capital, where he immediately enters VGIK . After graduating from the institute in 1953, he joined the troupe of the Film Actor Studio Theatre .



Nikolai Nikolaevich Rybnikov is one of the most prominent Soviet actors of the Thaw period. He received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and later - People's Artist of the RSFSR. His heroes are good-natured and ironic “neighbor boys,” an image well known to every Soviet viewer. The whole country sang songs from films starring Rybnikov, and hours-long queues lined up at the cinema box office. Despite the widespread love of the viewer, his life in big cinema practically ceased in the early 70s.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Nikolaevich was born in Borisoglebsk (Voronezh region) on December 13, 1930; he is Russian by nationality. His father, who was also named Nikolai Nikolaevich Rybnikov, was an actor, played on the stage of the Borisoglebsk Drama Theater, and his mother Klavdiya Alexandrovna took care of the housework. The Rybnikov family raised two children; Nikolai had a brother, Vyacheslav.

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Nikolai Rybnikov in his youth
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Rybnikov Sr. went to the front, and his mother took her sons and moved to Stalingrad to live with her sister, believing that it would be safe there. They received news from the front about the death of their father. Soon after receiving the tragic news, Klavdia Alexandrovna also died, and the children had to run away from the city during the bloody battles. Rybnikov recalled that the evacuation proceeded hastily, and he himself miraculously escaped from the burning Stalingrad by swimming along the river, clinging to other people’s boats.

Nikolai Rybnikov grew up in Stalingrad and graduated from the local railway school. On the school stage, he began to show talent for acting. After graduating from school, the young man studied at the Stalingrad Medical Institute. After 2 years, finally realizing that medicine was not for him, Nikolai left the institute and went to Moscow to pursue his dream.

He entered VGIK (the group of Tamara Fedorovna Makarova and Sergei Apollinarievich Gerasimov) on the first try. The teachers said that Rybnikov was a person with a great temperament, which corresponded to Sagittarius, his fiery zodiac sign. He always got the most difficult characters. He played the roles of Shakespeare's Romeo and Hamlet, Pushkin's Benckendorff and Don Juan, Peter the Great, and others. His brilliant acting more than once saved him from expulsion from the institute for unsuccessful pranks involving parodying the voices of famous personalities.

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Nikolai Rybnikov and Nonna Mordyukova (still from the film “Alien Relatives”)
One of these cases, when a student, in the voice of Yuri Levitan, sitting in the closet and tuning the microphone to broadcast from the radio, announced a seasonal reduction in prices, almost cost him his life. Then the incident was put on hold, but Nikolai was expelled from the university. This did not last long, the talented young man was soon accepted into the ranks of future actors again, and the prank was subsequently taken as the basis for the plot of the script for Pyotr Todorovsky’s film “What a Wonderful Game.”

The boy from Zarechnaya Street

The biography of Nikolai Rybnikov as an actor began with a small episode in the film “The Country Doctor” in 1951. Then there were the films “Team from Our Street”, “Replacement Player”. They began to recognize him after the release of the films “Troubled Youth,” where he played Kotka Grigorenko, and “Alien Relatives,” in which he showed the rural machine operator Fedya Soloveikov.

But popular love came to the actor only in 1956, when the whole country watched the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street.” His character was very popular with millions of viewers in the Soviet Union. The girls were in love with him, and all the young people sang the song about the factory entrance.

Nikolai Rybnikov: biography, personal life, children

In a sense, the image of the shirt-guy became unique for viewers. He was simple, as they say, from the people. Before this, Nikolai Rybnikov, in whose biography one can trace his love for one woman and his profession, had already played characters with a set of positive qualities of a representative of the working class. But they were too positive, too good. And Sasha Savchenko turned out to be real. Just like any guy from the next yard could be. The actor who embodied him became the most charming personality of Soviet cinema.


After graduating from school, Nikolai Rybnikov served in the auxiliary staff of the Stalingrad Drama Theater. There, having the opportunity to watch performances, he finally decided on his future profession. In 1953, the young man began to play at the Film Actor's Studio Theatre.

Nikolai always loved to experiment with characters; on stage he played many different roles. He had the opportunity to play Klochkov in a production of Anton Chekhov’s “Anyuta”, Nagulny in “Virgin Soil Upturned”, Koshevoy in “Quiet Don” and others.


Nikolai Nikolaevich first appeared on screen in 1953. It was the film “Team from Our Street”, Rybnikov played the role of Drozdov. Unfortunately, the picture was not popular. Nikolai showed his acting talent in 1954 in the film “Troubled Youth” by Alov and Naumov. In this film he played Kotka Grigorenko: the actor performed this role amazingly, was laconic and restrained, stingy with emotions. Critics responded positively to his work.

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Nikolai Rybnikov and Nina Ivanova (still from the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”)
Rybnikov fully revealed his acting potential in the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street,” directed by Mironer and Khutsiev. His hero Sasha Savchenko is a working guy: he is a foreman by position and a steelworker by profession. In the 50s, Sasha became a symbol of that time - viewers and film critics saw in him a sincere and charming character. Marlen Khutsiev wrote:

“Rybnikov is able to think about the role all the time and come up with new solutions every day. He carries an image within himself that he works hard to achieve.”

After “Spring on Zarechnaya Street,” an upswing began in the artist’s creative biography. Thanks to his subsequent works, Rybnikov became the public's favorite actor in Soviet cinema. Moreover, Nikolai Nikolaevich always worked selflessly.

During the filming of the main role of the film installer Nikolai Pasechnik in the film “Height”, he did not stop filming at the moment when he had to go down the iron cable, and he did not have gloves. After the first take was filmed, the actor stood on the lower platform with bloody palms.

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Nikolai Rybnikov and Inna Makarova on the set of the film “Height”
And while playing foreman Ilya Kavrigin in the cult film comedy “Girls”, Nikolai Rybnikov had to work with the entire film crew and artists in unbearable conditions. Some scenes were filmed in the Northern Urals at a temperature of -45C°, and the finale was filmed in the summer in Yalta, where the performers had to endure the heat in sheepskin coats.

Later, Nadezhda Rumyantseva recalled in an interview that while working on one of the scenes, the spoon with which Rybnikov’s character eats soup in the cold according to the script froze to the actor’s tongue, it was so cold. But Nikolai Nikolaevich did not show it and took it out of his mouth as if nothing had happened. The flow of blood did not stop him: he continued to work.

No less significant for the actor were the films “Kochubey”, “Two Lives”, “Girl Without an Address”, “War and Peace”, “They Conquer the Sky”. Each of his works was remembered for a long time by the audience, and critics highly appreciated the professionalism of the artist, who knows how to embody diverse roles on the screen. In 1971, the man participated in the filming of the film “Seventh Heaven” together with his wife Alla Larionova.

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Nikolai Rybnikov and Nadezhda Rumyantseva (still from the film “Girls”)
Already in the late 70s and 80s, Nikolai Rybnikov was invited to act in films less and less often, mainly in episodic roles.
The actor’s most famous work of that period was his role in the film “Marry the Captain.” Nevertheless, he managed to switch to a comedy role. His repertoire was replenished with poignant roles in the films “The Marble House”, “There is an Idea!”, “Entertainment for Old People”, “Grandmothers Said in Two....” The actor’s last film work was the image of the innkeeper Nikifor in the film “Get Out!”, which was released in 1991.

Nikolay Rybnikov

The creative destiny of Nikolai Rybnikov was strangely divided into two unequal parts. A happy takeoff - only six or seven years, when there was no more beloved or famous person in the country than Rybnikov. And all life after that is not so long, but smooth, straight and, in general, almost eventless. It turned out that he had his own short but happy “spring on Zarechnaya Street.” Moreover, this street was the whole country, for a short time of the Khrushchev thaw, caressed by the fresh wind of change.

Rybnikov was lucky that his youth fell on a new era, when the viewer (and the whole country was a collective viewer then) was waiting for new faces, new intonations and new meanings. After the era of the late Stalinist “little films”, when only biographies of commanders and composers were filmed, the viewer wanted the cinema to pay attention to his, the viewer’s, life - simple, ordinary. To everyday life, to the “non-heroes” who walk the streets and do not speak in poster phrases. Rybnikov steelworkers, woodcutters, and high-altitude assemblers were understandable to the common viewer. They were not 100% positive—this also inspired trust. Rybnikov seemed like a guy from the next street. Either Zarechnaya, or the taiga, or that nameless Moscow street where the girls lived without an address.

Rybnikov was just unlucky that this era turned out to be short.

Where did this fantastic charm come from? Of course, Rybnikov was a very good actor. At VGIK he brilliantly performed the role of Peter the Great in the student theater. But there are many good artists, but Rybnikov was the only one.

He was born in Borisoglebsk and grew up in Volgograd. It's funny that in kindergarten I enthusiastically played with foxes and bunnies. I studied at a medical institute for a year, then went to Moscow to enroll in VGIK. A man of simple disposition, a little naive, cunning in the folk way. Stories happened to Rybnikov, from which he, like a fairy-tale hero, emerged unharmed. While still at the institute, the future actor, who knew how to parody famous people, became famous for his dangerous prank: he hid in a closet and, connecting a microphone to a radio, in the voice of announcer Levitan, reported compromising details of students about their personal lives. I once read a fake government message about a price reduction starting April 1st. In those years, such jokes ended badly. Fortunately, the investigator took pity on the student. Subsequently, this story formed the basis of the plot of Pyotr Todorovsky’s film “What a Wonderful Game.”

Rybnikov’s charm is the charm of a trusting joy of life, simple home warmth, recklessness, and daring young confidence in happiness. Rybnikov’s cozy voice fit into the outlying courtyard life of all the Zarechny streets in the country: a guitar suited this voice very well and a loud orchestra did not suit him at all.

And the love of the national hero himself somehow fit perfectly into the apocrypha of the idol. He, the simple-minded, fabulous Ivanushka, fell in love with the beautiful Alla Larionova, the queen of the then Soviet screen. And in the end he won her. There were no gossip columns in the newspapers at that time, but the country instantly learned about Rybnikov’s marriage to Larionova. During the break between filming the film “Height,” Rybnikov rushed to Minsk for the New Year holidays, where Larionova was filming. It was necessary for them to be painted in one day, without long waits and witnesses. The registry office was found opposite the cinema, where there was a huge poster with a portrait of Rybnikov. Thus was born the most star couple in the history of Soviet cinema. And already at the premiere of “Heights” the hall of the House of Cinema burst into understanding applause at the phrase: “Well, Kolya, your free life is over.”

It was a fast time. The country was changing rapidly, and the on-screen characters were changing along with it. And after a few years, the Rybnikov workers were replaced by other heroes - romantics, intellectuals, physicists. Rybnikov remained on the screen, but somehow faded and aged. He loved to cook, loved the noisy, cheerful companies that gathered at their home. I loved chess. There was no longer any movie stardom in Rybnikov. But the country did not notice the elderly artist, whom she once loved madly. Then he appeared on the screen less and less often - already gray-haired, with dull eyes. He flashed an episode in the film “Marry the Captain,” and it became clear that the cinema had once again overlooked his talent, seeing in Rybnikov an exclusively working-class type and not recognizing his comedic and dramatic talent. Rybnikov remained “either a fireman or a carpenter.” But it remained in the memory of young viewers. Here he is now on the TV screen, taking a drag from a cigarette, again and again going in search of a girl with no address.

Film critic Alexander Kolbovsky

Personal life

Rybnikov turned out to be a monogamous man. There was only one woman in his personal life - Alla Larionova. Nikolai met his future wife in his early youth, during his years of study at VGIK. He was unrequitedly in love with her. One day Rybnikov even decided to hang himself, but, fortunately, his friend was nearby. Having learned about the suicide attempt, one of the actor’s teachers shamed him, saying that a real man would not do such a thing and that his beloved must be won. After this incident, he began to behave differently.

Alla Larionova and Nikolai Rybnikov
Published by Sergey Cherepanov Thursday, February 19, 2015

Nikolai Rybnikov and his wife Alla Larionova
He courted Alla Larionova for several years, and she dated other men. Among them was the actor Ivan Pereverzev, from whom the girl became pregnant. But her chosen one was in no hurry to call the artist down the aisle. Then Alla’s friend, at her suggestion, told Nikolai “by chance” that Larionova was free. The actor did not keep himself waiting. Before the New Year, Rybnikov arrived in Minsk; at that time, filming was taking place there with the participation of Larionova. He proposed to her, and on January 2, 1957, they submitted an application to the registry office.

Soon Alla had a daughter from Pereverzev, who was named Alena: Nikolai Rybnikov recognized her as his own and loved her like his own. But the actor dreamed of having his own child, and 4 years later Alla gave birth to a daughter, Arina. None of the couple's daughters connected their lives with an acting career. Alena and Arina did not give their parents or grandchildren.

Despite the fact that even in old age Rybnikov retained a hot-tempered and jealous character, he devotedly loved his wife and cared for her. He never allowed her to doubt his loyalty. The couple lived in marriage for 33 years, until the actor’s death.

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Nikolai Rybnikov with his wife and daughter Alena
Friends of the couple remember how hospitable the house of Rybnikov and Larionova was. Nikolai Nikolaevich masterfully made pickles, and Alla prepared excellent borscht and mushroom caviar. The artist loved hockey and chess and often organized tournaments with fellow chess players at his dacha. Among his close friends were athletes, astronauts, singers and poets.

Personal life of Nikolai Rybnikov

The personal life of Nikolai Rybnikov is quite ordinary, he is not famous for his many novels and throughout his life he had only one wife, she was the love of his life. While still studying at VGIK, he met his future wife Alla Larionova. He loved, but unrequitedly, she had many affairs, she changed men, but did not pay attention to Nikolai. Once, out of unrequited love, he was even going to commit suicide, but his friends stopped him.

After which one of the teachers found out about the incident, shamed the guy and said that a woman’s attention should be sought, and not pretended to be a martyr. Therefore, Nikolai gathered his courage and began to pursue his beloved. He had to suffer for a long time before Alla agreed to become his wife. At that time, the girl was already pregnant with a girl from another man, but this did not stop Nikolai, and he recognized the born daughter as his own. And a little later the couple had a child together.


In the 1980s, Nikolai Nikolaevich led the life of a Soviet pensioner, and now they did not always recognize him. He became addicted to alcoholic beverages, which greatly undermined his health. But the actor found strength and quit drinking alcohol and smoking. Rybnikov spent all his free time at the dacha, growing and canning vegetables. He rolled up the tomatoes for the last time and decided to open them in November. Unfortunately, the artist did not live to see this.

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The grave of Nikolai Rybnikov and Alla Larionova
On October 22, 1990, Nikolai Rybnikov, returning from the bathhouse, drank a glass of cognac and went to bed. The cause of the actor's death was a heart attack - he died in his sleep, just a month and a half short of his 60th birthday. Hard times were beginning, so help in the funeral of sponsors - admirers of the actor's work was not superfluous for the family. Patrons organized a fundraiser for the installation of a monument to the artist with his photo, made in the form of a frame of cinematography.

The artist was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Next to Nikolai Nikolaevich lies the ashes of his wife, who passed away 10 years later. A tragic fate awaited Rybnikov’s youngest daughter Arina, who died in 2004. Her grave is also located next to the burial place of her parents.

The strongest family

Their marriage began in one of the Minsk registry offices on January 2, 1957. All thirty-three years that the couple lived together were happy. Their first daughter Alena (more precisely, Pereverzev’s biological daughter) was born in February. But Nikolai did not say a single word of reproach to his wife in their entire life. A little later, their common daughter Arina was born (now she is no longer there - at one time she drank a lot and undermined her health). Nikolai Rybnikov, biography, whose children were always in the public eye, did not make any distinction between the girls. He loved them equally. After all, it was important for him not only that he was his own father, it was important that the girls were born to him by the woman whom he loved more than life itself. And the girls themselves were very friendly.

Of course, over such a long life, everything happened. They quarreled and were offended, but they knew how to overcome everything. And a huge credit for this goes to Nikolai Nikolaevich. He was a monogamous man. He was always proud that in his life he had everything he dreamed of - a beloved woman, children, a cozy home, a good job. Larionova was not only his wife for him - she was his deity, his breath of oxygen. Even without makeup, even in a not-so-new dressing gown, she was the most beautiful, the best to him.

Nikolai Rybnikov with his wife and daughter

Nikolai Rybnikov, biography, whose personal life is an example of a real man, has always been a caring and loving husband and father. He tried to do everything so that his Alla and daughters were behind him like behind a stone wall. He shouldered all the worries around the house and renovated their large apartment himself.

He deserved nothing but words of admiration. Nikolai Rybnikov (biography, personal life, children - all this is still interesting to viewers) really was like that, he never pretended to seem better than he was.

Their story became an example for many people, because every woman wanted to meet the same man, to feel protected from all troubles and misfortunes.

Nikolai Rybnikov and Alla Larionova

Actor Nikolai Rybnikov (his biography is a vivid example of what a real man and a magnificent actor is) did not live only a month and a half before his sixtieth birthday. He fell asleep and didn't wake up. This happened in October 90.

It was very difficult for Alla, and not only because her beloved husband was no longer around. The woman got used to him solving all the problems, even in those years when they stopped inviting them to filming. But they had already become so close to Nikolai that she dreamed of dying just like him. This is what happened almost 10 years later. She died of a massive heart attack in her sleep at age 69.


  • 1956 – “The Road of Truth”
  • 1956 – “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”
  • 1957 – “Height”
  • 1957 – “Girl without an address”
  • 1961 – “Death of an Empire”
  • 1961 – “Two Lives”
  • 1961 – “Girls”
  • 1963 – “They conquer the sky”
  • 1968 – “The Long Day of Kolka Pavlyukov”
  • 1971 – “Seventh Heaven”
  • 1972 – “Marble House”
  • 1977 – “The second attempt of Viktor Krokhin”
  • 1981 – “Bless you, dear”
  • 1982 – “A week without a year”
  • 1988 – “A young man from a good family”
  • 1991 – “Get Out!”

The only daughter of Nikolai Rybnikov did not continue the family line of the famous actor

Soviet theater and film actor Nikolai Rybnikov would have turned 89 years old on December 13. During his film career, he starred in such cult films as “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, “Girls”, “Height”, “Girl without an Address”.

Nikolai Nikolaevich died in 1990; he lived a little less than 60 years. But his fans are still wondering whether the famous actor’s lineage continued and whether he left behind children and grandchildren, writes

Still from the movie “Girls”

The popular artist turned out to be a monogamous man; at one time he unrequitedly fell in love with actress Alla Larionova. She was in love with director Ivan Pereverzev and did not pay attention to her admirer, who courted her for a long time and persistently. Rybnikov proposed to her several times, but every time she refused. One day he became so desperate that he almost committed suicide because of unrequited love. His friends saved him from a fatal step.

In turn, Alla’s lover was 17 years older than her and was in no hurry to propose to the artist, even when Larionova became pregnant from him. Pereverzev abandoned Alla, preferring another lover to her. When Rybnikov found out about this, he urgently asked for leave from filming and rushed to his beloved.

Pregnant Alla, who had not yet recovered from Pereverzev’s betrayal, agreed to marry him. They were signed quickly, since the girl was already late in her pregnancy. Rybnikov was happy: the girl who was born was named Alena, and he raised her as his own. And four years later, the couple had a daughter together, Arina.

RIA Novosti / Vitaly Armand

Both daughters did not succeed in their studies. Rybnikov’s adopted daughter barely graduated from school without C grades, and Arina’s situation was no better. These were probably the consequences of the total employment of both parents - Alla and Nikolai were popular actors and constantly disappeared on set, and their grandmother was involved in raising the girls.

Alena’s parents helped her with her work - after school they got her a job at Ostankino, and pretty soon she became an excellent editing director. The adopted daughter of Nikolai Rybnikov worked in this field for more than 35 years, and she was highly valued for her professionalism and calm character.

Her own daughter Arina did not want to study or work, preferring to live off her famous parents. In addition, as the publication writes, she became addicted to alcohol and could not give up this addiction for the rest of her life.

Under her father, Arina still tried to control herself, but after his death she stopped holding back. The youngest child in the family, she began to live in her mother’s apartment and she, of course, fought for her daughter: she got her into the best clinics, where specialists tried to overcome alcohol addiction. But the courses of treatment did not help and Arina again returned to the bad habit.

One day, Arina threw a noisy party in her mother’s apartment, at which her friends robbed the famous actress. After what happened, Larionova did not write a statement to the police, but simply changed the apartment and moved her daughter out. She, in turn, feeling freedom, began to drink even more. In 2000, Arina was not at Alla Larionova’s funeral.

Four years later, she too was gone; the woman’s liver failed. There were not very good rumors surrounding the death of Rybnikov’s only natural daughter; allegedly, shortly before her death, the woman made acquaintance with “black realtors” and they threatened her to sell her apartment.

The adopted daughter Alena is childless, so Nikolai Rybnikov has no grandchildren left even on this side. But there are everyone’s favorite films with the actor and his unique smile on the screen.

Previously, wrote about how Kobzon’s family lives a year and a half after his death.

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