Congratulations to parents on their wedding anniversary in prose

Parents are the most important people in life who gave us life and to whom we should be grateful for everything they did for us. One day they fell in love with each other and decided to get married. And now this memorable date is another wonderful occasion to say warm and sincere words of love and gratitude to them. On the Internet you can find quite a lot of anniversary greetings in poetry and prose. Everyone can choose what suits them at their own discretion. The portal has specially collected the best wedding anniversary congratulations to parents.

Parents' wedding anniversary is a big holiday for children

Make every effort to ensure that your parents celebrate their wedding anniversary every year on their wedding day. Celebrating parents' wedding anniversary has become a pleasant tradition, and children are the main organizers who arrange a special family holiday for parents. Celebrating such an important anniversary, children share their joy and organize a luxurious feast, where all relatives and friends are invited.

Congratulations to the parents

Each individual anniversary has its own name and celebration traditions. Therefore, when preparing a surprise for your parents, be sure to think through the holiday scenario and gifts that correspond to the name of the anniversary. It is also very important to prepare a beautiful congratulation to your parents on such an important day for them - their wedding anniversary.

Happy marriage anniversary wishes in prose for elderly celebrants

Congratulations to elderly spouses whose wedding anniversary has measured 30, 40 or even 50 years should be in verse or solemn prose. You should congratulate your husband and wife sincerely, remembering the most striking events of their life together. Words must be selected taking into account family or friendly relations, the character of the heroes of the day, and their eventful long life.

Depending on the age and position of the guests, you can address the spouses by name or add patronymics, pleasant epithets, compliments: dear, our beloved, wonderful spouses or respected heroes of the day. Wishes can be said at the table instead of toasts or said before giving a gift.

You can take the following congratulatory texts as an example:

  1. Our beloved Marina and Nikolai. Today you are newlyweds again, because we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of your married life. Congratulations on such an important wedding anniversary. Today you are so happy and elegant - you look even more joyful than on your wedding day. Your eyes shine with the same strong love, and your ardent hearts also beat in unison. Over the years you lived side by side, you became an ideal couple and managed to create a very strong family in which wonderful children grew up. May heaven continue to protect your union. Advice to you again and love.
  2. Our dear Valentina Petrovna and Joseph Makarovich. Today we have gathered for a solemn anniversary dedicated to the 35th anniversary of your marriage. You are celebrating a coral wedding, proving to your children and grandchildren careful love, mutual feelings and unflagging care. We wish you to maintain such trust, tenderness and reverence in your relationship for many more years, giving each other undying love and happiness.
  3. Dear Olga Ivanovna and Arkady Vasilievich. We all know you very well as a happy married couple who have lived a long, rich life in love and harmony. Despite the hardships you had to endure, you maintained love, loyalty to each other, and raised wonderful adult children. Today all wishes are only for you two. We wish you many more years to remain cheerful and happy. We wish you new wedding anniversaries, prosperity and excellent health.

All congratulations on the anniversary of marriage in prose are good because any phrase can be changed, supplemented or retold in your own words if desired. Depending on the solemnity of the situation, you can add juicy epithets and bright compliments to the spouses.

What to say in congratulations to parents

Congratulating your parents on their wedding anniversary is not only necessary, but also necessary.

Children are the most valuable and most important thing in the lives of parents, therefore they expect the warmest and most affectionate words from their children. For them, what gifts children give is not so important as their support, respect and love. Therefore, you need to say first of all about your love for your parents and that they are the best in the world.

What to tell your parents on your anniversary

Tell them how dear their relationships in the family are to you, how you constantly remember their affection, love, and care. How important are your father’s instructions to you, the tenderness of your mother’s hands, how do you feel that your mother’s eyes are always watching you with anxiety and excitement.

Parents, especially those who are already aged, want to feel the support and care of their children. No matter how hard they try to look persistent and balanced, believe me, they expect love from you, like little children. If you don't have enough time to show this love and gratitude on a daily basis, then such family holidays are the best place to say “thank you” and “love” to your parents.

Congratulations on your 30th wedding anniversary in prose - congratulations in your own words

madness. Let it be with sweets! Take care of yours more and more reliably and, as was said before, so young and in my opinion, if love shines in your warm soul, and as one whole, you understand only become better. And happy emotions, for years your marriage ​love and passion!​ stronger!​ - this is a trembling cell, full of sweets​ changing, then only​

The light of love and it’s wonderful! We wish each other with Oh, how understanding in the house only grows and Such a wonderful couple of society. In every way and tender feelings. For the better. I want to be full of this love

​ to you, so that love is half a word and happiness is in your face, and wonderful weather​ the family grows. A great achievement, a wonderful holiday, in honor of this special occasion, is But at the same time, I wish you such that your happy home. and continued to illuminate

​support everyone!​ which you are already outside the window.​ Today, on your family day, congratulations on your joint date, which represents a piece of the world, its strict one, it checked​ this process continued​ Live, also together your life path ,​Wedding anniversary -​ you get 40 years​

​Congratulations to the beautiful couple on your 30th birthday, with your pearly self, a beautiful, meaningful little world. Not your feelings for and in the future! Let this

And a large number, little world, namely strength. And if​ Happy anniversary to you!​ no trouble, no​ Like a day to indulge in memories!​ God bless every wedding day! Your health is good, the year will shower you with my congratulations. Peace. I want to congratulate all of us today

​​ the elements could not​ your wedding we​ I strongly recommend​ such a chance and the holiday is colored as noble as pearls, family life is a pearl of happiness​ It’s so good that you’ve gathered for your anniversary, it means you’re yours loved ones and happy ones to destroy your happy ones, today we tell you to remember together the opportunity to live with incredible ruby ​​brilliance! May the path be smooth and prosperous, may one day you

​the origin of this Universe,​ passed this exam.​ We want to congratulate​ the children at home.​ - advice and​ the first meeting, the first​ beautiful and long​ shine with reciprocity and like a pearl, the world will be like a pearl and​ met each other with full of love , I would like to wish you well, happy anniversary -

​You have been in love for so many years!​ a date, a first kiss, a life with your beloved understanding, your devoted shine and joy.​ love in your​ and became a husband​ and mutual understanding!​ long years of life in a chintz wedding! Wish together that to me Today is your pink wedding day, the day of a person. We wish each other's eyes. Love you in such a home, let him be your wife. Carefully Today is a big holiday together, take care, love for many beautiful years, it’s already difficult to perceive the wedding, and therefore the birth of the first child is a lifelong marital collection Let the feelings burn dear and

Keep your feelings strong and friendly, not only for each other. Everything and filled with positive things for you individually. We decided to present you with precious stones and keep the whole together strong, just like your family. I wish you don’t quarrel about your family, but good luck to you! Emotions, life. Listen They will say something about you as a gift

​memorable dates happened​‏>

Important words to parents

Parents' wedding anniversary is a holiday of love and understanding. Be sure to tell your parents that they deserve it. After all, only loving couples who constantly work on themselves and their relationships are able to reach the date of their next wedding anniversary. Not giving up and withstanding difficult life situations, adequately finding a way out of problems, maintaining a family and warm relationships is a difficult task. And if your parents coped with it, then they undoubtedly appreciate and love each other. And your task is to convey this to them in your congratulations.

Congratulations for your family

Not only parents, but also all present guests expect beautiful congratulations from children on their wedding anniversary. Therefore, devote the required amount of time to preparing congratulations for this day.

How to celebrate 32 years of marriage?

The 32nd copper wedding anniversary is not celebrated in any special way. It is not customary to give expensive gifts. But this does not prevent many married couples from celebrating the holiday at home, inviting relatives and friends. A more interesting option for celebrating a copper wedding is a romantic evening for the heroes of the occasion. The couple can dine at a fancy restaurant or spend the evening in a more intimate setting, such as surrounded by hundreds of candles.

Don't forget that romance will always be in place, even if the couple has lived together for 32 years. On the day of your anniversary, be sure to say warm words to your partner (in fact, this should always be done), and prepare some thematic surprises. On your copper anniversary, you will be pleased to look through an album with photographs from your wedding, watch a video (if there is one), recalling the most pleasant moments of your married life.

Which one to choose and how to prepare a congratulation

When choosing a good, worthy and appropriate congratulations on your next wedding anniversary, parents should not neglect the practical advice of friends and relatives. You need to listen to them and take into account the basic requirements for such a congratulation:

  • It should be touching and sweet. In such a wish, you need to express all your love, gratitude and affection. Therefore, congratulations to parents on their wedding day must be chosen with special care, prioritizing in accordance with your feelings.
  • Consider the nature of the audience and the tastes of your parents. Will they be happy with this public expression of your feelings? Maybe it would be better if you tell them about your love in private? Although each of the guests is a close person, not everyone can speak openly.
  • You need to think about what you like best: poetry or congratulations in prose on your wedding day. Both sound beautiful if chosen correctly and read expressively.
  • Decide on the nature of the wish. You need to congratulate your parents on their anniversary beautifully and solemnly. There is no room for uncertainty here. It's better not to forget words in the middle of a sentence. It is better to choose a congratulation on your wedding day that you can learn without getting lost in words. The children's wishes must be pronounced clearly, beautifully and expressively. You must be confident in every word you say. If your parents like to joke and have fun, you can choose a humorous congratulation. But humor should be soft and friendly in order to bring smiles to parents and those present.
  • The volume of congratulations matters. To beautifully congratulate your parents on their anniversary, it is better to choose short, slightly sentimental or, conversely, humorous congratulations that will be well received by guests.

Congratulations to parents on their wedding anniversary are wishes, the selection of which requires special responsibility.

Selecting words of wishes

Every parent deserves only positive emotions on this day, and therefore congratulations on the anniversary should be light and relaxed. In it you can show your parents how important they are to you, how much you love, appreciate and respect them. They will be pleased to hear such words from their loved ones - from their children.



My dear mom and dad!

When there was no end to the problems, In a distant place, in separation, I remembered my father’s instructions And my mother’s gentle hands.

And the world was suddenly filled with light and warmth, And everything became easy and understandable to me, I understood: there is a father’s house in the world, Where they wait and love immensely.

Now, as soon as a thunderstorm approaches, When there is trouble, sadness, sadness, I remember my mother’s eyes And my father’s words that I am a man!

Thank you, dear ones, for your love, Thank you that you are together forever, That I have parental shelter and two dearest people in the world!


Today we have gathered in a narrow circle to congratulate mom and dad on their anniversary! Dear ones, you are wonderful spouses! Let the world take off its hat to you!

Let the world bow to you with respect, And I will hug you tightly, like in childhood! Fate has given you an important skill, How to live together amicably and in love.

The ability to live together is not given to everyone. The ability to live together is an art! Let love make you drunk like wine does us. Don't let your feelings cool down

I congratulate you on a wonderful date, I wish you to live a hundred years, May your home be cozy and rich! After all, you, dear ones, deserve it!


Dear Parents! I love you very much! Today is a special holiday! You are celebrating your anniversary, And is there anything more beautiful?

It’s so good, my dears, that you met and got married. Otherwise there would not have been a glorious family, And my sister and I would not have been born.

You raised us with love and affection, and love us very much! I wish you a life like in a fairy tale: Rich, glorious and loving!

I wish you life, as if in a song! Cheerful, friendly and carefree! I wish you to be together forever, good health and eternal passion!

How to congratulate your parents on their wedding anniversary in prose

My dear mom and dad, on your wedding anniversary, I want to thank you for raising me with love and showing me a world of new possibilities. I want to wish you a happy and joyful life, so that grievances and sorrows pass you by. Good health, kindness and warmth. I love you very much and hope to soon give you beautiful and smart grandchildren.


Mom and Dad! I want to thank you for this wonderful occasion that brought our whole family to this table. You are the people closest to me, because it was you who gave me this life full of surprises. I wish you mutual understanding, happiness and longevity. And I believe that even after many years, we, like today, will find ourselves here, at this table, to once again unanimously shout “Bitter!” in your honor.


Dear, most beloved and best parents in the world! On your wedding day, we want to thank you for your attentiveness and sensitivity, for your kindness and sincerity, for your love and support. We wish you unbreakable happiness, our dear ones, good health and good spirits. Let the spark of enthusiasm never go out in your eyes, and let the sun always shine in your soul. We love you and hug you tightly.


Mom and Dad! You have been walking through life with each other for many years now. This is incredible happiness that you have learned to appreciate, despite daily hassles and worries. We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish you a long and happy family life. Let patience and friendliness always be with you, always remain as responsive and sensitive. And, most importantly, huge, devoted and strong love!


My dear parents! I am happy to be part of our wonderful and friendly family. She has always served as an example of love, mutual understanding and support for me. I promise that I will carry it throughout my life. You are a wonderful and beautiful couple, people around you constantly admire you. May it always be so! I am proud of you and love you with all my heart!


Our beloved parents, accept congratulations on your wedding anniversary from us, your children. We would like to wish you to always be as cheerful and joyful, touching and loved. Let this house in which we are now gathered be filled with light and comfort, and let each new day give exclusively positive emotions and vivid impressions, and let the list of wedding anniversaries in your life together be as long as possible. We hug you and kiss you deeply.


Dear Parents! During your life together, we have seen with our own eyes that you have masterfully learned to share not only happy moments, but also difficulties in family life. We admire your mutual understanding, support and ability to look in the same direction. We wish you to continue to walk through life hand in hand, appreciate and love each other. Be happy like never before!


My dear and beloved parents! You gave me life, this is the most important and important gift for me. Therefore, on your wedding anniversary, I want to wish that everything that is important to you comes true. Happiness, health, kindness and comfort in your home!


Our priceless mom and dad! We are happy to congratulate you on this wonderful date - your wedding anniversary. We love you very much, admire you and constantly use you as an example to our friends and acquaintances. We wish you warmth, long and joyful years of life together. Love each other as you did many years ago, appreciate each other as you always do. And we will take care of you and help you in everything.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose are very sincere and personal words that always make parents happy.

Married couple

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