Topaz wedding anniversary: ​​44 years of marriage

Wedding anniversaries
  • What kind of wedding is called topaz
  • The magical symbol of the topaz wedding
  • Topaz wedding traditions
  • What to give for a topaz wedding?

It seems that just recently the young couple entered a new stage of life, had fun at their first green wedding, were young, ambitious and daring. But almost half a century has flown by - and it seems like only yesterday it all began. And all because the soul does not age. And no matter how old a husband and wife are, any anniversary of their life together is another step forward, new joint plans, feelings, mutual support in any life situations , in a word, confirmation of sincerity and fidelity in relationships, true love and preservation of spiritual values ​​accumulated over many years values.

Symbols of the 44th anniversary.

The main symbol of this date is the wonderful topaz stone. At its core, topaz is a transparent, very hard mineral. The stone protects from negative influences and brings good luck in financial matters. It was not for nothing that this date received such a name; anyone who has ever held a topaz stone in their hands could not help but notice a whole range of tints, from dark to light tones. This is how family life is, quarrels and troubles can happen in it, but there are also many exciting, joyful events.

By this date, the couple were able to create a decent financial base; the family does not need anything. And of course, those invited will have to try hard to surprise the heroes of the occasion with an original gift. Perhaps it will be inexpensive, but memorable.

History of the tradition

What is a wedding? This is not only the painting of the newlyweds in the registry office and the ceremonial table with a photo shoot (which is especially popular today), but, first of all, the formation of a separate family. Therefore, a wedding anniversary is exactly the same holiday as the wedding itself.

With each passing year, the couple strengthens their relationship.
Quarrels become a thing of the past, spouses learn to find a compromise not only in relationships, but also in everyday life. After several years of living together, the husband and wife know which of them has what cockroaches in their heads, what is the best way to call their loved one so that there are no quarrels, and so on.
In a word, harmony, mutual understanding and love reign in the family. A great way to find out what a wedding is like after 44 years of marriage is to look on the Internet or find a special, thematic book. It is clear that most spouses at this age already have not only children, but also grandchildren. Therefore, most often it is they who organize the celebration of this anniversary. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, if parents and children live at a great distance or the spouses themselves want to spend this day alone.


On the day of the 44th wedding anniversary, you can hear warm, friendly conversations, pleasant toasts and congratulations. They wish the spouses to preserve peace and harmony, which protect their family for many years. You can congratulate your husband and wife via SMS, postcard or in person. Compose your own speech or choose one of the verses provided.

Happy topaz wedding, my dears! The two were separated by young years. There were joys and difficulties too, But you are more precious to each other than treasures.

I would like to wish that this continues for the rest of your life, and that in your hearts only Warmth and love, immense tenderness and the greatest happiness and serenity remain.

You are forever young in your beautiful love. Happy anniversary, you are forty-four.

Just let the children make you happy, Let your grandchildren give you happiness. I wish you understanding, peace and participation.

There is little left before the golden wedding, Over the years the feeling has not disappeared, But it has even grown and matured, It has become stronger and more reliable.

So always be happy and, like today, cheerful and beautiful!

On the day when 44 years of marriage have passed, surround your spouses with attention and care. They must fully feel the love of people dear to their hearts. Even a modest holiday should be fun and positive. A topaz wedding will help spouses take a break from their usual chores and worries, and enjoy communication with children and close friends.

The magical symbol of the topaz wedding

Topaz is a unique gem, a precious mineral that brings together the yellow sunshine, the light of the pink dawn, the ultramarine color of the sky and the crystal transparency of spring water. All these highlights intertwine in a magical dance on its edges. Beautiful rainbow tints - they are changeable and constant at the same time. Likewise, the family life of the spouses over 44 years has gone through many changing colors, but has maintained constancy - true love. Topaz is one of the strong and durable stones. And this, again, has strong associations with the strength and strength of the family ties of a married couple who have passed the age of 44. They have already become so much one that they simply cannot imagine life without each other. So much has been done in life through common efforts, and how much more needs to be done. There is a reason for pride and a goal - to new achievements and heights

Topaz wedding traditions

Like any notable anniversary of this scale, it is celebrated with its own traditions developed over the years. And although there are no ancient and folk instructions, each family can develop its own individual rituals, which will be recorded in memory, and, perhaps, will become an example to follow for future generations.

To begin with, remember the promises and vows that were made at the first wedding - to be faithful, loving and sincere. Give them to each other again and exchange topaz rings. It's symbolic and there's something pathetic about it.

Remember your first date or any spectacular memorable incident from your youth. Play it in reality again. Believe me, this option for celebrating a joint anniversary is not only sentimental and touching, but will also add joyful spring youth.

Also, plant a tree . It is a symbol of development and procreation. Every year it will grow and develop, pleasing the eye - and this is exactly how your life and undying youth will flourish, surrounded by your family, children , and grandchildren.
After all, the most important thing in this best of all worlds is the warm atmosphere of family ties and the happiness of love.

How to celebrate

Considering that the 44th anniversary is not a round date, it is customary to celebrate it modestly. Some people perceive a topaz wedding as a dress rehearsal for their 45th anniversary.

You can celebrate the holiday together. Have a romantic dinner in a quiet, cozy place: at home or in a restaurant. You will be able to thoroughly enjoy the company of your other half. Create an intimate, romantic atmosphere: dim the lights, light candles, turn on beautiful music. Alternatively, go to the theatre, take a nice walk or have a picnic outside.

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However, on such a special day, the couple has little chance of privacy. Over the course of 44 years, the couple had children, grandchildren, and close friends who would want to congratulate them. An excellent solution is a family holiday in the tradition of a topaz wedding.

Choose a quiet, cozy place for the celebration. This could be the living room of your home, cottage, cafe or restaurant. Pay special attention to design. Of course, you can use the services of professional designers. Still, it is better for the room to be decorated by adult children and grandchildren, even if the holiday takes place in a restaurant.

Decorate your walls with collages of wedding and family photos. As decoration you can use original drawings of children and grandchildren, balloons, ribbons, flowers. Cover the table with a soft blue tablecloth. White dishes and light napkins are suitable for serving. Decorate the chairs with light yellow or pink bows. Place beautiful vases with flowers or decorative figurines in the color of topaz on your holiday table.

For a topaz wedding, the table is set in pastel blue, pink, and light yellow colors.

At the topaz wedding, beautiful toasts and congratulations are heard during the feast. Grandchildren can recite poems or sing a song. The couple repeat their wedding vows in front of many witnesses. Fun board games and competitions are appropriate for the celebration.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

A topaz wedding is not an anniversary event, but people like to celebrate it because of its beautiful traditions and customs.

The spouses' clothing on this day should contain some kind of topaz element: breast bows interspersed with the mineral, a brooch with a stone. The wife can wear earrings, a pendant or bracelet with topaz, the husband can wear a watch or cufflinks with stones. The spouses give each other the vows they made at the birth of the family, 44 years ago.

The husband presents his wife with a piece of jewelry with topaz, and she presents her betrothed with a ring or cufflinks with the corresponding stone. Spouses often exchange rings at a topaz wedding.

It has become a tradition to give parting words to descendants. Often this occurs in the form of writing a message, which is placed in a capsule and buried or walled up somewhere. It is advisable to organize the planting of a tree. It is believed that as long as the seedling grows, the marriage will last. A tree is a symbol of a strong and beautiful union. The spreading plant guarantees multiple multiplication of the next generations.

A wedding photo shoot for two will last a long time. You can take pictures in nature: in an open field, in a grove, on the banks of a river or pond. Photos taken on a playground or gym will look original. Some people arrange a photo shoot in a supermarket against the backdrop of grocery shelves. Sometimes they do a photo shoot of three generations. Often the resulting photographs are very touching.

How to decorate a holiday table?

It is customary to cover the festive table with a pale blue tablecloth. Traditionally, blue dishes are displayed. Be sure to place vases with pink flowers on the table. To add originality to the celebration, it is recommended to purchase blue or blue roses. You can place them in vases of delicate pink or blue tones.

Napkins, ribbons, bows and other decorations on the table and chairs should be yellowish, purple, blue or pink. If possible, you should use cutlery inlaid with small topazes.

The heroes of the occasion will be very pleased if the children and grandchildren bake a pie, cake, and prepare some dishes with their own hands. It is advisable to form salads in the shape of hearts. Herring under a fur coat can also be laid out in the shape of a heart.

Step-by-step recipe for one of the recommended salads called “Angel Heart”.

  • To prepare the salad, you need to grate 4 boiled potatoes on a fine grater, place on a heart-shaped dish, cover with a mayonnaise mesh, and put canned or boiled squid (500 g) on ​​top.
  • Then add finely grated boiled eggs (4 pieces) and cover with mayonnaise again.
  • Spread fried chopped champignons (300 g) with finely chopped onion.
  • Place grated hard cheese (100 g) on ​​a layer of mushrooms and onions, apply another layer of mayonnaise and evenly cover with red caviar.
  • Peeled, well-cooked shrimp are placed along the contour of the heart.
  • Salt, pepper and other seasonings are added to taste at different stages of cooking.
  • The prepared dish is left in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • Salad “Angel Heart” is ready.

Festive table decoration

Traditionally, the festive table is covered with a tablecloth of heavenly shades. It is also better to choose dishes of an adjacent blue or light blue color. Vases with flowers in white shades will be a must-have attribute. Napkins and other background decor should be purple, yellow or sky colors. If possible, it is better to use cutlery that is inlaid with real topaz. They will cost more, but can become a family heirloom after the holiday.

A good solution would be the original design of salads and appetizers. For example, in the form of hearts or date numbers. You can arrange the display of salads and appetizers in the form of the initials of the heroes of the occasion or the wedding date.

What to give your husband on his wedding anniversary?

  1. Topaz clip or luxury cufflinks.
  2. An ashtray made of artificial topaz will become a stylish decoration for an expensive office.
  3. Photo frame decorated with artificial stones.
  4. Watch. A beautiful gift for a business man, and if the dial is decorated with real topazes, the man will be happy to show his friends and partners a luxurious gift from his wife.
  5. Aquarium. By this age, many men are looking for their favorite thing, and you can start a new hobby with your gift.
  6. Painting for the office. Men love to decorate their office no less than women who love to decorate their kitchen. Therefore, if your spouse works and occupies a high position, having his own office, then you can always safely choose gifts for arranging and decorating the office.
  7. A stationery set, a business card holder or an expensive fountain pen with topaz.
  8. Therapeutic massage course.
  9. Gift-impression. There is no universal advice here, since everything depends on the character of the man. If he lacks bright emotions or extreme sports, then you can present him with a certificate for sport fishing, hunting, riding an ATV, playing strike ball or rafting on a mountain river.
  10. And if you feel that a man is looking for a new activity or hobby, having recently retired, then you can give him a certificate for courses. This could be culinary school or painting classes. Why not? It's never too late to start.

How to congratulate your wife on her topaz anniversary?

  1. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning the symbol of this day is jewelry. What could be more beautiful than a ring with topaz or a pair of elegant earrings, a stunning necklace or a fashionable bracelet studded with precious stones? Yes, the gift cannot be called budgetary, but if financial opportunity allows, be sure to please your beloved woman with such a luxurious present.
  2. Blue clothes. A chic blouse or dress, a coat, or maybe shoes - I think you know how to please and surprise your woman. Not sure if you can get the right size or are you afraid that you don’t understand fashion trends? Then it's better not to take risks. Please your spouse with a pleasant shopping trip together or take care in advance and purchase a certificate at her favorite clothing store.
  3. A blue stole, scarf, scarf or shawl will perfectly highlight the symbol of the holiday. Match your accessories or training to make it look fashionable and stylish.
  4. Blue bag, wallet or clutch.
  5. SPA treatments. What woman doesn't like visiting a beauty salon? Only many people, unfortunately, relegate such beauty procedures to the background over time. Give your woman on this wonderful day the opportunity to feel young, beautiful and attractive again.
  6. Bouquet of snow-white roses. Congratulate your beloved woman early in the morning, bringing a bouquet and a gift to the bedroom, and see how much love and gratitude will be in her eyes.

What do guests give?

It is customary to celebrate 44 years of family life with pleasant congratulations and memorable symbolic gifts.

Gift options for a topaz wedding.

  • Products made of transparent blue or pink glass: a vase, an elegant figurine, a mirror, a box, a piggy bank, a table lamp, a chandelier or a photo frame. In addition to functional use, such souvenirs will serve as excellent room decor.
  • Glassware: paired wine glasses or glasses, a set of plates, sets. The material is beautiful, strong and durable. Products can serve several generations.
  • Home textiles in soft blue tones: soft blanket, blanket, curtains.
  • Painting: still life with topaz, portrait of spouses or the whole family.
  • A gift for the soul and relaxation: tickets to a play, theater, philharmonic, cinema, hot air balloon flight, professional photo shoot, trip to a sanatorium or to the sea.
  • Household appliances: TV, home theater, washing machine, food processor, multicooker. Children usually give expensive devices as gifts. Sometimes guests give one common gift.
  • Expensive wine or cognac. This gift will appeal to true connoisseurs of fine drinks.

There is no need to give too expensive souvenirs for a topaz wedding. First of all, the gift must be sincere. It could be:

  • Blue stone with engraving, medals or diplomas: “Iron hardening”, “Support of the family”, “Loyal love and fidelity”.
  • Subscription for some services. The gift will be appropriate if the guests know the needs of the spouses well.
  • Gorgeous bouquet of flowers.
  • A souvenir made with your own hands.
  • Box of chocolates or cake. Decorate the dessert beautifully with pale blue ribbons.
  • Indoor plant. The pot matches the color of topaz and looks symbolic.

Choose a gift depending on the preferences and interests of the spouses. The heroes of the occasion will definitely appreciate your sincere love and attention.

What a wedding 14 years

Suitable gifts from guests

In the first place, of course, are products made from topaz. But perhaps not all of those invited can afford them. Then it is worth remembering that topaz is a transparent stone and, accordingly, it is quite possible to replace it with glass. Then the present will be original and will not require large financial expenses.

Good examples of gifts of this kind: a beautiful vase, decorative dishes, a figurine or a painting.

Next, let's look at other successful options:

  1. Each family has its own way of life. Over the years of marriage, life has long been established, so if you want to give something really worthwhile, you will have to work hard. It's a banal present, but you can't go wrong with it - money. Let the heroes of the occasion themselves purchase what they need.
  2. A good solution is the presentation of things needed in everyday life: dishes, bed linen, textiles.
  3. A woman is certainly an excellent housewife. Why then isn’t it nice to surprise her with a useful kitchen appliance: a new microwave, juicer, meat grinder, blender. Again, an alternative is a card for the purchase of electronics. Let people choose the accessories themselves according to their needs.

There are also more original gifts:

  1. You can ask the spouses for photos from their youth - for example, from a wedding ceremony, moments of the birth of children, grandchildren, and create a real film based on them. This is guaranteed to evoke a lot of positive emotions and memories.
  2. Or write a funny song in their honor, compose a poem, or order a portrait copied from one of their photographs.
  3. This also includes gifts in the form of T-shirts with a photo of the couple printed on them. This could be a decorative plate with a photo or other interior items that contain photos of the heroes of the occasion.
  4. As an option, you can purchase an unusual bouquet, which is based not on real flowers, but on glass flowers and beads. This composition will look especially elegant if placed in a glass ball. Additionally, if desired, it is decorated with crystals and satin ribbons.
  5. Emotions are always a good gift. And if the memories of them can be preserved for a long time, then such a gift will certainly be appreciated. Therefore, we recommend that you book a photo session for your spouse with a professional photographer. Such photos look much brighter and more interesting than ordinary, amateur ones. They will delight you with pleasant memories of this event for a long time. Additionally, immediately present a holiday photo album where the finished photographs will be placed.

Options for original gifts.

Gifts can be anything, even comic. You can prepare an original congratulation that will delight the heroes of the occasion and their many guests. This could be a funny song or poem in honor of the spouses. An interesting option is a cartoon or collage of photographs.

An original gift can be considered a T-shirt with a portrait of the spouses and an inscription corresponding to the theme of the celebration. You can order T-shirts for all guests, this will make the holiday especially unforgettable. It is quite appropriate to present a commemorative medal in a gift box. You can give a decorative plate with a photo of the heroes of the occasion. An award plaque with skillfully engraved text will adequately decorate the interior of your home.

A bouquet consisting of glass flowers and beads will not only please the couple, but will also perfectly complement the festive interior. Flowers in a glass ball look especially elegant. You can present a flower arrangement with additional elements: beads, crystals, satin ribbons. It is quite appropriate to give glass pendants.

A great option is a gift certificate for a photo shoot. Professional photographs of the spouses will remind you of their anniversary for a long time. It is better to place the photos in a special album. In addition, you can give your spouses an elegant copy with stones and crystals that imitate topaz.

Gifts for spouse

For such a large amount of time, the wife has probably already managed to study the needs of her husband. However, if you are in doubt about a topaz wedding gift, you can choose one of the following:

  • cufflinks inlaid with topaz;
  • ring or watch with topaz decor;
  • original money clips;
  • a reading man will enjoy a collectible book from his favorite writer;
  • if your husband is a connoisseur of alcohol, you can give a minibar, decorating it with topaz.

The ideal solution for a housewife who knows how to cook would be his favorite dish. A romantic person will also appreciate a handmade gift. For example, a family tree will be a useful and memorable gift that may later be useful to future generations.

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