Is it possible to melt down or sell an engagement ring?

Is it possible for a woman to keep an engagement ring?

If, in preparation for the wedding, the groom bought two engagement rings, then at the stage of divorce, many women consider it right to return the ring to their ex-husband. The rule laid down in the popular saying applies here - out of sight, out of mind.

It is imperative to return the wedding ring, which is a relic of the ex-spouse’s family. By giving him jewelry, you demonstrate your detachment from his family. But a ring bought for the general budget should not be given away . The product should not be stored in the house for a long time.

It is best to take the ring to a pawnshop and sell it, and with the proceeds you can buy a new piece of jewelry with additional personal funds. Not wanting to buy anything with the proceeds from the former wedding symbol, you can do the following - give it to charity or donate it to the church.

According to one of the existing superstitions, if a woman who has experienced an unsuccessful marriage fails to remarry for a long time, then she must throw the wedding decoration into a river or other body of water.

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Engagement ring after divorce, what to do.

But why keep the product at home for a long time and then throw it away. After recovering from the divorce procedure, find the time and energy to take the item to a pawnshop.

Whether or not to wear your parents' rings to your wedding

There is no definite answer to this question; it all depends on the specific situation and the desires of the newlyweds themselves.

On the one hand, loving parents will never wish their children a bad future. On the other hand, a young family wants to start their life together from scratch, which means that wedding rings should be chosen at their own discretion in a jewelry store.

If you don't want to wear your parents' rings, tell your parents gently. Explain that you appreciate this kind of thoughtfulness and respect their life experiences, but nothing compares to the thrill of choosing a wedding dress and rings. In the end, it is your wedding and only you can decide what it will be like and what attributes are needed for it.

Where should a divorced man put his ring?

What to do with an engagement ring after a divorce? In a situation where a woman, having gone through a divorce, returned her wedding jewelry to her ex-husband, then all subsequent actions directly depend on the history of the item.

The ring, which is a family treasure passed down from generation to generation, is left at home. But if you are planning to get married a second time, you cannot present your new chosen one with a product in the form of a wedding symbol. It's better to buy a couple of new rings at the store.

Over time, a family jewel can be given to her as an ordinary piece of jewelry that has a certain history. The ex-wife's engagement ring, purchased specifically for the wedding, should be taken along with your ring to a pawnshop and sold .

By getting rid of both symbols of a broken family, you will part with the past and start a new life.

A man who has gone through a divorce process may only be left with the ring that belongs to him. You need to get rid of the product as soon as possible. Despite your wishes, the decoration will remind you of the moment you exchanged wedding symbols with a woman from a past life.

Under no circumstances should you leave the product as an engagement ring when entering into a second marriage. It’s better to take the jewelry to a pawnshop and use the money you receive to buy a new one.

Where can I sell

So, you have repeatedly wondered where to put your engagement ring after a divorce, and then decided to take it to a pawnshop or jewelry workshop. Before getting rid of your jewelry, it is important to make sure that it is made of precious metals and stones.

Girl holding two rings

Helpful advice. Don't go to the workshop without prior preparation. First, weigh your ring and also contact several jewelers for an estimate. Secondly, study the market for precious resources so that you can navigate the cost of jewelry.

Don't expect to get huge amounts of money for your engagement ring, as there is a significant difference between the retail and resale value of jewelry. But you can use this money to invest in travel or buy yourself some useful item. Direct these funds into a righteous direction so that in the future you will not be bothered by the feeling of waste.

If you have a ring with a gemstone, you can list it on online auction sites that make it very easy to sell your wedding jewelry for a fair price without leaving your home.

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring after a divorce?

You can wear a wedding ring after a divorce because, if you put aside the secondary meaning, it is an ordinary piece of jewelry.

However, when making such a decision, a once married woman or a formerly married man must remember that:

  • a ring that is constantly worn on your finger will remind you of your ex-spouse every second;
  • it will be much more difficult for a person wearing such a family attribute to start a new relationship.

It is for this reason that psychologists strongly recommend getting rid of former wedding paraphernalia exactly at the moment when the family breaks up.

After all, constant “picking” in the past leads to a person forgetting about the present. He stops feeling the taste of life and immerses himself in his inner world for a long time.

The more painful the separation was for a woman or man, the more urgently they need to “burn” the bridges behind them. Only this will help get rid of negative emotions and build new, fruitful relationships.

How to Wear a Ring After Divorce

If for some reason representatives of the stronger or weaker sex still decide to wear a wedding ring after a divorce, then it is better for them to do it as follows:

  • put on the left hand;
  • wear on a chain instead of a pendant.

In addition, it is not recommended to wear such jewelry every day. Otherwise, the process of becoming unaccustomed to another person will last for a long period.

Signs about divorce

For information: the tradition of wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand (among Orthodox Christians) or left hand (among Catholics) appeared quite a long time ago in ancient Egypt.

The ancient Egyptians believed that it was the fourth finger that was connected to the heart, since a blood vessel connected to one of the main human organs passes through it. Accordingly, by putting a ring on the ring finger, a person demonstrates to absolutely everyone that his heart is occupied.

Perhaps this is precisely the reason for the emergence of a huge number of signs about divorce. Let's look at some of them.

  • The engagement ring should continue to be worn during the divorce process, and after that it should be sold/thrown away/regifted or melted down. This way a person gets rid of all negative energy at once.

In fact, such a belief has a completely different meaning. After all, until the spouses finally separate, they officially continue to be husband and wife. And jewelry only confirms their status in front of society.

  • By giving an engagement ring to loved ones, divorced people “give” their destiny to them.

In fact, you can either believe in such a sign or not. But if you give a relative or friend not the jewelry itself, but its melted down version, then all questions will disappear by themselves.

  • You can’t keep an engagement ring after a divorce; it attracts bad luck.

In fact, negativity is attracted by a person’s thoughts, not by certain things. After all, if the divorce was not associated with bad emotions, then a piece of jewelry simply by definition cannot become a source of big problems.

But if men and women still believe in such signs, then for their own peace of mind it is better for them to immediately get rid of such rings.

Where to put your engagement ring after a divorce

There are many ways to help ex-spouses get rid of unnecessary memories that are brought up by wedding rings. Which option is more preferable is something everyone decides for themselves.

Throw away or re-gift

Divorce is almost always accompanied by a large number of differently charged emotions. And if people break up on a very bad note, then they often want to somehow harm their ex.

At the same time, most often, men and women, wanting to “prick” the other more painfully, demonstratively throw away this attribute of family life in front of his eyes. Of course, this is not the most thoughtful solution, but it has a right to exist.

A calmer and more sensible way to get rid of an engagement ring is to give it to friends or girlfriends.

Give it to a pawnshop

Since such rings are most often made of gold, they are valuable not only from a sublime, spiritual point of view.

After all, if you take this piece of jewelry to a pawnshop, you can get good “compensation” for a difficult, emotionally exhausting divorce process.

Melt down into another product

A gold wedding ring can give “life” to a new product, which will further emphasize a person’s desire for freedom, or become the personification of his true inner qualities.

Give to your ex-spouse

If two persons who have made a mutual decision to separate respect each other, then the return of the attribute of family life to the original owner will be perceived positively by them.

Such a step will be especially appreciated if the ring is made of gold or platinum and inlaid with precious stones.

Leave it in a jewelry box as a keepsake

Not all divorces have a negative impact on the internal state of the former spouses. After all, sometimes such a decision is made mutually.

And in this case, it is not recommended to immediately get rid of the rings, because they may well become “keepers” of good, tender and bright memories.

When can wedding rings be melted down?

Wedding rings can be melted down in the event of divorce. But it is worth remembering that you cannot make other wedding or wedding items from them to order. It can be melted down if the ring has become too small or too large, in which case a new piece can be made from the previous piece.

wedding rings

A ring that has become a symbol of love between you and your spouse cannot just be replaced; it is best to select the same pair of rings for your husband and wife, and treat them with care throughout your family life. It is not for nothing that there are a lot of signs regarding the careless use of wedding jewelry, when this product is a harbinger of trouble, a quick divorce or an unhappy family life. You can treat them differently, but it is always worth remembering that signs were not invented by chance. They repeat a certain pattern between the situations that occur with this decoration and the further destinies of the spouses.

You can melt down a wedding ring if one of the spouses has lost the jewelry, and the other gives his to be melted down and they buy new identical pieces. Often this is done by couples who respect traditions and want their marriage to have the same symbols of love and devotion.

What to do with wedding rings

The rings with which the newlyweds were married are of great value for any believer. Therefore, you cannot part with them with the same ease with which it is recommended to get rid of ordinary “engagement rings”.

What can you do with things like this:

  1. They can be given to the needs of the church.
  2. They can be stored at home, but separately from other jewelry.
  3. They can be worn under clothing on a chain along with a pectoral cross.

Wedding rings are not only a physical “attribute” of love, but also a spiritual sign, symbolizing the unity of two people.

For this reason, it is better to first consult with a clergyman about what can be done with such a ring, and only then make a decision.

Many representatives of the fair sex and approximately half of the representatives of the stronger sex believe in various superstitions. Therefore, they try to quickly get rid of their wedding rings so that their ex-spouses cannot do any harm through them.

But in order to protect yourself and not waste your jewelry, it is enough to rinse it well and leave it overnight in a glass of baptized water. This will help remove all negativity from the product and “reboot” it.

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