Faina Ranevskaya biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

The great Soviet theater and film actress of the 20th century, Faina Ranevskaya, is a legendary woman who forever left her mark on the history of cinema and theatrical life of the USSR. This is a unique person who was destined to live alone, but bask in the glory of millions of fans. She irritated some with her character, but most admired her and continue to do so many years later. The actress is one of the few who managed to become famous thanks to minor and episodic roles. Faina Ranevskaya was admired then and is admired today, and her famous caustic phrases will be repeated by more than one generation.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Faina Ranevskaya

During the years of the actress’s popularity, many wanted to know her height, weight, and age. Years of life of Faina Ranevskaya 1896-1984. She was quite tall (180 cm) and never had a chiseled figure. Since childhood, Faina felt like an ugly duckling, and also constantly succumbed to the ridicule of yard children because of her stuttering.

Who would have known that Faina Ranevskaya, a native of Taganrog, would become such a popular and revered actress not only of the All-Union, but also of an international scale. And it is possible that it was the hardening that made her so rough and sharp-tongued. The unique and unforgettable Soviet actress will forever remain in the hearts of millions of viewers.

Biography of Faina Ranevskaya

Faina Ranevskaya was born in Taganrog in 1896. She grew up in a wealthy Jewish family. The actress's father provided a comfortable life for the large family. Mom worked as a housewife, raising five children. In addition to Faina, three more brothers and a sister grew up in the family. One of the brothers died while still a child. Despite the security and good conditions, Faina Ranevskaya was not happy, because she was constantly bored and was a lonely child, whom many peers laughed at. All due to the fact that she was not distinguished by her beautiful appearance and good character. And views on the future became an obstacle in further communication between the daughter and parents.

Since childhood, Faina Ranevskaya studied at an elite gymnasium, but her stuttering became a reason for ridicule and, soon, she refused to study there. Further acquisition of knowledge took place at home, where teachers and tutors came. However, this did not stop her from becoming smart and educated. In addition to the regular school curriculum, Faina Ranevskaya studied music and also studied several foreign languages ​​well. The future famous actress also loved singing, and her passion was reading books.

Nevertheless, not only her peers, but also her parents themselves sometimes unintentionally reminded Faina of her appearance, which initially sowed self-doubt in her and hardened her. Over time, she learned to laugh at herself, and also to ridicule human stupidity with her usual sarcasm.

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As a five-year-old girl, Faina Ranevskaya became interested in theater and cinema. In particular, she was impressed by the play “The Cherry Orchard.” Then, she firmly decided what profession she would choose and began attending theater clubs. When Faina told her parents about her plans to become an actress, they were not happy. Moreover, the serious-minded young lady was not going to come to terms with her parental ban and left for Moscow at the age of 19. The father refused to provide his daughter with financial support, which is why she had a hard time at first. She was not even able to graduate from a theater university due to her difficult financial situation. But this will not become an obstacle to her future profession.

In an unfamiliar city, in a little-known theatrical society, Faina Ranevskaya was not immediately noticed, because she did not even have the opportunity to show herself, since her name did not mean anything to anyone, and her appearance and rudeness sometimes even frightened her off.

Having met the famous Soviet actress Geltser, who noticed the young talent and supported her in every possible way, gradually pushing her into acting circles. This is how Faina Ranevskaya got her first job as an actress in one of the Moscow theaters. Here she could enjoy the wonderful performances of talented actors, but she herself was invited only occasionally to be an extra. Further, Faina Ranevskaya changed more than one place of work, moving from the theater of one city to another.

When the actress turned 21, she finally lost contact with her family due to their forced emigration, but at that time an important event took place for her - she became an employee of the Moscow Actor's Theater. It was here that she was able to express herself as an actress to the fullest, and it was from this moment that the biography of Faina Ranevskaya became more and more colorful.

Faina Ranevskaya’s first notable work was the play “Roman”, where she got the role of Margarita. Then she repeatedly played non-main, but very significant roles, which allowed the actress’s talent to emerge. It was on the stage of this capital theater that they learned about the actress Faina Ranevskaya and thanks to all her work, she gained her first popularity.

The actress herself played one of the bright roles (the heroine Charlotte) in the play “The Cherry Orchard.” Cooperation with this theater lasted until 1931. The next place of work was the already famous Chamber Theater, where Faina Ranevskaya first appeared on stage during the play “Pathetic Sonata”. After working here for 4 years, the actress leaves the Red Army Theater, where she will stop performing in adulthood. Here she often received various roles, however, the most famous was the role in the production of “Vassa Zhelezova”, where she played the leading role.

A year later, Faina Ranevskaya was invited to work at the Theater. Mossovet, where she distinguished herself not only for her talented acting, but also for her repeated scandals. The actress turned out to be so talented that in many ways she was superior not only to her stage partners, but also to the directors, which seemed outrageous to many. There were cases when spectators came to the theater, and after the episode played by Ranevskaya, they went home.

Faina Ranevskaya repeatedly reworked the texts in her own way, which allowed her to stand out from the crowd of others, but caused a lot of strong emotions among her employees. Scandals with director Zavadsky became the occasion for several aphorisms and jokes by Faina Ranevskaya, which will be remembered for a long time and will become popular. Despite this, the actress worked in this theater for almost 25 years; it was within the walls of this theater that Faina Ranevskaya gained fame and became a famous theater artist.

The last theater in which Faina Ranevskaya performed was the Pushkin Theater, formerly called the Chamber Theater and where the great Soviet actress began her career. The actress's career as a theatergoer ended here in the early 60s.

The actress also devoted part of her career to filming in the world of cinema, although she always considered cinema to be an under-art, giving preference to the theater. But then, as now, true popularity could only be gained through television.

Faina Ranevskaya received her first experience as a film actress in the film “Pyshka”, where she played Madame Loiseau. Later, the actress was also invited along with the troupe to stage the play in France. There she impressed not only the audience, but also the local director, who instantly became a fan of her art.

Although Faina Ranevskaya starred in a small number of films, however, this was enough to gain all-Union recognition and millions of fans. Perhaps, during that difficult period, when there was a revolution and then a war, people did not visit theaters so often, and therefore fame came to Faina Ranevskaya precisely because of several roles in films.

By the way, during the war years the actress lived in Tashkent, but did not sit there waiting for the end of the Great Patriotic War. Faina Ranevskaya, on the contrary, often went to the front, raising the morale of Soviet soldiers and making them momentarily forget about the terrible reality. For this she was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor”.

The film fairy tale “Cinderella,” in which Faina Ranevskaya played the role of a fairy, became one of the most memorable for viewers and one of the most notable film works of the famous Soviet actress.

Faina Ranevskaya became one of the few to receive the honorary title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1961. Quotes and aphorisms about men and women, which were often uttered during the filming of the actress, are popular decades later.

The best films starring Faina Ranevskaya


The actress collaborated with Mikhail Romm several times. Fate brought them together again in 1941 - the director invited her to play the role of Rosa Skorokhod in his new project. The plot develops in a small town in the 30s, shortly before the annexation of Western Ukraine to Russia. A poor village girl, Galka, wants to save money for a cow and a dowry. She gets a job at the “Dream” sanatorium with the owner, Mrs. Rosa.

This role brought Faina worldwide fame. US President F. Roosevelt called the film the greatest film on the planet, and Ranevskaya the best tragic actress in the history of cinema. Charlie Chaplin also admired her.

On the one hand, Skorokhod is a cynical and greedy Jewish bourgeois, on the other, an unhappy woman who is tormented by loneliness. Her children abandoned her, but she forgave her and continues to love her. The film was released at the height of World War II, in 1943, and filming ended three hours before the announcement of the German attack.

As Mrs. Rosa
As Mrs. Rosa


In the musical by G. Alexandrov, Ranevskaya played the housekeeper Margarita. Her phrase “Beauty is a terrible power!” became winged. It’s interesting that Faina Georgievna came up with the character herself - it wasn’t in the original script. Filming took place in the Czech Republic, where Ranevskaya’s parents emigrated after the revolution. So, thirty years later, she was reunited with her family, albeit briefly. Only my father was missing - he had already passed away. While working on the film, she became close to Lyubov Orlova, the leading actress.

Painting "Spring"
Painting "Spring"

Be careful, grandma!

One of the few central roles of the actress. She played Elena Timofeevna, who helps her granddaughter, the head of a construction company, in running her affairs. She inspires with her energy and enthusiasm. This work, like the previous ones, gave the world another quote from Faina Georgievna: “Sentimentality is a sign of sclerosis.” The film entered the top ratings of Soviet films, and Ranevskaya received the title of People's Artist.

Episode with the participation of the actress
Episode with the participation of the actress


In the film Cinderella, a fairy tale by Evgeniy Schwartz, the actress got the role of the Stepmother. The director allowed me to change the text, add something of my own - her amendments were always in place. She knew how to pull out even the weakest script. Faina made high demands on herself and tried to play her episode perfectly. She was paid a large amount for the filming, but she gave almost all the money to her colleagues.

As a Stepmother
As a Stepmother

Personal life of Faina Ranevskaya

Faina Ranevskaya’s personal life, unlike her career, went downhill, or rather did not happen. This is partly due to the fact that the actress did not shine with her external appearance, and partly because she was very critical and rude. An intelligent and successful woman, capable of harsh criticism, often pushed men away from her. Faina Ranevskaya lived her entire life alone, without even leaving an heir.

In the actress’s life there was one young man with whom she was in love, but having decided to take a serious step, she was mercilessly rejected, succumbing to ridicule. Most likely, this was one of the many reasons that influenced the fact that Faina Ranevskaya was never married. Judging by her caustic remarks about the male sex, it is likely that she is disappointed in him.

By the way, Faina Ranevskaya was quite pretty in her youth; photos can be found on the Internet.

However, the actress was not completely alone; back in the 60s, her widowed sister came to live with her permanently. Unfortunately, her sister soon died, and then Faina Ranevskaya’s only true friend and life partner was the dog, to whom she gave the nickname Boy.

The great Soviet actress lived on the stage, she devoted her entire life to art, giving herself completely. This allowed her to forget about personal problems and failures. It often happens that successful actors sacrifice everything for their career and actually achieve amazing success. Faina Ranevskaya also chose the path of a lonely, but successful and accomplished woman.

It was for the sake of her future as an actress that Faina Ranevskaya almost completely broke off relations with her relatives and never started her own family.

Personal life

Loneliness is the real curse of all brilliant people. Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya, despite her all-Union popularity, was incredibly lonely. She philosophically remarked: “The companion of fame is loneliness,” and to numerous bouquets and ovations after performances she said: “There is so much love, but there is no one to go to the pharmacy.” She had never been married, and when asked why this happened, she sadly admitted that she had never experienced mutual feelings in her life. “Everyone who loved me,” Ranevskaya will say one day, “didn’t like me. And those I loved did not love me. Who would know my loneliness? Damn him, this very talent that made me unhappy..."

Recognition of her talent could not replace personal happiness. Dmitry Shostakovich gave her a photo with the inscription: “Faina Ranevskaya - art itself”... She was awarded the title of People's Artist... Spectators went to the theater "on Ranevskaya"... The film with her participation was doomed to success... She had close friends such as Pavel Wulf , Nina Sukhotskaya, Lyubov Orlova... It seemed that she had everything she needed to be happy, but there was just no happiness.

Ranevskaya did not even try to somehow hide the fact that she was unhappy in her personal life. Yes, she had men. She was pregnant more than once. But the actress ended all her pregnancies with abortion. Ranevskaya’s few close friends, either jokingly or seriously, said that having children was, in principle, contraindicated for her, since she herself was a big child. Big, talented, wise, but... a child. Anna Akhmatova told her: “Faina, you are 11 and will never be 12!” And almost until the end of her days, Ranevskaya’s closest creature remained her dog named Boy. That's how she lived her whole life... with the Boy.

Sometimes she joked about love. In his usual manner, where bitterness was often mixed with irony: “If a woman walks with her head down, she has a lover!” If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover! If a woman keeps her head straight, she has a lover! And in general - if a woman has a head, then she has a lover!” It seems like nothing sad, but if you think about it...

Sometimes Ranevskaya ridiculed her loneliness: “The union of a stupid man and a stupid woman gives birth to a heroine mother. The union of a stupid woman and a smart man gives birth to a single mother. The union of a smart woman and a stupid man gives rise to an ordinary family. The union of a smart man and a smart woman gives rise to easy flirting.”

Ranevskaya is one of the few actresses in world cinema whose love affairs have remained “behind the scenes” of history and the press. But there are more than enough rumors about Ranevskaya’s personal life. Some supposedly especially knowledgeable persons close to the actress vied with each other to say that Faina Georgievna was breathing unevenly towards Marshal Fyodor Tolbukhin. Her other colleagues said that all this was complete nonsense, and in fact Ranevskaya was not indifferent to the female sex, and the names of Anna Akhmatova and Pavla Wulf were mentioned. Pavla’s grandson Wulf Alexey Shcheglov recalled how Faina Georgievna once told him, now an adult, not to believe any rumors about them. In any case, no matter what they said and no matter what novels were attributed to Ranevskaya, all those who knew her recognized one thing: Faina Georgievna was lonely almost all her life. Tragically lonely.

Hobbies of youth

Faina Georgievna spoke about all her unsuccessful loves with her characteristic sense of humor. This is how she spoke about her first love: “The first date in my early youth was unsuccessful. The high school student who struck my heart had a cap with the school's coat of arms above the visor, and the crown on the sides was lowered and lay over the ears. This magnificence drove me crazy. Arriving on a date, I found a girl at the indicated place, who asked me to leave, as I sat down on the bench where she had a date. Soon the hero appeared, not at all embarrassed at the sight of both of us. The hero sat down between us and began to whistle. And my rival demanded that I leave immediately. To which I reasonably replied: “I have a date at this place, and I’m not going anywhere.” The opponent said that she would not budge. I made the same statement. Each of us defended our rights for a long time. Then the hero and rival whispered. After which my opponent picked up several heavy stones from the ground and began throwing them at me. I cried... I had to give in... Returning to the battlefield, I said: “You’ll see, God will punish you,” and left full of dignity.”

Another incident from her youth, also told by the actress herself. At the age of nineteen, in the troupe of one of the provincial theaters, she managed to fall in love with her first hero-lover. Handsome and... a monster, as Ranevskaya perceived herself then. She followed on his heels, was his shadow. One day he asked to visit her. The happy lover bought wine and food, dressed up, put on makeup... Toward nightfall, he showed up with some girl and asked the mistress of the house... to take a little walk... Ranevskaya never mentioned what she said in response to this request. She only added: “Since then, let alone falling in love, I can’t look at them: bastards and scoundrels!”

Vasily Kachalov

Ironizing herself, Faina Georgievna said that she was born at the end of the last century, at a time when fainting was still in fashion. By her own admission, for a long time she was in love with actor Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov, whom she first saw on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater in her early youth. She was deeply, passionately in love, as she put it - “to the point of stupefaction.” Faina collected his photographs, wrote him letters, but never sent them, stood guard at the gates of his house, in a word, did all the things a lover should do. One day, on Stoleshnikov Lane, she saw the object of her adoration very close and fainted. Out of excitement, she fell unsuccessfully and hurt herself quite badly. Compassionate passers-by brought the poor thing into a nearby pastry shop, which then belonged to a French couple. The kind spouses poured the strongest rum into the girl’s mouth, from which she immediately “came to her senses” and... again immediately lost consciousness, this time for real, since the same beloved voice asked her if she had hurt herself very badly.

Faina Georgievna said about her relationship with Kachalov: “And now I fell in love again and for the rest of my life. I’m not ashamed to admit it, everyone who saw him, and especially knew him, was hopelessly in love with Kachalov. I reviewed all the performances of the Moscow Art Theater; needless to say, several times exactly those in which Vasily Ivanovich played. Finally I decided: I wrote him a letter. I composed for several days, wrote with a trembling hand, after drinking half a bucket of valerian. She impudently recalled how she fell at his feet on Stoleshnikov Lane, said that she was already an aspiring actress, and assured that from now on the main goal in life was to get into the theater where he was playing.

I wonder how many bags of letters Kachalov received from such crazy people? No matter how much he received, he answered, and quickly enough. The administrator left tickets in my name! And the signature “Your Kachalov”?! God, for this signature alone it was worth becoming an actress and going to Moscow. I understood that it was not mine and that this was just the king’s politeness, but I kissed the letter to the holes. Since then our friendship began. Vasily Ivanovich is not only an amazing artist, he is an even better person.

By the way, knowing how much I dreamed of playing at the Moscow Art Theater, he arranged a meeting for me with Nemirovich-Danchenko. What have I done? To begin with, she absent-mindedly called Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko for some reason Vasily Stepanovich; however, she didn’t faint from this, but, embarrassed, she jumped out of his office like crazy.”

Later, Ranevskaya and Kachalov became close friends; they often went to visit each other. From Ranevskaya’s memories of Kachalov: “I visited V.I. constantly, at first she was timid, worried, not knowing how to talk to him. Soon he tamed me, and even asked me to say “you” to him and call him Vasya. But I didn’t go for it. He served as an example to me in his nobility. I was once present when V.I., returning home from the theater, when asked by his wife how the rehearsal of “Three Sisters” went, where he was supposed to play Vershinin, replied: “Nemirovich took me out of the role and handed it over to Bolduman... Bolduman a lot of people are younger than me, you can fall in love with him, but you can’t fall in love with me.” He said that he was not at all offended, that he welcomed this correct decision of the director ... "

Marshal Fedor Ivanovich Tolbukhin

In the life of Faina Georgievna, a meeting with Marshal Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin played a big role. She met him in Tbilisi, where she arrived shortly after the end of the war. He was a career military man, who was still a staff captain in the tsarist army, and then made a career under Soviet rule. After the Great Patriotic War, he was the commander-in-chief of the Southern Group of Forces, on the territory of Romania and Bulgaria, but then for some reason fell out of favor and was sent to command the not very significant Transcaucasian Military District. They immediately felt mutual sympathy, and then they found many common interests, and the friendly relationship soon grew into a strong friendship, and maybe not only... Ranevskaya said about him: “I never fell in love with the military, but Fyodor Ivanovich was an officer that old school..." She soon left Tbilisi, but her relationship with Tolbukhin continued - they met periodically in Moscow and Georgia. In a book dedicated to Faina Ranevskaya, her “ersatz” grandson (as the actress herself called Irina Anisimova-Wulf’s son Alexei Shcheglov) recalled how Faina Georgievna gave him a toy car received from Marshal Tolbukhin. Alas, no matter what the relationship between the actress and the marshal was called and what it was, it did not last long - in 1949, Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin died.

Vasily Merkuryev

According to rumors that circulated at one time in the acting community, Faina Ranevskaya had an affair with the famous actor Vasily Merkuriev. It was he who played the Forester, the father of the main character, in the fairy tale “Cinderella”. The actor was suggested for this role by the scriptwriter Evgeniy Shvarts. They objected to him: how, they say, can an actor who recently starred in the film “Member of the Government”, and before that in the film “The Return of Maxim”, play the Forester? After all, a well-known actor, after appearing on screen in the roles of good heroes, real, as they say, Soviet people, should not play a coward and henpecked man, terribly afraid of his evil and grumpy wife.

Faina Georgievna stood up for Merkuriev, who highly valued his acting talent. Whether there was an affair between Ranevskaya and Merkuryev is not known for sure, but the fact that Faina Georgievna sincerely sympathized with Vasily Vasilyevich can be judged from her memoirs: “The news of the death of Vasily Vasilyevich Merkuryev was a heavy grief for me. We met him at work only once in the film “Cinderella”, where he played my meek, kind husband. Communicating with him as a partner was a great joy. I experienced the same joy when I got to know him as a person. He had everything that is dear to me in people - kindness, modesty, delicacy. I immediately fell in love with him deeply and tenderly. I was upset that I didn’t have to work with him again. I experience deep emotional pain from the fact that an extremely good, great actor has passed away.”

Correspondence with fans

After Ranevskaya’s death, her friend Nina Sukhotskaya wrote: “Most of Ranevskaya’s personal life was correspondence. Letters from her many admirers came from all over the Soviet Union - from people who had lived a long life and were just beginning their lives: schoolchildren, students, young actors. The letters were different: kind, naive, stupid, smart, interesting and empty, and Faina Georgievna certainly answered all of them, even all the greeting cards: “It’s impolite not to answer, and how can you offend a person!” I bought hundreds of postcards for her to answer, and there were never enough. After all, often a person who completely unexpectedly received an answer wrote to her again with gratitude, and thus a correspondence arose. It would probably be interesting to publish it; it would tell a lot about people, about time, about Faina Georgievna herself. Maybe someday this will be done: this extensive correspondence is stored in the Central Archive of Literature and Art.

Ranevskaya said about her loneliness: “I often think that people who seek and strive for fame do not understand that in the so-called fame lies the same loneliness that any cleaning lady in the theater does not know. This comes from the fact that a person who enjoys fame is considered happy, satisfied, but in reality the opposite is true. The viewer's love carries with it some kind of cruelty. I remember how I had to play when I was seriously ill, because the audience demanded that I play. When the box office said, “She’s sick,” the audience responded, “What do we care? We want to see it and we pay money to see it.” And they wrote me impudent notes: “This is disgraceful! Why are you thinking about being sick when we want to see you so much?” By God, I'm telling the absolute truth. And one day, after a performance, when I was forced to play “at the request of the public” as a very sick woman, I once and for all hated my “fame.”

Family of Faina Ranevskaya

Faina Ranevskaya’s family is large - three brothers and a sister. One of the brothers died in childhood, and the sister died already as a widow. Although the family was wealthy, however, this did not mean that they all lived peacefully, amicably and happily. Faina Ranevskaya’s rebellion and stubborn character often caused outrage among her parents. Of all the five children, it was Faina Ranevskaya who brought the most trouble into the house; she was a rather difficult and withdrawn child.

Having informed her parents that she was going to become a famous actress, she immediately fell out of favor, since her father was categorically against it. It is interesting that young Faina, having left her father’s house, experienced an acute lack of means for subsistence, and her mother sent her transfers secretly from her father.

Work by Faina Ranevskaya in Moscow

In Moscow, she joined Madame Lavrovskaya's troupe. The work was supposed to be in Kerch, but the theater was not successful with the public there. It was in Kerch that Feldman turned into Ranevskaya. It happened when she was leaving the bank and the banknotes from her hands flew into the wind. Looking after the money blown away by the wind, she said “how sad it is when they fly away.” A witness to this incident told her that “only Ranevskaya could say that.” Then Faina took the stage name - Ranevskaya, borrowing it from the famous Chekhov heroine from The Cherry Orchard.

Faina Ranevskaya
“The first season in Crimea, I play in Sumbatov’s play the Charming Lady who seduces a handsome young man. The action takes place in the Caucasus mountains. I stand on the mountain and say in a disgustingly gentle voice: “My steps are lighter than feathers, I can slide like a snake...” After these words, I managed to knock down the decoration depicting the mountain and hurt my partner painfully. There is laughter in the audience, my partner, groaning, threatens to tear my head off. When I got home, I promised myself to leave the stage.

I painted the white fox, which had become dirty, with ink myself. After drying it, I decided to decorate the toilet with it, throwing it around the fox’s neck. The dress I was wearing was pink, with a pretense of elegance. When I started talking flirtatiously with my partner in the comedy “Deaf and Mute” (my partner was the actor Echmenev), when he saw the black neck, he almost lost consciousness. The fox kept moulting on me. The audience was amused at the sight of my black neck, and something like hysteria happened to the theater’s premier, who was sitting in the box, my former teacher... (it was P.L. Wulf). And this was the second reason for me to leave the stage."

Faina Ranevskaya
Thank God this didn't happen. Ranevskaya worked in many theaters - from Crimea to Rostov-on-Don. Ranevskaya came to cinema at the age of 38, starring in “Pyshka” with Mikhail Romm. Then there was "Foundling". The role of the domineering wife Lyalya, who meets a little lost girl on her way, instantly brought Ranevskaya popularity among Soviet audiences. And her phrase “Mulya, don’t make me nervous!” - addressed to her Khoyupik husband, became a catchphrase.

Children of Faina Ranevskaya

The children of Faina Ranevskaya are just a dream that she was never able to fulfill. The fact is that at that time it was not possible to perform artificial insemination or take a child from an orphanage. Then only official marriages and children born in them were recognized. And when would a famous actress do this? Many actresses on maternity leave failed to achieve heights in their careers. This is because while you are giving birth and raising a child, other actors appear on stage, and all the time there will be someone who will be even better.

Faina Ranevskaya is such a legendary personality that it is unlikely that anything or anyone can overshadow her name.

Faina Ranevskaya's husband

Faina Ranevskaya’s husband is just a speculation, because she has never been married. There were fleeting romances and a few men whom she really admired, but it didn’t go any further. Here was the first bitter experience when, at a very young age, the actress fell in love with a man who treated her very disgustingly on their first date.

Faina Ranevskaya did not hide her hostility towards men, ridiculed them, and often gave advice to girls who were inspired by love. Although the actress started several novels in her life, none of them went further.

Faina Ranevskaya: quotes and aphorisms about men and women

Throughout her life, Faina Ranevskaya became famous not only as an actress, but also as a wise woman, whose words are still quoted today. Internet users often view material on the topic “Faina Ranevskaya: quotes and aphorisms about men and women.” The actress has repeatedly spoken out about life, about people's behavior and their consequences. Despite her unsettled personal life, many modern people use her advice, which once came from her lips. Having lived 87 years, Faina Ranevskaya has seen a lot, experienced a lot, and therefore her opinion has a place to be. Some people agree with the actress’s phrases and thoughts, while others are critical of them.

Instagram and Wikipedia Faina Ranevskaya

Are there Instagram and Wikipedia for Faina Ranevskaya? Of course, there is no account on the social network, but there is a detailed biography on the Wikipedia website. Anyone has the opportunity to learn here not only about the family of the great actress of the 20th century, but also read all the works of Faina Ranevskaya in various theaters and cinema.

The Wikipedia website also contains information about the numerous awards of the outstanding actress and interesting facts from her life. In addition to the above, Wikipedia contains a list of documentary works about Faina Ranevskaya.


Ranevskaya's film debut took place late: at 38 years old. She played Madame Loiseau in Mikhail Romm's silent film "Pumpkin" based on the novella by Guy de Maupassant. During filming, they saved on everything, including heating: in the frozen pavilions, the actors could barely move from the cold. After such a debut, Faina Georgievna promised herself that she would never act in film again. Luckily for us, she didn't hold him back. The actress’s filmography is surprisingly short: less than three dozen films. But the viewer remembers every episode with the participation of the actress.

'Faina Ranevskaya in the filmOne day, the already elderly Ranevskaya was walking along the boulevard with a young man she knew.
She stopped to light a cigarette. Nearby there was a cabinet with a poster for a new film. The young man asked: “Faina Georgievna, everyone loves and respects you.” You have starred in popular films. Why is your name never printed on the poster?

- Why, darling? Every poster mentions me. Here, you see, it is written: “and others.”

'Raevskaya in the film
It was difficult to refuse Faina Georgievna’s sense of humor, which sometimes turned into self-irony, and sometimes into slander. Many of her phrases were reborn into quotes and anecdotes and still live their own, separate life. The famous phrase “Mule, don’t make me nervous!” from the film “Foundling” was invented by the actress. But she herself got angry if they called her Mulya. When Brezhnev, presenting her with another award, said this name, Ranevskaya shook her finger at him right on the Kremlin stage: “Only hooligans call me that!”

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