Who should absolutely not be taken as a witness to a wedding?

How to choose a witness at a wedding: signs

What the life of the newlyweds will be like after the wedding depends on who the witnesses are.
Regarding the choice of boyfriend and boyar, a huge number of signs were born. It is worth noting that in no case could a married woman be chosen as a witness. It was believed that the couple, husband and wife, who would be witnesses at the wedding, would give their happiness to the new newlyweds. Accordingly, the person will become very unhappy. How to choose a witness at a wedding, signs:

  • It was impossible to choose a woman who remained a widow as a friend. She prophesied misfortune, as well as a short family life for the bride and groom.
  • They were afraid to take as girlfriends women who were divorced or were already married.
  • After all, if you take a divorced representative of the fair sex as your boyfriend, such an outcome will soon await the newly-made young couple.
  • But this does not mean that it was allowed to take a woman who lives a happy family life as a witness.


General information about friends

How the wedding celebration goes depends largely on the witnesses. They take on the main responsibilities for preparing pre-holiday events (bachelor and bachelorette parties), agree on transport, the location of the feast, keep order during the banquet, make toasts, congratulations, and help in organizing competitions. It's not as easy as it might seem. In fact, for witnesses, a wedding is a kind of job that they must do perfectly.

A little history

The tradition of inviting assistants to a wedding celebration dates back to ancient civilizations. This role was considered honorable (and remains so to this day) for every person. Initially, the witness was selected from only one side. It was the future husband who invited his friend to help in preparations for the celebration, the feast, and conducting the proper rituals. During Tsarist Russia there were two witnesses. Their task was to confirm the legality of the marriage with their signatures in a special book. They were the ones who held the crowns over the heads of the newlyweds. In addition, contrary to popular belief, the witnesses had to be married.

In 2000, the law on the mandatory presence of groomsmen was abolished in the Russian Federation, but it is simply impossible to imagine a wedding without a best man and bridesmaid. This tradition is followed by most young people to this day.

Features of choice

The second most important couple at a wedding are the witnesses. The level and quality of preparation for the long-awaited holiday depends on them, so it is extremely important for future spouses not to make a mistake in their choice. The main criteria are:

  • having a sense of humor;
  • sociability;
  • cheerfulness;
  • optimism;
  • responsibility;
  • high organization.

In order to comply with all traditions and not bring misfortune to their marriage, young people should also take into account some popular beliefs. The friend must be single, and the friend must not be getting married in the near future. You cannot take as witnesses:

  1. Divorced - newlyweds will repeat their fate.
  2. Widowed people will bring trouble to the family.
  3. Married or married - unfortunately. In addition, some competitions may be unpleasant for your significant other.
  4. Envious people and gossipers. The best man and bridesmaid should be sincerely happy for the newlyweds.
  5. Shy or irresponsible people. If the former can simply spoil the atmosphere of the holiday a little, then the latter are quite capable of disrupting the celebration itself.

The age of the friends does not play any role. If the couple trusts them, then the witnesses can even be minors. The main thing is that the groomsman and best man are sincerely happy for the newlyweds and wish them only happiness. A best friend or girlfriend, sister or brother can be a witness at a wedding.

Preparation Responsibilities

The main assistants of the future husband and wife in preparation for the wedding celebration should not only provide moral support to the young couple, but also help in resolving all organizational issues. Each of them has their own responsibilities.

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Holding a bachelor party

My friend has this:

  • preparation and holding of a bachelor party;
  • decoration of a wedding procession, banquet hall in a cafe or restaurant;
  • assistance in compiling a list of invitees and sending out letters.

Buddy Responsibilities:

  • assistance in choosing and purchasing a wedding dress;
  • organizing an appointment with a makeup artist or hairdresser;
  • organizing and holding a bachelorette party;
  • collecting a “travel bag” with spare tights, cosmetics, threads and everything that can help out in a difficult moment.

In addition, if the bride is pregnant, then the help of a friend will be doubly valuable. Despite the joyful event, it will be difficult for a pregnant girl to prepare everything herself.

Are witnesses needed at a modern celebration?

If previously the witness and bridesmaid had to be present at the wedding, now this is a tribute to tradition. The current rules for marriage registration at the registry office allow the ceremony to be held without their presence.

But still, having a best man and groomsmen at a wedding will not be superfluous, because this is not only the observance of ancient traditions, but also a significant help to the newlyweds. On such an exciting day, a couple in love wants to enjoy their happiness, and not solve pressing problems. Witnesses will help with this.

Sign of married witnesses

Until recently, it was considered a good omen to find a boyar and a friend for the wedding ceremony, who are married and live very happily.

Sign of married witnesses:

  • However, over time, this sign has undergone a number of changes, as a result of which people in a relationship should never be invited to a wedding.
  • Many people believe that you shouldn’t listen to signs and choose people you feel comfortable with as witnesses.

Best man
Best man

Bridesmaid: signs

It was also worth paying close attention to the choice of your boyfriend and analyzing her date of birth. It was forbidden to take a girl older than the bride as a bridesmaid.

Bridesmaid, signs:

  • It was believed that this shortens the duration of the newlyweds' marriage. You shouldn’t choose a girl with whom the bride is related. Under no circumstances should this be a sister, even if she is a cousin or second cousin.
  • It was allowed to take as a friend only a girl who was at least one day younger, was not married, and it was not her boyfriend who was chosen as a boyar. It's best if they are single people.
  • According to signs, witnesses who create a couple at a wedding prophesy a good, happy life for the newlyweds. This is precisely what is associated with the choice of free people as witnesses, unencumbered by relationships, children and marriage.


Brother and sister - witnesses at a wedding?

Is it possible to take a brother or sister as a witness ? Why not? These are the people closest to you who know the habits and desires of the newlyweds very well. They are reliable and certainly do not want to ruin the wedding celebration of their relatives. Relatives as witnesses are a very good option.

Brother and sister, or witnesses at a wedding
Brother and sister are one Satan...

Witness at a wedding: duties and signs

There are many signs associated with the word friend, but few people know what her job is and what she should do at the wedding. The responsibilities of a groomsman include the following.

Witness at a wedding, duties and signs:

  • Help in organizing a bachelorette party.
  • Choose a dress with a friend.
  • Make sure that the groom does not look at what the bride looks like in a wedding dress before making the ransom.
  • Help the bride get ready.
  • At a wedding, shout “sweet” when all the other guests chant “bitter.”
  • Make sure that no one crosses the path of the newlyweds.
  • Make sure that the ring box and glasses are present at the wedding ceremony, and take the items with you. After all, with the help of a towel and wedding glasses, you can cause a huge amount of damage and the evil eye. That’s why my friend always took the towel and glasses from the wedding, and held the hem of her dress so that it wouldn’t get dirty


Signs about witnesses

The choice of dress color is of great importance not only for the bride, but also for the friend, because the color of the dress determines what the life of the newlyweds will be like. It is believed that under no circumstances should a friend wear a black or dark-colored dress to a wedding, as this prophesies misfortune and a quick break in the relationship between the newlyweds.

Signs about witnesses:

  • It’s a good sign if your girlfriend chooses a golden or pink dress. It is not recommended to wear dresses in white or light colors, as they can blend in with the bride’s dress.
  • It is believed that if witnesses pin pins to the wedding clothes of the newlyweds, it will bring them good luck and success. Immediately after leaving the house before the wedding, you need to put on a pin, this will help protect the young family from the evil eye and negative energy.
  • After the wedding ceremony, the bridesmaid takes the towels and glasses, and the best man takes with him the box of wedding rings.
  • The bride and groom should not touch these boxes after the wedding ceremony. It is necessary for witnesses to pick up the case first. If, after painting, the boyar and his friend take these boxes in their hands, they will soon also become family boxes. Witnesses must take a white thread with them to the wedding. After all, if the rings fall during the wedding ceremony, they must be strung on a white thread.
  • In this way, negative energy will be removed and everything will end well for the newlyweds. It is believed that if a white thread passes through the rings, it will absorb all negativity and negative energy.

Best man

Signs for the happiness of newlyweds

The color of the bride's assistant dress is traditionally pink. Blue, peach or golden colors of the suit are also acceptable, but black is strictly prohibited.

The witness should not stand between the newlywed and the mirror when helping with her hair or outfit. Otherwise, the girlfriend will take away family happiness from the young wife. The best man also does not block the mirror from the groom, helping to tie the tie, if he does not want the newlyweds to get into trouble.

The bridesmaid and best man always walk slightly ahead of the newlyweds so that no one crosses the path of the wedding procession. However, the newlyweds go forward into the registration hall, followed by the best man and the witness.

According to tradition, the bride's assistants pin pins against the evil eye on the bride's dress, as well as on the groom's suit. While doing this, it is important not to inject yourself, otherwise the bride’s assistant will remain lonely forever. A simple safety pin with a protective cap is usually pinned. It is important to place the product on the inside of the suit and always with the tip down.

After exchanging the rings, the box where they were kept remains. Young people are not allowed to touch the box. Violating the warning can ruin a marriage. However, signs about witnesses at a wedding advise the bridesmaid to take a box for herself, which will bring a quick successful marriage. When shouting “Bitter!”, the newlyweds kiss, and the best man and the witness shout “Sweet!”

Witness and witness: signs

The boyar and the groom at the wedding should sit on the corner, this promises their own home. That is, they will live separately from their parents after they create their own families.

Witness and witness, signs:

  • There are several signs for a witness at a wedding, that is, the best man. All signs regarding the choice of witnesses concern not only the friend, but also the boyar. He must not be married, in a relationship, or divorced.
  • In general, this should be a free guy, without relationships and family. The witness must refuse if he is invited to the third or fourth wedding. It is not allowed to be the best man at a wedding more than 2 times; this predicts failure in the personal life of the newlyweds. Before the wedding ceremony, be sure not to get in the way of the bride and groom.
  • You can't stand in front of them when looking in the mirror. After all, the young couple’s marriage will soon fall apart, and one of the newlyweds will break the oath of fidelity. Witnesses should not touch wedding rings before marriage.


Wedding signs: witnesses

Young people must wear them, but the box is taken by witnesses. The jewelry that the spouses exchange during the wedding ceremony is kept by the witnesses, and they are the ones who must keep the box.

Wedding signs, witnesses:

  • Under no circumstances should you open or try on the rings, this promises misfortune both for the witnesses and for the newlyweds. To attract happiness, witnesses need to be careful in their choice of clothing and makeup.
  • It is believed that the groom can wear the bride's makeup, this will attract her personal happiness. It is imperative that during the ceremony, when all the guests shout “bitter,” the witnesses must chant “sweet.”
  • You definitely need to take a cutlery from the table, but not a knife; a fork or spoon will do and keep it at home. Make a brooch or hairpin for the bride that she will wear at the wedding ceremony. It is believed that this will help the friend get married successfully.


What should a witness do?

The fragile female shoulders of the witness bear no less responsibilities. She should be the first person the bride sees in the morning, help her dress up, do her makeup. In addition, her responsibilities at the wedding include:

  1. Assistance in carrying out the ransom.
  2. During the wedding ceremony, monitor the girl’s appearance. Makeup, hairstyle, dress - everything should look perfect.
  3. Help in accepting flowers that will be given by guests of the celebration.
  4. Seat invited friends and relatives in their places after arriving at the banquet hall.
  5. Make sure that the bride's plate and glass are not empty.

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During the wedding walk, the witness is obliged to take care of organizing mini-buffets during stops to take photos and videos as souvenirs.

Signs of a witness for an early marriage

In order for the witness to get married as quickly as possible, you must adhere to the following manipulations.

Signs of a witness for a quick marriage:

  • It is advisable to marry a bride in light-colored dresses. It is best if it is green or golden.
  • Of course, not everyone chooses a green dress, but this color is considered magical and will help bring good luck to the newlyweds and witnesses. Therefore, any item of clothing, even panties, must be green.
  • If your friend cannot find a boyfriend for a long period of time, you need to pull the tablecloth over yourself at the wedding table so that no one notices. This will help you attract your happiness. It is imperative to sit on the bride's chair just a little bit.
  • It is advisable to do this discreetly during the newlyweds’ dance. Be sure to take a piece of wedding cake from the bride's hands. All the energy that is associated with a wedding will help your friend get married faster. And of course, you should try to catch the wedding bouquet.


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