Numerology: wedding date and secrets of happiness

What does wedding date numerology mean?

As a rule, this one of the most important days in life is planned in advance, so the newlyweds have enough time to choose the ideal wedding date. Most often, the bride and groom are guided by family traditions, the availability of a wedding hall, the time of year, the weather, and the compatibility of personal plans. Fewer people decide to have a wedding in late autumn, not to mention winter. Often, without five minutes, spouses take into account important events, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and so on.

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In addition to the above factors, the future husband and wife should pay attention to the wedding date from the perspective of numerology. After all, this is one of the most important events in life, so you should make sure that everything is perfect. The wedding date is very important: it gives the marriage a certain energy, which significantly affects the future of the couple together. The final number obtained after certain calculations answers many questions. What will the marriage be like? Will it live up to your dreams and expectations? Will you live in peace and harmony or in eternal disputes and quarrels? What is important, the numerology of the wedding day also informs about possible betrayals of the partner.

Tempting prospects, isn't it? All that remains is to process your actual or potential wedding date and find out the necessary information. How to do it? There are several ways to calculate your wedding date using numerology - we will offer two, simpler and more complex. Which one to trust more, decide for yourself, or you can check it using the example of pairs that are well known to you. So let's get started.

Method 1

To get the result, you just need to add up all the numbers from the wedding date. Add until you get a number no more than 9. For example, marriage on the day 06.12.2011 is 0+6+1+2+2+0+1+1=13, 1+3 = 4. Your number is 4. It remains to find out what significance such a wedding date has in numerology.

Wedding number 1. Marriage is eternal, like granite

One is a sign of beginning, energy and courage. This promises a stable and reliable marriage, which will arouse admiration and envy among friends. It is perfectly described by the famous expression “One for all and all for one.” Spouses love and support each other.

Contrary to popular belief, such relationships should not be boring and routine. The energy of one, as wedding numerology says, gives originality, so your marriage will probably be different from the unions you know. And it’s up to you whether these differences will be for the better...

Wedding number 2. Understanding and acceptance

If after the calculation it turns out to be a two, that's great. The vibration of this number gives agreement, understanding, mutual attraction, development, balance. You and your partner likely have (or will eventually have) common interests, views, and the same goal. This means you can be in the marriage of your dreams, one that feels great and is handling everything. There will also be quarrels, but during heated discussions you will work out compromises and further strengthen the relationship. The deuce unites, not divides - remember this.

Wedding number 3. Not for the jealous

Three as a wedding date promises a harmonious marriage, but on the condition that both parties are tolerant and not very jealous. Because three is two plus one, which means spouses and someone else. Such husbands and wives have problems with fidelity. And, nevertheless, even if there is no or will not be agreement on many issues (domestic or professional), it is precisely in matters of marital devotion that spouses have the same views. Home and family are sacred to them, they will not leave for lovers, but they do not rule out taking steps “to the left.” This is why tolerance is so important.

Wedding number 4. Excitement and passion

Got a four? Expect a marriage full of turmoil - both positive and negative. One time the sun will shine for you, another time it will rain heavily. Moreover, the four will bind you with a strong passion that will not fade away throughout the entire marriage.

However, be careful, as this “flame” will concern what happens both at home and outside it. You can argue about everything and quarrel over everything: the color of the sofa, the make of the car, the location or month of vacation. You will flare up and bully your significant other at the slightest provocation, and plates may fly in the air. However, if, among other things, you are united by common sense, caring for each other, caring for children and home, then everything will be fine.

Wedding number 5. Free lovebirds

Five is a number with a vibration corresponding to people who want to be free in marriage, but at the same time feel that they are closely connected with the other person. One day they are inseparable and inseparable from each other, like a pair of white swans. And the next, they have no idea where their soulmate is, don’t think about her at all, and certainly don’t worry about her absence. At first glance, it seems that these are barely compatible spouses with vague future prospects. But contrary to this idea, it turns out that marriages of five in numerology are examples of a full married life, perfection and balance. This vibration indicates that people who love freedom have found each other and united and can always count on their other half. And this is the most important thing.

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Wedding number 6. Prudent, sensible and... romantic

Six is ​​destiny. It may be that, having barely met, you were already convinced that one day you would get married and be together for the rest of your life. Because you will understand that you turned out to be the embodiment of dreams of marriage for each other. According to numerology, marriage with the resulting day six gives not only strong feelings, wisdom and harmony, but also a lasting and interesting future together.

Wedding number 7. Wisdom and practicality

Neither you nor your partner are proponents of marriage. You love very much, but you would probably stand in front of the altar just to receive the corresponding official “piece of paper”. For example, for practical reasons, because the document is needed for various government agencies, for a child at school, etc. - in a word, it makes life easier. But more than the power of seals and stamps, you believe in the power of love, which united you both in joy and sorrow. It is your amulet, thanks to which harmony, joy, and stability reign in relationships. Together you will cope with all conflicts. Seven is the number of ideal order, health and wisdom. Such a wedding date, according to numerology, will be favorable to your family life.

Wedding number 8. Life plans

If you have chosen the vibration of eight to create a family, then you probably adhere to a certain plan, the points of which you carry out step by step. First, you went through a period of courtship, then you got married, wanted to have a child... According to numerology, general plans for life are the foundation on which your love and family ties will rest. And you are firmly sure of one more thing: if you both immediately decided that you would be together, then nothing will change this. And if you add support in difficult situations, a pinch of spontaneity and many small joys of life to this carefully developed plan, you will never regret choosing this particular day for your wedding.

Wedding number 9. Unbreakable bonds

The numerological number nine may not guarantee you many years of being in a state of romantic and crazy love, but it certainly promises a very strong sense of community and unity. You will do everything together, one will support the other. Together you will safely experience happiness and unhappiness, joy and sadness. Thanks to this, even the most intricately woven intrigue of rivals and ill-wishers will not be able to destroy your relationship. Nine as a numerological wedding day also brings many positive qualities to marriage: mutual kindness, understanding, honesty and decency in actions.

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Choosing a happy and auspicious day for a wedding using numerology

Getting ready for the wedding


Since ancient times, people believed in the magic of numbers. Since the time of the ancient Greek scientist and sage Pythagoras, who believed that everything in this world can be known through numbers, the science of predicting and interpreting numbers - numerology - arose. There are special numbers of the day, birth number, name number - it is believed that all these numbers determine the fate of a person. Using numerology, you can also choose a happy wedding date.

Today we will apply numerology to solve a practical, wedding question: how to choose a happy wedding day using numerology?

In numerology, all numbers are reduced to single digits. They are obtained by addition. Each such number has certain properties assigned to it - it is believed that these properties affect the object to which they are inherent. In the world, many people use numerology to determine a person’s character, abilities, and to choose the most successful time and place for making decisions or taking some actions. Numerology is used in choosing partners for business, in society, and also for choosing a future husband or wife. Numerology can also be used to choose a happy wedding date, which is what we will do.

As has already been said, in numerology all dates are reduced to single digit numbers (in numerology such numbers are often called “prime”, which is generally incorrect, since mathematics gives a clear definition of a prime number. Thanks to the commentators who pointed out this nuance!). Various systems have been developed for this, of which the most popular and simplest is to add all decimal places. And then add the digits of the resulting amount and continue this until you end up with a single-digit number.

For example, we have a wedding date - 11/11/2011 . We get from it: 1+1+1+1+2+0+1+1= 8

Or another example: 09.29.2009 , addition (we omit the zeros) 2+9+9+2+9= 31 , then 3+1= 4

In some variations of numerology, the numbers 11 and 22 are also called “dominant” and are not reduced to single digits. The number obtained as a result of such operations is called vibration. Numerical vibration is the essence of an object translated into numbers. The object can be anything from a name or place (in this case the vibration is obtained by converting alphabetic symbols into digital ones and adding them together), to the date of an event. We, of course, are primarily interested in a purely applied question: how to use numerology when choosing a happy wedding date? Let's try to find the answer to it.

So, what does the wedding date number mean in numerology?


This is the number of purpose, ambition and determination. It is believed that this day enhances opportunities. On this day, actions with one goal are most effective. Well, quite a suitable date for a wedding! Moreover, numerologists claim that this day is ideal for starting new things, for concluding agreements and contracts. In short, a good day to start making changes in your life! Can anyone imagine changes greater than those after the wedding?

Tili-Testo conclusion: Suitable, good day for a wedding


Antisynthesis number. Two is characterized by extremes; this number is like day and night - combining polar qualities, it maintains balance. Numerology advises not to take active actions on such a day. This is not a day for actions. On this day, everything that starts well ends badly, and vice versa - everything that starts badly ends well. And although this day is not recommended for marriage, it is quite possible to arrange for yourself a not entirely cheerful beginning so that it all ends absolutely happily and enchantingly. For example, breaking the heel of the bride’s shoe (naturally, having another pair of shoes in reserve or the ability to quickly correct the annoying nuisance).

Conclusion Tili-Testo: A date under the sign of two is not entirely suitable for a wedding


Unstable number. Symbolized by a triangle representing the past, present and future. This number combines talent and cheerfulness and symbolizes adaptability. This is a suitable day to complete the work you have started. On this day you can start new things, but it is not suitable for concentrating on one single goal. A day under the sign of three is good for various meetings, for trips and travel, fun and entertainment. On this day you should not harm others.

Conclusion Tili-Testo: A day under the sign of three can be called suitable for a wedding


Number of stability and strength. This is a reliable, solid and at the same time the most primitive number. The reliability of the four is represented by a square in which the sides are dimensions of space, seasons or elements (fire, water, earth, air). On this day it is not recommended to start something new and grandiose. A day to complete business and usual work. On this day, numerology advises giving up entertainment and fun.

Conclusion Tili-Testo: The date under the auspices of the number 4 is not entirely suitable for organizing a wedding


This number symbolizes risk. The goal is achieved through travel and experience. The top five lacks stability, but this is more than compensated for by its other properties. This number is the happiest but, at the same time, the most unpredictable. A day under the sign of five is full of surprise and surprise, full of adventure. You can only take risks if you are confident that your plan is realistic and your goal is worthy. This day is not suitable for fictitious marriages, weddings of convenience. But the marriage of two loving hearts will make this day bringing success and happiness; a wedding on this day promises a long and happy life. Provided that you really love each other, of course! (And if you love, then don’t forget to tell each other about it! Don’t forget to confess your love!)

Conclusion Tili-Testo: A suitable day for the union of loving hearts, a happy date for the wedding of loving people


This number is a symbol of reliability. Six is ​​in harmony with nature. This is the only prime number that is divisible by both two and three, combining the elements of each. A day under the sign of 6 is a harmonious date, full of mutual understanding, ease and comfort. On this day, numerology advises to abandon decisive and quick actions, new beginnings and, most importantly, rash decisions. So, if you have even the slightest doubt about getting married, the six will not help you. Any uncertainty on this day can become fatal and destructive. Any unnecessary risk can be fatal. But this day is quite capable of becoming a culmination for undertakings that were planned long and carefully, for reliable, thoughtful and balanced affairs. You can plan a wedding for this day only if you are completely confident in your feelings; you need to approach the organization of the wedding carefully and scrupulously. This day is not for frivolous decisions and superficial matters.

Tili-Testo conclusion: the day is suitable for a carefully planned, long-awaited wedding


It is a symbol of mystery, knowledge, learning and knowledge itself. This is the path of research, knowledge of the unknown and hidden from perception. Seven symbolizes the seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes. Seven consists of one and six, this is the number of the psyche, spirituality. Such a day promotes reflection, study, and intellectual pursuits. The day is favorable for creativity. This day often becomes a day of happiness. A wedding on days under the auspices of the seven is a celebration of lovers discovering each other. Their journey, begun on this day, will be the path of knowledge.

Tili-Testo conclusion: This day may well become a happy wedding date


Denotes reliability brought to perfection. This is a double square, the number of material success. A day under the sign of eight is a day of important affairs, big, significant events. All undertakings on this day are accompanied by financial success; started business is doomed to financial success. A wedding on this day will not only be successful, but also profitable. If you plan to live in abundance, schedule your wedding for a day under the sign of 8.

Tili-Testo conclusion: A favorable day for a wedding, brings profit, brings prosperity and well-being


Symbolizes universal success. This is the largest of the prime numbers and combines the properties of an entire group. This is three squared - nine turns the instability of three into a desire for perfection and harmony. On this day it is good to start promising things, plan, and establish new connections. Nine patronizes triumph, encourages ambition, and promotes the achievement of ambitious goals. A wedding on a day under the sign of nine is the choice of ambitious people who intend to develop family relationships. The choice of bright individualists, purposeful and focused on success.

Tili-Testo conclusion: A favorable date for a wedding, especially for people who strive for success and consider marriage as another step towards their goal

Let us add on our own that the stars, numerology and other esoteric wisdom may have an impact on a person’s destiny. But the most important thing to remember is that everyone chooses their own path. And no matter what day you set your wedding date, the most important thing is that this day turns out to be the best for the two of you, the most memorable and the happiest. This is the most important thing and depends entirely on you!

Method 2

Within this method of calculating the wedding date from a numerological point of view, the main thing is what personal numerological year you and your partner are in. There are numbers that give happiness, and there are those that lead to separation - this is important to know. Adherents of this technique treat with irony such episodes as, for example, the mass trip to the registry office on July 7, 2007 - when four sevens appeared in the date. They believe that from the point of view of the science of numbers, this day did not have any sacred meaning, since the numerology of the wedding date is calculated completely differently. They consider the frequently used method of calculating the auspicious day of a wedding ceremony, when a date is taken, for example, September 12, 2015 and calculated using the formula 1 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 20 = 2 (this method was described above), to be incorrect.

How then to correctly calculate the numerology of the wedding date? First of all, you need to calculate your personal year. This can be done by adding the day and month of birth to the current year before the first new moon in September, and after the new moon to the year that begins with the New Year. In order not to look for information on the phases of the moon, you can take October 1 as a reference. Thus, starting from October 1, the next year is added to the day and month of birth, that is, if it is 2021, and the celebration is planned for the period after October 1, 2017, then 2018 is already counted and added. For example, a person born on 06/12/90 got married on 09/12/2015. In this case, you need to add the day and month of birth 06/12 = 9 and the year, that is, 2015: 9 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 17 = 8. Thus Thus, this person was in his eighth personal year on his wedding day. The same calculation is used for the spouse.

When is it better not to get married from a numerological point of view?

  • Marriage should not be concluded in the 9th personal year , because this is the time to restore order and complete old affairs. By the way, during this period, numerology does not advise not only getting married, but also signing employment contracts, buying apartments, and so on. This is a period of untying old knots, cleansing, and not starting new relationships and projects. A marriage that takes place in the ninth personal year is practically doomed to failure.
  • Another unfavorable year is the 5th personal : during this period there are too many emotions, it is a very energetic time, “wound up”, turbulent. Many questions may arise related to the ability to use your freedom in a way that does not offend others, especially loved ones. Marriage usually brings the experience of affairs on the side, promiscuity, unnecessary love or dependence.
  • As numerology says, choosing the 7th year means that the members of the couple will live simply next to each other, and not with each other. The seventh year is a time to engage with your own inner world, open to spirituality or science. The 7th personal brings wisdom, intuition, knowledge, curiosity about the world, and on the other hand, it gives a feeling of isolation, alienation, and for married people - a feeling of loneliness. Therefore, it may happen that instead of going through life together, the spouses will simply live side by side, without being too interested in the other half.
  • In the 4th personal, people concentrate mainly on work. It can be considered that this is a neutral period for entering into this marriage. It will bring stability, a long-term relationship, but on the other hand, little joy and pleasant madness. Thus, if someone is looking, first of all, for confidence and stability in a relationship, they can decide on such a wedding date.

What wedding date is considered the most favorable in numerology?

  • The most preferred year for marriage is 6 . This is a period aimed at love, responsibility, harmony, custody of children and a partner.
  • Another favorable period of time is the personal 3rd , which is responsible for connection, communication, love, mutual understanding. The relationship will be creative and will bring happiness and prosperity.
  • Getting married in the 8th year also brings a lot of happiness and good luck. Luck can accompany spouses, in particular in the field of finance, bring an increase in social status, and bestow fidelity and honesty.

Thus, the best years are 3 and 6, as well as 1, 2 and 8. 5, 7 and 9 should be avoided. Karmic vibrations (13, 14 and 16) should also be avoided.

Month and day - to help

When choosing a wedding date, you should pay attention to whether your personal day and month are also favorable. How to calculate them? To calculate your personal month, just add the wedding month to your personal year. So, for example, if the wedding took place on September 12, 2015 in the 8th personal year, then to 8 you need to add the month 9. That is, 8 + 9 = 17 = 8, the personal month is also 8.

To calculate a personal day, you need to add the wedding day to your personal month. From the above example it follows that this will be 12, since 8 + 1 + 2 = 11 and = 2. Personal day - 2. For a person born on 06/12/90 who had a wedding on 09/12/2015: personal year - 8, personal month - 8, personal day - 2. Thus, it is clear that this is a beneficial vibration and a happy family life awaits such a person.

See also : What is karmic love , why does it happen and what are the signs to recognize it?

The wedding day can be chosen by a person at his own discretion, and this is a big plus. After all, a date is numbers, and they contain a certain energy potential that can be used or, at least, taken into account. So don’t be lazy to sit with a piece of paper and a pen for a few minutes - perhaps the wedding date numerology will reveal secrets to you that you didn’t even know about.

Find out your wedding date by date of birth: test

Step 1. First, add up the numbers of your birthday, for example, if you were born on the 22nd: 22 = 2+2= 4 . If the number is single digit. For example, 6, then it will be 6. Step2. Then you need to add up all the numbers from your year of birth: for example: 1999 is 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 .

Step 3. Compare these data with the table compiled by Kattakar, which is given below:

your birthdayMarriage year number

2015 = 8; Now let’s calculate the numbers that fall in the coming years:

2016 = 9; 2021 = 1; 2021 = 2; 2021 = 3; 2021 = 4; 2021 = 5; 2022 = 6;

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