Funny birthday greetings to a married couple on the same day

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.

There is, perhaps, no feeling more beautiful than love, and you gave it to each other! You have connected your two paths into a single destiny for many years!

We wish you to love even more strongly, May kindness and joy fill your home, And may tenderness and affection protect your wonderful family on any day!

We wish you many happy years, Love, harmony in everything, And let troubles run away cowardly, And bypass the house. Let tears bring joy, And a tender look warms the heart, And marriage brings only sweetness, So that you do not experience loss. And every year, like the very first, Joy and love increase, And let all plans come true, And let feelings flare up again!

Happy wedding anniversary Congratulations to you! There is no more beautiful family in the world! And at this hour we want to wish you health, peace and goodness, and that your life may be warmed with love!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and wish you to maintain your love and happiness, family well-being and support from year to year. May your family life be filled with health, luck, success, prosperity, kind people and cheerful friends.

Congratulate you on your wedding anniversary in your own words beautifully

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you remember together your first meeting, your first date, your first kiss, your wedding day, your first child’s birthday – you never know how many memorable dates have happened over the years! These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong !


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity! Let your feelings remain bright, persistent and beautiful. May there be comfort and prosperity in your home, may joy and happiness live in it, may you be warm and happy together! I wish you good health, strength, vigor, optimism and faith in the future.


Today is a big holiday not only for your family, but also for all of us, your family and friends. Today is your Wedding Anniversary! We remember your wedding well, when you united your hearts by exchanging rings. It seems that nothing has changed since then: You are also young and beautiful. We admire your family and believe that your entire future life will be just as romantic and happy! We wish you prosperity, kindness, love and again say “Bitter!”


Our dear anniversaries! We congratulate you on your next wedding anniversary. Every anniversary is a big holiday, because on this day your family was born. On this day, the union of your hearts was solemnly sealed with signatures. We know you as a happy married couple who lived a long life in love and harmony, as wonderful, rich in heart and soul, amazing people. Despite all the hardships that you had to endure in this life, you persevered, retained love, youth and loyalty to each other, and raised beautiful children! Today all the words, all the wishes are only for you - the best couple in the world! We wish you to remain the same cheerful optimists for many years to come! Let your home always be warm from smiles and kind words. Health, prosperity, happiness, and, of course, love!


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.

SMS congratulations on your wedding anniversary

​And everything​​ to wish
So that there is not in this life, So that dreams are tirelessly ​ every day stronger Let love flare up Let joy live love, ​ a special anniversary, it

last forever, overcome, ​ between you disputes, means a lot, ​ have come true! love! , fidelity​ ​May you find how​ Not to get sick, not​ ​Let holy love

​ again!​ always,​ ​Respect the crystal of your feelings,​ ​doubly.​ will be endless,​ ​money hides happiness,​ and love ​You can be sad earlier, not grow old,​ warms your souls,​ ​It’s “bitter” for parents!​May you take care of it for a long time,​And many of the most beautiful​ ​I wish

that​ ​They warmed you again​Your​ ​don’t suffer,​After all,​ ​Your union,​ ​Don’t be shy​happily lasts for years!​ ​Let them not break up your friends!​ more,​ ​their family grows stronger, so
!​ ​ have.​ Congratulations on your wedding day !
Let good luck​​ ​ ​ exactly as much,​ fidelity, tenderness and​ I love you on the day, everything​ to you not​ Happy wedding to you, beloved​ ​ We wish you,​ your wedding congratulations​​ a lot ,​​ longer
Let​ ​ not half of the birthdays on the holiday,​ ​ my parents dare!​ ​ so that your family​ ​Today, mommy​ ​Your wedding party,​After all,​Your​ ​My beloved wife

destined for you.​ home is filled with sonorous​ ​ congratulations!​ Very painful even​ ​I wish you happiness​ I wish you a sea of ​​​​happiness​ ​ for many years​ ​ was mine,​ This marriage is a day left for good!​ ​ and dear​ And let today​ ​ be children's laughter, and ​Live and be​ ​ a little disgrace,​ for many years!​ ​ to you and the ocean​ strong, happy and​ ​And

​​ with you -​ “14 years”​ ​I wish you health​ it will be “bitter”​ ​ the soul sings with​ happy many years!​ ​I will help, grandson,​ Live happily and long,​ ​ love.​ ​ prosperous.
Be loved,​ now I wish you,​ ​Meet him​Agate wedding -​ ​with all my soul,​And after​​​ happiness
!​ ​ are healthy and joyful.​ May you live​ ​ with your friends!​ precious,​ ​I am the president, and​ sweet as wine!​ be filled with such kindness,​ May your home​​ this

​ ​May your family have​ Therefore, appreciate every​ ​ you - minister​​ ​I want you in​ On the holiday -​ - from shots​ ​And in life​ That life will always be filled​ ​So that a strong​ family strengthens you, moment.​ ​ my,​ The longer together husband​ ​ marriage wish​ birthday - point blank!​ ​ let it be in abundance for you It will seem like a beautiful​​ world

​​ and a lot of happiness​ ​Every day kind​ So be you​ ​In that state,​ with your wife live,​ ​Honority, joy and​ I want.
No​ ​Others today will​ ​ and simple.​ prosperity.​ ​So inspired in​ meets,​ ​always call
​ ​The better the understanding​ of happiness,​ ​ despondency,​ I foresee versions ,​ ​Love, patience, understanding.​And that’s all​ ​Congratulations​ ​on your legal marriage,​ ​life journey,​I congratulate you today,​ ​faithful,​I want you​ ​and comfort,​But the insults​ ​Let them go away doubts.​I heartily congratulate​ ​We wish you good health

​​ everything is going well peacefully, arranged​ From all of us​ ​I wish you even and​the best! .​ ​And your​ relatives,​ ​And we will be very​ , great relatives!​ joyful dear​ ​ “

​​ this is happiness for​ -​ ​ we congratulate you,​ I wish you love​ ​ to love ,​Let fate work out,​ ​we will try,​ ​And on the holiday of​Love and happiness​ ​It’s easy for you and​ ​Thank you, parents​ of two.​ ​Always love you​And a little poem​​ boundless

​ ​And to achieve anything, any business, ​May you be this joyful, let you have a fun journey! We most​ ​We wish you, with​ have always been proud,​ ​ May the joys of​ ​ “

​ ​That you family​ ​ day of heart​ I will, never​ ​ leave you.​ purity. to be, a grandmother, loving

! Live and have fun!​ ​“I wish the grandson I​ ​could not meet.​ will give you eternal luck,​ ​Let the sun warm,​ you together,​ ​Bathing in warmth,​ Trouble will not come knocking,​ ​I will ward off any trouble!​ grew stronger just,​ ​ trust,​ “Congratulations from grandfather and​ ​ despondency”​​ ​And

​​ the light does not fade,​ ​Not the groom and​ goodness, love,​ ​ ​will not come.​ ​“1 year"​So that you repeat​ ​And everything will follow​ grandmothers"​ ​I wish for my grandson​ ​"From grandma"​ you immediately in​ ​And life is beautiful​ not the bride,​ ​You

​ ​And from the sky​Today - calico Today “bitter!”, then. Curly head, don’t lose heart, Happy birthday, a hundred times over! May your​ ​ wedding be happy,​ So that the children​ ​ ​I wish you to live like​ your grandfather,​ ​Remain a worthy

​ ​Our dearest and most​ And may fate​ ​you be long gone.​ ​I wish you I fall into your hands, And it was joyfully sick, developed, in agreement Granddaughter for the day And on the day Wonderful granddaughter! Dear people, ours will not regret On

happiness with all my soul, And let it be joyful for everyone. And the two of you together have a lot of happy birthdays and fun, ​ ​ birthday sadness do not​ Read from​ ​ parents, thank you​ For you fun​ ​ tin​ ​Good luck and mutual understanding,​ there will be every year
! the holiday for​ ​“Congratulations from the children”​ does not cool down,​ ​We wish you on your anniversary​Not to lose both​ ​And grandfather, and​Just have fun,​ ​A couple of gentle kind​ that you have​ Dear young people,​ ​ the sea ,​ I’m big,​ Congratulations from the children​ ​But

​ ​Feelings are not​ the life of passion​ ​ grandmother makes you smile.​ lines.​ ​ we are, for​​ Relatives congratulate you.​ ​Ocean of love, warmth .​Today to you​ ​On this day​ your not strong.​ ​to lose,​And decorate​ ​with all your soul​The obstacles of your life​ ​Never doubt​ your warmth, understanding,​ ​This is
​​ not attracted
​ there will be grief​ “My dear, happy anniversary​ ​On your wedding​​ it

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ It’s easy for you and ​ Achieve your goal ​ ​ support in We wish you the necessary​ ​Personal happiness!​ In your home​ ​weddings!”​ Anniversary​ ​Let there be​ darlings with everyone.​ ​“Oh, youth!”​ Life is fun,​ ​And about us​ for a minute and limitless​ ​So that

​​ never!​ My dear, with​ ​You and​ ​ fade away again,​ May the cup be full​ Oh, youth!
Beautiful​ ​True good luck to you, don’t forget!​ ​your love.
​ wedding anniversary We swore, not​ My friend, remember how​ ​Live long, happiness​ We wish you​ ​Happy star is shining,​ will give you​ So that the sun is bright​ ​Happy day​ ​And your life​ ​For your grandson in​ we are grateful for everything .​ ​ we
!​ We hope that you​ Would be patient​ ​Into the bride as​ Love and fidelity,​ ​Love reigns every day!​ ​You are each other​So that life seems​ ​Don’t

​ ​“A grandson is our pride »​ ​From your grandfather you will be friendly matchmakers,​ ​And you would boast​ about your falling in love,​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ falling in love​ ​ “Today is your anniversary”​ Take care,​ ​ sweet dreams!​ ​ this life -​Grandson

​ you
will become wonderful grandmothers​​ with skill​ ​Good luck, joy, and​ and grandfathers. ​God may your​ family be strong!​ ​ today I
! :​And congratulations to each other​ ​To each other​ You admire Life!​ ​Invite​Your wedding anniversary to the table -​ ​And your souls​ ​playing the rules.​ joy,​ ​Health for three hundred​ long years of life!​ ​And
girls, and​ me
​ guys

! This little rhyme​ ​To live in​ the world to overcome everything!​ There is no stronger union,​ ​ to shout,​ I wish:​ ​In the family of​ Career success and​ ​Youth is sweet!​ and we want interference​ ​ during the day.​ —​​ for many years,​ Let it illuminate in​ ​And

​ ​And a lot of happiness​Joy in the house,​ ​you and prosper! congratulations

! with the important​ ​always,​ ​the sun!​ ​Family ones have become stronger. Don’t ever lose heart,​ ​ prosperity.​ in unison -​ ​waking up, celebrate​ We wish you​ ​and laughter​ ​Heaven

​ ​Not I knew despondency And may ​ ​ those bonds,​ May you love​ ​In relationships - ​Forever their destiny​ ​With a smile and great​Happiness, fun,​ ​And in difficulties​ we keep.​ ​Today we are never in​ a hurry.​ There won’t be another anniversary knocking.

​ love!​‏>

The most beautiful congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

Dear (names of spouses)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of goodness! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you be left with a clean and deep lake of hope. Let hope, faith, love and wisdom be your companions. Let them help you not turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happy family sailing and may your ship never go astray!


Happy wedding anniversary! I wish that the uncontrollable desire to love each other sweeps away all obstacles and obstacles on your life path. Let there be order, comfort, warmth and cordiality in your life. Let there be peace and grace in your souls. Great happiness for two, understanding and sincerity. Happy holiday!


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.


I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, be happy, understand each other perfectly and support each other in everything! Let everything that brings you pleasure grow: let your son grow, let your income grow and let your love grow!


It seems like yesterday you exchanged rings, but you’ve traveled so many roads together! We wish you to continue to walk through life, admiring each other and holding hands tightly, enjoying life and collecting the generous fruits of joint labor, enjoying every day and loving with all our hearts.


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! The moment you connected two lives into one, two of the most beautiful roses bloomed on earth, and two stars began to shine brighter in the sky. And even though roses have not only fragrant buds, but also sharp thorns, and the stars are sometimes so far away, you walk through life together, guided by a great feeling of all-conquering, selfless love. So may there always be a high and clear starry sky above you, and may beautiful and fragrant flowers bloom for you in the gardens every spring! Cherish each other! Take care of love, and it will protect you, it will drive away all the clouds from the family horizon! Happiness and love to you!

Copper wedding congratulations

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Copper wedding congratulations - congratulations are given to find a person and congratulate him as expected. No significant event is complete without congratulations.

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Copper is so similar to gold, but it fades with time. When youth leaves us, It happens that feelings fade. And on the day of your copper wedding, When love warms you so much, I would like to wish you - May she never grow old!


840 71

Although the past does not drown in the stream of new news, No one remembers how you were not together! Married, just to find out, Probably right from birth? Congratulations on your copper wedding!


531 63

A tender palm lies in the palm of your hand, Words of love are quietly whispered by your lips... Together you have passed through water, and fire, And copper ceremonial trumpets! May fate send you many victories, May your path be filled with joy. And may Copper turn into silver and gold over the course of happy years!


813 28

Happy wedding Copper! To you - reciprocal affection, endless love and carefree life! Live beautifully, Kiss playfully and remember forever the warmth of the first meeting!


774 119

Do you remember the time when they mutually said that yes, you are ready to be a husband, a wife - a happy and friendly family?! Living by the laws of love, you kept your words! Now it’s time to congratulate you on your copper wedding, hurray!


718 48

Happy copper wedding, dear ones! Greetings from your grandchildren! We congratulate you today, we wish you to live many years! Let happiness and comfort be in your home! Let prosperity spoil you! Let spring suddenly wake up in your soul and let your heart begin to flutter!


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Just 4 lines, how can you fit your wishes into them? May all your wishes come true in your 32nd wedding year! May your health be strong, and your happiness simple and heartfelt! Your love will last not years, but longer... Forever!!!


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