Is it possible to get married in a red dress and what shade of red to choose according to your color type

Pre-wedding hustle and bustle is a charming and wonderful activity. On the eve of the celebration, brides experience a whole range of feelings, and a lot of worries fall on their fragile shoulders. One of the most important stages of preparation is the choice of wedding attire. It is the outfit that turns an ordinary girl into a happy bride. But it's not that simple. There are signs about a red wedding dress, about how to choose and store it. Their observance affects not only the pomp of the celebration, but also subsequent family life. Will the union be strong and lasting, or will darkness and discord settle in the newly-made family?

Why you can’t sew your own wedding dress

There are many superstitions about a wedding dress. One of them states that neither the bride nor her mother should sew this outfit themselves or even hem it.

A wedding is the most wonderful holiday in the life of every girl. On this day, the bride should shine and amaze with her beauty not only the guests, but also the groom. Naturally, the main attribute of the celebration is the wedding dress. But it’s not always possible to find the style you like or the appropriate size in the store. However, according to superstition, the bride herself cannot sew a wedding dress, otherwise her marriage will not last long.

Important! It is not recommended to trust your mother with this important task. After all, her daughter can repeat her fate.


Among the large number of various wedding superstitions, a special place is occupied by signs about the color of the wedding dress, because it is this indicator that most influences the girl’s future family life. In our progressive times, young ladies, in order to surprise others, often wear outfits of the most unimaginable colors, but is this right? Maybe it's better to keep your extravagant ideas to yourself and get married dressed in traditional white clothes? To avoid getting into trouble, let’s figure out what color the wedding dress should be.


The snow-white vestment symbolizes the purity, purity of the bride and God's Grace, which will be rewarded to the young family.

That is why it is not supposed to be worn by women getting married after divorce or widowhood. According to popular wisdom, a lady who is tying the knot not for the first time should choose a different color for her wedding dress.


Traditionally in Rus', girls got married in red, richly embroidered sundresses, therefore, the original color of the wedding dress was red. Later, the European fashion for white wedding attire came to Russia, which firmly took root and continues to this day. Now, the image of a bride in a red wedding dress causes disapproval, and the red wedding dress itself is interpreted by signs as a bad omen, prophesying a lot of family conflicts and quarrels. Let's consider how other colors of wedding dresses affect the future life of the newlyweds.


Considering wedding signs about the bride’s dress, I would like to highlight the pink vestment. It is he who is put in second place after white.

A pink wedding dress symbolizes long and selfless love between the newlyweds.

Yellow and orange

A yellow dress should not be worn to a wedding: according to folk signs and superstitions, such a dress shortens the family life of young spouses, which will last no more than 6 years.

Orange is a more optimistic color. It is believed that such a wedding dress promises the newlyweds respect in society and many loyal friends.

Lilac and purple

The color of the dress plays a big role

Paying tribute to fashion, many girls dream of wearing a lilac or purple dress on this most important day of their lives. No doubt, they look quite impressive, but is this right? In this regard, opinions are divided: some believe that such a color scheme of a wedding dress can lead to a quick divorce, while others are confident that such a dress for the bride will make the relationship between the spouses simply magical.

Blue and green

A girl who wants to get married in a blue dress needs to know that this color of wedding attire will make her husband a cruel and indifferent person. He will absolutely not care what he thinks, what he feels and what his wife wants to achieve.

If you believe folk signs, green wedding vestments will bring financial difficulties to a young family.

Gold and silver

You can safely wear a gold dress to a wedding. This color of wedding decoration promises the newlyweds prosperity and family well-being. The meaning of the silver outfit is somewhat different. It symbolizes the transience of family happiness and can lead to divorce.


All folk superstitions associated with black vestments are unanimous: such outfits should not be worn to a wedding.

In many cultures, black is the color of mourning, repentance and sadness. As for the wedding dress, it promises a woman difficult times in marriage, perhaps even widowhood.

Signs about the color of a wedding dress

Traditionally, wedding attire is sewn in white. The snow-white shade was chosen for this outfit not in vain, because it is the embodiment of the purity and purity of the bride. It carries a light that illuminates the future family life of the newlyweds.

But the trend of modern fashion has also affected wedding attire. Girls want to stand out, so they try to choose a dress in non-standard colors.

However, there are signs for choosing the color of a dress for a wedding. After all, each shade not only conveys the originality of the thing, but also carries a hidden meaning that can have both a positive and negative impact on future married life.

Signs about a red wedding dress

Red is a bright, rich color of passion and love. However, its meaning completely changes if it is used for sewing wedding attire. If the bride dresses in a scarlet outfit, she risks bringing quarrels and discord into the newborn family. Moreover, scandals between spouses can arise literally out of nowhere. As a result, the family may soon fall apart due to frequent scandals.

However, the correct use of red also has positive aspects:

  1. The use of red flowers, lacing or a belt promises good luck for the bride. Such accessories will help make her marriage happy and long.
  2. In Rus', it was customary to wear a red wedding robe on the second day after the main celebration. If a young wife walked down the aisle while pregnant, this allowed her to protect her unborn baby from the evil eye.
  3. It is customary to decorate cars with red ribbons. Since they symbolize the girl’s virginity and purity.

Signs about a black wedding dress

For many people, the color black evokes associations of death and mourning. This outfit also symbolizes power and might. However, black itself does not carry such negativism, although it has impressive power.

According to signs, a wedding robe made of black material can protect the bride from dark forces. It serves as a kind of shield for the girl, reflecting negative energy directed at her. Black color is also a symbol of rebirth, serious changes that do not always take a negative turn.

Signs about a blue wedding dress

Blue color is a symbol of the endless sky, serenity and eternity. Clothing of this shade certainly attracts the eye with its incomprehensible depth and calmness. However, the blue color brings coldness; like water, it can cool ardor and passion. Therefore, if a bride wears a wedding dress of this shade, she risks losing her husband because of his faded feelings.

Signs about a green wedding dress

Green color is a symbol of life and prosperity. It reflects the bride's modesty and at the same time indicates that the girl does not want to hold anyone back. Previously, it was not customary to wear things of this shade, since according to the sign they foreshadowed financial difficulties. For a marriage, a green wedding dress also threatens problems with money and an early breakup of the family.

Signs about a turquoise wedding dress

Turquoise color is incredibly beautiful and multifaceted. The fusion of blue and green shades, like a sea wave, evokes calm, regularity and tranquility. This color is credited with magical properties that can protect a person from death. According to the sign, a cyan-colored wedding robe will bring harmony to the family, protect the spouses from troubles and give them success.

Signs about an orange wedding dress

Orange is the color of the sun and positive energy. It is able to give energy and catch the eye, inspire and give a warm mood. It is not for nothing that an orange robe does not predict a strong and long marriage, but also promises the respect that a new family will receive in society. At the same time, the spouses will have a good environment and many loyal and reliable friends.

As for the signs about the color of the wedding dress when entering into a second marriage, it is better to immediately abandon the white robe. After all, the woman has already lost her purity and innocence. The best choice in this case would be a robe of delicate cream colors. The same applies to the veil. It is recommended to replace it with a tiara, hat with a veil or a wreath of flowers.

Wedding traditions and signs

According to European traditions, a wedding dress should be white, which symbolizes innocence and purity. This applies to first marriage. If a girl gets married again, then an outfit of a different color would be quite suitable. Nowadays, it is increasingly possible to see a bride in a red dress, although popular signs are not very favorable to this color of a wedding dress.

Usually the color red is associated with an unstable, highly conflicted marriage. Although, for example, in China the color red promises prosperity, wealth and happiness to a young family, in Japan it promises family well-being. In India, one of the bride's dresses, and there are only three of them, must also be red. There is an opinion that a red wedding dress is more suitable for an autumn wedding ceremony, when all of nature is rich in colors that harmonize perfectly with red.

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The length of the dress also matters. It is believed that the longer the dress, the longer the spouses will live in love and harmony. But lately, there are often models of shorter dresses that are more convenient and comfortable than long ones. According to another tradition, a wedding dress should only be in the form of a dress, and not a corset and a skirt, so that the life of the spouses is not separate. An expensive bride's outfit is also welcome, and money cannot be borrowed to purchase it. Whatever the color of the dress, the bride must wear white underwear.

Signs about a wedding dress after the wedding

There are signs associated with a wedding dress after the wedding, which can also affect the well-being of family life.

After the wedding, the bride can try on her wedding attire as many times as she likes. Signs about this do not bode well for anything bad. However, you should try it on carefully, because if it gets dirty or damaged, you can cause trouble.

Also, you should not let your friends and even relatives try on your wedding dress - this can lead to family quarrels. This also applies to all wedding accessories. It is better to place them in a box and hide them from prying eyes.

Important! You cannot burn or throw away a wedding dress. This sign threatens not only family scandals, but also illnesses, both physical and mental.

Why you shouldn't store your wedding dress

Preserving the wedding dress is important during marriage. But if the family has broken up, then you should get rid of him. In this way, the girl will be able to rid herself of negativity and quickly forget her recent spouse.

What to do according to signs with a wedding dress after a divorce

Divorce for a woman is an unpleasant procedure. Therefore, looking at the wedding dress, she will remember all the hardships that she had to go through during her married life. In this case, storing it not only makes no sense, but is also dangerous, primarily for the psychological state of the woman. Superstitions do not prohibit getting rid of wedding attire in such situations, but, on the contrary, approve. It can be burned, thrown away, sold. However, in the latter case, few people will agree to purchase unlucky clothes.

Is it possible to sell a wedding dress according to signs?

According to legend, it is impossible to sell a wedding dress if the woman is married. For a family, such an outfit becomes a powerful amulet, and if you get rid of it, the union risks soon breaking up.

Also, according to superstition, you cannot sell a wedding dress even to a friend or close relative. If it's taking up space, it's best to find a more useful use for it. For example, you can sew wardrobe items or home decorations from a wedding dress. Thus, corsets, skirts, napkins, tablecloths and other things made from a wedding dress will not only look very beautiful and original, but will also fill the family hearth with positive energy.

Deciding to sell a wedding dress at a wedding, according to signs, is allowed only after a divorce or if feelings between spouses have cooled. In this case, the collapse of the union will only bring relief.

Is it possible to burn a wedding dress after a divorce?

If, after a divorce, resentment has settled in a girl’s soul, then simply getting rid of her wedding dress is not enough. Especially if she holds a grudge against her ex-husband or was betrayed by him. In this case, she should invite relatives and friends and arrange a celebration, at the end of which the wedding dress will be burned at the stake. As the tissue burns, all the accumulated negativity left after a failed relationship will go away. At the same time, the woman’s psychological state improves, which will allow her to quickly meet new love.

Which girl suits a red wedding dress?

Not every girl can wear a red wedding dress. This dress is chosen by self-confident, bright, energetic girls or women getting married for the second time. Red color is a sign of passion, power and aggression, so an insecure, shy, soft girl will feel uncomfortable in a red dress, and in general is unlikely to decide to get married in such a bright outfit.

If a red dress is chosen for the wedding ceremony, then it is necessary to ensure that the bride’s image has a complete look. Attention should be paid to even the smallest details. Red color has many shades - from scarlet to cherry. Dark-haired girls are more suited to bright shades, while girls with blond hair are more suited to more muted shades. It happens that such a bright color does not harmonize with the girl’s appearance, and then it is very advisable to consider options for combining red with white. This creates a softer and more delicate image, allowing the bride to still stand out even from the crowd of girls in wedding dresses. In this case, the decoration elements of the dress can be red - a belt, embroidered details, ribbons, various inserts, etc. Moreover, in combination with white, the color red does not have a negative omen.

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Other signs of a wedding dress

There are many other superstitions associated with a wedding dress:

  1. The longer the outfit, the longer the family life will be. Therefore, the wedding robe should be floor-length, or even better, with a train.
  2. A one-piece dress is the key to a strong family. If you choose a separate outfit, then soon there may be discord between the spouses.
  3. You cannot decorate your wedding attire with pearls. It is a symbol of tears, which means that this union will not bring positive emotions to the bride.
  4. There should only be an even number of buttons on a formal dress, otherwise the spouse will cheat.
  5. Dressing with a too revealing neckline or open back can, according to signs, cause the evil eye.
  6. You only need to put the dress on over your head, otherwise the marriage will be short.
  7. The bride should not see herself in the mirror in full wedding attire. This also portends negative events. Therefore, when looking in the mirror, women take off one of their gloves to avoid this superstition.

Rules for putting on and wearing bridal attire

You may or may not believe in wedding dress signs, but many of them have been confirmed in practice. Some of the superstitions are also related to how a girl dresses and wears her traditional clothes at a formal evening, as well as her behavior at a wedding.

  1. The bride should be dressed by a woman who has lived in a happy marriage for at least 7 years.
  2. No one should be allowed to try on a wedding dress - this will bring negativity into the future family.
  3. The bride should not see herself fully dressed up in all the wedding accessories until she becomes her husband's wife.
  4. Before the wedding day, the young man should not see the special outfit intended for his beloved.
  5. The bridesmaids should help carry the train or excessively fluffy skirts; the groom should not touch them.
  6. During the ceremony, it is forbidden to touch the newlyweds - anyone who touches their clothes will interfere with their personal relationships for the rest of their lives.
  7. If a button comes off, family life will be in quarrels and discord. To prevent this, the button is sewn into place with two stitches.

After the celebration, the bride’s vestments are not sold, but carefully stored. In the future, it will serve as a talisman that removes the evil eye and damage from all family members.

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How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Many signs about a wedding dress predict negative events. But it is not always possible to strictly follow all the instructions. Of course, superstitious brides attach great importance to these tips, but you shouldn’t get hung up on them. If the flame of true love burns between spouses, then no signs can separate them or affect their relationship.

When signs appear, you just need to be more careful in your actions and statements, then you can avoid any negativity.

Difficulty of choice

As you can see, the image is quite complex. It is necessary to take into account many nuances, and most importantly, choose the color that suits you. Therefore, prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you will have to make a double choice - the style of the model and its shade.

Sometimes it’s better to consult with a stylist once than to spend a long time trying on different options and ultimately not finding the one.

Look how feminine the look is in a lace red robe against a background of white snow.

And in general, I highly recommend this color for brides who are going to get married in winter, because the combination of “flame” with a white “bedspread” is simply mesmerizing. The result is very organic and touching family photographs.

Of course, we shouldn’t forget about autumn, the queen of contrasting colors. Deep, rich, but at the same time warm tones are harmonious here - marsala, ruby, grenadine...

By the way, the color of Marsala was the trend of the past season (2016-2017), and already in 2017-2018 this place was taken by rich, noble grenadine.
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