Signs for an early marriage for an unmarried girl

Choosing the day of the wedding week according to signs

A wedding is an important event that is carefully planned, right down to choosing the best day of the week. It is clear that it will not be possible to change fate by moving the wedding from Friday to Saturday, but the signs do not promise this. This is rather an insurance policy, like other superstitions associated with the appearance of a new family.

Astrology states that each of the seven days is identified with a patron planet. The celestial body is capable of influencing events, giving them positive or negative shades. Let's consider them all to choose the most favorable one.

Signs about a wedding on Monday

The beginning of the week is under the control of the Moon. She is a symbol of family, children, home. Having a celebration on a “hard day” is a good idea.

But such a philosophy is not found everywhere. Orthodox Jews are categorically against getting married on Monday. According to holy scripture, God began to create our world on this day, but never once uttered the word “good.”

The Earth's satellite creates a subtle but strong emotional connection between people. At the same time, we should not forget about the other side, which no one has yet been able to look at. Family life promises to be changeable, stormy with periods of emotional uplift and peace. The only thing that will not exist in the union is indifference.

Determining the wedding date

Before you run to the registry office, you need to decide on the number yourself. Of course, we need to consider neutral days that are not associated with sorrowful memories. It is worth avoiding those days when one of your relatives has gone to another world. A strong connection is formed in the subconscious about this, which means that the wedding moment will inevitably be overshadowed. Choosing a wedding date is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is necessary to deeply analyze the current situation.


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What astrologers say

These specialists develop the most successful dates for creating a family union. For this purpose, an in-depth analysis of the position of the Moon and the Sun is carried out. If we turn to the symbolic meaning of marriage, then the husband represents the Sun, and the wife represents the Moon. To understand which day will be successful, you need to determine when the Moon will be in the zodiac sign under which the girl was born, and the Sun in the sign under which the guy was born. But there are also general recommendations.

You cannot plan a wedding if the Moon is in the signs of Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn. Lunar eclipses are also serious obstacles to the creation of a new unit of society.

Choice according to numerology

Taking into account the individual meanings of numerical symbols, you can attract good luck into your life. Numerologists advise paying attention to numbers, especially at the moment of making fateful decisions. Experts say that it is useful to carry out all difficult undertakings from the first day - this makes it easier to get involved in the matter, to feel inner confidence and support. A wedding is a serious stage in the life of every person. If the celebration is planned for the first days of the month, this thought inspires and adds strength. But there are also unlucky dates that you should try to avoid in every possible way. These include birthday, December 31, January 1, January 13.

If there are personal transition periods, then these are also not suitable for holiday planning. Otherwise, the marriage will not last long. No one wants to discover after a while that family life is empty and does not bring joy, and the best years were wasted on an alliance with a stranger. The date of particular note is February 29th. Since it occurs only once every 4 years, the brain does not take it seriously. Family life will present many surprises and be filled with difficulties.

Thus, it is better to have a wedding at the right time. In former times, a young couple relied entirely on their parents' will. Now the opinion of father and mother is not so important for lovers. You have to think for yourself, but remember existing superstitions.

What awaits after the wedding on Tuesday

This day is patronized by the red planet. Astrologers advise refraining from making serious decisions under the influence of a militant god. His uncompromising and hot temper will bring conflicts, misunderstandings and aggression into the union.

Mars cannot be appeased; it does not negotiate and does not make concessions. No warmth, harmony or peace. Spouses will strive to dominate the marriage, regardless of possible losses. Tuesday is suitable for those who agree to turn family life into a battlefield.

In rare cases, when both partners have a tough character and are prone to showdowns, they will passionately quarrel and make peace throughout their lives. But, according to many years of observations, couples quickly separate, having exhausted their emotional reserves. Mars prefers to destroy rather than unite.

When the church doesn't marry

Certain days are not considered favorable for marriage ceremonies. They need to be taken into account in advance to avoid any unpleasant surprises. You should not do rash actions or rush to make a decision. To understand how to act, you need to turn to the Orthodox calendar. A good Christian takes care of observing all the rules and prepares for changes in advance.

Days of the week

If the wedding is scheduled for Monday, then this is a sign of wealth. According to legend, spouses become one and acquire powerful energy. Do not forget that according to church canons, wedding ceremonies cannot be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The fact is that before the onset of fasting days (Wednesday and Friday), people should think about mental cleansing and spiritual transformation.

Saturday is also prohibited - this day is considered unfavorable for creating a marriage. The happiest unions are usually created on Sunday. If you want to isolate yourself and your significant other from unnecessary trials in life, you should pay attention to the final day of the week.

Religious holidays and fasts

The church will not perform weddings during Lent or Easter. Holy Week is especially prohibited. The fact is that when the brightest holiday approaches, believers should strive to live it responsibly, spending spiritual strength on self-improvement. This is a time of repentance and rethinking of the values ​​of life.


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Orthodox Christians should strive for solitude and comprehension of the truth. It is hardly wise to combine the passage of such spiritual stages with a magnificent entertainment event. Ceremonies are also not held on Petrov Fast and Assumption Fast. And the day of the Holy Trinity is not intended for performing a ritual. If difficult situations arise, then before making a decision you should additionally talk with the priest.

Popular signs say that you cannot get married on the 13th. Otherwise, the marriage will not be happy, but will bring additional troubles and grief.

Wedding on Wednesday

We've now reached the middle of the week. Mercury rules here. This is an active, cheerful and sociable fellow, a messenger of the gods. It is not for nothing that the substance “mercury”, which has variable properties and high volatility, was named in his honor.

You can expect anything from a marriage concluded on Wednesday. This day is suitable for sociable people who have many friends. In this case, they will not be able to get bored of each other.

Such couples are more friends than lovers. They have a positive and easy approach to life, agree to compromise, prefer to have fun than think about relationships. But gradually, one of the partners will want something more durable and stable. The probability that this will happen to both at once tends to zero.

Signs at a wedding

When a close relative or friend invites you to her wedding, an unmarried girl can catch the bride’s bouquet in order to get married soon. This sign is known to everyone. But there are also a number of wedding signs for girls that few people know about:

  • be sure to sit so that there are two siblings on the right and left;
  • touch the festive dress of the happy bride;
  • take part in the fitting and sewing of the bride's dress, undertaking to hem its hem. You can also slowly take yourself one of the needles or pins with which fashion designers worked;
  • take back the mat on which the wedding rings were served during the marriage ceremony, if the newlyweds agree. It could be a pillow, saucer, basket, box. It is believed that ritual accessories have a special, beneficial power;
  • twice, or better yet 3-4 times, witness the wedding of friends or relatives.

Also, happiness awaits a girl on whom one of the guests knocks over a glass of wine or champagne.

signs foreshadowing marriage

Signs about a wedding on Thursday

After nimble Mercury, Jupiter appears in the sky. He is strict but fair. This is the god of justice. Astrologers recommend him as a patron for the family.

The only significant drawback is that every quarrel will be considered for a long time and scrupulously. This will help you get to the point, but it will be quite exhausting in the process. But in the end, the “e” will be dotted and the problem will disappear into oblivion, and will not pop up with every conflict.

The only opponents of weddings on Thursdays are Orthodox priests. The Church prohibits weddings before Friday. Signs common among the Eastern Slavs support religion in this matter.

On this day, it is advisable to marry people who have strong leadership qualities. They stand firmly on their feet, know the value of their word and are confident in choosing a partner. The decision to start a family is carefully considered, so there is no need to regret it.

Good time for weddings

It's time to talk about when is the best time to get married. At first glance, it may seem that there are almost no such options left, but this is not so.

The ideal time to get married is the period from the end of August to the end of November, when the Advent fast begins. Another favorable period is the meat-eater - from the second half of January until Maslenitsa week. Usually in the villages it was at this time that matchmaking began and cheerful weddings took place. Our ancestors answered the question better than any psychic in which month is it better to get married.

True, even in these favorable months one should not forget about funeral Saturdays; they should definitely be excluded from the wedding calendar.

A wedding before the full moon foretells a successful marriage.

When choosing a day for a wedding, even such a factor as the phase of the moon is important. There is a popular belief that if you start something on the rising moon, it will definitely be successful. The same principle applies to a wedding. Old people recommend prescribing it on the days before the full moon; they are considered the most successful.

Superstitions associated with Friday

Venus, ruling before the weekend, is the goddess of love and passion. Its influence will have a positive impact on strengthening family ties between newlyweds. Paradoxically, the Orthodox Church, Judaism and Islam support ancient mythology in this matter. The peak of weddings occurs at the end of the working week.

Many people are confused by the wedding date - Friday the thirteenth. There are unpleasant legends about her, influencing even minds free from prejudices. According to statistics, in 80% of cases, couples refuse painting, preferring to wait another seven days.

Venus welcomes romantic expressions in marriage. In order for the union to be strong, you sometimes need to arrange nice surprises for your partner. Friday is suitable for those who are ready to sacrifice their ego for the sake of love.

Saturday and Sunday

Dry, emotionally stingy Saturn is not the best satellite for newlyweds. This is the planet of self-sacrifice. Harmony in marriage can be achieved by giving up some of your own aspirations.

Signs say that after the Saturday celebration, spiritual intimacy between partners disappears. You should not expect harmony, conversations about lofty matters, or the composition of poetry. This is a marriage of convenience, with the signing of a contract and payment of a penalty in the event of a breakup. But this approach guarantees the reliability of the union.

Sunday, as you might guess, is a Sunny day. This means that the family hearth will always burn, and the partners will always warm each other. A wedding on Sunday, according to superstition, is a guarantee of harmony and mutual understanding. There will definitely be many children in the family.

The science of stars helps to understand the reasons for what happens in life. But it is better to remember that the key to a happy marriage is love, work and mutual respect. Without them, even Venus and the Sun will not be able to help.

Wedding days

We all may or may not believe in horoscopes, all kinds of astrological forecasts and various signs.

Astrologers say that nothing matters more than choosing the right wedding day. In astrology, there are several general recommendations for setting a wedding date, which will be described below.

Moreover, in matters relating to marriage, all people become superstitious. There are an impossible number of wedding superstitions and traditions, some of them have changed beyond recognition under the influence of time, some are outdated, and they often contradict each other. The most interesting signs will be given below.

Wedding days and astrology

The most unfavorable days for marriage from an astrological point of view are Tuesday and Thursday .

Tuesday is ruled by the planet of aggression - Mars, which brings disagreements and quarrels into the lives of young people.

Thursday is under the influence of Jupiter and brings into the young family an eternal struggle for leadership in family life.

Wednesday and Saturday not considered the best days for a wedding .

Wednesday _ ruled by Mercury, determines the cool, rational relationship between spouses.

Saturday under the influence of Saturn creates unnecessarily harsh relationships. In this situation, arranged marriages are possible.

Monday . considered not very good for a wedding day . but not the worst. The moon establishes a subtle emotional connection between spouses. Family relationships cannot be called simple, and they are determined by numerous factors, including weather fluctuations and mood changes. But the spouses will never know what indifference to each other is.

The most favorable days for concluding a marriage are Friday and Sunday .

Friday is ruled by Venus, which, as you know, has always been the patroness of lovers. She brings harmony and mutual understanding into the lives of young people.

Sunday is under the protection of the Sun itself. It provides an endless celebration of family life and rewards spouses with wonderful children.

Wedding days and lunar calendar

Pay attention to the lunar calendar. It is best to have a wedding on the waxing moon - this guarantees constant interest in each other in the communication of husband and wife. It’s great if the Moon falls into zodiac signs prone to family life and partnership, such as Taurus, Cancer, Libra. The Moon in Aquarius threatens a young family with the possibility of soon getting tired of each other and going “to the left”; the Moon in Scorpio and Virgo predicts the loss of a spouse under tragic circumstances.

unfavorable lunar days for weddings : 9th, 12th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 29th.

Ideal days for a wedding . 3rd, 6th, 12th, 17th, 24th, 27th.

Neutral lunar days for weddings are all others.

Lunar eclipse is another day when you should not get married . According to astrological canons, an eclipse clearly symbolizes the dissolution of a marriage.

Wedding days and birthdays

It is believed that a person’s family life will be much more successful if he gets married at 4, 5, 7, 10 or 11 months from birth.

To determine a favorable day for a wedding . Check the calendar to see what day of the week your birthday falls on.

For those whose birthday fell on February 29th: if you are getting married in a non-leap year, look at what day of the week March 1st falls on.

The year your birthday fell on Monday . - one of the most suitable for marriage . After all, the patroness of Monday, the Moon, “manages” all our relatives and family ties. The partner you choose will become your true support and support in everything.

If you got married in the year your birthday fell on Tuesday . Get ready: family life will be in full swing . like a pot on fire. After all, this union will be influenced by militant Mars. Quarrels and reconciliations will follow each other, each spouse strives to have his own way in everything, everyone wants to take the role of the head of the family and force the household to dance to their tune.

The year your birthday fell on Wednesday . - not the most successful for starting a family . After all, the patron saint of the environment is Mercury, and his changeable character is known to everyone: today he burns with passion, and tomorrow he disappears in an unknown direction. It’s not for nothing that the ancient Greek god Mercury had sandals with wings, which he carried like a feather all over the world.

The year your birthday fell on Thursday . – such a marriage will be successful only for leaders who are passionate about their work and seeking self-realization . After all, this is the day of Jupiter, which controls our leadership qualities. By entering into a Jupiterian marriage, you will receive a powerful creative impulse and will be able to expand your area of ​​activity and sphere of influence. Your spouse will help your self-realization and support all your ambitious aspirations.

When your birthday falls on Friday . I can congratulate you from the bottom of my heart . because the chosen one will be an ideal sexual partner for you. The reason is the patronage of Venus, the planet of sensual pleasures and material well-being. Tenderness, affection, elegant expensive gifts, declarations of love - you will not lack all this. In addition, this marriage will save you from financial difficulties. But there may not be unity of souls in such a marriage.

If your birthday falls on Saturday , this union will bring happiness only to those who are ready to sacrifice both their personal life and career for the sake of their family . Patronizing Saturn is the planet of self-restraint and self-denial. You will be required to truly serve: unquestioning fulfillment of the will of the chosen one, a severe renunciation of all values. If you want intellectual communication, emotional intimacy, and the realization of sexual fantasies, you shouldn’t have a wedding just yet.

When your birthday falls on a Sunday . I can congratulate you from the bottom of my heart . because everything that begins under the auspices of the luminary (the Sun) brings joy. The chosen one will become a source of life and inspiration for you, and will help you achieve everything you dream of – in your personal life, in your creativity, and in your career. In general, in a sunny year, everyone can and should get married - both workaholics and homebodies, everyone will find their own happiness.

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