Interesting competitions and games for young people on their birthdays

How to make a corporate party unforgettably fun

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party

To make the overall emotional picture of the party pleasant:

  • Appoint someone responsible for the event. Better than a cheerful employee with an easy-going character. He must know the characteristics of the team.
  • During the event, do not force anyone to do anything. Instead, create a favorable and trusting microclimate in which the desire to open up and express yourself arises naturally. Use unobtrusive humor, for example, “Whoever joins us will soon become rich (find a soulmate, etc.)”
  • Maintain subordination When choosing competitions, remember that this is a corporate event, and not a meeting of close friends. It is better to omit stripping contests and the like.
  • Prepare for the event in advance Many competitions require props, and you need to collect them in advance. Choose prizes for participating in competitions that are fun and neutral - scented candles, photo frames, sweets, stationery, etc. are suitable.
  • Prepare your own New Year's corporate party script following our recommendations and your colleagues will be grateful to you.
  • You can easily organize a corporate event thanks to our tips that you will find here.

Popular games for young people, with a brief description

  1. Pickup - each person in the group selects a victim of the opposite sex from the crowd on the street. The goal is to get to know each other, surprise, force the person to help you or take the phone number of your interlocutor. With the help of charm you need to achieve your goal. The best pickup artist becomes the winner.
  2. Sox – you will need a small ball that can be easily held on the toe of your foot. The participants’ task is to throw the ball to each other; they can receive it with their feet or chest; they cannot drop the ball or touch it with their hands.

  3. Stand up straight - you need a bottle half filled with water. The goal of the players is to throw the bottle so that it turns over and lands flat on the ground.
  4. Hide and seek on a social network – one participant counts to ten. The rest hide and take selfies in the place where they hid. The hide-and-seek territory does not have to be huge. Photos must be posted on social networks to the participant who is looking for others. He, guided by photographs, searches for the desired area and participant.

Fun party in nature

Employee transformation

costumed corporate party

If the budget and company policy allows

, to strengthen team spirit,
use role-playing game plots with dressing up
, face painting, etc.

All attributes must be of high quality, so invite a make-up artist and rent professional costumes. For one day, members of your team can become Vikings, cowboys, modern fantasy characters, a rescue team, etc.

If the result of the transformation looks professional, this alone will set an overall positive mood for the entire holiday.

Outdoor competitions

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party

Fresh summer air and wide open spaces of nature allow you to actively relax while taking part in cool corporate competitions.

Walking letter “A”

You will need a wooden structure in the shape of the letter A and some ropes tied to it.

One employee climbs onto the horizontal connecting bar of the letter, the rest use alternating tension on the ropes to set the letter in motion. She must walk. Several teams play.

The winner is the one that worked more harmoniously and covered the distance faster.


Employees hold in their hands a long, narrow canvas, with jumpers made of dense material attached under it at equal distances (for relative balance). Small round holes are made on the canvas.

The players' task is to roll the tennis ball along the surface without losing it in any of the trap spaces.

Blind maze

A labyrinth is drawn on the ground. The player’s task is to cover the distance, blindfolded, without going beyond the outlined limits. Colleagues help, each of whom takes turns saying only one word.

Happy snake

Team members, preferably 5-10 people, stand behind each other and carefully squeeze a block between their stomach and the back of the player in front (you can use cling film spools).

The task is to go the distance without losing a single link, otherwise you will have to return to the start.

Football in pairs

An ordinary game of football, only the players are tied together in pairs with ropes 2-2.5 m long. The goalkeeper is tied to the goal with a rope. Since the players' maneuvers are limited, they have to work harmoniously and very quickly as a team.

Search for treasure

An adventure team game in which you will need to show dexterity, strength and ingenuity.

Hide the treasure in advance and give the players a card with the first task. As the team completes tasks, they will reach a treasure, which could be, for example, a bag of candy.

Garbage removal speed competition

If you organize a holiday entirely on your own, the final stage can be this useful competition. The winner will receive a themed gift: a set of household gloves, a towel with soap, etc.

Birthday competition – “twelve notes”

The competition is not new, it is already about 50 years old, but it will undoubtedly appeal to young people who decided to celebrate the Indian summer in nature.
You need to split into two teams and get the first landmark from the driver. Then a new note is in place indicating a new search object. The host will have to draw up a route and write notes an hour and a half before the guests arrive, but this is quite realistic, since the preparation of the picnic site and dishes is carried out in advance. It is very convenient to hide notes in fallen leaves. Each of us has a birthday once a year , and we want it to be remembered not only for new culinary innovations and hearty toasts, but to become a pleasant surprise for everyone who came. That is why the host of the feast should stock up on interesting entertainment. When choosing them from all the variety, take into account the age of the guests, gender and the degree of their acquaintance with each other. Prepare souvenirs or small gifts for your guests , they will be very pleased! As gifts, buy key rings with names, magnets, and pens.

Party indoors

Although there is less space here than in nature, there are enough opportunities to show imagination in competitions.

If the corporate event takes place in

cafe or other
public establishment
that is not fully rented by you, ask the administrator in advance about the program for the evening.
The genre of music and the general atmosphere should match your plans.

Neutral competitions for a fun corporate event

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party

Hear me

This is humor built on a banal, often encountered situation when a boss and a subordinate do not hear each other.

A manager and his subordinate are invited to participate in an entertainment competition. The first person is given a player and headphones, and audio news is turned on.

The second one starts asking questions: - Ivan Petrovich, when is the salary? -Can I leave early today? — I want a vacation in July. Let me go? and so on.

The boss tries to read the lips of what the subordinate wants from him and answer his request or question.

Then they change places, and the manager asks questions: - When will the report be ready? - Why are you late? and so on.


Participants stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other to the music. When the music stops, the one with the ball draws a forfeit and performs a fun task.

Table competitions

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party

Funny corporate competitions for employees can be held right at the table:

What to do, if

Contestants are asked to find an original way out of an unusual situation, for example, what to do if you lost collective money at cards; if you are stuck in an elevator with the president of the company; if your dog ate an urgent important report? if your boss caught you sleeping at work? and so on.


All competitors receive a piece of paper on which a fragment of the painting is depicted. The task is to think about what the artist wanted to depict and complete the painting. When the presenter compares the original with the work of the group, there is no limit to the fun.


Each contestant receives a card with an individual task, for example, “How to teach a caterpillar to dive,” “Rules for eating borscht,” etc. In 3 minutes you need to write the most detailed instructions.

The winner is the most inventive and fun instructor.

How it was

It is advisable that all employees take part in the competition. The task is to take turns recalling the events that occurred in the life of the team during a specified period, for example, a year. The one who runs out of stories is eliminated.

The winner is the one who was able to name the maximum number of events. He receives a prize and some funny title: “guardian”, “hard drive”, “enlightened”, etc.


They play in pairs. Participants receive small pieces of paper and a pen. Everyone writes down about 30 any nouns. All words are put into a bag and mixed.

The first participant’s task is to take the first segment he comes across from the bag and explain to his partner the word written on the segment. The word itself cannot be named. After one minute, the bag is passed on to the next pair, and so on.

The pair that can guess the most words wins.

Fun Questions Quiz

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party

Funny trick questions will help entertain guests:

  • Today there was a headless man in the room. How did this happen? (He stuck it out the window)
  • Love always ends the same. How? (Soft sign)
  • The swallow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. When is this possible? (The dog sits on its tail)
  • In which month does the talking bird talk the least? (In February)
  • When a cat is bathed, what is he like? (Wet)
  • In which year do we eat more? (In leap year)
  • What do you cook but don't eat? (Lessons)
  • What becomes bigger if you turn it over? (Number 6)
  • Which hand do you usually stir your tea with? (The one with the spoon)
  • The birthplace of the headdress is the Panama hat? (Ecuador)
  • When is the October Revolution celebrated? (In November)

Outdoor games and competitions

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party

If guests have stayed too long, it’s time to hold fun corporate games and competitions in which you need to move:

friend's shoulder

All participants wear blindfolds. Each person's number in the line is announced in his ear. The task is to line up correctly as quickly as possible without uttering a single sound.

The fate of the artist

The presenter invites several guests to the stage and states that candidates for the main roles in the new project are now being selected. But, since the selection is tough, you will have to run for the role.

Each participant is given a chair and a card with the name of their character. The task is to hear your name, get up, run around the rest of the players and sit down in your place.

The presenter begins to read a well-known fairy tale, for example, “The Mitten.” To maintain suspense, he improvises and names characters outside of the plot - no one should stay too long.

Creative competitions

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party


A pair of players is given a magazine or newspaper. They choose any news. Then one reads, the other shows the “video” behind the host’s back. The team that was more realistic wins.


Two people are playing. The presenter names any adjective that characterizes a person’s character. The task of the participants is to show on themselves something that can be connected with this. for example, “wide” (nose), long (tongue), etc.

The words are repeated, and the contestants' options must change. The fun begins when you have to use your imagination.


The presenter says a simple sentence. Each participant must pronounce it with a new emotional connotation (neutral, threatening, cheerful, ingratiating, etc.).

To make it more relevant, choose a phrase related to work activity, for example: “The boss invites you to talk.” The one who cannot come up with a new intonation is eliminated.

Make your opponent leave

Two contestants are seated opposite each other. With any cultural action, one of them must force the opponent to get up and leave. It is allowed to hug, pat on the shoulder, etc. Time to complete the task is 1-2 minutes.

If the player managed to free up the “victim’s” seat, he sits on it and the game continues. The person with the strongest nerves wins.

Photo report

At the beginning of the holiday, the host announces that the camera is in a visible and accessible place. Everyone present can take fun selfies throughout the evening.

At the end of the party, all photos are shown on a projector and the winner is determined by applause.

Dance competitions and games

dance competitions

Best Dancer

The host invites participants to compete in their dancing abilities. But, as it turns out later, you need to dance:

  • like a briefcase
  • like a boss's chair
  • like iron, etc.

Fun game “Dances of the peoples of the world”

The presenter explains that different nations have their own ritual of corporate greeting: among the Slavs it is a three-time kiss; The French have hugs; among the Japanese - bow; among New Guineans - eyebrow movements; among Africans - clapping hands on thighs, etc.

The players stand in two circles - one inside the other, and begin to move in different directions to the music. When the music stops, the leader calls the people, and the participants must perform the appropriate greeting.

Stick - transformer

This competition is also based on the sudden stop of music. Only in this case, the players pass a stick around in a circle, and when the music stops, the one who has it in his hands goes to the center of the circle.

The presenter voices what the stick turns into: a microphone, a guitar, a violin, a barbell, etc. The music starts again and the player needs to perform a dance with the appropriate props.

Cool corporate event competitions for brave employees

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party


Participants are blindfolded. The task is to taste the dish that the presenter is feeding him. The one who guesses the maximum number of dishes wins.


Several relaxed girls take turns playing. The first participant is asked to leave the room for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the presenter collects various compliments addressed to her from those present.

Upon the girl’s return, the presenter reads out compliments, and her task is to guess who they came from. The participant who was able to give the most correct answers wins.

  • To make organizing a quest at a corporate event easy and simple, read our tips.
  • If you are looking for corporate gifts for employees, we have prepared many ideas for you, which can be found at this link.

Table games for young people list with description

  1. Mafia - the game requires special cards that will give players characters. In a simplified version, there is a leader, civilians and the mafia. Civilians play during the day, the mafia during the day also pretends that they are civilians. At night, residents fall asleep (close their eyes or cover themselves with masks), the mafia wakes up and decides which civilians to kill. Then morning comes, and the presenter announces which of the residents has been killed. The goal of the residents is to guess the mafiosi through joint voting, the goal of the mafia is to remain undiscovered. In the morning, the townspeople vote on who to remove from the city. After voting, the person shows his card. In the more complicated version there is a commissioner. At night, he chooses any resident whom he suspects of interacting with the mafia. If it is a mafioso, the presenter reports that one member of the mafia died, if it is a peaceful one, he says that the commissioner missed. Doctor - points at any one person at night. If he is chosen by the mafia or civilians, he remains "healed" and is not eliminated from the game. Maniac - kills one resident every night, acts on his own, independent of the mafia.
  2. Monopoly is a board game. The field is lined up with valuable assets that are worth a certain amount. Participants are given starting capital. Using a die and a counter, players take turns taking turns. By betting on a valuable asset, they can purchase it. If someone else's participant enters the space with your asset, he pays the specified percentage. For completing the section, a certain amount is given - profit. Along the perimeter of the game there are fines, taxes and bonuses. The winner is the one who buys more assets and ruins the rest, remaining a monopolist.
  3. What's in the glass? – Water is poured into plastic glasses, in one glass there is water with salt (vodka for an adult group). Each participant must take a glass and drink from it. The task of the participant who comes across water with salt is not to show it. The rest of the participants guess who has the tricky water.
  4. find me - each of those present writes one fact from life, which he told few people about, or dreams and plans. The leaves are placed in a box. Then the messages are taken out one by one, and you need to guess which of the participants wrote it.

  5. I never... - participants are given the same number of chips (can be replaced with any identical objects). The first participant starts the game, he says “I have never ...” and talks about what he has never done. Participants who did this throw a chip into the center of the table. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Entertainment for young people

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party


Players under the table pass candy. The driver must guess who has it now. The caught player becomes the driver.


The driver is selected. He turns away. The rest sit in a circle and make wishes for some person present with gestures.

Then everyone starts singing any song in chorus. The closer the driver is to the hidden person, the louder the singing, and vice versa. Then the guessed one becomes the driver, etc.

You're killed

Everyone sits in a circle and looks into each other's eyes. With a double wink, each participant must have time to “kill” the person they meet with their eyes. The “killed” are eliminated. The game continues until the winner is determined.

Competition with forfeits

A very simple game, the essence of which is that everyone sitting at the table takes turns taking out a forfeit from a hat or other container and completing the task indicated there. Forfeits should be prepared in advance, tasks should be written in such a way as not to offend anyone or harm your health. Here are 10 sample tasks for forfeits:

  1. Draw an animal.
  2. Tell a funny joke.
  3. Say a nursery rhyme while standing on a chair.
  4. Draw a boiling kettle, a train, an airplane.
  5. Crawl under the table.
  6. Dial a random phone number and play a prank on your interlocutor.
  7. Sing a song.
  8. Ask guests for alms.
  9. Tell a tongue twister quickly.
  10. Move the money with your nose along the table to a certain landmark.

Competitions for older employees

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party


Several teams play, each of which is given a set of signal batons of different colors.

Then musical cuts are turned on, within which these colors are veiled. The teams' task is to react in time and raise the corresponding baton faster than others.

Forbidden letter

The presenter announces a letter that cannot be pronounced, after which he begins to address the employees with questions.

“Yes” and “No” cannot be said either; answers must be detailed. Those who used the letter or thought for a long time are eliminated. The most attentive and fastest competitor wins.

Presentation of gifts and awards

30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party

When the event comes to an end, you can arrange a comic reward.



  • best psychotherapist of the evening
  • best traveler of the evening
  • best taster
  • privy councilor
  • supermodel, etc.

Certificates and gratitude

Comic awards can relate not only to a specific corporate event, but also to the entire work activity:

  • certificate for accurately completing the assigned task the second time
  • gratitude for your patience and kind words to the printer when it takes a long time to load and chews on paper, etc.

Gift lottery

Each guest, regardless of whether he was an active participant in the competition program, will be happy to go home with a present.

If the corporate budget is small, organize a lottery with couplets and inexpensive gifts such as a lighter, a chocolate bar, etc.

Compliment from the boss

If your budget allows, beautifully arrange a small individual gift for each employee.

. Let it be expensive coffee and chocolate, a diary and pen, or another thing that will be useful at work.

Such useful gifts with spoken words of gratitude for good work and a wonderful mood today will be a good end to the evening.

For corporate events, choose fun and easy competitions that won’t offend anyone. Create an atmosphere of common celebration - let everyone rest this evening, and tomorrow with renewed vigor they will begin to do their work in an even more friendly team.

Intellectual games for youth, with a brief description

  1. Association - participants sit at a table. The first one names two words, for example, garage and laptop. The second player begins to come up with a sentence, connecting these words: “The wife is tired of her husband constantly sitting at the laptop and the husband moved to live with him in the garage.” After this, the player says another word, for example, “mattress”. The third should continue the story by adding a sentence with a new word: “Sleeping on the garage floor is not as comfortable as sleeping on a mattress.” The game continues as long as there is enough imagination. You can complicate it by forcing everyone to repeat the story from the beginning.
  2. What would you do? – it is necessary to answer the questions correctly and clearly. Sample questions: what would you do if... you spilled tea on your boss? were you locked in a store overnight? Did a relative lose your salary gambling? Has there been a natural disaster?

  3. Guess the movie - players are given cards with a unique description of the movie. You need to guess the name. For example: “A disabled former soldier transforms into a blue body and gets rid of his disability. He gets into a relationship with a blue woman, and the man runs through strange forests.” (Avatar)
  4. Keeper of Secrets - the participant thinks of a popular phrase and names the number of words in this phrase. Players ask the keeper questions. The answer must contain a word from this phrase. Example: “Patience and work will grind everything down.” You can ask 4 questions. Question: “What did you have for lunch?” Answer: “Nothing, patience is my strong point.” Question: Do you like Dima Bilan's songs? Answer: “No, but it’s a lot of work to compose and perform a song.” Participants write down their answers and analyze what they hear for a while, then try to compose an encrypted phrase.
  5. I’ll take it with me – the participant writes down on paper or on his phone a rule that determines what things can be taken with him on a trip. Then he says “I’ll take with me...” and the name of the thing that does not violate the rule. The rest of the participants begin to ask if they can take this or that item. The winner will be the one who first guesses by what rule objects are determined.
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