How to get closer to your mother-in-law, or wedding competitions for the groom - cool and interesting

Of course, no wedding is complete without flowers. What about a wedding without fun and customs? Do such weddings exist? Unfortunately, they do happen. When a wedding turns into a magnificent, solemn event, with endless banal congratulations, the host’s script heard a hundred times and the toastmaster’s flat jokes. The newlyweds and guests are bored, and the only pleasure from such a wedding is the opportunity to get drunk and eat deliciously.

They remember such a wedding as an uninteresting and boring event. To prevent this from happening, you need to think through the entire wedding scenario in advance, skillfully alternate all stages of the wedding: congratulations, drinking and snacking, dancing and wedding competitions.

Nowadays, themed weddings have become very fashionable, but fun competitions at your wedding will help make it a memorable event.

Congratulations should not be long, dancing should be fiery, wedding competitions should be fun. And yet, wedding competitions should be interesting to all guests, regardless of age.

We offer several options for fun competitions for a wedding that will amuse guests and will not allow this event to turn into an ordinary drunken party.

Wedding competition for parents of the bride and groom

“How we know how to have fun - young people will never dream of it!”

Wedding competition “Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are second mothers”

This is a competition between mother-in-law and mother-in-law for the title of “Best Mother-in-Law” and “Best Mother-in-Law.” You need to prepare humorous medals with such inscriptions in advance.

Mother-in-law and mother-in-law take turns praising, mother-in-law - son-in-law, mother-in-law - daughter-in-law. For example, my son-in-law is the smartest, my daughter-in-law is the most modest, and so on. Whoever stops first loses. But usually the mother-in-law and mother-in-law try their best, praising their new children, and the competition can drag on. After the sixth or seventh praise, the presenter can interrupt the competition by saying: “You are the best mother-in-law and mother-in-law” and putting medals on them.

Wedding competition “Cool Journalists”

Mother-in-law and father-in-law and mother-in-law and father-in-law receive two different newspapers from the hands of the presenter. In about 10-15 minutes, they must find words and letters in newspapers to compose a congratulation to the newlyweds, cut out these words and letters and stick them on whatman paper. The presenter gives them whatman paper and glue along with newspapers.

At the end of the competition, the couple who composed the best congratulations is awarded the humorous “Cool Journalist” medals. Just in case, you need to prepare 4 medals in advance, since guests may decide that both couples have equally good congratulations.

Unusual options

On the wedding day, the bride and groom finally leave their families, creating their own. This is what wins the next competition.


Mothers can feed their children for the last time, and like birds - from beak to beak. For food, you can take small cookies, chips or other similar products. The mother-in-law feeds her daughter, and the mother-in-law feeds her son, the fastest couple wins.

"Question answer"

To take a break from competition, you can play a question and answer game.

Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are given a bottle of soap bubbles. The host asks a question, the answer to which should be a number, and then the participant blows bubbles. Their number is announced as an answer. Questions could be:

  • How many times a day will you call young people?;
  • How many times a week will you give advice to your daughter-in-law? (for mother-in-law);
  • How much fish will your son-in-law bring back from fishing? (for mother-in-law);
  • How many children will the newlyweds have?;
  • How many times will you help young people go on a journey?

At the end of the performance of the mother-in-law and mother-in-law, you can hold a competition for future grandmothers. To do this, they will need to swaddle and “feed” the doll within the allotted time.

To complicate the task, you can first blindfold the participants. The fastest and neatest grandma-to-be wins.

Wedding competitions for the bride and groom

Wedding competition “We are often together - we know each other well”

The young people stand back to back. The host asks the groom 8 questions (questions must be prepared in advance) about the bride. The questions can be any, but the groom's answers should show how well he knows his bride. Moreover, the questions should be written in such a way that the answer to them can be “yes” or “no”.

For example,

Is the bride's shoe size 38? Is the bride a natural blonde? Can she play any musical instrument? Her favorite flower is a rose?

First, the bride answers the host’s question, the answer is “yes” - she nods her head, the answer “no” - she shakes her head negatively. The groom answers out loud “yes” or “no.” Then the host asks the bride questions about the groom. By the number of correct answers, guests will find out how well the young people know each other.

Wedding competition “Leisure and work, whose concern will it be?”

The leader puts various items into the bag, the purpose of which is to help the young husband and wife with work or leisure. This could be: a whisk, a rolling pin, a TV remote control, a cosmetic bag with makeup items, a package of garbage bags, a small pack of washing powder, fashion magazines, a dish sponge, etc.

The bride and groom stand with their backs to the host and facing the guests. The leader behind the young couple takes turns taking out the items in their bag and also in turn asks the bride and groom: “Who is this for?” The newlyweds give answers and at the end of the competition, the newlyweds and guests laughingly find out who in the young family will do laundry, cook, wash dishes, and who will read magazines, watch TV, and put on makeup.

Wedding competition “My love will tell me how to find you”

The groom is blindfolded and must determine by his outstretched arms where the bride's hand is. There should be no more than five girls extending their hand; for a laugh, you can put a young man with rough hands and thin fingers in a row of girls. Of course, the presenter lines up a row of young people who will participate in the competition when the groom is already standing blindfolded. The same competition can be arranged for the bride.

Wedding competition “I’ll be the best dad, my whole family knows”

This is a competition for the groom, but 4 to 5 more young men and the same number of women must take part in it. Each man is given a bag with hairpins and bows. The presenter explains that all men are future, or already established, fathers, and it is quite possible that they will have daughters (and some already have them). And every future or established dad should be able to handle his daughter’s bows and hairpins. Every man should create a cool hairstyle for his companion in 2-3 minutes with the help of hairpins and bows. The one who created the most original hairstyle wins. The winner of this wedding competition is determined by the guests.

Traditions in the old days

Bride ransom in Russian styleIn the minds of the ancient Russians, a wedding was a ritual funeral of the bride, who had to go to church in mourning attire - a white sundress and shirt, since the Slavs associated white with the color of snow, and, therefore, cold and death.
Perhaps this is where the white color of the bride's current wedding robes comes from. After the engagement, many brides were forbidden to laugh, talk, sometimes even go outside, because they were considered impersonal, because the word bride means nothing more than “unknown,” impersonal. That is, located in another, unknown world. The groom, on the contrary, was part of the living world. It was he who had to rescue his betrothed from this unknown kingdom, and, making her his wife, give her a name.

For this purpose, he went to the house of the bride, but not alone, but with assistants (friends), who were supposed to help him cope with all obstacles in this unknown kingdom.

Russian bride ransom ritualUsually, friends or relatives of the bride were waiting for them on the threshold of the house, informing the groom that the bride was not there, she was in another world, and to get there they had to
pay a ransom for the entrance, stairs and door .
In archaic situations this was very typical, let us recall Russian folk tales. Then, over time, these rituals were transformed into the custom of material compensation to the bride’s family, as a demonstration of the groom’s independence and his ability to financially provide for the future of his family.

Wedding competitions - awkward competitions

Wedding competition “My gift is the best, but mine is much cooler”

The presenter gives the young people a piece of paper in advance on which it is written what they will do with the next gift.

Each pair of guests or single guest stands up and announces what they are going to give to the newlyweds, and the newlyweds pull out any piece of paper that says what they will do with this gift. For example,

  • We will give you a sea yacht. The young people read from the leaflet:
  • We will hang it on the wall and admire it.
  • We will give you a racing car. The young people read from the leaflet:
  • We will eat from it and remember you with gratitude.

The fun and laughter of this wedding competition depends on the imagination and resourcefulness of the guests announcing their gifts, and the sense of humor of the host who has compiled the answers in advance.

Mini skits

And it will be even more fun if you dress up in the style of some rock band, showing the modernity of life attitudes and avoidance of complexes, go out in wigs, bright clothes with guitars and microphones and perform a well-known composition to the soundtrack. Then, with the words: “We give you all our royalties from the tour on the occasion of the greatest event of your life,” present the general gift.

Microphone for a wedding scene

Also, humorous productions can include mini-scenes of the family life of a husband and wife, like jokes played out in roles, and possibly real comic situations that happened in the lives of parents.

Competitions for guests

Wedding competition “Let everyone know now - my man is top-notch!”

2-3 couples are called, including newlyweds. Women write 5-6 compliments to their men on pieces of paper. For example,

He's kind, like...He's handsome, like...He's loyal, like...He's smart, like...and things like that.

Men also write the names of animals on pieces of paper, for example, Bear, Hare, Rhinoceros, Tiger, and the like.

The men and women of the couples, of course, do not need to know what each of them is writing. Then the presenter takes the leaves from the men. And each woman reads out compliments to her man, and the presenter announces the name of the animal according to the man’s list. It turns out, for example, like this: “He is kind, like ... a tiger,” “He is brave, like ... a hare,” etc.

Wedding competitions for all guests

Wedding competition “Dancing until you drop”

6-7 couples can participate in this competition, more can be done if the presenter can keep track of each couple. Each couple dances on the newspaper for 1-2 minutes. Then the music stops, each couple folds their newspaper in half and the music starts again, the couples dance on the halves of the newspapers. The next music stops, the newspapers are folded in half again and the couples dance again. The presenter must ensure that the dancers do not go beyond the boundaries of the newspapers. The couple that can dance on the smallest folded newspaper will be the winner. There are such resourceful couples when the woman takes off her shoes and stands on the man’s feet. Much less space is required to dance, and usually such a resourceful couple wins. Will there be such savvy people at your wedding?

Wedding competition “I’m not afraid of the swamp, and I’ll get to my beloved”

7-8 couples can participate in this competition, and more are possible if the width of the hall allows. The presenter arranges the pairs, men on one side of the hall, women on the other. The presenter explains to the men that there is a swamp in front of them, and in order to get to their beloved through the swamp, they need bumps that the men create themselves. He hands out two A4 sheets of paper to the men. Each man must place his foot on the leaf, place the second leaf so that the second leg can be placed. Then he puts his second foot on the second leaf and, balancing on one leg, takes the first leaf and places it further along the “swamp”. Each participant performs such procedures until he gets across the “swamp” to his girlfriend. The winner is the one who passes the “swamp” over the “bumps” faster than others.

Wedding competition “I will pass all obstacles, I will reach everyone faster”

Both men and women can participate, 5-6 people. The presenter creates obstacles in the form of strings stretched between the chairs, places balloons and skittles in the path of those walking. All participants are asked to remember their obstacles, then they are blindfolded, turned their backs to the obstacles and, quietly, so that the players do not understand, all obstacles are removed. They turn to face obstacles and the players must “overcome” them. The winner is the one who overcomes the “obstacles” faster.

Wedding competition “If I bomb the fastest, success awaits me in battle”

6-7 couples participate in this competition. The young men sit in a circle on chairs, with the backs of the chairs facing inward, and place a balloon on their knees. The girls, at the leader’s command, sit on their partner’s ball. If the ball bursts, the presenter gives the “bomber” the next ball. Whoever "bombs" the fastest - bursts 3 balloons - wins.


  • Props: not required
  • Participants: parents of the bride and groom

As you know, our parents love to sing drinking songs. So let's give them this pleasure. Parents choose one song and begin to sing it in chorus. Then, at the leader’s command “Quiet!”, the players continue to sing the chosen song to themselves (silently). After a few seconds, the presenter gives a new command, “Loud!”, and parents must continue the song without changing the tempo, but out loud. Very often after this the participants sing completely out of tune, which makes all the guests laugh.

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