5 rules for placing floral decorations on guest tables

Meals have long been considered a sacred ritual; food has always been shrouded in a sacred aura, and therefore people tried in every possible way to decorate the table. Eating together is a central episode not only of the ritual of receiving a guest, but also of many other events and holidays; even an everyday dinner with the whole family is an important event of the day. Table setting at the genetic level is perceived as something particularly significant. Table decoration, the choice of dishes, and decorations have a long history; different cultural traditions have their own techniques and rules, but in almost all cultures, except the cultures of the northernmost peoples, flowers are used for table settings.

Beauty on the table

Table decoration with artificial flowers

The tradition of using flowers for table settings goes back to ancient times. Even in Ancient China and Egypt, there were flowers on the tables of rulers, which symbolized divine grace extending to food and to the people eating it.

Over thousands of years, the ritual has become an unchanging rule, an etiquette requirement. Today, a beautifully set table with flowers evokes in a person an inexplicable feeling of solemnity and festivity.

Etiquette rules recommend placing flowers on the table in the style of the event and in accordance with other decorative items. Today, the table is increasingly decorated with artificial flowers. This is certainly more practical and profitable. After all, such flowers do not fade, do not lose their attractiveness, do not emit a smell that can cause allergies, and even if the vase tips over, it will not harm the guests or the table setting.

Modern artificial ones are so close to living originals in terms of external characteristics that they cannot even be immediately distinguished from natural ones. Therefore, more and more often on tables you can see bouquets of copies of flowers, which are perceived as an absolutely natural decoration.

What flowers should I choose for my wedding? Live or artificial?

Undoubtedly, fresh flowers are a priority in wedding decor, but their use is not always rational. And here the question is not only about the budget for floral decoration of the wedding, but sometimes it also depends on weather conditions, because not all flowers are ready to survive the whole day under the scorching summer sun.

Therefore, today decorators very often offer to use artificial (decorative) luxury flowers in wedding decorations. Such flowers cannot be distinguished by appearance or touch by the common man at first sight.

And in this article we will take a closer look at the use of decorative flowers.

Here I would like to note that decorative flowers come in different qualities, which can affect the final cost of the finished composition. It is important to remember that when using artificial flowers, the quality of the flower and its price are directly proportional, because a cheap flower will not look good! For example, these can be the simplest fabric flowers, silk, silicone, and recently this type of decorative flowers, such as Real Touch, has been widely used.

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