Cinderella in reverse: how Hollywood star Grace Kelly enriched the Prince of Monaco


Who among our contemporaries is not familiar with the fairy-tale love story of the titular prince and a simple American girl? Of course, the girl was not entirely simple, and dubious rumors about the truth of the couple’s feelings still persist, but, nevertheless, this particular story is an example of how a fairy tale turns into reality.

The incredible fate of Grace Kelly, her transformation from a rich but simple American woman into an example for millions - the Princess of Monaco - is what people are still gossiping about.

Grace Kelly in childhood
Grace Kelly in childhood

The future style icon was born in 1929. From childhood, the girl was prepared for life in high society among rich and famous people. Grace was the daughter of a successful businessman and fashion model. However, she was a tense child, a little plump, not too confident in herself and not particularly promising for a great future. The girl graduated from a strict Catholic school, and here she first appeared on stage in a production based on a biblical story. The girl expected the fate of the sweet wife of a rich man, but she herself longed for fame and the acting path.

Grace Kelly in her youth
Grace Kelly in her youth

Grace had older brothers, and the family relied heavily on the older children. Grace's father never expected that it was the youngest daughter who would become the main pride of the family and bring fame and additional wealth to their family home, glorifying the Kelly surname among residents of several continents. Grace devoted many years to impressing her demanding dad and getting him to take her seriously. But even the Oscar he received could not do this.

Grace Kelly with family
Grace Kelly with family

Young Kelly, after completing her schooling, moved from Philadelphia to the Big Apple, entered the New York Academy of Arts (she was not accepted into the women's college, which her parents insisted on, due to low grades in mathematics), where she began to learn the basics acting skills. At the same time, she got a job as a fashion model and was quite successful in this direction - her photos were adorned in numerous magazines, on the pages of which she promoted brands of cigarettes, equipment, sportswear and household chemicals.

An interesting fact - unlike the success stories of other models who spent years flocking to well-known agencies and rushing to castings, Grace was immediately offered interesting projects and high fees. She was very beautiful, so the agents lined up in front of the door to the girl’s apartment and offered the best terms of cooperation.

Grace Kelly figure
The figure of Grace Kelly is an example to follow

Grace's canonical beauty, tall stature and chiseled figure - these characteristics, which made her a legendary actress and model, were liked by all producers without exception. But she didn’t get work in real cinema. Finally, she gets a role in a production on Broadway, and then begins to conquer cinema, receiving invitations to episodic roles in various films.

Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly.

On the eve of a wonderful women's holiday, I would like to talk about the unique, sophisticated, sophisticated and elegant Grace Kelly, who for me is a true example of femininity and a “style icon.” In preparing the article, materials were used from open sources - the Internet, as well as from the book by L.V. Petkevich "Famous women of the planet." Photos for this article were taken from various Internet sites. I hope the article will be interesting to you and will inspire you to create new masterpieces!

Grace Patricia Kelly was born on November 12, 1929 in Philadelphia. Grace grew up as a sensitive child by nature. She was thoughtful and more interested in solitude. The girl could play with her dolls for hours, inventing different plays and stories for them. In 1934, Grace went to school. This educational institution was called the Academy of the Teachings of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The mothers and sisters of the order placed special emphasis on instilling good manners. Grace was remembered at school as a student who knew how to delicately ask questions, was extremely polite and friendly. But she had no particular inclination towards learned wisdom. And the main thing that Grace took away from the school was not a wealth of knowledge, but an unshakable belief in the correctness of the Catholic religion. Here, at the Academy, Grace began to show the mysterious duality of her nature: the correct and prim Miss Touchy, inside of whom sat an imp. The school never tried to impose discipline by force, and Grace gave free rein to pranks. On the one hand, she tried to be an exemplary student and do good deeds, but these good intentions did not prevent her from sneaking a cigarette, making fun of her, or doing something else like that.

Grace was taken out of school when she finished the eighth grade because her father thought the physical education at school was insufficient. But Grace, even after leaving the educational institution, did not lose touch with her sisters. And then, already as an adult, she turned for advice to the mentors of her childhood. At the age of 14, Grace was sent to a private school for girls founded by Susie Stevens. There she completed her high school course. And it was during these last four years that she began dating boys. At first, the success was more than modest: outwardly, Grace still did not represent anything at all. Fourteen-year-old Grace was shy, clumsy, and, in addition, she suffered from myopia and was forced to wear glasses. It was during these years that Grace began to develop a true passion for acting. She took part in dramatic performances from an early age. As she grew older, she realized that on stage she could transform into anyone, which was not available to her in real life. Then Grace firmly decided that she would become an actress.

Her debut took place in 1941 in the play “Don’t Feed the Animals.” Then she was 12. And by the age of 14, Grace had managed to turn into a small star of the “Old School Actors” troupe. By the age of 16, Grace had undergone a miraculous transformation: from an ugly girl she turned into a rare beauty. Her youthful successes gave her more self-confidence and illuminated her with the light of a happy destiny. Grace had no end to her suitors. But when it came to meaningless dates, everything went fine.

In 1947, Grace Kelly graduated from school and did not have the slightest idea what she would do next, especially since she had little information for further study, and she was late with admission: enrollment in college had already been completed. Then Grace thought about entering the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. And here the name of her famous uncle George Kelly helped her. They agreed to listen to her, and Grace did not disappoint. In October 1947, Grace Patricia Kelly was admitted to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. In New York, not a trace remained of that timid girl. Grace has grown into an enthusiastic, outgoing and funny girl. She fit in well with any cheerful company and made herself a friend - classmate Herbie Miller, one of the most attractive young men-students. In a new circle of friends, she again turned into a daring scoundrel, capable of any prank. Grace's success at the Academy left no doubt. And soon, without making any effort, she discovered that she had become a fashion model: within just one year, Grace’s photographs appeared on the cover of Redbook and Cosmopolitan magazines. She boldly posed for advertisements for cigarettes, insecticides, underwear... And her work as a fashion model turned out to be very profitable. However, it was not in Grace's nature to waste money. Her mother taught her to save and keep track of every cent. The first thing Grace did with her money was send it to her father to pay for her education and living expenses. Grace wanted to do everything herself, unlike her brother and sisters. Grace achieved success with astonishing ease. This even caused some envy among the friends and acquaintances around her.

An important success was the fact that in 1948, Grace Kelly entered the second and final year of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, because the selection was tough and strict. Only half of the students remained, the most talented and able-bodied, who were already considered real actors. In 1949, Grace had an affair with the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. He made her an offer! But Grace did not like the Shah and politely told him so. Of course, she dreamed of moving up the social ladder, but she wanted to become famous as an actress more. Moreover, she has already begun to make a name for herself. Grace Kelly's dramatic talent was not outstanding, but television was already beginning to enter her life. It was there that Grace went through a good acting school. From 1950 to 1953, she appeared in more than sixty television productions and could rightfully consider herself a star of television series. And in 1951, Grace was lucky again: she was invited to Hollywood to audition for the film “High Noon.” By April 1952, the film had won all the Oscars, and Hollywood began to pay closer attention to the shy blonde. They began to invite her to act in films, and they signed contracts with her. Grace began to gradually conquer Hollywood. The film was followed by a film, and the novel followed by a novel. But the parents stubbornly did not want to marry their daughter. None of her men suited Jack Kelly. Sometimes Grace tried to resist, but still prudence prevailed.

In 1955, Grace was already a star. In winter, she was nominated for an Oscar for her leading role in the film “The Country Girl.” It was this work that brought Grace an Oscar, although it was not her best role. After winning the Oscar, Grace went in great demand. She was immediately invited to lead the American delegation at the Cannes Film Festival. In connection with the festival celebrations, Grace had one duty to fulfill: to pay a visit to the Monegasque Prince Rainier in his palace. This meeting was organized for her by the Paris Match magazine. The magazine editor, having scheduled a meeting, wanted to add some variety to the standard cover dedicated to the film festival. Grace had no desire to meet the prince, but felt that decorum should be maintained. This meeting took place. Miss Kelly shook hands with Prince Rainier III of Monaco, and photographers captured the moment. When Grace was asked if she liked the prince, she replied: “Charming, in my opinion, simply charming.” A hasty handshake between Grace and the Prince in May 1955 led to correspondence that they temporarily kept secret. What struck Rainier about Grace was that this pretty actress behaved calmly and without any antics typical of other stars. And Grace soon had the feeling that she knew the prince closely, his letters were so deep and natural. The summer of 1955 became a time for Grace to make important decisions. She understood that the Oscar she received was the high point of her career, her novels somehow quietly died down. Grace began to realize that she was missing something. Moreover, many of her friends were already married and already had children. All this made her think. She did not know what the correspondence with Prince Rainier would lead to. And the prince, nevertheless, was going to stop by their home in Philadelphia.

Rainier was looking for a wife. He was already over thirty and dynastic necessity required him to produce an heir. The prince felt that he was irresistibly attracted to Grace, who gave the impression of a serious, reliable and honest woman. On December 25, 1955, Rainier visited the Kelly family. Grace tried to act casual, but in reality she was ready to cry and jump with delight at the same time. Rainier had already taken a special place in her thoughts and dreams. But is this destined to come true? Grace and Rainier began an affair, which Jack Kelly could hardly stop. Their mutual feelings were so frank, and their eyes simply shone with happiness. In the end, the prince proposed to Grace and she said yes. Of course, having married Prince Rainier, she will have to give up her movie star career. This is what Rainier wanted too. And at the age of twenty-six, Grace wanted more than anything to become a wife and mother. Here is the desire. Rainier coincided with her desire. She puts an end to her film career. On April 4, 1956, Grace Kelly set sail from America to Monaco on the ship Constitution. The wedding of Grace and Rainier was to take place in the prince's own domain. Grace was happy, she was madly in love with the prince and, most importantly, she knew that he loved her too.

The wedding ceremony took place on April 18, 1956. The wedding was called the “Wedding of the Century” and is still considered one of the most beautiful weddings ever. Grace's wedding dress was created by designer Helen Rose, who dressed her in the films High Society and The Swan. This wedding dress was the most expensive Rose had ever made. Grace Kelly's dress featured a round collar and ivory skirt with a Brussels lace bodice embroidered with pearls. The lace was over a hundred years old and featured a floral design. 25 meters of silk taffeta and 100 meters of pure silk were used to create the dress. In the 60s and 70s, Princess Grace of Monaco became a true style icon, championed by European designers such as Dior, Balenciaga, Givenchy and Yves Saint Laurent. She helped renovate the prince's palace, raised money for children's organizations and gave numerous charity balls, and worked as an advocate for arts organizations in Monaco. Grace chose her path and had no intention of leaving it. She reached the limit of her dreams, found what she had been striving for all her life.

Rainier and Grace spent most of their honeymoon sailing around Corsica. They tried to choose secluded beaches to hide from prying eyes. Grace did not tolerate the motion well, and she felt sick from time to time. But not only the sea and the pitching were to blame for this. When they returned to Monaco, doctors said that Grace was pregnant. Not only Rainier, but the entire country was delighted with this news. And exactly nine months and four days after the wedding, Carolina Louise Margarita was born. Rainier, of course, hoped it would be a boy. Grace did not disappoint his expectations: two years later she gave birth to a boy and provided her family and country with a legitimate heir. The son and heir were named Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre. Rainier and Grace were simply happy.

Grace's appearance in Monaco significantly influenced the financial situation of the principality. The influx of tourists after the wedding generated significant income. All sorts of businessmen, swindlers and rich people flocked to Monaco, which increased the turnover of Monegasque business. Grace herself was involved in charity work. With her appearance at the palace, it became a tradition to hold Christmas trees for all the children of Monaco. Grace visited nursing homes and orphans, and opened a hospital and kindergarten in Monaco to help working mothers. And the Red Cross of Monaco, under the leadership of Grace, has become one of the most famous in the world for providing assistance to victims of military conflicts and natural disasters from Peru to Pakistan. And not once did she doubt that the time given to charity was not wasted. Grace and Rainier took raising their children very seriously. This was their “joint venture” and they always worked together to solve any problems that arose. The couple considered themselves strict parents, but the children, of course, grew up spoiled, especially the third child, Princess Stephanie Maria Elisabeth, the favorite of the whole family, born in 1965. She was cherished and pampered beyond measure. And in 1967, Grace's pregnancy ended tragically. The operation she underwent was called a delayed abortion among doctors. The child, a boy, had been dead in her womb for over a month. Doctors said she would never have children again. For Grace this was another blow.

Grace Kelly's family life did not go as smoothly as it might seem from the outside. Rainier turned out to not have the best character. He was quick-tempered and irritable. His mood changed often. Of course, there were many happy moments in their life, but Grace increasingly felt lonely. As the children got older, Grace spent more time collecting wildflowers, drying them, and then gluing them onto cardboard and placing them in a frame. Someone suggested she organize an exhibition of her work. The success was amazing. Rainier reacted very strangely to this. In general, he began to be torn apart by jealousy of his wife’s fame. After ten years of marriage, the prince suddenly saw that his wife’s popularity and ability to win over people were qualities that were not given to him. Rainier began to belittle Grace in front of everyone, mocking her endeavors. Their relationship deteriorated noticeably just when she needed love and understanding so much. It became clear that life with a “fairy-tale prince” is no better than life with a mere mortal. Another problem for Grace was that after forty years she began to gain weight and her appearance began to change for the worse. Grace desperately tried to preserve her former beauty, entering into a duel with nature, which, unfortunately, she could not win.

In April 1981, Grace and Rainier celebrated their silver wedding. Of course, by this time they had become mutually distant, but they had become good friends. September 13, 1982 was a good day. Grace and her daughter Stefania were planning to go to Monaco. The driver was already standing next to the Rover, ready to go. But Grace decided that they would go alone. On the way, she wanted to have a serious conversation with her daughter, who suddenly decided to learn to drive racing cars. Grace knew she wasn't a very good driver, and she didn't like driving on this road either. But then she was not thinking about that, but about the conversation with her daughter. Truck driver Yves Fili, who was driving behind the Rover, saw that the car suddenly, instead of slowing down, began to accelerate on one of the serpentine turns, and therefore did not fit into the turn and flew over the edge of the abyss. The Rover flew into the air over a sheer abyss about 45 meters deep. The car turned over several times and fell with its wheels up. Grace was taken to Monax Hospital. Stefania, covered in bruises and sobbing hysterically, went to fetch her mother. On Tuesday, September 14, at the door of Grace's room, Dr. Chatelain met with Rainier, Caroline and Albert. The doctor showed them the pictures and scan results and explained that Grace's condition was deteriorating. The doctor declared that her condition was hopeless. Rainier and the children conferred and accepted the verdict of the medical luminaries. They said goodbye to Grace and then left her in the care of the doctor. The artificial support device was turned off. Grace Patricia Kelly, Her Holiness Princess Grace of Monaco died on September 14, 1982. She was 52 years old. The funeral took place on Saturday. The list of arrivals indicated that the nondescript principality owed its prestige to Grace. The prince sobbed, not embarrassed by tears. People were crying in the streets. Most of them had never met Grace, but their grief was sincere. Throughout the 52 years of her life, Grace became something of a mascot for her generation. She turned into some kind of icon, turned into a myth. She never betrayed her dream and deserved her fame in full.


Grace meets famous actor Gary Cooper, who helps her get the lead role in his new project. Thus begins Grace's triumphant conquest of American cinema. True, after the premiere, the shocked Grace noticed how poorly she was acting, and rushed to her teachers to develop her acting skills. After some time, she starred in several films, for her supporting role in one of which she received her first Oscar nomination.

Kelly becomes the muse of the famous director Hitchcock, his “favorite blonde,” starred in his films and won an Oscar. In just less than five years as an actress, she has starred in 10 films.

Grace Kelly's success is truly phenomenal - she not only became the most sought-after versatile actress in Hollywood in a short time, but also maintained her position as the brightest film star many years later. She entered the lists of the best actresses from the beginning of the decade, and then the century, bringing fame to herself and her family.

Kelly presented the best films in Hollywood at international competitions (including Cannes, where she met Rainier). By the way, she was credited with having affairs with all her partners on the set, with an Arab sheikh, but she decided to connect her life with the Prince of Monaco.

Personal life

The reception organized by the Prince of Monaco for representatives of American cinema was fateful. The young Oscar-winning actress of stunning beauty immediately struck Prince Rainier III in the heart. He decided that he had met his princess, whom he had been looking for for so many years, and immediately began the process of winning the girl’s heart.

Grace Kelly and Rainier III
Grace Kelly and Rainier III

Grace was fascinated by the courtship and attention that the prince showed her. He proved himself to be an attentive and well-mannered fan. They carried on a long correspondence across the ocean, as a result of which Rainier came to America.

Grace understood that the decision to throw in her lot with the prince would make her a princess, place incredible responsibility on her and be a turning point in her career and life. However, she was ready to exchange all her career achievements for the role of the prince’s wife and lover. Grace gave up her passion - cinema - for love.

Rainier came to America to ask her parents for her hand in marriage, received the blessing of new relatives and took Grace and her friends, a hairdresser and numerous suitcases containing a wedding dress and jewelry on a transatlantic liner to Monaco. A week after this, the legendary wedding took place, after which the people of Monaco were introduced to their new princess.

Wedding of Grace Kelly and Rainier III
Wedding of Grace Kelly and Rainier III

The family settled in Monaco; after Grace’s arrival, the tiny state began to develop its tourism potential and gradually turned into a must-see place for ardent cinema fans, Hollywood representatives and simply lovers of romantic stories. Grace and Rainier became parents and children were born into their family. The family looked ideal: a beautiful, well-groomed wife, dressed to the nines; a sedate, dignified-looking husband with exceptional manners, who had an aura of power and royalty; wonderful children, well-mannered and obedient.

Grace Kelly with her husband and children
Grace Kelly with her husband and children

However, the idyll did not last long. Children, so submissive and exemplary in childhood, began to spin out of control as they grew older. The son stopped being interested in anything, narrowing his circle of interests to representatives of the fair half of humanity and fashionable cars. The eldest daughter experienced, at a young age, first a crazy marriage, and then an equally crazy divorce. The youngest daughter decided to exchange feminine outfits for a leather jacket and motorcycles, becoming a real “tomboy”.

Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly

Even Kelly’s husband let us down - over the years, he began to increasingly show those traits that usually come to people in old age. For example, he became excessively grouchy, stingy, and loved spending time away from his family, alone or surrounded by his favorite animals. He actually moved away from his family into a separate house. Moreover, throughout their life together, the unsociable Rainier was jealous of his wife for her success and universal love. Grace truly was the darling of the country, successful in all her endeavors. Her husband could not forgive her for this fact.

Grace Kelly with her husband
Grace Kelly with her husband

In general, the image of an ideal family, which Grace had painstakingly built over many years, was collapsing like a house of cards right before our eyes. And she experienced this extremely painfully. She was well aware of her need to continue to create and realize her potential as a dramatic actress, but in her position this was impossible, and her age began to approach a fatal mark for her.

She did something that disgraced her in the last years of her life - she had an affair with a young man. At first she maintained a relationship with one young man, then with another. This gave her some freedom and the feeling that she could make at least some important decisions and influence her destiny herself.

Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly in recent years

The actress had a peculiar attitude towards the process of growing up and aging. She always believed that from the age of 40 a woman no longer begins life, but a period of sad existence. In her youth, Grace took great care of her youthful beauty and fit figure, used her abilities and her charm as successfully as possible and received dividends from her appearance, working as a model, actress and simply being a “heartbreaker”.

As she grew older, the girl began to realize the illusory and elusiveness of her natural beauty, which very soon would begin to fade every day. She was really afraid of the first signs of aging, and was very upset about the approach of that “fatal” age. In her mind, failure to be an ideal - an ideal of beauty, youth, grace, fluidity and incredible charm - was comparable to death.

A small kingdom for great talent. Grace Kelly's life in photographs

Grace's father John Kelly was very ambitious, he founded his own and began to make money. So the future Princess of Monaco did not grow up in the poorest family. When asked how much her father earned, Grace slyly replied: “Oh, I really don’t know if he’s a millionaire.” Financial experts knew a little better, and they estimated the size of John Brendan Kelly’s fortune at $16-20 million.

Grace's father John Kelly was very ambitious, he founded his own and began to make money. So the future Princess of Monaco did not grow up in the poorest family. When asked how much her father earned, Grace slyly replied: “Oh, I really don’t know if he’s a millionaire.” Financial experts knew a little better, and they estimated the size of John Brendan Kelly’s fortune at $16-20 million.

Her parents dreamed that Grace would go to Bennington Women's College, but, alas, these dreams were not destined to come true. Grace turned out to be incompetent in mathematics and she simply could not go to college. Happy Kelly immediately entered the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. They took her even though her voice sounded unusual, she spoke “in the nose.”

Her parents dreamed that Grace would go to Bennington Women's College, but, alas, these dreams were not destined to come true. Grace turned out to be incompetent in mathematics and she simply could not go to college. Happy Kelly immediately entered the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. They took her even though her voice sounded unusual, she spoke “in the nose.”

In her free time, Grace worked as a fashion model and fashion model to pay for her studies. Soon the incredible happened - fashion photographers, who are usually besieged by models, themselves began to lie in wait for Grace to offer her another contract. The aspiring model advertised jewelry, furs, evening dresses and sportswear.

In her free time, Grace worked as a fashion model and fashion model to pay for her studies. Soon the incredible happened - fashion photographers, who are usually besieged by models, themselves began to lie in wait for Grace to offer her another contract. The aspiring model advertised jewelry, furs, evening dresses and sportswear.

Grace was not only a beauty, but also a very lucky person: to audition for the main female role in some film, casting agents brought her literally from the street - she ran to classes at an acting school. No formal hairstyle, no makeup, a worn skirt, a shirt with rolled up sleeves, old tennis shoes. In the end, Grace didn’t get the role, and her auditions were left collecting dust on the shelf. But it was Stanley Kramer who found them. What he saw impressed the producer so much that he immediately invited Kelly to star in a story about the Wild West.

Grace was not only a beauty, but also a very lucky person: to audition for the main female role in some film, casting agents brought her literally from the street - she ran to classes at an acting school. No formal hairstyle, no makeup, a worn skirt, a shirt with rolled up sleeves, old tennis shoes. In the end, Grace didn’t get the role, and her auditions were left collecting dust on the shelf. But it was Stanley Kramer who found them. What he saw impressed the producer so much that he immediately invited Kelly to star in a story about the Wild West.

These same seemingly failed tests helped the actress once again. John Ford could not find a worthy partner for Clark Gable and Ava Gardner in Mogambo. But as soon as the director saw the footage of Grace, she was given the role again. The MGM film company signed a 7-year contract with Kelly. It also discussed a ban on all other filming. So Alfred Hitchcock, one of whose favorite blondes was Grace, had to buy her from MGM so that she could star in his films.

These same seemingly failed tests helped the actress once again. John Ford could not find a worthy partner for Clark Gable and Ava Gardner in Mogambo. But as soon as the director saw the footage of Grace, she was given the role again. The MGM film company signed a 7-year contract with Kelly. It also discussed a ban on all other filming. So Alfred Hitchcock, one of whose favorite blondes was Grace, had to buy her from MGM so that she could star in his films.

Grace became famous, literally, overnight. The night of the Oscars in 1955. For the first time in the history of the film awards since 1928, the ceremony was shown on television, turning it into a super performance worth half a million dollars. At least 50 million Americans watched the show. No one had any doubts that Judy Garland, who played Vicky Lester, would receive the golden statuette. But something happened that no one expected. The award went to Grace Kelly for her role in the film “The Country Girl” (Grace received 6 votes more than Vika).

Grace became famous, literally, overnight. The night of the Oscars in 1955. For the first time in the history of the film awards since 1928, the ceremony was shown on television, turning it into a super performance worth half a million dollars. At least 50 million Americans watched the show. No one had any doubts that Judy Garland, who played Vicky Lester, would receive the golden statuette. But something happened that no one expected. The award went to Grace Kelly for her role in the film “The Country Girl” (Grace received 6 votes more than Vika).

In the Kelly family, sports were at the level of religion. Grace's mother, Margaret Kelly, was not only a famous fashion model, but also the first female physical education teacher at the University of Pennsylvania. The father of the family, John Brendan, became an Olympic champion in rowing in 1920. He coached all four children, and only Grace refused to play sports. Legend has it that John Brendan was so offended by his daughter that instead of being happy for her when she won an Oscar, he only cursed.

In the Kelly family, sports were at the level of religion. Grace's mother, Margaret Kelly, was not only a famous fashion model, but also the first female physical education teacher at the University of Pennsylvania. The father of the family, John Brendan, became an Olympic champion in rowing in 1920. He coached all four children, and only Grace refused to play sports. Legend has it that John Brendan was so offended by his daughter that instead of being happy for her when she won an Oscar, he only cursed.

Grace Kelly was often compared to Greta Garbo, both of them were hated by newspapermen for their desire to lead a truly private personal life.

Grace Kelly was often compared to Greta Garbo, both of them were hated by newspapermen for their desire to lead a truly private personal life.

Incredible, but true - at the wedding, which took place in April 1956, the bride shone in a luxurious outfit from Helen Rose (MGM designer, Oscar winner, who previously dressed the actress for the films “High Society” and “The Swan”), and her betrothed was dressed in a uniform embroidered with gold, the design of which was developed by himself. The couturier turned out to be an unimportant prince, so his outfit was criticized by all and sundry, calling it operetta-like.

Incredible, but true - at the wedding, which took place in April 1956, the bride shone in a luxurious outfit from Helen Rose (MGM designer, Oscar winner, who previously dressed the actress for the films “High Society” and “The Swan”), and her betrothed was dressed in a uniform embroidered with gold, the design of which was developed by himself. The couturier turned out to be an unimportant prince, so his outfit was criticized by all and sundry, calling it operetta-like.

Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III of Monaco met during the filming of the actress's third film with Alfred Hitchcock, To Catch a Thief, which takes place on the French Riviera. On April 18, 1956, the wedding took place, after which Grace became a princess and left her film career.

Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III of Monaco met during the filming of the actress's third film with Alfred Hitchcock, To Catch a Thief, which takes place on the French Riviera. On April 18, 1956, the wedding took place, after which Grace became a princess and left her film career.

Rainier was a fairly consistent person - for his engagement, he gave his bride a pearl necklace from Van Cleef

Rainier was a fairly consistent person - for his engagement he gave his bride a pearl necklace from Van Cleef & Arpels, and as a wedding gift Grace received a set from the same company - a necklace, bracelet and earrings. In addition, the groom asked Creed perfumers to create a fragrance for his bride, and this is how Fleurissimo was born, which, by the way, was later worn by Jacqueline Kennedy and Madonna.

The press called the wedding of Grace and Rainier “The Wedding of the Century,” but Grace later admitted that the ceremony was the most nightmare day of her life (although she clarified that there were several moments that touched the soul). The prince’s young wife was so tired of the close attention of journalists that then for a whole year she basically did not read any articles about herself and her husband.

The press called the wedding of Grace and Rainier “The Wedding of the Century,” but Grace later admitted that the ceremony was the most nightmare day of her life (although she clarified that there were several moments that touched the soul). The prince’s young wife was so tired of the close attention of journalists that then for a whole year she basically did not read any articles about herself and her husband.

Grace Kelly and Rainier III with their children: Caroline Margaret Louise, Albert II, the reigning Prince of Monaco, and Stefania Maria Elisabeth. 1967

Grace Kelly and Rainier III with their children: Caroline Margaret Louise, Albert II, the reigning Prince of Monaco, and Stefania Maria Elisabeth. 1967

While Grace paid for her marriage with her career, her desire for privacy cost her her life. Wanting to talk face to face with her youngest daughter Stefania, who refused to study to become a fashion designer because she was going to learn to drive racing cars with her son Belmondo, Grace did something she usually didn’t do: she got behind the wheel of the car herself. The ending of this trip was tragic.

While Grace paid for her marriage with her career, her desire for privacy cost her her life. Wanting to talk face to face with her youngest daughter Stefania, who refused to study to become a fashion designer because she was going to learn to drive racing cars with her son Belmondo, Grace did something she usually didn’t do: she got behind the wheel of the car herself. The ending of this trip was tragic.


The sad fact is that Grace did not live long enough to sit, as she feared, in her old age and reminisce about her past victories. She died suddenly in a car accident.

Photo from the scene of the Grace Kelly accident
Photo from the scene of the Grace Kelly accident

Grace almost never drove a car herself. She preferred to travel with a personal driver. However, on that ill-fated day, she decided to take her daughter to a neighboring city, and drive herself. The princess motivated her decision by the fact that she needed to discuss personal, “secret” matters and issues with her daughter. And it was worth doing this without witnesses.

Grace Kelly's funeral
Grace Kelly's funeral

What mother and daughter talked about that day will remain a mystery. It so happened that on the way, Grace lost control due to a sudden heart attack and got into a car accident, as a result of which she tragically died at the age of 52. Her daughter was also injured in this disaster, but survived. Grace's husband mourned his wife until his death.

Style icon

Grace Kelly was considered a style icon during her lifetime. Her dresses were copied, her looks were dissected and analyzed in fashion magazines, and her ability to wear gloves with unique grace was admired by top fashion designers. She, like no one else, knew how to emphasize all her advantages, create the ideal shape of her figure with the help of clothes and accessories, and she surprisingly selected outfits for any celebration.

Grace Kelly Outfits
Grace Kelly Outfits

In her days as a movie star, Grace favored “Hollywood chic” and “red carpet” classics, then, as the Princess of Monaco, she transformed her image, adding more elegant but modest things to it. But her favorites were always wide-brimmed hats and clothes in soft, soft pastel colors.

Grace Kelly on the red carpet
Grace Kelly on the red carpet

Grace's story has had a huge impact on popular culture. Her style began to be interpreted at fashion shows, her words were scattered into quotes and aphorisms, and her fate became a source of inspiration for directors and screenwriters. Designer accessories, dresses and jewelry are named and renamed in her honor. There is a perfume created in Kelly's honor.

Nicole Kidman as Grace Kelly
Nicole Kidman as Grace Kelly

In 2014, the film “Princess of Monaco” was released, which told about Grace’s emergence as head of state. The aristocrat, not by birth, but by choice, was played by the famous actress Nicole Kidman. This film played up the image of Kelly as an almost unearthly woman, like an angel, with a fire burning in her soul.

In fact, Grace was far from a gift. By her own admission, she was an ordinary woman, and not a fairy-tale character. According to contemporaries, Kelly was very liberated, lived with passions, was not afraid of society’s assessment and knew her worth. Moreover, she was adventurous and incredibly lucky - how else can one explain her sharp rise to the podium in cinema, her wedding with a prince on a white horse and many happy accidents and coincidences.

Grace hoped that her life story would be the story of a less-than-ideal woman who got lucky. However, everything turned out quite the opposite - she became the ideal woman for many generations.

Grace Kelly and Catherine Deneuve
Grace Kelly and Catherine Deneuve have certain similarities

Another famous actress, the inimitable Catherine Deneuve, is very similar to Grace. This played into Catherine’s hands at the initial stage of her career.

Princess Grace Kelly

The wedding took place on April 19, 1956 and was called the “Wedding of the Century,” which aroused active interest from the media. Interestingly, the Kelly family had to provide $2 million as a dowry to become related to Prince Rainier's family.

Wedding of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco

The marriage gave Grace 142 titles, the titles of which were read out at the ceremony. The most significant of them was: “Princess Grace of Monaco.” Kelly was also called "Her Serene Highness the Princess of Monaco".

The wedding ceremony was attended by some of the most significant celebrities of the time. The wedding was broadcast on television. Around 20,000 people lined the streets of Monaco to see the couple.

Princely family

The children of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier are Caroline, Princess of Hanover, Albert (the current ruler of the Principality of Monaco) and Princess Stephanie.

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